Convocation Schedule for 2007-08
Wayne Kallestad, Registrar, Registrar's Office
We are now scheduled for three convocations for the Fall term during the day-school hours, plus the Homecoming Celebration Oct. 12 and five for Spring term including an Augsburg for Adults Convocation on the main campus Saturday, Feb. 16 and a Rochester Convocation in mid-May 2008.
Fall term:
Sept. 25, Tuesday Anger, Sadness and Joy in the Psalms, Rolf Jacobson
This convocation is scheduled for 11:00 a.m., the following schedule will be used:
1st Period 8:00-9:20
2nd Period 9:30-10:50
Convocation 11:00-12:00
3rd Period 12:10-1:20
Afternoon classes follow regular schedule
Oct. 12, Friday Homecoming Celebration
This convocation is scheduled for 10:00 a.m., the following schedule will be used:
1st Period 8:00-8:50
2nd Period 9:00-9:50
Convocation 10:00-11:00
3rd Period 11:10-12:00
Remaining classes follow regular schedule
Oct. 17, Wednesday Humanities and Fine Arts, Peter Bisanz
This convocation is scheduled for 10:00 a.m., the following schedule will be used:
1st Period 8:00-8:50
2nd Period 9:00-9:50
Convocation 10:00-11:00
3rd Period 11:10-12:00
Remaining classes follow regular schedule
Nov. 14, Wednesday Jane Fonda
This convocation is scheduled for 10:00 a.m., the following schedule will be used:
1st Period 8:00-8:50
2nd Period 9:00-9:50
Convocation 10:00-11:00
3rd Period 11:10-12:00
Remaining classes follow regular schedule
Spring term:
Jan. 21, Monday, Martin Luther King Convocation scheduled for 1pm; this is a day of no classes.; Michael Thelwelll (Confirmed)
Feb. 15, Friday Worry, Ned Hallowell
This convocation is scheduled for 10:00am, the following schedule will be used:
1st Period 8:00-8:50
2nd Period 9:00-9:50
Convocation 10:00-11:00
3rd Period 11:10-12:00
Remaining classes follow regular schedule
Feb. 16, Saturday Worry, Ned Hallowell
This convocation is scheduled for 11:45 a.m. 1:30 p.m. The following schedule will be used:
Morning class 8:00 11:30 a.m.
Afternoon class 1:40 5:00 p.m.
Feb. 29, Friday Batalden Convocation, Robin Lovin, Dean, Southern Methodist University
This convocation is scheduled for 10:00 a.m., the following schedule will be used:
1st Period 8:00-8:50
2nd Period 9:00-9:50
Convocation 10:00-11:00
3rd Period 11:10-12:00
Remaining classes follow regular schedule
Apr. 15, Tuesday Sverdrup Convocation
This convocation is scheduled as a luncheon and will not impact the class schedule.
Mid-May 2008 The Rochester Convocation, date to be determined
This convocation is scheduled as an evening event.
Join the Model United Nations Team!
Laura C Olsen, Student
Are you interested in international politics? Do you want to learn more about the world and the United Nations? If yes, check out the Model United Nations Team. The team attends two simulations of the United Nations each year. The first will be Nov. 17-21, 2007 in Chicago, IL, and the second will be Mar. 16-23, 2008 (Spring Break) in New York City. All interested students need fill out a short application by this Friday, Sept. 21. Applications as well as information about our trips can be found on Moodle under Model United Nations. To gain access to the application, please contact Laura Olsen at or Joseph Underhill at
Contemporary Worship with REVIVE is back
Joanna Flaten, Student
Come Join REVIVE for Contemporary Worship this Thursday at 9 p.m. in the Sateren Auditorium!
Questions? Contact:
URGO Seeking Student Fulbright Applicants
Dixie Shafer, Director, Office for Undergraduate Research and Graduate Opportunity
The U.S. Student Fulbright Program is designed to give recent B.S./B.A. graduates, masters and doctoral candidates, and young professionals and artists opportunities for personal development and international experience. Most grantees plan their own 1-year programs. Projects may include university coursework, independent library or field research, classes in a music conservatory or art school, special projects in the social or life sciences, or a combination. Recent projects have involved cancer research in the UK, free market development in Mauritius, womens rights in Chile and contemporary artistic expression in India. In addition to the project grants, Fulbright also funds English Teaching Assistantships in a number of countries. There are also opportunities for study and private-sector internships for students interested in business.
Currently, the U.S. Student Program awards approximately 1,000 grants annually and operates in over 140 countries worldwide.
Interested candidates should contact Dixie Shafer, Director of Undergraduate Research and Graduate Opportunity, who will walk them through the application process. Applicants are encouraged to work closely with a faculty member to determine country of interest and to develop the research proposal. A committee of faculty members will interview all applicants in early October. Students who want to learn more about Fulbright opportunities and have not yet decided to make application are also encouraged to contact Dixie Shafer.
U.S. Citizenship
B.A. degree before the beginning date of the grant
A minimum GPA of 3.3
A quality project proposal
Faculty are asked to forward names of potential candidates (current juniors or seniors) before Sept. 22 to:
Dixie Shafer, URGO
Campus Box 9
Walk-up Advising at the Enrollment Center
Jennifer L Hellie, Academic Advisor, Academic Advising
Do you have an academic question and you dont know who to ask?
Academic Advising has daily walk-up advising hours in the Enrollment Center from 9 a.m. - noon (with a short break for chapel) and 1 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. Walk-up advising is the perfect place to ask a quick question, pick up a major checklist or college catalog, get a major declaration form or drop and add registrations. Come see us and start your year off right!
For more in depth academic planning, degree audits or more complex academic issues you can also set up an appointment with an academic adviser by calling 612-330-1025 or email
Become an Augsburg Urban Partners Intern!
Heidi Lender, Career Specialist, Center for Service Work and Learning
Hello Work-Study Eligible Students!
I would like to invite you to apply to become an Augsburg Urban
Partners Intern! This PAID internship and Student Leadership
Development Program allows you to work at a local community partner,gain experience, develop your leadership skills, and utilize your
off-campus work-study dollars! This is an opportunity that DOES NOT
need to be taken for credit, but it can be used that way if you wish
to do that. It may also fulfill your requirement for The Augsburg
Applications can be picked up in the Center for Service, Work, and
Learning located in the LL of Anderson Hall. Just ask the receptionist,
or contact Heidi Lender with questions - 612-330-1762, DEADLINE TO APPLY: Sept. 24!
Women's Resource Center Open House, 2 - 4 p.m. Thursday
Jessica Nathanson, Director, Women's Resource Center, Women's Studies
Please join us tomorrow (Thursday) from 2 - 4 p.m. as we kick off the new semester! We'd love to tell you about our plans for the fall, which include two weekly, evening events for students and the return of our bimonthly potluck lunches. Stop by for refreshments and conversation. I hope to see you then!
The Women's Resource Center is located in 207 Sverdrup, and all members of the Augsburg community are welcome.
FAIR Today in Christensen
Mary Laurel True, Associate Director, Center for Service Work and Learning
Stop by......
Students, faculty and staff:
Come find out about all of the wonderful opportunities available for getting involved with our community partners. Opportunities abound for volunteering, internships, service-learning experiences and special projects.
Christensen-Old Book store space
Wednesday, Sept. 19
11 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Some of the organizations that will be present are:
The Campus Kitchen
Little Brothers Friend of the Elderly
Our Saviour's Housing
Seward Montessori School
Family Opportunities for Living Collaborative
Common Bond Communities
The Bedlam Theatre
Golden Eagle's Program
St. Martin's Table
Longfellow School
Faith in the City
Fowell Middle School
La Conexion
Friends of the Mississippi
Project for Pride in Living
West Bank School of Music
English Learning Center
And more....
*For more information, please contact Mary Laurel True, Center for Service, Work and Learning, 612-330-1775 or
Hispanic Heritage Month, Sept. 15 - Oct. 15
Emiliano Chagil, Director, Hispanic-Latino Student Services
Hispanic Heritage Month
Article no. 2
In 1968, Congress authorized President Lyndon B. Johnson to proclaim a week in September as National Hispanic Week. The observance was expanded in 1988 to a month-long celebration, Sept. 15 - Oct. 15. During this month, North America celebrates the culture and traditions of U.S. citizens or residents who trace their roots to Spain, Mexico, Latin America and the Caribbean. Sept. 15 was chosen as the starting point for the celebration because it is the anniversary of independence of Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua. In addition, Mexico and Chile celebrate their independence days on Sept. 16 and 18 respectively.
In 2003 the estimated Hispanic population of the United States was 39.9 million; making people of Hispanic origin the nations largest race or ethnic minority. They constituted 13.7 percent of the nations total population. This report did not include 3.9 million residents of Puerto Rico. Inside this Americas largest minority the following percentages reflect the country of ancestry of dominant groups such as Mexicans that count for 58%, followed by Puerto Ricans 10%, Spaniards 5%, Cubans 5%, Dominican Republic 4%, U.S. born 4%, Salvadorans 2%, and all others 11%. According to 2005 reports the U.S. Hispanic population increased 17% to 41.3 million; it is projected to account for 46% of all U.S. population growth over the next 20 years. On the economic side in 2002 there were 1.6 million Hispanic-owned firms in the U.S., a 30% increase since 1997; and Hispanic workers sent home an estimated $30 billion according to a 2003 report.
In 2003, a Minnesota report says Hispanics live statewide and in concentrated metro areas such as the 29,175 living in Hennepin County or the 22,715 in Ramsey County. It reaffirms the booming Midwestern economy of the 1990s that attracted many new arrivals who were formerly drawn to other parts of the United States. Since Census 2000, the high immigration rates, accompanied by relatively higher birth rates than whites account for the Latino population growth of 15 percent. Latinos are now well established in urban, suburban and rural areas. With undocumented refugees and immigrants the total population is estimated larger de 200,000. Projected growth trends estimate that Minnesota's Latino population growth will increase by 248% through year 2025.
Terminology What should I say? Terms like Latino, Hispanic and Chicano are worth remembering. For example: Latino refers to American-traced heritage, such as from Latin America. Hispanic refers to heritage that can be traced back to Spain; the majority of them in the U.S. however, prefer to be called Hispanic. Chicano refers to residents of the United States who are of Mexican descent, with many also tracing their heritage to Spain, Native American cultures and the Aztec civilization. In upcoming article no. 3 will feature the most recent Hispanic/Latino population growth and its impact in rural and small-town America, according to U.S. Census Bureau 2007.
For more information call the Hispanic/Latino Student Services or Emiliano at x1309 or Happy Hispanic Heritage Month!
Paper Due Soon? Visit the Writing Lab
Kathryn Swanson, Professor, English
The Augsburg College Writing Lab is now open for fall semester. Located on the ground floor of Lindell Library (left of the circulation desk), the lab provides one-on-one tutoring for writing any paper in any discipline in the College. Hours are as follows (no appointments are necessary):
Mondays: 6:30 - 9 PM
Tuesdays: 3 - 5:30 PM and 7:30 - 10 PM
Wednesdays: 3-5 PM and 6:30 - 9 PM
Thursdays: 3 - 5:30 PM
Sundays: 5:30 - 8 PM
Public Policy & International Affairs Opportunity
Eric Addington, Financial Aid Counselor, Enrollment Center
The Public Policy & International Affairs (PPIA) Fellowship Program at
the University of California, Berkeley is accepting applications for
summer of 2008.
Program Information
The Public Policy and International Affairs (PPIA) Junior Summer
Institute is an intensive seven week academic training program for
college juniors. The summer institute prepares undergraduate students
for graduate studies in public policy, law and/or international affairs.
Participants complete course work in economics, statistics, and policy
analysis; and visit local, state and federal government agencies and non
profit organizations. Each year we select thirty students to participate
in the program from across the country. This summer, 10 slots will
again be allocated to students interested in pursuing joint degrees in
law and public policy. In addition to learning the fundamentals of
policy analysis, UCPPIA Law Fellows will be exposed to the skills
necessary to gain entry to and succeed at a top law school. This
program is launched in conjunction with UC Berkeley School of Law.
Students selected to participate receive:
* Assistance with travel expenses to and from the Summer Institute
* $1000 Stipend
* Free room and board
* Free books and materials
* Free GRE or LSAT course
* A minimum $5000 fellowship from a consortium graduate school where the PPIA fellow is accepted
* Be eligible for paid internships and other professional development
-Applicants must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents
-Applicants must apply during their junior year of college
-Applicants must have a demonstrated interest in policy issues most
affecting historically underserved communities, including African
Americans, Asian Americans/South Asians, Native Americans, Pacific
Islanders, Latinos/as and a commitment to working on these issues, as
shown by past and/or current service.
The application deadline is November 1, 2007.
For more information and to apply, please visit our website at:
Please contact Xuan Quach, UCPPIA Director, via email at or by telephone at (510) 643-8561 if you have any questions.
Enrollment Center Closed for Symposium
Wendi R Wheeler, Associate Director, Enrollment Services, Enrollment Center
The Enrollment Center will be closed for the Christensen Symposium on Tuesday, Sept. 25 from 11:00 a.m. to noon. We hope you will attend the lecture with us!
As a reminder, we are now closed daily during chapel services. Thank you for allowing our staff to attend.
Kasidy Moore with Ethnic Student Services
Emiliano Chagil, Director, Hispanic-Latino Student Services
Dear Augsburg Community,
The Directors of the Ethnic Student Services are very pleased to announce the addition of Kasidy Moore as the new Administrative Assistant for the four programs located in Murphy Place. In May 2007, Kasidy graduated from Augsburg with a B.A. in Business Administration: Concentration in Music. As a student she was the program assistant for the Pan-Afrikan Center and an office assistant in the Center for Service Work and Learning. In addition to great administrative skills, she can sing too. This week is Kasidys first week as a staff member of our community so please stop by to visit-catch up with her or let us make her feel at home. She can be reached at x1663 or Thanks!