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Security and Facilities Announcements
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Teaching and Learning
Safe Space Training at Augsburg
Fearless-Leaders Conference for Student Orgs
General Announcements
Weekly Update
Yoga and Tai Chi TODAY
Intramural Flag Football Deadline Is Here
URGO Seeking Student Fulbright Applicants
Need Help with College Policy?
Last Week to Register: LSAT Prep
Augsburg for Adults Refunds Available Friday
Augsburg for Adults - Join Us for Quest 24
Faculty/Staff Fitness/Wellness
Last Day to Register for Associates Luncheon
Women's Resource Center Open House, Thursday 2 - 4 p.m.
Music Lesson Charges
Monty Python's Terry Jones to Speak on Campus
Come Braai (BBQ) S. African Style on Sept. 24
Community Opportunity Fair!
QSU Meeting Tonight
Can You See Yourself Hosting a Radio Show?
Dr. Peter Agre '70 in Chapel Tomorrow, Lunch Full
Track of Auggies
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Auggie Athletics Update
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Discussions in the AugNet Forums...
(Forum access is currently limited to Augsburg faculty and staff.)
Be informed on lesbian, gay, bi, trans, questioning, intersex, and asexual issues as well as learn how to be supportive of individuals in the LGBTQIA community.
The Fearless-Leaders Conference for student organizations is fast approaching!
Message: Yoga and tai chi instruction will be starting up today. Yoga will be held from noon - 1 p.m. in the Marshall Room of Christensen Center, and tai chi will be held from 5 - 6 p.m. in the Century Room. Both are free and any interested students, staff or faculty may attend. Wear comfortable clothing and feel free to bring your mat for yoga. Any questions, please contact the CCHP office at 612-330-1707. Hope you can join us.
Message: Today at 6 p.m., all completed rosters need to be turned in downstairs in the Kennedy Center next to the bulletin board. If this is not possible, or you have any questions or concerns regarding this issue, please contact me at hersch@augsburg.edu as soon as possible. Look forward to seeing you on the field!
The U.S. Student Fulbright Program is designed to give recent B.S./B.A. graduates, masters and doctoral candidates, and young professionals and artists opportunities for personal development and international experience. Most grantees plan their own 1-year programs. Projects may include university coursework, independent library or field research, classes in a music conservatory or art school, special projects in the social or life sciences, or a combination. Recent projects have involved cancer research in the UK, free market development in Mauritius, womens rights in Chile and contemporary artistic expression in India. In addition to the project grants, Fulbright also funds English Teaching Assistantships in a number of countries. There are also opportunities for study and private-sector internships for students interested in business.
Have a question about college policy? Need helping advocating for yourself? Want to know where to find information about a particular issue on campus?
The Office of Undergraduate Research and Graduate Opportunity (URGO) is hosting LSAT Prep on campus this fall. The cost for current students is $100 and $150 for Augsburg alums (or others), which includes the cost of a 2007 test prep book.
Financial aid credit refunds for Augsburg for Adults (undergraduate weekend, evening, Nursing, Rochester, and graduate programs) will be available this Friday, Sept. 21 after 1 p.m. in the Enrollment Center. Checks can also be picked up on Saturday from 8 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Refunds for Rochester students (undergrad and grad) will be mailed Friday. All other checks not picked up Friday or Saturday will be mailed Monday.
WEC and graduate students are invited to register for Quest 24, a 24-hour retreat to explore gifts, work-life balance, and vocation. The retreat is Sept. 29-30. We will travel to the Mount Olivet Retreat Center in Farmington.
Message: Want to start working out, curious how to get a locker, or wondering where you can shower? Come and get your fitness questions answered. There will be an informal non-workout session at noon on Tuesday in the conference room on the 3rd level of the Kennedy Center. You will have the opportunity to sign up for a workout mini-session at this time.
The annual Augsburg Associates Fall Luncheon takes place this year on Wednesday, Sept. 26 at the Town and Country Club in Minneapolis.
Please join us this Thursday from 2 - 4 p.m. as we kick off the new semester! We'd love to tell you about our plans for the fall, which include two weekly, evening events for students and the return of our bimonthly potluck lunches. Stop by for refreshments and conversation. I hope to see you then!
Message: First-year students expecting to receive music lessons at no charge will see the charge reversed on their account activity in AugNet (and on next month's statement). We will reverse charges once we receive a list from the Music Department.
Monty Python's Terry Jones will be presenting Medieval Lives on Friday, Oct. 5, at 7 p.m., in Hoversten Chapel.
Message: Interested in how South Africans and Namibians braai? Thanks to CGE, Augsburg Study Abroad and Pan-African Student Services, Augsburg will be celebrating South African National Braai Day on Monday, Sept. 24 in Murphy Park. There will be soda and barbecued meat provided, and remember to roll up your sleeves -- we're eating South-African style!
Message: Hey everyone! The first QSU meeting of the year is finally here! Tuesday (tonight) at 8 p.m. in the Auggie's Nest (basement of Christensen) is where we will gather, and we have some leftover cookies and candy and sodas for you to enjoy. So come to our informational meeting that'll give you the info on what QSU is up to for this year. Hope to see you there!
Message: KAUG: Augsburg College Radio, will be having an informational meeting tonight, Tuesday, Sept. 18, for anyone who is interested in getting on or helping out with Augsburg's #1 radio station. The meeting will take place in the Coffee Shop in Christensen Center at 7 p.m. If you have any questions, or are interested and cannot attend the meeting, contact kaug@augsburg.edu Rumor has it there may be some pizza at this meeting...
Augsburg College is launching the Vocatio Chapel Series tomorrow with Nobel Prize laureate and alumnus, Dr. Peter Agre. Dr. Agre will begin a year-long chapel series that focuses on the theme Science as Vocation. Dr. Agre will speak about his calling to work in the field of chemistry.
Auggie Athletics Update
Auggie Athletics Update (click on link for story/stats):
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