Monday, October 26, 2015
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Public Safety and Facilities Announcements

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Teaching and Learning

Gathering for Adjunct Faculty on Wednesday

Are you a new adjunct faculty member at Augsburg? Are you an experienced adjunct? Are you somewhere in-between? Come meet other adjunct faculty members and share your experiences! What's working for you? What resources would you like to learn about from other adjuncts? Are there ways you can collaborate?

Stop by Lindell 202 on Wednesday, October 28 between 12:45-2:00 for light refreshment and conversations with your colleagues.

Jointly sponsored by CTL and the Adjunct Task Force.

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"Swivl" Camera Demonstration - TODAY

Faculty and staff, come and test drive the new "swivl" camera from 2-2:30 in Lindell 202.

The swivl and iPad mini, jointly purchased by CTL and IT, can be used for conducting a teaching observation of yourself, recording a course session for a colleague to review at a later time, recording flipped classroom instruction, or to practice a presentation before a conference.

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The WL Welcomes You

Fall break is over and it's time to find the WL. The marvelous writing tutors at the Augsburg Writing Lab work with all Augsburg students on any writing task -- papers, reports, applications, personal statements, resumes, etc. The WL is located on the street level of Lindell Library, just left of the circulation desk. No appointments are taken; just come with ideas, drafts (in hard copy), and assignments. Each year the tutors conduct about 2,000 sessions with Augsburg grad and undergrad students and have had a very busy first half of fall semester. You are invited to join them!

Here are the hours for fall semester:

Mondays: 11:10 - 1:40 and 6:30 - 9:30 PM
Tuesdays: 12:30 - 3:00; 3:30 - 6:00; and 7:30 - 10 PM
Wednesdays: 3:30 - 6:00 and 6:30 - 9:00 PM
Thursdays: 12:30 - 3:00; 3:30 - 6:00 and 7:30 - 10:00 PM
Fridays: 4:30 - 7:00 PM
Sundays: 5:00 - 8:00 PM

Questions? Contact K. Swanson, English professor (

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AugStories: On Being and Becoming a Professor

Come and hear from three of your esteemed colleagues about their journey in becoming a faculty member in our Augsburg College community. You will hear from faculty members in different departments and in different phases of their careers. The panel will feature Darcey Engen from Theater, Nishesh Chalise from Social Work, and Dean Seal from Religion. Coffee will be served.

Monday, November 2, from 10:30-11:30 a.m. in OGC 100.

Sponsored by the Center for Teaching and Learning.

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General Announcements

AugsburgGIVES 2016

Greetings, colleagues! October 26-30, 2015 marks our annual AugsburgGIVES campaign. You will be receiving an email from me inviting you to be generous to The Greater Twin Cities United Way and/or Community Shares of Minnesota. Giving is easy and makes such a difference, even in our neighborhood. Did you know that a gift of $10 per week to the Greater Twin Cities United Way provides 10 seniors with 10 rides to the doctor? Or $10 per pay period to Community Shares of Minnesota can train a volunteer to answer the 24-hour crisis line in one Minnesota community, through the Minnesota Coalition Against Sexual Assault? Please consider a generous gift. Questions? My E-mail is or ext 1525. Thank you so much!

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Food Service Hours

Saturday, October 24th- Monday, October 26th.

Nabo is closed on Saturday and Sunday,
Monday 7:30am-8:00pm.

Einstein's is closed on Saturday and closed on Sunday,
Monday 7:30am-9:00pm with the Late Night starting at 7:00pm.

The Commons is open from 11:30am-1:00pm for Brunch and 5pm-7pm for Dinner on Saturday and Sunday,
Monday 7:30am-7:00pm.

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Event Announcements

Irish Poet Micheal O'Siadhail TONIGHT

Irish poet Micheal O'Siadhail will be reading & signing books at the Augsburg College B&N Bookstore at 6:15-7:45pm, today (Monday), 26 Oct. The reading is sponsored by the Bookstore and the Augsburg English and Religion Departments, as well as Luther Seminary, which is bringing him to the Twin Cities.

He will read again on Thursday, Oct. 29 at 7 p.m. in the Olson Campus Center on the Luther Seminary campus with a reception and book signing to follow. The reading is free and open to the public.

Micheal O'Siadhail was born in 1947 and educated at Clongowes Wood College, Trinity College Dublin and the University of Oslo. He has published 10 collections of poetry and two academic works. His most recent work, "One Crimson Thread," was published this year and chronicles the final two years of his wife's life, her death and his grief. He was awarded an Irish American Cultural Institute prize for poetry in 1982 and the Marten Toonder prize for Literature in 1998. His poem suites, "The Naked Flame," "Summerfest" and "Earlsfort Suite" were commissioned and set to music for performance and broadcasting.

He has given poetry readings and broadcasts extensively in Ireland, Britain, Europe and North America. He has been a lecturer at Trinity College Dublin, Harvard and Yale. He was a member of the Arts Council of the Republic of Ireland and the Advisory Committee on Cultural Relations. He was a founding member of Aosdána (Academy of distinguished Irish artists) and a former editor of Poetry Ireland Review. He was the founding chairman of Ireland Literature Exchange. You can learn more about him at .

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Sisterhood Presents: Fashion, Food and Poetry

Presented by:
Sisterhood Boutique--- and run by two Augsburg alums and immigrant youth of Cedar-Riverside (in conjunction with the Brian Coyle Community Center)

Food, Fashion and Poetry
Wednesday, October 28th
Sateren Auditorium
Free of charge

For more information go to

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Daily Chapel

Today began our series, "All Alone in the Reformation" with Rev. Mark Hanson, "Faith Alone."

Chapel this week:
Tuesday, 10/27, 11:30am: Dr. Russell Kleckley, "Scripture Alone." Chamber Music Trio: Emily Thompson, flute; Alexandra Olson, clarinet; and Mary Kirchdorfer, harp; under the direction of Merilee Klemp '75
Wednesday, 10/28, 10:40am: Rev. Dr. Mark Tranvik, "Grace Alone." Musicians: Bill Capman, Laura Simms, and Nyssa Capman.
Thursday, 10/29, 11:30am: Rev. Dr. Hans Wiersma, "Glory to God Alone." Musicians: The Chapel Brass.
Friday, 10/30, 10:40am: Dr. Lois Malcolm, Professor of Systematic Theology, Luther Seminary, "Christ Alone." The Riverside Singers, under the direction of Nancy Grundahl.

We gather in Hoversten Chapel, Foss Center - Absolutely everyone is welcome!

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All Saints Day in Chapel on Monday, November 2

Please join us on Monday, 11/2, at 10:40am for All Saint's Day Festival Worship. We will remember with thanksgiving those who have died this past year during the "Litany of the Saints." You may send the names of those people in your life who have died and who you would like to be named and remembered during chapel to Amy Hanson in the Campus Ministry Office at or fill out a form located by the Chapel entrance – please submit by Friday, October 30.

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Keeping Track of Auggies

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Auggie Athletics

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