Wednesday, December 5, 2012
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Public Safety and Facilities Announcements

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Teaching and Learning

Staff Development Series - Stewarding Our Resources

Stewarding Our Resources

December 11, 2012

8-9:30 a.m.

Riverside Room

This staff development workshop will provide an opportunity to learn about how financial data is used to inform the decision making process, and how other types of data and processes can be used to track, evaluate, and improve decision making. The workshop will provide some practical strategies for capturing and using information to help your department achieve its goals.

Staney Rostad serves as the comptroller and oversees the accounting and financial reporting at Augsburg.

Nate Hallanger serves as the special assistant to the vice president of academic affairs, where his responsibilities include providing information and data to inform decision making.

RSVP to this session using the following link: .

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Teaching and Technology Tapas - TODAY

Tapas are small plates of delicious food eaten as appetizers or combined to form a meal shared with friends. Similarly, our Technology Tapas are tasty bite-sized topics presented in brief segments. You can drop by for just a few topics or stay to experience an entire workshop. Please join us for:

"Teaching and Technology Tapas"
Wednesday, December 5, 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Christensen Center - Riverside Room

We look forward to seeing you!

A collection of previous Technology Tapas topics can be found on the Tapas Moodle community site. Select groups in the Moodle community site and enter 'tapas' in the search field near the bottom of the page.

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Hybrid Learning Overview and Information Sessions


These informal sessions will provide an overview of hybrid course design and teaching. Expectations for online sessions for hybrid courses under the new academic program structure will be discussed. The session will introduce participants to the support that exists at Augsburg for online/hybrid course development. We will explore sample courses, introduce the Augsburg Moodle template, and have plenty of time for participant questions.

These sessions will last approximately one hour.

Sessions offered:

Tuesday, December 4: 1:00 p.m. OGC 103

Thursday, January 10: 11:00 a.m., LIN 202

Saturday, January 12: 12:10 p.m. (feel free to bring your lunch) LIN 202

Please contact Cari Maguire ( with questions.


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General Announcements

Interested in Weight Watchers On Campus?

In previous years, Augsburg has hosted weekly Weight Watchers meetings on campus. We'd like to get this started again. If you're interested in this opportunity, please email

If enough interest is generated, we can start this soon!

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Murphy Square Now Accepting Submissions

Augsburg's Literary and Visual Arts Journal is accepting submissions NOW through January 18, 2013 for the 2013 edition of Murphy Square.

We accept all submissions of art, poetry, or prose as long as they are original works by an enrolled Augsburg student, staff or faculty member.

All art that is not digital MUST be photographed and formatted at a resolution of 300ppi. Photography and digital art must also be high resolution at 300ppi. Visual arts submissions must be submitted in either .jpg or .tif format. No .pdf or .psd files will be accepted.

Any work of prose or poetry must have a title and must be submitted in a Microsoft Word .doc or .docx file or .rtf for a non-Word document. The file name MUST match the name of the work. Only one piece per file; please do not save two or more works in a single file as it gets confusing during the selection process!

Email all material as attachments to All work should be anonymous (no names in documents). Include your name, email address, campus box number, and the title of your attached pieces in the body of your email.

Email or if you have any questions or need help in submitting.

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Dining Services

Einstein's is now offering peppermint flavors. Stop by to try a Mint Mocha or a Mint Hot Chocolate.

Nabo is offering a meal replacement special, one meal plan meal per week can be used to purchase the special of the day at Nabo from 1:30 p.m. to close.

The special today is a Turkey Club Pasta with a bread stick and a fountain soda.

The Commons:

Breakfast: 7:30-9:45 a.m.
Continental Breakfast: 9:45-11 a.m.
Lunch: 11 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
Pizza, Sandwich, Salad Bar: 1:30-4:30 p.m.
Dinner: 4:30-7 p.m.

Please return all coffee mugs, spoons, knives, and forks back to the Commons in the Christensen Center. Thank you for your help in this matter to locate these misplaced items.

Flex Points can be purchased online at You can pay with your student account or credit card.

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Considering Google Apps for Augsburg

After several months of weighing options, the IT Advisory Group is considering a recommendation that Augsburg transition to using the Gmail/Google Apps platform for email, calendaring, and network/file storage. The committee invites faculty, staff and students to any of several upcoming brown bag sessions to learn about this powerful framework for collaboration and to provide feedback on the idea of transitioning.

Please join us with your lunch in East Commons on

Thursday, December 6 from 12 noon - 1 p.m.
Tuesday, December 11 from 12 noon - 1 p.m.
Wednesday, December 19 from 12 noon - 1 p.m.

(If you can't attend, please note that a few more sessions will be scheduled in January.)

There will be a brief presentation on what the Google Apps platform provides the campus and time for questions and answers. A comprehensive and growing Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) list will be available on the IT Website at shortly.

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Call for MLK Award Nominations

The MLK Committee is seeking nominations for the 2013 MLK Award. Annually, we award two people who have demonstrated peace, love, humility, integrity and honor while working with others. We are looking for people who have demonstrated these abilities on or off campus.

Please give this careful consideration and take the time to nominate one faculty or staff member and/or one student that you believe should receive special recognition for following in the spirit of the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Self nominations are also accepted.

Please provide:
• Specific examples of how this person has represented peace, love, humility, integrity and honor while working with others
• Your name and contact information and the full name of the person/people that you are nominating along with their contact information.

Please send nominations to by December 20.

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Spanish Conversation Meets Thursday

Looking for a chance to improve your Spanish conversation skills? Then we've got just the thing for you - Spanish Conversation group!

Please join us as we gather to chat in Spanish, laugh, and have a bit of fun. From beginning to advanced, all levels are welcome. Our aim is to give you a pressure-free place to speak Spanish without grammar lessons. We meet every Thursday in the Riverside Room, 2nd floor Christensen, from 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Signs will be posted. Join us for 10 minutes or for the whole session, whatever works for you. Feel free to bring your lunch. Join us for 3 sessions and you'll get a free T-shirt!

Questions? Contact Emiliano Chagil, ext. 1309; Anita Fisher, ext. 1082; or Kate Reinhardt, ext. 1081. We hope to see you there!

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ABO Chicago Trip Registrations Due Soon

Augsburg Business Organization is now accepting registrations for our annual trip to Chicago which will take place from January 9-13, 2013. Like past years, this five day trip includes transportation to and from Chicago via the Amtrak train, lodging in downtown Chicago and many meals while we are traveling. Cost for this entire trip is $225 which includes funding by ABO and day student government. The deadline for registration is Monday, December 10.

During our time in Chicago, we will have a full schedule of alumni company visits, speakers and other educational opportunities. Saturday will be open for your own exploration of Chicago.

To register and reserve your spot, submit a $100 non-refundable deposit to faculty advisor Marc Isaacson. Registrations are taken on a first-come, first-served basis by deposits received. If you have any questions about the Chicago trip or other ABO activities, feel free to contact ABO Faculty Advisors Marc Isaacson ( and Stu Stoller ( or ABO President Robert MacLeish (

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2013 Wellness Incentives

This message is intended only for employees who are enrolled in the health insurance plan through Augsburg.

We are pleased to announce the 2013 Wellness Incentives.

High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP) enrollees are eligible for up to $500 that can be applied to their Health Savings Account (HSA). In order to qualify, enrollees must:

* Work out 4 times (minimum 30 min/day) per week on average from Jan - Mar for $250
* Work out 4 times (minimum 30 min/day) per week on average from Apr - June for $250

$1000 Deductible enrollees are eligible to participate and will be entered into a drawing for 18 different prizes.

Tracking Usage

Track your work out usage on the Excel spreadsheet at

Send the completed spreadsheet for January-March via email by Friday, April 5th. Forms will not be accepted after the deadline. The attached spreadsheet is the only form we will accept for credit (paper copies will not be accepted). We will send out a reminder email the first week of April with the appropriate email address. You have to complete part one to participate in part two. The April - June work out usage is due Friday, July 12.


2500 Deductible Participants
The $250 credit will be applied to your Health Savings Account on Friday, April 19th.

1000 Deductible Participants
The drawings for $1000 deductible participants will be held in April and July. More information to come.

Please contact HR with any questions at x1216.

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Event Announcements

$500 Scholarship

Stop by C.C. and share your advice for first years. Take a picture and post it at If you tag your own photo you will be entered to win a $500 scholarship for Spring semester.

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Biology Christmas Party

The annual Biology Christmas Party will be held Friday, December 14 from 3:00 - 6:00 p.m. in SCI 213 (overflow seating in SCI 212). Stop by for Biology Family Feud, hearty foods, prizes for students and lots of fun.

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Money Week: LSS Appointments Available today

As part of Money Matter's Money Week LSS Financial Counseling will be on campus for one on one appointments for Students Faculty and Staff. Appointments can cover a wide range of issues including debt, credit, intentional spending, and planning for the future. Sign up through Money Matter's Moodle Community Page.

There are a few slots open today. Walk ins will be accepted on a first come, first serve basis.

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Augsburg for Adults Holiday Luncheon

Join Augsburg for Adults and the Weekend and Evening College Senate to celebrate the holiday season and the end of the fall trimester with a community lunch.

Saturday, December 8, 2012
11:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Oren Gateway Center Lobby

Students, staff and faculty are welcome

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Keeping Track of Auggies

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Auggie Athletics

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