Monday, April 23, 2012
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Public Safety and Facilities Announcements

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Teaching and Learning

Faculty Showcase - Call for Materials

Scholarship and Teaching Showcase
Faculty Recognition Luncheon
May 3, 11:45 am -2:30 pm
East Commons

As part of our annual faculty recognition luncheon, CTL sets up tables to display faculty work. It includes both a focus on scholarship – books, articles, art, and performances by faculty – and teaching – Moodle sites, syllabi, significant learning experiences, and other course materials that illustrate diverse approaches to teaching that have been effective. If you have scholarship or teaching materials that we could display, please send your name, department, the materials you will provide, and your email address to Sarah Hedstrom ( Please deliver a copy to Sarah by May 1; she will return them after the luncheon.

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Lindell Library Open until 1:00 a.m.

For late-night finals studying, Lindell Library will be open later:
Monday-Friday, April 23-27: 1 am
Saturday, April 28: 6:00 pm
Sunday-Wednesday, April 29-May 2: 1 am

Come do some intense research, paper writing, and studying. We'll expect you!

Hours are always available from the "Hours" link on the Lindell Library web site:

Library resources are also available 24/7 from that web site.

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The Jessica Nathanson Scholarly Writing Retreat

The third annual Scholarly Writing Retreat will be held at Dunrovin Retreat Center near Marine on St. Croix from 10:00 am on Tuesday, May 29 to 1:00 pm on Thursday, May 31. Initiated by Jessica Nathanson, the retreat gives scholars time and space to work on scholarship, undistracted by meetings, classes, or even children and family responsibilities. Some come to plan an approach to a new project to be completed over the summer; others use it as an opportunity to finish articles they have been working on during the year. Those interested in participating should contact Sarah Hedstrom ( Registrants are accepted on a first come-first serve basis.

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May Workshop Calendar/Dean's Calendar

Please find a link to the updated May calendar available online below.

Please also find the Dean's Calendar:

If you have questions about the May Workshop Calendar, please contact Naomi Hagen at or x1024.

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May Teaching and Learning Calendar

May 3, 11:45 am – 5 pm, East Commons – Scholarship and Teaching Showcase*, Faculty Recognition Luncheon and Faculty Meeting

May 9 or 10, 11:30 am – 1 pm, Lindell 301 – URGO Mentor Orientation (for all faculty mentoring undergraduate research projects this summer)

May 14, 10 am – 4 pm, OGC 100 - Graduation Skills Workshop

May 15-16, Dunrovin Retreat Center – New Faculty Retreat (for first and second year faculty)

May 17, 10 am – 3 pm, OGC 100 – Major/Program Assessment Workshop (at least two representatives for each major/program are expected to attend)

May 18, 9 am – 2 pm, OGC 100 – Instructional and Course Design Grant Kick-Off (for 2012-13 grantees only)*

May 21, 8:30 am – 4:30 pm, OGC 201 – AugSem and AVID Strategies Workshop (for all faculty teaching AugSem in 2012-13)

May 22-23, 8:30 am – 4:30 pm, Hoversten Chapel and OGC Classrooms – Creating an Inclusive Campus Conference* (all faculty and staff are encouraged to attend)

May 24, 9 am – 12 noon, OGC Classrooms – Creating an Inclusive Campus Working Sessions (at least 2 representatives from each department should attend)*

May 24, 1 pm – 4 pm, Lindell 202 – CTP Portfolio Workshop (for faculty involved in CTP reviews)*

May 29-31, Dunrovin Retreat Center – Jessica Nathanson Scholarly Writing Retreat (for all faculty; requires preregistration with CTL)*

* Contact Sarah Hedstrom ( for additional information about these events.

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Leadership Series - Tomorrow

This series is designed for all campus leaders, and is offered on Tuesdays. It includes the following spring sessions:

April 24, Marshall, 4:15-6:00 – Innovating: Facilitating Social Change (Paul Pribbenow)

For more information, please contact Velma Lashbrook ( To rsvp for this series, please contact Sarah Hedstrom (

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General Announcements

Dining Services

Did you know you can purchase flex points online at
You can pay with a credit card or charge to your student account.

Einstein's has a new smart options menu featuring beverages and food with 350 calories or less. We now have Strawberry Banana and Blueberry Pomegranate Smoothies.
Stop in and try our new Bacon Avocado Turkey Sandwich or the Garden Herb Turkey Thin.
The featured beverage this week is the Vietnamese Iced Coffee, for a limited time only.

On April 24th the Commons will feature Asian Fusion with an Asian Specialty Menu during Lunch.

April 30th is Midnight breakfast in the Commons from 10:00pm-11:30pm. Must bring student ID to enter.

All flex points end on May 4th at 3pm, they do not carry over to the next semester.

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On Campus Housing Available

There are 2 bedrooms, 4 people apartments available in Mortensen Hall and Anderson Hall. If you would like to get on-campus housing for 2012-2013 or would like more information, please contact Cyndy Rowe at or (612) 330 - 1488.

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Join AAUP, Get Rebate on Dues

The Minnesota Conference of the American Association of University Professors is offering an incentive for new members of the AAUP. New members can receive a 50 per cent rebate on national dues if they register and send a copy of the membership receipt to Minnesota AAUP Treasurer and St. Catherine University Professor David Lesniaski. Neither the State AAUP nor the Augsburg AAUP collect dues.

To join AAUP, use the link:

Then send a copy of your receipt to David Lesniaski at:

Once you've registered, send an email to the Augsburg's AAUP State Board Representative Cass Dalglish, so she can make sure you are invited to the next Augsburg meeting.

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Event Announcements

Retirement Reception for Prof. Brad Holt

Please join the Department of Religion as we celebrate the long, distinguished career of Professor Bradley Holt, who is retiring from Augsburg College at the end of this academic year. A reception is scheduled in the Foss Atrium on Thursday, April 26 from 3:00-4:30. A brief program will be held at 3:45 p.m. All are welcome.

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Keeping Track of Auggies

Melissa Hensley Awarded for Community Service

Dr. Melissa Hensley, Assistant Professor of Social Work, was honored with the designation of "Everyday Angel" by the Guild Incorporated, a non-profit agency that provides integrated services for people with mental illness. In her service to the agency, Dr. Hensley developed and leads monthly self-empowerment group for clients who participate in the Guild's Community Support Program. Participants decide on a topic and Dr. Hensley gathers information and facilitates group discussion. As Melissa notes, these conversations among people with mental illness can help in ways that professionals alone cannot.

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Auggie Athletics

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Prom Dress for Exchange Student

Do you have a prom dress you would be willing to donate or lend to a high school exchange student from Turkey? She is living with me this year and wants to go to prom. We have been shopping the resale shops but haven't found a dress that fits. She is hoping to find a long or short dress, size 11/12 and, not too revealing on top. If you have such a dress and would be willing to donate or lend it, please email or stop by and see Pat Kinner in Lindell 227 (Academic Advising). Thanks.

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Twins Tickets Tonight

I have 4 tickets available for tonight's Twins Game vs. the Boston Red Sox. The game is at 7:10 pm. My seats are in the Right Field Bleachers, Section 140, Row 1. As close as you can get to the field! The tickets re $30 each, and I'm willing to split into pairs. Also, there is an umbrella give-a-way at the game, so you can get a free souvenir!

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