Wednesday, February 19, 2014
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Public Safety and Facilities Announcements

Shredding Service Coming - Clean Your Files

It is time to go through your office files and office storerooms and purge confidential documents according to your retention rules. We will bring a document destruction service to campus in a couple of weeks. Place a facilities work request by March 5 to request pick-up of your confidential documents for shredding. If you have questions about what is confidential, please contact your manager. Sorry, we cannot accommodate personal shredding.

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Teaching and Learning

Webinar Featuring Black Philanthropists Thurs. at 11

Are you interested in why people give away their money?
Is giving a family value in yours?
Thinking about fundraising as a career?

Join members of the Augsburg development staff for an online presentation about what it means to give boldly in the African American community. This is a webinar and will stream live from

The presentation will feature Tracey Webb, founder of The Black Benefactors giving circle and , which celebrates African American giving; and Christina Lewis Halpern, who'll share how she is carrying on the legacy of her late father, TLC Beatrice International founder Reginald F. Lewis, and her own philanthropic journey as founder of All Star Code, which connects African American young men to the technology industry.

Thursday, February 20, 2014
11 a.m.-noon
Marshall Room, Christensen Center

NO RSVP necessary. Bring your lunch if desired.

Augsburg staff will be available to talk about your ideas and plans and to answer questions about philanthropy at Augsburg.

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Open Moodle Lab_ OGC 103

Do you need some help
building/editing your hybrid course Moodle site?
planning the online components of your hybrid course?
creating engaging forum discussion assignments?
devising relevant online assignments?

Come to an Open Moodle Lab for individualized help. Open Labs will be held;
Tues & Wed. from 9-10:30 am - OGC 103
Thurs. 1:00-2:30 pm - Lindell 202

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Navigating the Intersection of Science & Religion

This past summer, 20 high school youth from Minnesota and beyond spent a week at Augsburg exploring the intersection of science and religion through Augsburg College's Youth Theology Institute (ACYTI). The group considered three big questions - How should Christian faith and science relate to one another? How do scientific findings impact faith? How does faith inform our view of scientific discovery?

Following their time at Augsburg, the students constructed essays on some aspect of the theme. The essays have been compiled into an online journal. This journal is a snapshot of the theological reflection stimulated by this community of friends at the intersection of science and theology. These writings reflect the emerging questions of the community of youth. We hope these writings will be a gift to you. We hope they will cause new questions to develop within you and among your community of friends. We hope our exploration of this intersection might grant you the courage to explore this intersection further.

View the journal at

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Zyzzogeton Registration Deadline March 14

Augsburg's annual student research festival, Zyzzogeton, will be held on April 11 from 2-4 p.m. in the Oren Gateway Atrium.

Students who plan to present their research or creative activity at this poster session will need to register at by March 14. Poster and abstract submission directions are detailed at as well.

If you need help creating your poster, URGO and McNair will be hosting a workshop on Wednesday, March 5 from 4:30-6pm in Sverdrup 205.

Questions? Please contact or stop by Science Hall 152.

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Batalden Summer Internship Program in El Salvador

Current Augsburg students are invited to apply to be an intern this summer with the Centro Arte para la Paz in Suchitoto, El Salvador. These interns will work under the direction of Sister Peggy O'Neill providing assistance in the Center and surrounding community as determined by the intern's skills and interests and the needs of the community. Applicants with an intermediate to advanced level of Spanish proficiency are preferred. The program would operate for eight weeks, from May 17 to July 12, 2014. Students will receive 4 internship credits in Religion as part of this program. The total cost for the program is $550 (which includes internship credit, transportation to and from El Salvador, orientation in country, housing, and most meals).

The Batalden Internship Program is part of the larger Batalden Program in Applied Ethics at Augsburg College. The purpose of the program is to "foster learning in applied ethics… [and] make ethics pertinent to life in general." The low cost is possible through the generosity of the Batalden Endowment.

To apply, submit an online application at by March 5.
For more information contact Matt Maruggi, Assistant Professor of Religion and the Batalden Faculty Scholar in Applied Ethics ( or x1317).

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URGO Phase 2 Application Deadline February 24

If you submitted phase 1 of the URGO application, your faculty mentor must email phase 2 of the application to by February 24 at 4 p.m.

Phase 2 of the application can be found at:

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General Announcements

Nafisa Mahamud Wins iPad: Intl Opportunities Fair

Thank you to all the staff and providers who turned out on Friday to make Augsburg's Spring International Opportunities Fair a success - and to all the students who attended!

We had 66 entries in our drawing for an iPad 2 - and the lucky winner is first year International Relations major Nafisa Mahamud!

Interested in studying or interning abroad this summer or fall? The deadline to apply is coming up MARCH 1!

First step: Come into our office in the lower level of Christiansen for an info session at 10:35 a.m. on M and W or 3:35 p.m. on T, TH and F.

Create your profile today and search all our program options at our website:

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Practice Spanish with us on Thursday

Looking for a chance to improve your Spanish conversation skills? Then we've got just the thing for you - Spanish Conversation group!

Please join us as we gather to chat in Spanish, laugh, and have a bit of fun. From beginning to advanced, all levels are welcome! We meet every Thursday in the Riverside Room, 2nd floor Christensen, from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Signs will be posted. Join us for 10 minutes or for the whole session, whatever works for you. Feel free to bring your lunch.

Attend 3 sessions and receive a free T-shirt that says, "Augsburg Habla Español."

Questions? Contact Kate Reinhardt, ext. 1081 or Anita Fisher, ext. 1082. We hope to see you there!

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Carlson, Haas Receive Auggie Pride Award

Please join the Staff Senate in congratulating the recipients of the Auggie Pride Award for the month of January.


Beth Carlson, assistant director of the Center for Counseling and Health Promotions

Nomination: "Beth has been going above and beyond to help our students who are struggling with big challenges in their lives, including some students in real crisis. This takes a huge effort to support them, get them connected with the necessary services, medical attention, and sometimes housing and financial assistance. This all goes on below the radar screen because of the needs for privacy and confidentiality, but is sometimes literally keeping these students alive. Beth has been working long hours, even when she is sick, to help members of our community who are most in need. Kudos to Beth!"


Jesse Haas, recruitment and promotions coordinator, Center for Global Education

Nomination: "I have had the pleasure of working with Jesse Haas, recruitment and promotions coordinator, on CGE marketing materials every summer for the past few years and am always amazed at how organized and thoughtful she is about each and every piece. She manages 8-10 large marketing projects each summer, 3 issues of Global News and Notes annually, and many ads and smaller projects in between. I can't remember a time when Jesse has missed a deadline, and she is always keeping me apprised of changes to current projects. However, where Jesse goes above and beyond is in her collaborative nature, always willing to share her knowledge of study abroad marketing and work with others to figure out the best way to reach CGE's student base. She is a true team player and a joy to have as a colleague."


The Auggie Pride Incentive Program comes out of Staff Senate's desire to recognize outstanding staff on a more regular basis (monthly), and tap the collective mind power for great ideas. If you would like to nominate someone or have a suggestion, please go to Auggie Pride submission form ( or email

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SC 2014-15 Applications Now Available

Scholastic Connections is a scholarship and mentorship program for undergraduate students of color (American Indian, Hispanic/Latino, Pan-Afrikan, and Pan Asian) at Augsburg College. Students who are successful in their application process and are selected to participate, receive a $5,000 scholarship and are paired with a successful alum of color that serves as mentor for the Scholar.

Five "new" Scholars will be selected for the program for 2014-15.

Students who are Promise Scholars, full tuition President Scholars or International President Scholars are NOT eligible for SC.

Eligibility Criteria:
Current Augsburg student or advanced-standing transfer student
Demonstrated financial need as determined by the Financial Aid Office
Demonstrated leadership ability or potential
Demonstrated community involvement on or off campus
GPA of 2.5 or higher


Applications available at the SC web page.

ATTENTION FACULTY AND STAFF: If you know of a student who could benefit from working with a mentor and within a larger group of other high-achieving students of color and alumni mentors as well as receive scholarship assistance, feel free to nominate the student(s). Nomination forms are available at the SC web page.

Questions? Contact Cindy Peterson at 612-330-1754 or

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Auggies vs. Tommies Fitness Challenge Starts TODAY

Today is the first day to log minutes for the Auggies vs UST fitness challenge. If you have not registered, the challenge is still open for new participants to enroll.

Help us maintain our winning record of accumulating more minutes of activity than the St. Thomas team. This year the challenge is a part of the Active Wellness program. It is open to ALL Faculty and Staff.

Need more incentive to join the challenge?

For participants that completed a Biometric screening as a part of our Active Wellness Program, successful completion of the UST Fitness Competition Challenge will earn you 50 points towards reaching your personal Health Goal to be eligible for the 2015 incentive.

For participants that have not completed a Biometric screening, successful completion of the UST Fitness Competition Challenge will have their name added to a drawing to win a Nook HD. The Nook was generously donated to the Active Wellness program by Barnes & Noble here at Augsburg.

How to participate:
-Get moving with at least 20 minutes of moderate exercise five days each week for eight weeks (100 minutes per week)
-More is better! Each week we will announce the winner of the week (Augsburg or UST). The school with the highest total minutes recorded wins. So keep moving!
-Record your participation at
Use the Cardio Log under the Exercise tab to log your minutes of exercise. Choose an exercise from the extensive list (or create your own!) and record the minutes completed

Register from Jan. 27 to Feb. 18 by clicking on Sign Up on the challenge banner at First time registrants use sponsor code V9DXA. Challenge runs Wed., Feb. 19 - Wed., April 16.

1. Log on to
2. Click Sign Up Now under the Challenge banner
3. Select Augsburg College from the Select Your Team drop down menu
4. Complete your registration by clicking Sign Up Now
*Always consult a physician or other qualified health care professional before starting an exercise program.

Maximize your wellness program benefits. Complete the challenge and earn 50 points, or a chance to have your name added to a drawing for a Nook HD. This is one of four challenge opportunities offered throughout the year to earn points toward your goal for 2015 incentives.

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Fac/Staff: Chair Massages - March 5

Do you wonder if winter will ever end? Is it causing you stress? To help combat the stress, Ambiente Gallerie will be on campus again providing free chair massages for our faculty and staff. We will have light healthy refreshments available, so plan to stop over and enjoy a stress break.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014
11:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.
East Commons, Christensen Center

You must register for the massages and there are limited spaces available. To register go to the Human Resources Moodle page, go to the "March 5 - Employee Massage Sign-Up" appointment scheduler located at the top of the page. From there, you will be able to click on one of the available appointment slots listed. Please note: the "teachers" for the times listed are not the massage therapists that will be providing the massages. Massages will be given by fully licensed massage therapists.

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Auggies Connect with Employers - Communications

Save the Date! Auggies Connect with Employers in the Communications Event

Thursday, March 6 from 3:00-5:00 p.m. in the Strommen Center for Meaningful Work Lobby area.

• Interested in a career in communications, public relations, graphic design, writing, event coordination, marketing, or all of the above?

• Curious if you have what it takes to thrive at an advertising agency, publishing house, or a large news organization like Minnesota Public Radio?

You are in luck! Representatives will be on campus from Augsburg Fortress, along with a Marketing & Communications manager from Minnesota Public Radio, and a recent Ad Agency Project Manager. They are excited to meet you and answer your questions about the field, offer you tips for how to stand out in the job or internship search, and even review your resume. No appointment necessary – feel free to dress casually.

We look forward to seeing you there!

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Event Announcements

FAFSA/Financial Aid Information Lunch

It's that time of year again, FAFSA Time! We know you are a big part of our push to help students complete the financial aid requirements each year. With that in mind, we want to inform you of updates to the 14/15 FAFSA that will affect some of our Augsburg students. Please be aware that students may come to you with questions about these changes and we would greatly appreciate your help in conveying this new information.

The 2014/2015 FAFSA is available to complete now using 2013 income information.

For our current Augsburg students, the FAFSA will be due by May 1st. The Student Financial Services Department anticipates award letters to be sent out by mid-June.

For prospective day students, we will begin sending award letters in March.

New FAFSA Updates:

· Parent information will be entered under the titles Parent 1 and Parent 2, instead of Mother/Stepmother and

· All applicants should list both of their legal parents if they are living together, regardless of marital status.

Example: Catherine is a sophomore. She lives with both her legal parents, Chris and Casey. However, Chris and Casey are not married. On the 14/15 FAFSA, both Chris and Casey would need to complete the Parent Section, including both of their income information.

We would like to invite you to a FAFSA Information Session on March 6, 2014 at 12pm-1pm in the Marshall Room. Please feel free to bring a lunch. We will go over the process of completing the 14/15 FAFSA, the timeline for awarding new and returning students, discuss the upcoming events for new students, and answer any questions about the upcoming academic year.

Student Financial Services Team
Augsburg College

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Jack El-Hai Reading, Thu., Feb. 20

MFA mentor and literary journalist Jack El-Hai will read from his work on Thursday, February 20, at 6:30 p.m. in the Marshall Room, Christensen Center.

This is a Graduate Information Session and is open to the public.

Augsburg's Barnes and Noble Bookstore will have books available for purchase and Jack will sign books after the reading.

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TONIGHT 6:30 - Film and Discussion "Suddenly Sami"

Native American Film Series presents, Suddenly Sami, a personal film about identity. When the director discovers that her mother has been hiding her Indigenous Sami background from her, Ellen sets out to Northern Norway to discover why. Ellen's story explores the impact of relocation and diaspora on the Indigenous peoples of Norway and how this history has impacted Sami identity.

February 19, 2014
6:30 pm-9:30 pm
Screening begins at 7:00, discussion follows
Sateren Auditorium, Music Hall, 715 22nd Ave South
All events are free to the public.

"Suddenly Sami" (Jeg – en same fra Lambertseter)
by Ellen-Astri Lundby, hosted by Dr. Angelica Lawson

Dr. Lawson is an assistant professor of American Indian Studies at the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities where she teaches American Indian and Indigenous film.

Ellen-Astri Lundby (b. 1959), a freelance reporter and filmmaker, has worked in film and television since 1989 creating humorous short fiction and documentary films.

Thank you to our sponsors: the American Indian Studies Department, the Augsburg Native American Film Series, and the University of Minnesota's American Indian Studies Department.

For More Sami Film Events visit:

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Graduate/AU Info Sessions at Xcel Center

On February 26, You Are Invited to Go "Wild"!
Please join us for fun-filled evening at the Xcel Energy Center while learning about Augsburg's graduate and adult undergraduate programs. Have some refreshments and learn details about earning a master's degree including business (MBA), leadership (MAL), education (MAE), creative writing (MFA), social work (MSW), music therapy (MMT) or nursing (DNP and MAN)or learn more about the new adult undergraduate programs.

Wednesday, Feb 26
5:00 p.m. Check in and social hour
6:00 p.m. Information session for Graduate and Adult Undergraduate Programs
7:00 p.m. Behind-the-scene tour of the Xcel Energy Center

RSVP by Feb 24 to #1101 or online at

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Speaking of Scholarship: Making Theater Relevant

Making Theater Relevant: Classic Texts, Collaboration, and Rural Minnesota

Darcey Engen, Associate Professor and Chair of Theater Arts.

Join us:
Monday, February 24
4:00 – 5:30 p.m.
Marshall Room

The Speaking of Scholarship Series is jointly sponsored by the Center for Teaching and the Christensen Center for Vocation.

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Enterprise Rent-A-Car Info Session for jobs

Enterprise Rent-A-Car will be holding an informational session on Monday, March 3 from 5-6 p.m. in the Christensen Center, Marshall room. Please R.S.V.P, as pizza will be served!

Representatives are hiring for their hands-on Management Training Program, with opportunities to advance quickly from paid internships to full-time opportunities. Gain the knowledge and skills to run a multi-million dollar business. Stop by and learn more! Also, reconnect with alumni that are currently working at Enterprise.

Questions and/or to R.S.V.P -

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Daily Chapel: Patricia Lacey, Gospel Singer

Patricia Lacey is one of Minnesota's most talented gospel singers. Patricia, also Patricia Lacy-Aiken, has performed with Grammy winning gospel group Sounds Of Blackness and toured for many years with Luther Vandross. She currently appears in the film documentary "20 Feet From Stardom."

We welcome her to Daily Chapel for a very special Service of Music and Word on Wednesday, 2/19, at 10:40am in Hoversten Chapel, Foss Center.

Everyone is welcome!

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Governance Task Force Public Forum on Feb. 20

Please join members of the Governance Task Force on Thursday, Feb. 20 from 12:30-1:30 p.m. in the Marshall Room to share your views and experiences with decision-making and governance at the College. These meetings are an opportunity for all members of the campus community to be involved in constructing the best decision-making climate we can. Forums will involve conversations that ask participants to draw on recent experiences with decision-making at the College to suggest improvements in shared governance.

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Keeping Track of Auggies

No postings

Auggie Athletics

No postings


Girl Scout Cookies Available

Girl Scout Cookies: Samoas, Thin Mints, Tagalongs, Trefoils, Do-si-dos and Savannah Smiles are now available. Please see Leslie Larson in the Event and Conference Planning office on 3rd Floor Christensen Center. x1019 or

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