Friday, April 13, 2012
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Public Safety and Facilities Announcements

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Teaching and Learning

CTP Portfolio Workshop

The purpose of this workshop is to help candidates for any type of Committee on Tenure and Promotion (CTP) review to determine the various forms of evidence that can help build a strong portfolio. The focus is on evidence of teaching, but the strategies directly apply to scholarship and service as well. This workshop is not designed to replace departmental guidance and advice nor is it an analysis of the Faculty Handbook language as it applies to an individual. The workshop is facilitated by Diane Pike and Su Doree and will be held at the following time:

Thursday, May 24, 1:00-4:00 in Lindell 202

Following the workshop, participants are encouraged to form groups to review each other's portfolio materials and provide feedback and support. If you plan to attend this session, please rsvp to Sarah Hedstrom (

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Class Schedule for Tuesday, April 17

In order to allow the campus community to attend the Sverdrup convocation at 11:00am on Tuesday, April 17, classes will run on an alternate schedule that day. The revised schedule will be:

1st Period 8:00-9:20
2nd Period 9:30-10:50
Convocation 11:00-12:00
3rd Period 12:10-1:20

Classes will return to their normal schedule beginning at 1:30.

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April CTL Activities At-A-Glance

Friday, April 13, 12:00-1:30 pm, Augsburg Room – Well Being Series: "Community" (Andrea Turner)

*Friday, April 13, 12:00-1:30 pm, Lindell 202 – Resilience Reading Circle: The Other Wes Moore, by Wes Moore (Sarah Hedstrom)

Tuesday, April 17, 8:00-9:30 am, Riverside Room – Staff Development Series: "Collaborating Across Boundaries" (Jessica Fox-Wilson and Judy Johnson)

Tuesday, April 17, 3:00-5:00 pm, OGC 100 – Core Curriculum and Graduation Skills Workshops: "Vocation and the Keystone Seminar" (Mark Tranvick and Lori Brandt Hale)

Wednesday, April 18, 4:00-7:00 pm, OGC 114 – Graduate Faculty Workshop: "Designing Significant Learning Experiences" (John Schmit and Melissa Hensley)

*Thursday, April 19, 3:10-4:30 pm, OGC 100 – Reading Circle: Ch. 19-22. David Brooks' The Social Animal: The Hidden Sources of Love, Character, and Virtue, led by Jacqui DeVries.

Tuesday, April 24, 4:15-6:00 pm, Marshall Room – Leadership Series: "Innovating: Facilitating Social Change" (Paul Pribbenow)

*-These are continuing book groups, no longer open to new participants.

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The Jessica Nathanson Scholarly Writing Retreat

The third annual Scholarly Writing Retreat will be held at Dunrovin Retreat Center near Marine on St. Croix from 10:00 am on Tuesday, May 29 to 1:00 pm on Thursday, May 31. Initiated by Jessica Nathanson, the retreat gives scholars time and space to work on scholarship, undistracted by meetings, classes, or even children and family responsibilities. Some come to plan an approach to a new project to be completed over the summer; others use it as an opportunity to finish articles they have been working on during the year. Those interested in participating should contact Sarah Hedstrom ( Registrants are accepted on a first come-first serve basis.

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Staff Development Series

All staff are invited to participate in the ongoing series designed for staff. This series addresses both personal and professional development needs. Sessions will be held on from. The remaining workshops scheduled for Spring and Summer 2012 include:

Tuesday, April 17, 8:00-9:30, Riverside – Collaborating Across Boundaries (Jessica Fox-Wilson and Judy Johnson)
May 22-24 – Creating an Inclusive Campus conference and working session
Tuesday, June 19, 8:00-9:30, OGC 114 – Addressing Student Needs (Jennifer Simon and Ann Garvey)
Tuesday, July 17, 8:00-9:30, OGC 114 – Getting Involved in Campus Work (Kelsey Richardson Blackwell and Nate Hallanger)
Tuesday, August 21, 8:00-9:30, OGC 200 – Continuing to Learn: Preparing for the Future (TBD)

To rsvp for this series, please contact Sarah Hedstrom (

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Well-Being Series - TODAY

CTL sponsors a series focused on well-being. It includes a broad look at well-being based on Rath & Harter's book Well-Being: The Five Essential Elements. It consists of the following remaining session:

Friday, April 13, 12:00-1:30 pm, Augsburg Room – Community Well-Being (Andrea Turner)

If you would like to participate in these sessions, please contact Sarah Hedstrom (

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Leadership Series

This series is designed for all campus leaders, and is offered on Tuesdays. It includes the following spring sessions:

April 24, Marshall, 4:15-6:00 – Innovating: Facilitating Social Change (Paul Pribbenow)

For more information, please contact Velma Lashbrook ( To rsvp for this series, please contact Sarah Hedstrom (

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Core Curriculum Workshops

AugCore is Augsburg's general education curriculum. This series introduces the curriculum, the first year Augsburg Seminar, the graduation skills, the concept of vocation, and the Keystone Seminar. The four graduation skills – critical thinking, quantitative reasoning, writing, and speaking – are embedded in every curriculum. Anyone who teaches a course with the embedded skill is expected to attend the appropriate workshop. These workshops, co-sponsored with General Education, help prepare faculty to understand the curriculum and effectively teach the graduation skills. Spring workshops will be held on Tuesdays, 3:00-5:00 (except the last one).

April 17, OGC 100– Vocation and the Keystone Seminar (Mark Tranvick and Lori Brandt Hale)
May 21, 9:00-4:00, OGC 113 – AugSem and AVID Strategies (Lori Brandt Hale and Joe Cusco)

If you plan to attend any of these sessions, please rsvp to Sarah Hedstrom (

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General Announcements

Dining Services

Did you know you can purchase flex points online at ?
You can pay with a credit card or charge to your student account.

Einstein's has a new smart options menu featuring beverages and food with 350 calories or less. We now have Strawberry Banana and Blueberry Pomegranate Smoothies.
Stop in and try our new Buffalo Chicken Salad or Buffalo Chicken Bagel Thin Sandwich.

On April 18th we will be having a Cooking Demo in the Commons with the Aviands Wellness Director.

On April 19th Dave from the Aviands Chef Xchange will be preparing his specialty during lunch in the Commons.

On April 24th the Commons will feature Asian Fusion with an Asian Specialty Menu during Lunch.

April 30th is Midnight breakfast in the Commons from 10:00pm-11:30pm. Must bring student ID to enter.

Hot food in the Commons is now closing at 7 pm, however we will still have deli bar available from 7-8 pm

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Take the Transportation Survey Today

The Augsburg Environmental Stewardship Committee is conducting a survey of transportation choices made by campus commuters. All faculty, staff and students are encouraged to respond to the brief survey at:

Completing the survey will take only a few minutes, and all responses will be kept anonymous, so please be as accurate as possible. This survey will allow us to update our information on transportation to and from campus in 2011, and will be used to help calculate our greenhouse gas emissions inventory.

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Go-To-College Pass for All Augsburg Students

Augsburg for Adult and graduate program students at Augsburg are now officially eligible to purchase the GO-TO-COLLEGE passes at the Enrollment Center service counters in Sverdrup 100. Passes are good for a whole semester and cost only $150 for any student with a current college ID. College passes can save students over $109 compared to the cost of commuting to campus 5 times a week over a semester. Passes can be used on bus or light rail, twenty four hours a day, 7 days a week.

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Wednesday Event - Door Prize Winners

The Strommen Career & Internship Center would like to congratulate the following students who won door prizes at the Employers On Campus -To Give YOU Tips on your job and internship search event.

Kindle Touch - Kylie Battee

Augsburg Sweatshirt - Mohamed SheikhMohamed

Augsburg Sweatshirt - Zong Her

Complimentary tickets to Chanhassen Theatres - Annmarie Caporale

Complimentary tickets to Chanhassen Theatres - Maria Johnson

Complimentary tickets to Chanhassen Theatres - Chue Xue Lee

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On-Campus Housing Available

There are 2 bedrooms, 4 people apartments available in Mortensen Hall and Anderson Hall. If you would like to get on-campus housing for 2012-2013 or would like more information, please contact Cyndy Rowe at or (612) 330 - 1488.

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Event Announcements

April 18 Vocatio Chapel with Jacki Brickman '97

Please join us on Wednesday, April 18 at 10:20 a.m. as we complete the "All Shook Up: The Call to Change" Vocatio Chapel Series.

As an independent consultant, Jacquylynn (Jacki) Brickman helps individuals and organizations discover more about non-verbal communication and perceptions. In her work, Jacki concentrates on helping school leaders understand how excellent communication positively impacts student learning and teacher growth. In addition to facilitating workshops and speaking to groups, Jacki provides coaching to individuals who seek to expand their influence in the workplace.

Until this year, Jacki also served as a teacher with Minneapolis Public Schools at Elizabeth Hall International in North Minneapolis. Jacki has been recognized nationally by receiving the prestigious Milken National Educator Award and has been a finalist for the Minnesota teacher of the year. The National Institute for Excellence in Teaching used a video of Jacki teaching 5th grade students as a model of exemplary instruction, and it has been viewed by thousands of teachers.

Prior to becoming an educator, Jacki was a corporate manager. After finding her strengths were in training employees and engaging in difficult conversations while preserving relationships, she returned to college to obtain her teaching degree at Augsburg College, graduating summa cum laude. Jacki went on to earn her Master's degree in Teaching and Learning from Saint Mary's University with an emphasis on Differentiated Instruction and now also works as an adjunct instructor in Augsburg's Education Department.

Students, faculty, and staff interested in attending a luncheon with Jacki should RSVP to Lonna Field at by April 16.

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Trayvon Martin and the Implications of Racism

The Bonner Leaders program and the Center for Democracy & Citizenship are co-sponsoring a Town Hall Community Conversation about Trayvon Martin and the Implications of Racism, Stereotyping, and Racial Profiling. The event will take place on April 17 from 7:00-8:30pm at the Trinity Lutheran Community space. This event is designed to foster community dialogue between people of all races and ethnicities in order to understand how we can prevent cases like Trayvon Martin's from happening.

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Lindell Library Celebrates National Library Week

The library continues our celebration of National Library Week! 'Like' Lindell Library on Facebook and take part in our scavenger hunt! Questions are posted daily all this week! Answer as many questions as you would like! Come into the library to register for our drawing! We've extended the deadline to Sunday, April 15 at midnight. The contest is open to currently enrolled Auggie students. Library employees are ineligible. Find us here .

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Sverdrup Visiting Scientist Program, April 16-17

Sverdrup Lecture – 7:30 p.m. Monday, April 16, Hoversten Chapel

Title: MESSENGER at Mercury: Solving the riddles of the innermost planet in our solar system

Abstract: Because the planet Mercury is so much closer to the Sun than the Earth it is hard to observe with telescopes and difficult to reach with spacecraft, and is the least explored of the terrestrial planets. On 18 March 2011 NASA's MErcury Surface, Space ENvironment, GEochemistry, and Ranging (MESSENGER) spacecraft became the first ever to orbit Mercury. After overcoming numerous challenges and a journey of nearly 5 billion miles, MESSENGER trained its cameras and other instruments on the planet and revealed immense lava flows that would cover half of the United States, landscapes littered with hollowed depressions each the size of a small city, and evidence for bombardment of the surface by furious blasts of charged particles.

Sverdrup Student Convocation – 11:00 a.m. Tuesday, April 17, Hoversten Chapel

Title: Exploration as a Moral Imperative
Abstract: Humankind is inquisitive by nature and this impulse has played a critical role in technical advances throughout our history as a species from the development of agrarian societies to the Renaissance, the industrial revolution, and the explosion of formal scientific inquiry. Should we understand this capacity as something more than an accidental trait that gives humans a competitive advantage? Does the health of civilization depend on communal enterprises of creativity and discovery? Does the religious understanding of creation and life as more than incidental imply a moral imperative to create and explore?

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Networking in the "Real World" Workshop

Networking in the "Real World": Using Informational Interviews and Linked In to find a Job or Internship. Wednesday, April 18, 2012 4:45-5:45 p.m.
Oren Gateway, Room 200

Learn effective job and internship search strategies through networking by attending this workshop!

Sponsored by: The Strommen Career and Internship Center, 612-330-1148

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Keeping Track of Auggies

Shukri Diriye Wins Scholarship for Arabic Study

International Relations and Poli Sci Major, Shukri Diriye, has been selected as a recipient of a CIEE Global Access Scholarship of $1500 for study Fall semester, 2012 in the Language and Culture program at the CIEE Study Center in Amman, Jordan. CONGRATULATIONS SHUKRI!!

Many scholarships (merit and need based) are available for study abroad. Come to advising in Murphy Place 200 to learn how to access these extra funds.

Advising Schedule:

M,T,W,F: 10:30
M,W,F: 2:30
T,TH: 3:30

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Auggie Athletics

Dance Team Audition Prep Class 4/19/12

Are you interested in auditioning for the Augsburg College Dance Team? Join us for our Audition Prep Class! We will be teaching one of the routines that will performed for auditions in August. You will get a head start and be able to practice all summer to prepare for auditions!

We will meet in the Augsburg College Kennedy Center Gymnasium on Thursday, April 19th at 6:00pm. Contact Coach Molly Dorsey ( for more information.

We hope to see you there!

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Support Me in the Be the Match 5K

I am participating in the Be the Match bone marrow registry 5K run on May 19. I am proud to be in the registry and am delighted to have the opportunity to help the registry further. Please visit my Be the Match Run web page and consider a small donation. Thanks for your consideration.

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