Public Safety and Facilities Announcements
Teaching and Learning
General Announcements
Event Announcements
Keeping Track of Auggies
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Auggie Athletics
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Public Safety and Facilities Announcements
Annual Fire Alarm and Sprinkler Testing
Summit Fire will be on campus the week of November 9th-13th. Clarification of dates and times per building will come later this week. If you have any immediate questions or concerns please contact Bryan with facilities at or 612-280-7447.
Teaching and Learning
TODAY: AugStories at 10:30am in OGC 100
Come and hear from three of your esteemed colleagues about their journey in becoming a faculty member in our Augsburg College community!
The panel will feature Darcey Engen from Theater, Nishesh Chalise from Social Work, and Dean Seal from Religion.
Monday, November 2, from 10:30-11:30 a.m. in OGC 100. Come have a cup of coffee and join us!
Sponsored by the Center for Teaching and Learning.
Papers Due? The WL Tutors Can Help
Be sure to find the Augsburg Writing Lab! The marvelous writing tutors at the Augsburg Writing Lab work with all Augsburg students on any writing task -- papers, reports, applications, personal statements, resumes, etc. The WL is located on the street level of Lindell Library, just left of the circulation desk. No appointments are taken; just come with ideas, drafts (in hard copy), assignments. Each year the tutors conduct about 2,000 sessions with Augsburg grad and undergrad students and are keeping very busy this fall, as well!
Here are the hours for fall semester:
Mondays: 11:10 - 1:40 and 6:30 - 9:30 PM
Tuesdays: 12:30 - 3:00; 3:30 - 6:00; and 7:30 - 10 PM
Wednesdays: 3:30 - 6:00 and 6:30 - 9:00 PM
Thursdays: 12:30 - 3:00; 3:30 - 6:00 and 7:30 - 10:00 PM
Fridays: 4:30 - 7:00 PM
Sundays: 5:00 - 8:00 PM
Questions? Contact K. Swanson, English professor (
Do Research. Get Paid. Make Friends. Summer 2016
Come learn about the multiple paid summer research opportunities available here on campus through the Office of Undergraduate Research and Graduate Opportunity (URGO) at our upcoming information sessions!
URGO Summer Research Information Sessions:
Tuesday, November 17 @ 12:30 in Marshall Room
Wednesday, November 18 @ 2pm in Marshall Room
* All majors are encouraged to attend
* Hear from past summer researchers
* Get tips on the application
* Snacks will be provided
Questions? Please contact URGO at or 612-330-1446
Academic Year Research Grants Available
URGO Academic Year Research Grants are now available for undergraduate students who wish to gain research experience with an Augsburg faculty member. This is a great way to ease into research if you have never done it before, or to continue work on an existing project. Students from all disciplines are invited to apply, and past projects have ranged from biology lab work to theater performance. Contact a faculty member within your major to discover research in progress that you may be able to join. Alternatively, you can work collaboratively with a faculty member to develop a new project. Once you have a project in mind, work with your mentor to fill out the application found on our website: under "applications."
Grant winners may receive up to $1,200 for research supplies and/or a student stipend. Grants are awarded on a rolling basis, so do not hesitate to talk with a faculty member and get the ball rolling!
General Announcements
Help Us Recruit The 2016 Orientation Leaders
Attention Augsburg Faculty and Staff! Do you know of a student who you believe has what it takes to be a 2016 Orientation Leader!? If yes, please encourage them to apply! The application can be found on the Human Resources website ( and needs to be submitted by Tuesday, November 10 by noon. Any questions or concerns can be directed to or 612-330-1100. Thank you in advance for sending your best our way!
November - National Native American Heritage Month
The White House
Office of the Press Secretary
For Immediate Release October 30, 2015
Presidential Proclamation -- National Native American Heritage Month, 2015
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American Indians and Alaska Natives enrich every aspect of our country. As the first to live on this land, Native Americans and their traditions and values inspired -- and continue to inspire -- the ideals of self-governance and determination that are the framework of our Nation. This month, we recognize the contributions made by Native Americans since long before our founding, and we resolve to continue the work of strengthening government-to-government ties with tribal nations and expanding possibility for all.
Native Americans have helped make America what it is today. As we reflect on our history, we must acknowledge the unfortunate chapters of violence, discrimination, and deprivation that went on for far too long, as well as the effects of injustices that continue to be felt. While we cannot undo the pain and tragedy of the past, we can set out together to forge a brighter future of progress and hope across Indian Country and the entire American landscape.
Since I took office, I have worked with tribal leaders to write a new chapter in our nation-to-nation relationship. Ensuring young people have every opportunity to succeed is a critical aspect of our work together, and this year my Administration hosted the inaugural White House Tribal Youth Gathering following the launch of Generation Indigenous -- an initiative aimed at improving the lives of Native youth and empowering the next generation of Native leaders. We will also host the seventh White House Tribal Nations Conference later this year, bringing together leaders of 567 tribes to explore opportunities for progress, with a particular focus on young people. As part of our agenda for providing Native youth the chance to realize their fullest potential, I have engaged tribal communities in a range of critical areas, and we have worked together to boost high school graduation rates and afford young people more chances to pursue higher education, employment, and professional development opportunities. We're also working to expand access to health and counseling services essential to ensuring youth feel safe and heard.
My Administration has continued to partner with tribes to address vital gaps in resources for Indian Country, including equipping communities with broadband, rebuilding infrastructure, spurring economic growth, and increasing renewable energy. To confront the peril of a changing climate, we are also working with tribal leaders across America to develop effective approaches to protecting our communities from this grave threat. And because we know that fostering pride in the languages, traditions, and practices that make up the extraordinary richness of Native American culture is central to our shared progress, my Administration remains committed to ensuring every community feels connected to the extraordinary legacies they are a part of.
This month, let us reaffirm our responsibility to ensure each generation is defined by a greater sense of opportunity than the last, and let us pledge to maintain our strong relationship with tribal nations across America. By keeping this commitment, and by endeavoring to shape a future in which every citizen has the chance to build a life worthy of their hopes and dreams, we can ensure that ours is a country that is true to our spirit and to our enduring promise as a land where all things are possible for all people.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim November 2015 as National Native American Heritage Month. I call upon all Americans to commemorate this month with appropriate programs and activities, and to celebrate November 27, 2015, as Native American Heritage Day.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this thirtieth day of October, in the year of our Lord two thousand fifteen, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and fortieth.
Solar Umbrellas in the Quad
Charge your phones with the power of the sun!
Auggie solar umbrellas with attached charging stations now available in the quad.
Thanks, Facilities!
Professor Dave Conrad Publishes Second Book
Augsburg Associate Professor of Business, Dave Conrad, has just been notified that his second book, "Ask Dave Again: More Usable Answers to Business Questions" has been published by Heuristic Books and is available on Amazon. Building on Dave's first book, Ask Dave: Applicable Answers to Business Questions, He tackles real worker questions that are answered with implementable and focused advice. Dave offers reflection, analysis, and recommendations to the inquiries of organizational staff and management, who are just trying to do their best, get along, with others, have purpose in their life, and feel good about what they do. After all, isn't that what we all really want?
The book is based on Dave's newspaper column, which is read by over 100,000 readers. The column is a business Q & A format and has been successfully published for the last 6 years in Southern Minnesota. Dave offers sage (at least interesting and usable) advice to management, employee, leadership, and general business questions.
Open Enrollment Sessions
"Benefits open enrollment time is here again. This year open enrollment will be from November 9th-20th.
Below you will find the schedule for the information and enrollment help sessions.
Benefit Information Sessions:
· November 9* at 9:30 am (Christensen Center, Marshall Room) *Live *streaming at:
· November 12 at 3:30 pm (Oren Gateway Center, Room 201)
· November 17 at 2:45 pm (Christensen Center, Marshall Room)
Enrollment Help Sessions (Sverdrup Hall):
· November 13 at 8:00 am (SVE 204)
· November 18 at 4:00 pm (SVE 205)
Event Announcements
Donor to CGEE Recognized with Memorial Bench
On Saturday, November 7, the friends of Lois Swenson will be gathering at Augsburg College's library to remember Lois and donate a handcrafted, wooden bench to the college in her memory.
Augsburg College will also recognize Lois' generosity to higher education. Many people don't know that Lois left her estate to Augsburg so that seminary students will be financially supported in their study abroad through the Center for Global Education and Experience. "My experience living in Central America opened my eyes to the real world and changed my life. I would like to provide similar experiences to seminary students who will be in a position to further educate people."
You and your family are invited to join friends who knew Lois and attend this brief ceremony and reception.
Saturday, November 7, 2015
2:00 pm
Lindell Library, first floor
The handcrafted wooden bench will be placed in a public place so students and the entire community will learn about and be reminded of Lois' commitment and work for peace and justice. For more information, call Sherilyn Young, Donor Relations Coordinator at 6112-330-1462.
Christensen Vocation Lunch with Mary Laurel True
Augsburg faculty and staff: we invite you to join us at this year's Christensen Vocation Lunch with Mary Laurel True, Director of Community Engagement and Service-Learning. It will be held on Wednesday, November 12th, 2015 from 11:10 a.m. until 12:25 p.m.
Fun facts about Mary Laurel True
1) She is currently an Advisory Committee Member for the Sisterhood of the Traveling Scarf Boutique and for Mixed Blood Theatre, on the Board of Directors for the Cedar Cultural Center, and she is the President of 1300 on the Park Housing Coop.
2) She has won a number of different awards for her work, including two from Augsburg, the Woman of the Year Award in 2007 and the Outstanding Employee Recognition Award in 1997.
3) She has done a number of art exhibits, one of those being "Wearable Resistance" presented in the Christensen Gallery in 2005.
Learn more about her vocational journey at her presentation: A "True" Calling to this College and this Community.
We hope to see you there! Spaces are limited, so please make sure to register soon!
Questions? Contact Lonna Field at
Turkey Palooza
Campus Kitchen and Campus Ministry are joining up to share in the feast of Thanksgiving! Please donate any Thanksgiving food you can to help serve the Augsburg and greater Minneapolis community whom do not enjoy a yummy Thanksgiving meal. Donation box located by Einstein's Bros. in Christensen Center. Off-campus meal is at Ebenezer Towers on Friday, November 20 at 6pm. On-campus is Tuesday, November 24 5pm Urn/Mort Lobby.
Education Faculty Present on Institutional Change
The MN Association of Colleges of Teacher Education Fall Conference is Nov. 5, 2015 with a focus on institutional change.
Audrey Lensmire, assistant professor, Department of Education, is part of a featured workshop, entitled "Beyond Recruitment: Equity-Driven Institutional Change,"with colleagues Robbie Burnett, MN State University, Mankato; Misty Sato, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities; Taslima Khaled, Metropolitan State University; Audrey Lensmire, Augsburg College; Katherine Byrn, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities; Silvy Un, Saint Paul Public Schools.
Margaret Finders, Chair, Department of Education, is part of a panel entitled, "Building Power for Transformative Educational Policy Change"with colleagues Kristine Snyder, Minneapolis Community and Technical College; Molly Sullivan, Minneapolis Public Schools; Silvy Un, St. Paul Public School.
Daily Chapel at 10:40am: All Saints Day
Please join us for worship today at 10:40am for All Saint's Day Festival Worship. We will remember with thanksgiving those who have died this past year during the "Litany of the Saints." Guest Musician: Ray Makeever.
Tuesday, 11/3, 11:30am: Chillon Leach, Artist and Art Servant, leading us in a day of experiential expression of vocation and journey in Christ.
Wednesday, 11/4, 10:40am: Justin Daleiden '11, Young Adults in Global Mission
Thursday, 11/5, 11:00am: No Daily Chapel Center for Wellness & Counseling Convocation, Antony Stately
Friday, 11/6, at 10:40am: Pastor Mike Matson, Chaplain to Student Athletes, preaching
We Gather in Hoversten Chapel, Foss Center - Everyone is Welcome!
Heritage Day - November 12th
Augsburg's Heritage Day is a joint venture between the Christensen Center for Vocation, the Religion Department, and the Office of the President. Join us on Thursday, November 12 from 4:45 p.m. - 7 p.m. in the Marshall Room.
This year's Heritage Day will feature presentations by two Augsburg alumnae:
1) Amanda (Mandy) Brobst-Renaud, '04, is a Ph.D. Candidate in Biblical Studies at Baylor University and will present, "Bricks and Mortar of the Epistle of Straw: Luther and James on Faith and Works."
2) Katharine (Kate) S. Mahon, '06, is a Ph.D. Candidate in Liturgical Studies, Liturgical History at the University of Notre Dame. Mahon's presentation will be, "Formation of Worship in Martin Luther's Small Catechism."
Please RSVP by November 5 through the CCV website -
Keeping Track of Auggies
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Auggie Athletics
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