Friday, September 13, 2013
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Public Safety and Facilities Announcements

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Teaching and Learning

Applying to Grad School? Visit the URGO Office

Most graduate school applications are due in the fall or early winter. If you are considering graduate school as your next step, we encourage you to set up an appointment to meet with us in the URGO Office this fall! We provide advising on the search process, guidance and feedback on personal statements, and practice interviews. To set up an appointment, please email or contact Kirsten O'Brien at 612-33-1446.

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Hands-on Agresso Training - TODAY

Remember if you signed up for the second Hands-on Agresso Training, it's today!

We will discuss how coding deposits and expenses impact your budget, where you are versus budget/outlook, and how to use Agresso web to find out more.

Remember: This is a hands-on training. You will probe money coming in and going out, so bring your cost center number and questions!

DUE TO A ROOM CHANGE, we will be in the Sverdrup 205 computer lab between 2-4 p.m.

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Courage and Renewal Retreat Series

I invite you to participate in a personal and professional renewal opportunity entitled Courage to Teach & Lead -A Time for Renewal. This yearlong series of five retreats is designed to allow you to slow down and listen to your own voice and to discern where you are in your life work. When we reconnect who we are with what we do, we approach our lives and our work with renewed passion commitment, and integrity.

Each retreat consists of carefully designed individual, small, and large group activities around seasonal themes, which make use of the power of poetry, stories, art, nature, and guided reflection on personal and professional questions. The retreats offer an opportunity to slow down and listen to our selves within a supportive community. Series of five retreats at Mount Olivet Retreat Center, Farmington, Minnesota on October 31-Nov. 2, 2013, February 6-8, 2014, May 8-10, 2014, August 7-9, 2014 and October 23-25, 2014.

For a brochure or additional information contact Ron Petrich at

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Staff Development - Time and Task Management

CTL Staff Development Series:
Time and Task Management ("Getting Things Done")
Tuesday, September 17
8:00 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.
Marshall Room

By popular demand, this workshop revisits one of last year's topics with a more in-depth look at the "Getting Things Done" system for efficiently and successfully managing time and tasks in your everyday work. Participants will leave with a framework for thinking about and organizing their work, as well as completing some initial exercises. No background in the system or previous attendance is required in order to benefit from this session. Presented by Andrea Dvorak, International Programs.

Follow this link to RSVP:

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General Announcements

Free Lockers Available for Commuter Students

Campus Activities and Orientation provides free lockers for students (Day, WEC, and Graduate) who commute to campus during the academic year. Lockers are located on the Ground and 2nd Levels of Science Building.

These lockers are available on a first-come, first-serve basis. To request your locker for the academic year, please print out, complete, and sign the form below and turn it into the Christensen Center Welcome Desk OR Michael Grewe in Christensen Center Room 1D (located on the ground floor in the "Auggie's Nest").

The Student Locker Request Form can be found here:

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Introducing the Fall 2013 Emerging Leaders

These first-year and transfer students have been selected to participate in the Fall 2013 Emerging Leaders Program, an intensive 10-week course that will prepare participants for future on-campus leadership opportunities. Please feel free to congratulate these students if you see them on campus!

Abbigail Amundson
Leah Andrews
Vision Bagonza
Madison Baker
Osiris Bardales
Jon Bates
Erin Bolden
Chase Brenke
Emily Campbell
Lauren Canales
Abigail Carpenter
Samantha Coy
Hannah Davidson
Lee Drakeford
Will Freeman
Hilena Frew
Lexi Halvorson
Emily Hansen
Jason Hanson
Michael Harrison
Callie Jones
Semaj Jones-McDonell
Roman Khadka
Matthew Kukar
Thomas Kukowski
Charisma Kyles
Julia Laden
Coua Lee
Mada Lee
Mary Loewen
Amy Lor
Nancy Lor
Lyle Nyberg
Dustin Parks
Daniel Polaschek
Casey Regnier
Kerry Robertson
Nia Ross
Mohamed Nazih Safi
Vianney Sanchez
Petra Shaffer-Gottschalk
Angela Taylor
Richard Taylor
Hai Thao
Cheemoua Vang
Chencha Vang
Ping Vang
Emily Warpula
Najma Warsame
Emily Wrolson
Pa Yor Mee Xiong

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Apply by Sept. 30 - Winter-Break + Spring Study Abroad

Study Abroad Deadline is Sept. 30 for Winter-Break and Spring Semester.

Winter-Break Programs:

Spring Semester Programs:

Come to an info session/study abroad advising in Christensen Center LL Suite 2
MWF: 10:30 a.m.
TTh: 3:30 p.m.

Scholarships Available!

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Sign Up Now for an eRefund

Students who have finished applying for financial aid and have more than enough aid to cover tuition and fees (a negative balance) will receive a credit refund by October 1.

Students may receive their money before October 1 if they have set up an eRefund account by September 17. Sign up through Augnet, Records & Registration, Make a payment/account activity portal.

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Influenza & Tdap Vaccination Clinic on Campus

Influenza and Tdap vaccination clinics are scheduled for faculty, staff, and students.

Flu Shots -Homeland Health provides flu vaccinations to patients ages 3 years and up. Please bring your health insurance card to the clinic. We are an in network provider for Medica, BCBS, HealthPartners, Preferred One, UCare, America's PPO, Prime West, South Country Health Care Alliance and Medicare. We will bill your health plan. If you are not covered by one of these health plans, you may purchase a vaccination by cash on the day of the clinic.

Tdap (Tetanus, Diphtheria & Pertussis "Whooping Cough")
Is available for those 18 to 64 years of age only. It is covered by HealthPartners, BCBS and Medica at the Member's Benefit Level. Sorry we cannot accept other insurance.

The cash price for vaccine is $25 per Flu Injection, $35 per FluMist and $55 per Tdap injection. We accept cash only, no checks please. Individuals are responsible for the cost of their shots, which may vary depending upon insurance plans.

Flu & Tdap clinics are from:
- 9 a.m.- 12 p.m., September 24, Lindell Library 202
- 12:30 - 3:30 p.m., September 26, Christensen- Marshall Room

To register for the September clinics, visit Homeland Health at:

In the bottom right corner of the main image on the Home Page, click the Customer Portal button (Client ID: HAIOY997). At this point Returning Users may sign in. Your email is your user name. If you have any questions, please contact Homeland Health at 877-746-8060.

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All Chemistry & Biology Faculty Offices Sponsored

Donors supporting the capital campaign for the Center for Science, Business, and Religion have sponsored all of the faculty offices in the Chemistry and Biology areas. Floor plans and remaining sponsorship opportunities are posted here:

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Melissa Hensley HC Committee Appointment

Melissa Hensley, Ph.D. Assistant Professor in Social Work, has been appointed to the Hennepin County Continuum of Care Committee. The Continuum of Care committee is charged with the local distribution of major federal funds from the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act. Hennepin County Continuum of Care is part of a local coalition, Heading Home Hennepin, whose mission is to end homelessness in Hennepin County by 2016.[1]

[1] ten Broeke, C (2012). Heading Home Hennepin, 5 year report.

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Event Announcements

Brown Bag Discussions on Science and Religion

Foss Atrium from noon - 1:00 p.m.

-with Professor Mark Engebretsen, Wednesday, September 25

-with Professor Larry Crockett, Thursday, September 26

All students, staff and faculty are welcome to attend either (or both) discussions. It is not necessary to have read Tippet's book, Einstein's God.

Mark your calendars for the upcoming convocation!


Tuesday, October 1, 11 a.m.

Krista Tippett, host/producer of On Being, American Public Media
Einstein's God: Revisiting Science and Religion in a New Century

The following is taken from Tippet's introduction to her book, Einstein's God. "The science-religion "debate" is unwinnable, and has led us astray. To insist that science and religion speak the same language, or draw the same conclusions, is to miss the point of both of these pursuits of cohesive knowledge and underlying truth. To create a competition between them, in terms of relevance or rightness, is self-defeating. Both science and religion are set to animate this century with new vigor. This will happen whether their practitioners are in dialogue or not. But the dialogue that is possible - and that has developed organically, below the journalistic and political radar- is mutually illuminating and lush with promise."

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State of the College is Next Thursday, Sept. 19

All faculty members, staff, and students are invited to attend the annual State of the College address next Thursday, Sept. 19, from 11:30 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. in Hoversten Chapel. The address will cover year-end accomplishments for 2012-2013, fall 2013 enrollment, and an overview of the strategic work launched by the Augsburg Board of Regents this past year.

For those unable to attend, the slides and an audio replay of the address will be posted to the 2013 State of the College page (found in the College Reports section of Inside Augsburg), within a few business days of the event.

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Homecoming Countdown - 8 Days

There are just 8 days until the start of Augsburg's week-long Homecoming celebration, September 22-28. In a short time over 800 Auggie Alumni will return to reminisce with their former classmates, make new Auggie connections, and celebrate their Auggie Pride.

Events include the Annual Taste of Augsburg, the Eye-Opener Breakfast featuring Dr. Paul Mueller '84, and the Auggie Block party after the Augsburg vs. Hamline football game. Check out the full schedule of events here.

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Youth and Family Ministry at Augsburg College

Augsburg College is one of only a few ELCA colleges to offer a degree in Youth and Family Ministry. Do you enjoy working with kids? Has your church and your faith been important parts of your life? Can you imagine yourself working with kids in a faith-based setting as either a professional or volunteer?

If you answered yes to any of these, then you should join us at our YFM Annual Fall Kick-Off on Thursday, September 19 from 5-6:30 p.m. in the Augsburg Room. We will treat you to dinner and spend some time discussing the program. Please contact Jeremy Myers ( with any questions and to RSVP.

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First MPIRG Meeting

Are you interested in environmental issues? Social justice? Better and greener transportation options? Do you feel you need an outlet to not only speak your mind, but also take direct action on the issues that are important to you?

Then MPIRG is the right place for you! We are the student activism group on campus, and we want you, yes you, to join!

Our first meeting will be Thursday, October 3, from 5:30-6:30 p.m. in the Marshall Room in Christensen!

See you there!

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Keeping Track of Auggies

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Auggie Athletics

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