Wednesday, April 11, 2012
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Public Safety and Facilities Announcements

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Teaching and Learning

Core Curriculum Workshops

AugCore is Augsburg's general education curriculum. This series introduces the curriculum, the first year Augsburg Seminar, the graduation skills, the concept of vocation, and the Keystone Seminar. The four graduation skills – critical thinking, quantitative reasoning, writing, and speaking – are embedded in every curriculum. Anyone who teaches a course with the embedded skill is expected to attend the appropriate workshop. These workshops, co-sponsored with General Education, help prepare faculty to understand the curriculum and effectively teach the graduation skills. Spring workshops will be held on Tuesdays, 3:00-5:00 (except the last one).

April 17, OGC 100– Vocation and the Keystone Seminar (Mark Tranvick and Lori Brandt Hale)
May 21, 9:00-4:00, OGC 113 – AugSem and AVID Strategies (Lori Brandt Hale and Joe Cusco)

If you plan to attend any of these sessions, please rsvp to Sarah Hedstrom (

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Renewal Retreat Series

I would like you to be aware of a personal and professional renewal opportunity entitled Courage to Teach & Lead – A Time for Renewal. This yearlong series of five retreats is designed to allow you to slow down and listen to your own voice and to discern where you are in your life work. When we reconnect who we are with what we do, we approach our lives and our work with renewed passion commitment, and integrity.

Retreat Series at Mount Olivet Retreat Center, Farmington, MN.
May 10–12, 2012
August 9–11, 2012
October 25–27, 2012
February 7-9, 2013
May 16-18, 2013

Retreats are held Thursday evening through Saturday noon. Participants are asked to commit to attendance at a majority of the retreats.

Please contact me if you have an interest in participating, or if you have additional questions. 330-1593

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Staff Development Series

All staff are invited to participate in the ongoing series designed for staff. This series addresses both personal and professional development needs. Sessions will be held on from. The remaining workshops scheduled for Spring and Summer 2012 include:

Tuesday, April 17, 8:00-9:30, Riverside – Collaborating Across Boundaries (Jessica Fox-Wilson and Judy Johnson)
May 22-24 – Creating an Inclusive Campus conference and working session
Tuesday, June 19, 8:00-9:30, OGC 114 – Addressing Student Needs (Jennifer Simon and Ann Garvey)
Tuesday, July 17, 8:00-9:30, OGC 114 – Getting Involved in Campus Work (Kelsey Richardson Blackwell and Nate Hallanger)
Tuesday, August 21, 8:00-9:30, OGC 200 – Continuing to Learn: Preparing for the Future (TBD)

To rsvp for this series, please contact Sarah Hedstrom (

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Spring Trimester AIS/ENL 355

AIS/ENL 355 Themes in American Indian Literature

This spring trimester, American Indian Studies is offering AIS/ENL 355 Themes in American Indian Literature for WEC. This class meets Sundays 1:00 p.m.- 5:00 p.m.

The course is structured around a number of writers working within a particular theme such as Native Voices of Minnesota, Voices from the Southwest, Poetics and Politics of Native Writing, Women and Power in Native Literature, Urban-Reservation: Homing, and American Indian film-literature adaptation. Students focus on primary texts, comparing and contrasting theme, voice, aesthetic, or cultural emphasis as it shifts or arises across the group of texts. Course cross-lists with English.

(Prereq.: ENL 220 or 221, or a 200-level literature course, or consent of instructor.)

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CTP Portfolio Workshop

The purpose of this workshop is to help candidates for any type of Committee on Tenure and Promotion (CTP) review to determine the various forms of evidence that can help build a strong portfolio. The focus is on evidence of teaching, but the strategies directly apply to scholarship and service as well. This workshop is not designed to replace departmental guidance and advice nor is it an analysis of the Faculty Handbook language as it applies to an individual. The workshop is facilitated by Diane Pike and Su Doree and will be held at the following time:

Thursday, May 24, 1:00-4:00 in Lindell 202

Following the workshop, participants are encouraged to form groups to review each other's portfolio materials and provide feedback and support. If you plan to attend this session, please rsvp to Sarah Hedstrom (

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April CTL Activities At-A-Glance

Tuesday, April 10, 8:00-9:30 am, OGC 100 – Foundational Series on Student Learning: "Integrating Online Learning Technologies" (Cari Maguire and Scott Krenz)

Tuesday, April 10, 2:00-5:00 pm, OGC Lobby – Community Inclusiveness: Somali Voices: Walking Tour of Our Neighborhood with Mary Laurel True and Steve Peacock, Sabo Center

Wednesday, April 11, 11:30-1:30 pm, Marshall Room – Christensen - New Staff Series - Fall Cohort: "Developing Productive Relationships" (Brad Lashbrook)

Wednesday, April 11, 11:30-1:30 pm, Augsburg Room - Christensen – New Staff Series – Spring Cohort: "Using Your Gifts in Meaningful Work" (Dionne Doering)

*Thursday, April 12, 2:00-3:30 pm, Lindell 202 – Mindful Dialogue: Ch. 9: "A New Culture of Learning for a World of Constant Change" (Annette Gerten). Douglas Thomas and John Seeley Brown's A New Culture of Learning: Cultivating the Imagination for a World of Constant Change.

Friday, April 13, 12:00-1:30 pm, Augsburg Room – Well Being Series: "Community" (Andrea Turner)

*Friday, April 13, 12:00-1:30 pm, Lindell 202 – Resilience Reading Circle: The Other Wes Moore, by Wes Moore (Sarah Hedstrom)

Tuesday, April 17, 8:00-9:30 am, Riverside Room – Staff Development Series: "Collaborating Across Boundaries" (Jessica Fox-Wilson and Judy Johnson)

Tuesday, April 17, 3:00-5:00 pm, OGC 100 – Core Curriculum and Graduation Skills Workshops: "Vocation and the Keystone Seminar" (Mark Tranvick and Lori Brandt Hale)

Wednesday, April 18, 4:00-7:00 pm, OGC 114 – Graduate Faculty Workshop: "Designing Significant Learning Experiences" (John Schmit and Melissa Hensley)

*Thursday, April 19, 3:10-4:30 pm, OGC 100 – Reading Circle: Ch. 19-22. David Brooks' The Social Animal: The Hidden Sources of Love, Character, and Virtue, led by Jacqui DeVries.

Tuesday, April 24, 4:15-6:00 pm, Marshall Room – Leadership Series: "Innovating: Facilitating Social Change" (Paul Pribbenow)

*-These are continuing book groups, no longer open to new participants.

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Well-Being Series

CTL sponsors a series focused on well-being. It includes a broad look at well-being based on Rath & Harter's book Well-Being: The Five Essential Elements. It consists of the following remaining session:

Friday, April 13, 12:00-1:30 pm, Augsburg Room – Community Well-Being (Andrea Turner)

If you would like to participate in these sessions, please contact Sarah Hedstrom (

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New Course Fall 2012: Environmental Science

Looking for fulfill your lab science course for Core Curriculum requirements? Consider taking ENV 120: Introduction to Environmental Science. This is a NEW course being offered Fall 2012. ENV 120 serves as introduction to the systematic study of the environment from physical, biological, chemical, and quantitative perspectives.

Satisfactory completion of this course satisfies a Liberal Arts Foundation requirement in the Natural Sciences and Mathematics.

ENV 120 is offered MWF 2:30 - 3:30 PM with a lab Tuesdays 1:30 - 4:30 PM.

Questions? Contact Prof John Zobitz (

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AIS Classes for Fall

Fall Semester 2012

AIS 105-Introduction to American Indian studies Tu/Th 9:40-11:10 Marubbio
Designed to introduce students to the content areas of the American Indian Studies curriculum, this course includes an overview of American Indian history, federal Indian policy, land issues, reservation and urban issues, cross-cultural influences, and American Indian literature, art, music, and language.(fulfills engaging MPLS)

AIS 264-American Indians in the Cinema Tu/Th 1:30-3 Buffalohead
Indians in the Cinema surveys various images of American Indians created by Hollywood and television. Focusing on films from the 1910s to the present, the course provides an understanding of how American Indians were portrayed in film historically, how this image has evolved over the past century, and how it is reflective of Western cultural and racial ideologies.

REL 370- American Indian Spirituality W 6-9 Jacobson
Religious beliefs, spiritual customs, and philosophy of North American Indians are studied. Tribal similarities and differences are explored as are tribal relationships with nature, religious oversight of life cycles, sacred ritual ceremonies, and beliefs in an afterlife. (fulfills writing skills req.)

ENL 255-American Indian Literature Tu/Th 1:30-3 Marubbio
American Indian literature offers a survey of contemporary American Indian writing, including non-fiction, fiction, poetry, and drama. The course explores the richness and diversity of American Indian literature, and the ways in which literature reflects and illuminates American Indian culture and traditions. The course emphasizes close readings of literature and public speaking skills through in-class presentation and small group discussion.(fulfills speaking skills req.)

OJB 111-Beginning Ojibwe MW 6:30-9:15 Greschyk
An introduction to the language and culture of the Ojibwe (Chippewa). Emphasis is on vocabulary, reading, writing, and conversational skills. Classroom practice will include linguistic patterns and oral interaction.

HIS 236-American Indian History MWF 11-12 Buffalohead
A study of the native people of North America from the pre-Columbian period through European exploration and settlement to the present, emphasizing American Indian contributions to world culture, tribal structure, and inter-governmental relations.

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The Jessica Nathanson Scholarly Writing Retreat

The third annual Scholarly Writing Retreat will be held at Dunrovin Retreat Center near Marine on St. Croix from 10:00 am on Tuesday, May 29 to 1:00 pm on Thursday, May 31. Initiated by Jessica Nathanson, the retreat gives scholars time and space to work on scholarship, undistracted by meetings, classes, or even children and family responsibilities. Some come to plan an approach to a new project to be completed over the summer; others use it as an opportunity to finish articles they have been working on during the year. Those interested in participating should contact Sarah Hedstrom ( Registrants are accepted on a first come-first serve basis.

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Leadership Series

This series is designed for all campus leaders, and is offered on Tuesdays. It includes the following spring sessions:

April 24, Marshall, 4:15-6:00 – Innovating: Facilitating Social Change (Paul Pribbenow)

For more information, please contact Velma Lashbrook ( To rsvp for this series, please contact Sarah Hedstrom (

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General Announcements

Bike Share Program Up and Running

The Augsburg Bike Share Program has 5 newly refurbished bikes out in front of the Lindell Library, available for anyone with an Augsburg ID to check out for 24 hrs. at no charge (with U-lock and helmets too). Take advantage of our early spring, avoid the traffic mess & hassle of parking, and check out one of these classy rides. The program is funded and supported by the Environmental Stewardship Committee and Re-Cycle Bike Shop.

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On-Campus Housing Available

There are 2 bedrooms, 4 people apartments available in Mortensen Hall and Anderson Hall. If you would like to get on-campus housing for 2012-2013 or would like more information, please contact Cyndy Rowe at or (612) 330 - 1488.

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Summer and Fall Book Orders

Summer and Fall book orders are due April 13th - Please email me asap with what you will need! All professors who turn in on time will be entered into a drawing for a Nook Tablet!

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Chronicle Great Colleges Survey Ends this Week

The 2012 Chronicle of Higher Education Great Colleges to Work For program survey ends this FRIDAY, April 13. Don't miss your opportunity to give feedback!

Our participation this year will allow us to compare our results from 2010 to 2012. Responses to the survey will be completely anonymous. The College will receive a summary report of our results, which we will share with the entire college community.

Only full-time faculty, exempt staff, and administrators at 1.0 FTE received an invitation to participate in this survey. To ensure ALL employees have the opportunity to give feedback to the College, part-time faculty and staff and full-time hourly staff will receive invitations to a similar survey shortly.

Please join us in our efforts to make Augsburg College a better place to work. Should you have any questions about the survey, please call Human Resources at 612-330-1058.

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Spanish Conversation this Thursday

Are you looking for a place to practice your Spanish? We've got just the thing for you - Spanish conversation group! Take a break and relax with us.

This Thursday the Spanish Conversation group will meet in the Riverside Rm., 2nd fl. Christensen Center, from 11:00a.m. to 1:00p.m. Look for our signs. All language levels are welcome to join us for laughs and interesting conversation as we practice speaking in a relaxed and friendly setting. Drop in at any time and stay for as long as you like. We promise there will be no grammar lessons! You are welcome to bring your lunch. If you have any questions, contact Emiliano Chagil, ext. 1309; Anita Fisher, ext. 1082 or Kate Reinhardt, ext. 1081. We hope to see you there!

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Multiply the Good with Rotary Roses

One simple action can do good two times when you buy Rotary Roses.

First, your purchase goes to support a range of local charities including:
--ALMAS, a Henry Sibley High School youth group for Chicano/Latino(a) students.
--Neighbors Inc., an emergency food shelf experiencing record-high demand.
--Guild Inc., an organization that provides emergency shelter for homeless individuals with mental illness, as well as a broad range of other supports.

Second, roses are delivered April 25 (Administrative Professionals Day). Buy a dozen roses, give them to a colleague, and voila. You've done good twice with one action!

Roses are available in red or "lollipop," a mix of pastels. The cost is $15/dozen. Orders can be emailed to Steff Weiss (, and payment in advance is requested.

The deadline to order is April 18, and delivery will be made April 25.

Thanks for your support!

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Faculty Needing Cap & Gown?

Faculty needing Cap and Gown - please email me asap! I will not be able to take any orders after Thursday!

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Lost Car Key

Lost car key with white Richfield-Bloomington Honda key ring and additional key--in vicinity of or in Melby-Kennedy. If you find it, please notify Garry Hesser, x1664 or Campus Box 83. $10 reward and thanks.

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Take the Campus Transportation Survey Today

The Augsburg Environmental Stewardship Committee is conducting a survey of transportation choices made by campus commuters. All faculty, staff and students are encouraged to respond to the brief survey at:

Completing the survey will take only a few minutes, and all responses will be kept anonymous, so please be as accurate as possible. This survey will allow us to update our information on transportation to and from campus in 2011, and will be used to help calculate our greenhouse gas emissions inventory.

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Explore the World through Film

Interested in world travel without the expense? From April 12th –May 3rd you can explore many destinations and cultures just by going to St. Anthony Main Theatre for the Minneapolis St. Paul International Film Festival. The program of this exciting three-week celebration of independent filmmaking from around the globe will include some 250 documentary, narrative, and short films from more than 60 countries, visits from numerous international filmmakers and celebrities, and a host of gala events, parties, and receptions. Here you can read the sneak peek by Chris Hewitt of the Pioneer Press:

For more information go to: Explore and enjoy!

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Be the Match on Campus TODAY

The Center for Counseling & Health Promotion welcomes Be The Match®, which is operated by the National Marrow Donor Program back to Augsburg. Be The Match will be in Christensen Center Wednesday, April 11 from 10 am to 2:30 pm to give Auggies the opportunity to join the Be The Match RegistrySM. You could be the one to save the life of a patient in desperate need, so please consider joining!

To make your experience as easy as possible, please:
1. Review the requirements to confirm that you are eligible to join.
2. Bring your driver's license to the drive.
3. Bring the names, phone numbers, mailing addresses and e-mail addresses of two family members or friends who do not live with you nor live with each other. The NMDP will contact these people only if you are identified as a potential match for a patient and we cannot reach you. In other words, we will not solicit to the two people you list on your registration form.

To join the Be The Match RegistrySM, all you need is to:

Be between the ages of 18 and 60.
Be willing to help any patient in need.
Meet health requirements. These conditions would prevent you from joining the Registry:
o Most heart diseases or cancer
o HIV or risk for HIV
o Chronic lung diseases
o Diabetes requiring insulin or diabetes-related health issues (such as kidney, heart, or eye disease)
o Autoimmune/neurological disorders such as lupus, rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis
o HIV, or at risk for HIV
o Hepatitis, or at risk for hepatitis
o Diseases affecting blood clotting or bleeding
o Being an organ or marrow transplant recipient
o Significant obesity
o Current sleep apnea
o Recent back surgery, or severe or ongoing back problems

Please consider making a donation to help offset the expense of adding new donors to the national Be The Match Registry, the cost of which is about $100 per person. Your donation is tax-deductible and 100% of it will be applied to adding new donors to the registry.

If you have any questions or concerns, especially about the health requirements, please feel free to contact the CCHP office at 612-330-1707. We will connect you with the Be The Match rep, Kristine Reed
612.616.6534. If for some reason you are unable to join, please consider making a financial contribution to help cover the cost of those who can.

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Augsburg Associates Sale - April 13 & 14

HELP SPREAD THE WORD!! The Augsburg Associates will be facilitating a moving sale for Augustana Lutheran Church located at 704 11th Avenue South, Minneapolis. Imagine what kinds of things a beautiful old church would accumulate and that's what's being sold. Please tell your churches, your friends with small businesses and anyone who you think might be interested. Word of mouth is what the Associates are counting on for the success of this sale.

Here is a partial listing of items available:
Book racks – Wood & Metal bookcases – Books
Computer tables – desks and workstations
File cabinets – Office Supplies
Chalk and Cork boards
Upholstered couches & Hide-a-bed – Loveseats & Chairs
Side chairs – Desk, table and floor lamps – end tables
Drapes – Wall Art
Pianos – Baby Grand Piano
Choir Robes – Choir Anthem (sheet music)
Fabric – Costumes – Costume fabric – sewing machines
Christmas trees – Christmas decorations
Tools and Misc Work Shop items – garden tools, rakes, lawn mower, snow blower

Open to the Public on Friday, April 13th 9 am to 5 pm and Saturday, April 14th 9 am to 3 pm. All proceeds go to provide scholarships to Augsburg students.

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Women's Night Out-April 21

Women's Night Out
Saturday, April 21
Brian Coyle Community Center

Food, Somali music, dancing, poetry.
Child care provided.
No charge!
Women only!

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Exploring Culture: The House on Mango Street

Explore culture and language outside of Augsburg with the play, "A House on Mango Street". This heart-warming family play based on Sandra Cisnero's award winning novel, The House on Mango Street, is sure to delight young and old alike. In a series of adventures, a young Mexican-American girl named Esperanza brings us into her world as she becomes conscious of the dangers and contradictions of being a young woman growing up in "El Barrio". This play is being performed by Teatro del Pueblo, Apr. 13th -28th at the Southern Theater. For more information go to:

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Go-To-College Pass for All Augsburg Students

Augsburg for Adult and graduate program students at Augsburg are now officially eligible to purchase the GO-TO-COLLEGE passes at the Enrollment Center service counters in Sverdrup 100. Passes are good for a whole semester and cost only $150 for any student with a current college ID. College passes can save students over $109 compared to the cost of commuting to campus 5 times a week over a semester. Passes can be used on bus or light rail, twenty four hours a day, 7 days a week.

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Event Announcements

Free Cooking Class Tonight

If you are free tonight come on out to the free cooking class, Sponsored by the Thrivent Financial Fellows! Tonight we will be cooking Enchiladas and Red Rice! Come on out and make some food to take home and the rest of the food will be taken to the Brian Coyle Community Center and will be served at the After School Program!

You will get a free t-shirt if it is your first time and you will get your name entered to win a free I-Pad at the end of the semester!

See you tonight!!

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Vocation Brown Bag with Garry Hesser

Missed Garry Hesser's vocation lunch presentation on April 2nd? Or just want to hear more? You can have a second chance!

Garry has graciously agreed to host a brown bag for those who would like to watch the video of the original event, hear some of the stories he had to leave out in the interest of time, ask questions, and reflect on what it means to be "invited in."

Here are the details:

Brown Bag with Garry Hesser
Tuesday, April 17
Noon – 1 pm
Marshall Room
(Please feel free to bring your own lunch or beverage.)

Join us for another delightful opportunity to hear from one of Augsburg's treasured community members!

If you have questions, please contact Diane Glorvigen at

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Sverdrup Visiting Scientist Program, April 16-17

Sverdrup Lecture – 7:30 p.m. Monday, April 16, Hoversten Chapel

Title: MESSENGER at Mercury: Solving the riddles of the innermost planet in our solar system

Abstract: Because the planet Mercury is so much closer to the Sun than the Earth it is hard to observe with telescopes and difficult to reach with spacecraft, and is the least explored of the terrestrial planets. On 18 March 2011 NASA's MErcury Surface, Space ENvironment, GEochemistry, and Ranging (MESSENGER) spacecraft became the first ever to orbit Mercury. After overcoming numerous challenges and a journey of nearly 5 billion miles, MESSENGER trained its cameras and other instruments on the planet and revealed immense lava flows that would cover half of the United States, landscapes littered with hollowed depressions each the size of a small city, and evidence for bombardment of the surface by furious blasts of charged particles.

Sverdrup Student Convocation – 11:00 a.m. Tuesday, April 17, Hoversten Chapel

Title: Exploration as a Moral Imperative
Abstract: Humankind is inquisitive by nature and this impulse has played a critical role in technical advances throughout our history as a species from the development of agrarian societies to the Renaissance, the industrial revolution, and the explosion of formal scientific inquiry. Should we understand this capacity as something more than an accidental trait that gives humans a competitive advantage? Does the health of civilization depend on communal enterprises of creativity and discovery? Does the religious understanding of creation and life as more than incidental imply a moral imperative to create and explore?

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Why Marriage Matters, April 12, 4 p.m. East Commons

Minnesota voters are being asked to mend our constitution to ban marriage for same-sex couples. In 2012, Minnesota will vote "NO" on this anti family ballot question. Join Omicron Delta social work honors society, Campus Ministries, QSU, MPIRG, MN United for all families, and Outfront MN in taking a stand and learning how to help defeat this amendment.

The event is Thursday, April 12 in the East Commons, 4pm.

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Lindell Library Celebrates National Library Week

It's National Library Week! 'Like' Lindell Library on Facebook and take part in our scavenger hunt and drawing to help us celebrate! Check our Facebook page for daily postings and find out how to join the fun. You may win a prize! The contest is open to currently enrolled Auggie students. Library employees are ineligible. Find us here .

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Zyzzogeton Poster Session-TOMORROW

Please join us for the Zyzzogeton Poster Session this Thursday, April 12 from 3-5 p.m. in the Oren Gateway Center Lobby.

The poster session celebrates the research and creative activity being carried out on campus. Come and talk to fellow students from various discipline about their research and enjoy the nacho bar.

If you'd like a free t-shirt stop by the URGO office in SCI116!

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Employers on Campus to Visit with Students TODAY

Employers On Campus - To Give YOU tips on your resume and the job and internship search - Wednesday, April 11, 2012 from 3:00-7:00 p.m. located in the Marshall Room, Christensen Center

Drop by and stay for as long as you would like. No appointment necessary! Casual dress. Bring a copy of your resume or ask employers for job and internship tips. Door Prizes - Put your name into a drawing to win a Kindle Touch, tickets to see Hairspray at the Chanhassen Dinner Theatres, and more...

Sponsored by: Strommen Career and Internship Center x 1472

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Keeping Track of Auggies

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Auggie Athletics

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Support Me in the Be the Match 5K

I am participating in the Be the Match bone marrow registry 5K run on May 19. I am proud to be in the registry and am delighted to have the opportunity to help the registry further. Please visit my Be the Match Run web page and consider a small donation. Thanks for your consideration.

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Twins Tickets - Tonight and Friday

I have 4 Twins tickets available for tonight's game against the Angels, and 6 tickets for Friday's game against the Rangers. They are my season tickets that I just can't use. All tickets are in Section 130, Row 4. Only 4 rows from the field! Will sell for $20 each (below face value).

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Student Worker Needed

Academic Skills Office Student Assistant/Tutoring Support

The primary focus for this position will be to assist in the day-to-day needs for our tutoring program while also providing front desk coverage for the Gage Center. This will include undergoing training for tutoring services with the hope that this student will eventually assist the Coordinator for Tutoring and Supplemental Instruction.

Please check HR's website for a full description and to apply online

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