Wednesday, May 13, 2015
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Public Safety and Facilities Announcements

Memorial Window Washing and A/C This Week

Memorial Hall is scheduled for exterior and interior window washing and installation of air conditioners this week. If you office in Memorial, please move personal belongings off window ledges and/or tables under your windows. Screens removed for window washing will be left down for cleaning and re-installation after a/c installation. Thanks for your cooperation.

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Confidential Document Destruction TOMORROW

For those departments on campus that have been collecting confidential documents that need shredding, now is the time to place a facilities work request to have your materials picked up for storage in a secure location until the shredding truck comes this Thursday. Please place your request today so we have time to do all the pick-ups. If you have questions about what needs shredding and what is normal recycling, please consult your manager.

Also, we will once again accept your personal shredding. See details listed in Event announcement below.

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Teaching and Learning

Inquiry-based Hybrid Course Design Workshop May 18

Blended learning has become the dominant paradigm in 21st century higher education. In a recent edition of the Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks dedicated to blended learning, researchers Laumakis, Graham & Dziuban (2009) state that "... the impact of blended learning is potentially monumental - permanently changing how students interact with higher education..." (p.86). An inquiry-based approach to learning is based on John Dewey's (1933) philosophy that education begins with the curiosity of the learner.

Our Guest Presenter is Norm Vaughan, an educator and researcher with interests in blended [hybrid] learning, faculty development and K to 12 schooling, Dr. Vaughan is a Professor in the Faculty of Teaching and Learning at Mount Royal University in Calgary, Alberta. Norm has co-authored the books Teaching in Blended Learning Environments: Creating and Sustaining Communities of Inquiry (2013) and Blended Learning in Higher Education (2008); and has published a series of articles on blended learning and faculty development. He is also the Co-founder of the Blended Online Design Network (BOLD), a member of the Community of Inquiry Research Group.

This workshop will provide faculty with a "hands on" opportunity to design inquiry-based learning activities that engage students and align with the learning outcomes for a hybrid course or program at Augsburg College. We hope to see you there!

Monday, May 18
OGC 133
9:00-11:30 a.m.

Sponsored by the Center for Teaching and Learning.

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Accessibility at Augsburg Workshop May 14

Faculty are encouraged to attend the Accessibility at Augsburg workshop. It would be wonderful to have each department represented.
Thursday, May 14
Kennedy 305 (please note location)
Lunch provided at noon

The workshop will help faculty better understand and further develop skills to ensure course materials and activities are accessible. The workshop will also offer a hands-on opportunity to review a syllabus, assignment, etc., with knowledgeable peers.

An RSVP would be helpful to ensure we have enough space (and snacks!). The RSVP link is:

Sponsored by the Center for Teaching and Learning, Center for Learning and Accessible Student Services (CLASS) and Accessibility at Augsburg.

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General Announcements

Get Target Gift Card for Participating in Research

Hello, my name is Michael Kantor and I am an Undergraduate Exercise Science student at Augsburg College. I am writing to invite you to be a participant in my study: Physical Activity Levels and Motivation in Urban Midwest College students, faculty and staff. This research is funded by URGO Summer Research Program and the Northland Chapter of the American College of Sports Medicine Student Research Grant. Dr. Ana Ribeiro, Assistant Professor of Health, Physical Education and Exercise Science will be mentoring me during this project.

If you agree to participate in this study, you will be asked to fill out a short anonymous one-time survey about physical activity participation and motivation. You will also have the option to participate in an additional in-person fitness assessment that requires a 30 minute visit to Kennedy Center 309. You will be compensated upon completion of the survey with a $5 Target gift card and upon completion of optional fitness assessment, another $5 Target gift card.

If you are interested check Augsburg email inbox in the coming weeks for the questionnaires and optional fitness assessment. Thank you for taking the time to consider the participation. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email me at, or my mentor Ana Ribeiro at

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Food Service Hours

Einsteins is open Monday-Friday from 7:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.

Nabo is open Monday-Friday from 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.

The Commons is closed.

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Event Announcements

Personal Document Destruction Event TOMORROW

Faculty, staff and students are welcome to bring their personal confidential documents to a FREE Shred Event sponsored by Augsburg Facilities Management. Bring your material (two boxes or bags maximum, please) to the Shred Right truck parked between Sverdrup and Lindell Library on Thursday, May 14, between 8-9 a.m. You must present your documents at this time; I am sorry we cannot offer early pick-up and storage of your personal documents. If you are not available at this time, it is your choice if you wish to entrust one of your coworkers to bring the documents to the truck for you. An Augsburg ID is required, as we unfortunately cannot make this a community event.

Another tax filing season has passed, maybe that is an opportunity to purge older records? We can't give advice about what records you can destroy, but do your own research to figure out what you can get rid of from your home desk or file cabinet!

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Feed My Starving Children Team Members Wanted

Auggies in Service to our Community,

The Augsburg Total Wellness program is calling for volunteers to join our team to pack meals for the Feed My Starving Children organization. This is a great opportunity to use your community service time to serve our global community. Together we can make a difference.

Join the Augsburg team on May 26 from 9:30 - 11:30 AM at the Coon Rapids Feed My Starving Children packing location.

Follow the instructions below to sign up:

Go to:
Reserve your spot by clicking: CONFIRM
You will be prompted to accept the terms of volunteering. Click: ACCEPT
You will be prompted to create an account; it will take just a few seconds to follow the steps
You will receive an email confirmation of your registration

An email will be sent to each registered participant with details for the day of the event. If we fill the available slots, we can add more - so encourage your colleagues to join you in this rewarding work!

If you have any questions, please contact Katie Berggren at

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Keeping Track of Auggies

Congratulations to Dr. Mohamed Sallam

Mohamed Sallam, Director, Pan-Afrikan Center, successfully defended his dissertation: Competing and contesting constructions of 'modern' womanhood: a vertical case study examining the effects of international development discourse on marriage and education in rural Upper Egypt.

Dr. Sallam completed his Ph. D. at the University of Minnesota; Department of Organizational Leadership, Policy and Development: Comparative and International Development Education Program. The graduation ceremony is May 13.

Please congratulate Dr. Sallam!

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Auggie Athletics

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