Monday, December 3, 2012
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Public Safety and Facilities Announcements

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Teaching and Learning

Leadership Reading Circle

Julie Clow's The Work Revolution: Freedom and Excellence for All
Leadership Series for all chairs, managers, and supervisors
Facilitator: Paul Terrio
Schedule: Tuesdays 8:30-10:00 am (October 2, November 6, December 4, January 8, February 5, March 5, April 2)
Location: Augsburg Room

Embrace connectivity, increase empowerment, and achieve better work-life blending.

We live in a new age of global organizations, hyper-access to information, and accessibility to tools that enable us to bring any idea life. Strangely, our workplaces are lagging behind the promise of this open and collaborative world. Most organizations are rule-based, top-down, dreary environments optimized for conformity and little else. The Work Revolution creates a compelling portrait of a different kind of work.

"I believe freedom in the workplace is worth fighting for and every person and every organization can be excellent."

Julie Clow articulates the rules we follow today in our work force, the reasons they no longer work, and what we can do instead. The Work Revolution deconstructs the magic behind thriving, liberated organizations (such as Google, which is repeatedly named as the Best Workplace) into clear principles that any individual, leader, and organization can adopt to create sustainable and engaging lives.

Provides actionable changes anyone can make, regardless of where they work, to create a more sustainable work-life blend
Details concrete ways to influence existing organizations to change
Guides leaders to make tangible changes in their teams to enable greater autonomy and impact
Outlines organizational culture principles that support and nurture high-performance and healthy environments, providing clear options for instituting cultural change based on specific organizational challenges

Rejecting productivity Band-Aids and quick fixes, The Work Revolution conceptualizes a completely new workplace that embraces the always-connected reality to create organizations in which high achievers can sustainably thrive.

If you'd like to attend, rsvp to and pick up a book from the Dean's Office. Let us know if you prefer to receive an e-book.

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Hybrid Learning Information Sessions

TFAPS Implementation
Hybrid Learning Information Sessions

Information sessions are being held for anyone involved in developing hybrid courses under the new academic program structure. We will overview hybrid course design and teaching and the expectations for online sessions, along with the support that exists at Augsburg for online/hybrid course development. We will explore sample courses, introduce the Augsburg Moodle template, and have plenty of time for participant questions.

Sessions will be offered:
Tuesday, December 4, 1:00 PM, Cedar
Saturday, December 8, 12:10 PM, OGC 112 (feel free to bring your lunch)
Thursday, January 10, Lindell 202, 11:00 AM

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Speaking of Scholarship Series

These sessions provide an opportunity for scholars to share their work and engage in conversations about what they are doing. Sessions are scheduled from 12:00-1:30 on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.

The next presentation is:

Tuesday, December 4, Riverside - Bruce Reichenbach, Philosophy, "Reflecting on the Right to Believe"

If you plan to attend one of these sessions, rsvp to

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General Announcements

MLK Award

The MLK Committee is seeking nominations for the 2013 MLK Award. Annually, we award two people who have demonstrated peace, love, humility, integrity and honor while working with others. We are looking for people who have demonstrated these abilities on or off campus.

Please give this careful consideration and take the time to nominate one faculty or staff member and/or one student that you believe should receive special recognition for following in the spirit of the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Self nominations are also accepted.

Please provide:
• Specific examples of how this person has represented peace, love, humility, integrity and honor while working with others
• Your name and contact information and the full name of the person/people that you are nominating along with their contact information.

Please send nominations to by December 20th.

Thank you.

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The Discussion Board & Selection of the Next Dean

The selection of a new Chief Academic Officer is looming. Many questions need answers. Move ahead quickly or more cautiously? Do we need a Dean or Provost? Who should be on the search committee? There is a lively discussion on all of these topics happening at the Faculty and Staff Forum.

The Discussion Forums are easy to access, in the lower left-hand menu bar of Inside Augsburg. Please visit. Read what your colleagues are posting. Leave your own posts. This is one part of democracy and community in action.

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Dining Services

Einstein's is now offering peppermint flavors. Stop by to try a Mint Mocha or a Mint Hot Chocolate.

Nabo is offering a meal replacement special, one meal plan meal per week can be used to purchase the special of the day at Nabo from 1:30 p.m. to close.

The special today is a Crispy Italian Chicken Sandwich with chips and a fountain soda.

The Commons:

Breakfast: 7:30-9:45 a.m.
Continental Breakfast: 9:45-11 a.m.
Lunch: 11 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
Pizza, Sandwich, Salad Bar: 1:30-4:30 p.m.
Dinner: 4:30-7 p.m.

Please return all coffee mugs, spoons, knives, and forks back to the Commons in the Christensen Center. Thank you for your help in this matter to locate these misplaced items.

Flex Points can be purchased online at You can pay with your student account or credit card.

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Welcome Battle Creek AVID Students/Mentees

Thirty-two 7th grade AVID students from Battle Creek Middle School in St. Paul will be on campus today to meet their Augsburg student mentors.

During the course of the next 5 months, Auggies will communicate with their mentees via email; sharing stories about their college experience and advice about staying on track for college.

If you see the Battle Creek students on campus, please be sure to welcome our special guests!

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Event Announcements

Augsburg for Adults Holiday Luncheon

Join Augsburg for Adults and the Weekend and Evening College Senate to celebrate the holiday season and the end of the fall trimester with a community lunch.

Saturday, December 8, 2012
11:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Oren Gateway Center Lobby

Students, staff and faculty are welcome!

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Dec. 5 - Vocatio Chapel with AGAPE*

This Wednesday, Dec. 5 at 10:20 a.m., hip hop artist AGAPE* (David Scherer) will be speaking in chapel as a part of this year's Vocatio Chapel series, "Faith and the Imagination: The Call to the Arts"

More information is available at

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Art Reception - Thursday

Health Commons: Exhibition & Sock Exchange

Join us for an exhibition reception this
Thursday, December 6, 4 - 6 p.m.
Student Art Gallery, Christensen Center

This exhibition celebrates the 20th Anniversary of the Health Commons by looking at the history, philosophy, and practice of an organization that has challenged the definition of health care and truly embraces the idea of creating common ground. In the spirit of the Health Commons, there is an exchange of new socks for original artwork. The socks will be collected and distributed at the Health Commons.

Exhibition Dates: Dec. 6 - Jan. 9

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It's Money Week

-Stop by C.C and share your advice for first years. Take a picture with Auggie Eagle and post it at If you tag your own photo you will be entered to win a $500 scholarship for Spring semester.

-Tuesday and Wednesday you could meet with a certified financial counselor. Sign up through Money Matters Moodle Community site.

-Read over advice faculty and staff have shared on the LCD screens and the windows of the Strommen center.

-If you have tagged yourself answering our questions throughout the semester, you could win a $500 scholarship. The winner will be announced Friday.

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Keeping Track of Auggies

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Auggie Athletics

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Seeking Weekly Sitter for 4 Year Old

Are you available one evening a week from 6-10pm? Do you have your own car? Do you have experience babysitting pre-schoolers? We are looking for a sitter who can come to our home which is 2.5 miles from campus. Please contact Heather Riddle at for more information.

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