Tuesday, December 4, 2012
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Public Safety and Facilities Announcements

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Teaching and Learning

Thinking of a Career in Government or Non-Profits?

If you are passionate about community service and are planning to attend graduate or professional school to pursue a career in government, non-profit, or public service, you may be eligible to apply for a Truman Scholarship! Truman Scholars receive up to $30,000 for graduate or professional school, participate in leadership development activities, and have special opportunities for internships and employment with the federal government.

This national scholarship competition is open to U.S. citizens that have junior academic standing. A GPA of 3.0 or higher is also recommended. The Truman Foundation seeks candidates who have extensive records of public and community service and have outstanding leadership potential and communication skills.

Check out http://www.truman.gov/ to see if this scholarship is a good fit for you. The Augsburg deadline is mid-January, so please contact the URGO Office at urgo@augsburg.edu if you are interested!

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Interdisciplinary Programs Gatherings Dec. 10 and 14

As a follow-on to the Commission on Academic Opportunities work of last year, Dean Farley has reconvened the group that was looking at interdisciplinary and team-taught courses and programs. This year we will do an inventory of current programs and courses and construct a road map for how to improve this work. We are looking to create a "free space" in which faculty creativity and collaboration can flourish.

The meeting is open to any faculty, staff, or student interested in developing new collaborative learning experiences for our students and strengthening the engaged, interdisciplinary program and courses currently offered.

The first meetings will be Mon., Dec. 10 and Friday, Dec. 14, from 3:40-5 p.m. in Old Main 202. That room is reserved as a workshop space on Mon and Fri. 3:40-5:10 p.m. for the Spring term as well, and many of the meetings will take place during those times. If you are interested in attending, but are not available at those times, email underhil@augsburg.edu to see about other options.

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Hybrid Learning Information Sessions

TFAPS Implementation
Hybrid Learning Information Sessions

Information sessions are being held for anyone involved in developing hybrid courses under the new academic program structure. We will overview hybrid course design and teaching and the expectations for online sessions, along with the support that exists at Augsburg for online/hybrid course development. We will explore sample courses, introduce the Augsburg Moodle template, and have plenty of time for participant questions.

Sessions will be offered:
Tuesday, December 4, 1:00 p.m., Cedar
Saturday, December 8, 12:10 p.m., OGC 112 (feel free to bring your lunch)
Thursday, January 10, Lindell 202, 11:00 a.m.

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Teaching and Technology Tapas - This Wednesday

Tapas are small plates of delicious food eaten as appetizers or combined to form a meal shared with friends. Similarly, our Technology Tapas are tasty bite-sized topics presented in brief segments. You can drop by for just a few topics or stay to experience an entire workshop. Please join us for:

"Teaching and Technology Tapas"
Wednesday, December 5 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Christensen Center - Riverside Room

We look forward to seeing you!

A collection of previous Technology Tapas topics can be found on the Tapas moodle community site. Select groups in the Moodle Community site and enter 'tapas' in the search field near the bottom of the page.

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Writing Lab Hits 1,000 - Join the Multitudes

So far this term, tutors in the Writing Lab have conducted more than 1,000 conferences with students on their writing assignments. Join them!
Here are the hours:

Monday: 11 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.; 6:30 - 9:30 p.m.
Tuesday: 12 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.; 3 - 5:30 p.m.; 7:30 - 10 p.m.
Wednesday: 3 - 5:30 p.m.; 6:30 - 9 p.m.
Thursday: 12 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.; 3 - 5:30 p.m.; 7:30 - 10 p.m.
Friday: 4:30 - 7 p.m.
Sunday: 5 - 8 p.m.

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Staff Development Series - Stewarding Our Resources

Stewarding Our Resources

December 11, 2012

8-9:30 a.m.

Riverside Room

This staff development workshop will provide an opportunity to learn about how financial data is used to inform the decision making process, and how other types of data and processes can be used to track, evaluate, and improve decision making. The workshop will provide some practical strategies for capturing and using information to help your department achieve its goals.

Staney Rostad serves as the comptroller and oversees the accounting and financial reporting at Augsburg.

Nate Hallanger serves as the special assistant to the vice president of academic affairs, where his responsibilities include providing information and data to inform decision making.

RSVP to this session using the following link:
http://augsburg.qualtrics.com/SE/?SID=SV_3DBOiixi6nK3ABn .

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Speaking of Scholarship Series

These sessions provide an opportunity for scholars to share their work and engage in conversations about what they are doing. Sessions are scheduled from 12:00-1:30 p.m. on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.

The next presentation is:

Tuesday, December 4, Riverside - Bruce Reichenbach, Philosophy, "Reflecting on the Right to Believe"

If you plan to attend one of these sessions, RSVP to ctl@augsburg.edu

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General Announcements

Considering Google Apps for Augsburg

After several months of weighing options, the IT Advisory Group is considering a recommendation that Augsburg transition to using the Gmail/Google Apps platform for email, calendaring, and network/file storage. The committee invites faculty, staff and students to any of several upcoming brown bag sessions to learn about this powerful framework for collaboration and to provide feedback on the idea of transitioning.

Please join us with your lunch in East Commons on

Thursday, December 6 from 12 noon - 1 p.m.
Tuesday, December 11 from 12 noon - 1 p.m.
Wednesday, December 19 from 12 noon - 1 p.m.

(If you can't attend, please note that a few more sessions will be scheduled in January.)

There will be a brief presentation on what the Google Apps platform provides the campus and time for questions and answers. A comprehensive and growing Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) list will be available on the IT Website at http://inside.augsburg.edu/it shortly.

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25% Fleece Sale at the Bookstore

The weather outside is frightful, but the deals inside are delightful! Yes, all fleece is on sale. Save 25% on all hoodies, sweatshirts and sweatpants - now at the bookstore!

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Call for MLK Award Nominations

The MLK Committee is seeking nominations for the 2013 MLK Award. Annually, we award two people who have demonstrated peace, love, humility, integrity and honor while working with others. We are looking for people who have demonstrated these abilities on or off campus.

Please give this careful consideration and take the time to nominate one faculty or staff member and/or one student that you believe should receive special recognition for following in the spirit of the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Self nominations are also accepted.

Please provide:
• Specific examples of how this person has represented peace, love, humility, integrity and honor while working with others
• Your name and contact information and the full name of the person/people that you are nominating along with their contact information.

Please send nominations to moorek1@augsburg.edu by December 20.

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Dining Services

Einstein's is now offering peppermint flavors. Stop by to try a Mint Mocha or a Mint Hot Chocolate.

Nabo is offering a meal replacement special, one meal plan meal per week can be used to purchase the special of the day at Nabo from 1:30 p.m. to close.

The special today is a Cheesy Pizza Bread with chips and a fountain soda.

The Commons:

Breakfast: 7:30-9:45 a.m.
Continental Breakfast: 9:45-11 a.m.
Lunch: 11 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
Pizza, Sandwich, Salad Bar: 1:30-4:30 p.m.
Dinner: 4:30-7 p.m.

Please return all coffee mugs, spoons, knives, and forks back to the Commons in the Christensen Center. Thank you for your help in this matter to locate these misplaced items.

Flex Points can be purchased online at http://augsburg.aviands.com/flex-points/. You can pay with your student account or credit card.

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Event Announcements

Vocatio Chapel with AGAPE, Hip Hop Outreach

This Wednesday, Dec. 5 at 10:20 a.m., hip hop artist AGAPE* (David Scherer) will be speaking in chapel as a part of this year's Vocatio Chapel series, "Faith and the Imagination: The Call to the Arts"

More information is available at http://web.augsburg.edu/~fieldl/AGAPEVocatio2012.pdf

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ADSG Discrimination Awareness Event

Have you experienced prejudice, exclusion, or isolation on campus? Let us know so we can help.

The Augsburg Day Student Government Student Concerns Committee is holding a discrimination awareness event on December 10 from 4-5:30 p.m. in the Student Lounge, Christensen Center. Additionally, instances of discrimination can always be reported at:


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There Will Be Light- Senior Recital

A night of musical theater. Elizabeth Behnke- Soprano, Jean Orbison Van Heel- Piano. Refreshments will be served
5:00 p.m., Sateren Auditorium, Music Hall

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Keeping Track of Auggies

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Auggie Athletics

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Registration Open for 2013 CSA Vegetable Shares

Again in 2013, Augsburg College will serve as a drop site for Ploughshare Farm CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) vegetable shares.

This past weekend, our farmer, Gary Brever, was named "Outstanding Young Farmer of the Year" by the MN Jaycees and now has the opportunity to go to nationals in 2014 and compete for the National Farmer of the Year award. So that's the kind of quality available through this program.

For information and to register, go to http://www.ploughsharefarm.com . Full and mini shares are available -- Deliveries run 18 weeks from early June to late September!

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