Public Safety and Facilities Announcements
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Teaching and Learning
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General Announcements
Event Announcements
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Keeping Track of Auggies
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Auggie Athletics
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Public Safety and Facilities Announcements
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Teaching and Learning
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General Announcements
Web Time Entry in Use Beginning Dec. 27
All students, biweekly, employees, and supervisors were to begin using the new web time entry system beginning December 27, 2009. The first biweekly pay period ends this Saturday, January 9th. Student and biweekly employees are to approve timesheets by Monday, January 11th. This can be done after your last shift worked in the pay period. Training videos on approving your timecards are available on the HR website. Supervisors are to approve timecards on-line for all employees who report to them by Tuesday, January 12th.
The link to this new system can be found on your Augnet web page. If you do not see the link at this location, it may indicate you are not set up to utilize this new system. Contact your supervisor or call HR at ext. 1058.
Supervisors are reminded to set up schedules for biweekly benefits eligible employees who report to you. It is not necessary to set up schedules for students; however, supervisors may find it beneficial in tracking hours for students.
If you are a supervisor who is paid monthly and is not yet utilizing a timesheet or doing absences on line, please disregard the timesheet that appears on line for you. We will begin to have monthly paid employees utilize the on line web time entry by implementing it department-by-department throughout 2010. Schedules for this implementation will be publicized at a later date. All monthly paid employees will begin being paid on a biweekly basis beginning January, 2010.
If you encounter any difficulties with the web time entry system, please contact your supervisor or call the human resources (HR) office at 612-330-1058.
We hope you enjoyed the Christmas and New Years Holiday season!
Staff Timesheets and Exempt Absence Reports Due
To ensure that the vacation and sick carryover balances are correct for all employees as we process the January payroll, we ask that all staff submit any timesheets or absence reports from 2009 that have not already been turned in. The deadline for these forms is January 10 in order for us to complete all the data entry in time for processing payroll.
As a general reminder, for non-exempt staff, monthly timesheets are due in HR three days after the end of the month that the timesheet covers. For exempt staff, absence reports can be turned in as days are taken, or can be turned in at the end of each month. Ideally, any time off taken during the month should be turned in not later than the 10th of the next month to Human Resources. If your absences occur over more than one month, please complete one report for each month.
Timesheets and absence reports for the Christmas and New Years Holidays and the Presidents Holidays are to be marked as follows for days that you would normally have worked but did not work due to the holidays:
Christmas Eve Day, 12/24/09 mark H with # hours (prorated based on FTE)
Christmas Day, 12/25/09 mark H with # hours (prorated based on FTE)
Monday, 12/28/09 mark PH with # hours (prorated based on FTE)
Tuesday, 12/29/09 mark PH with # hours (prorated based on FTE)
Wednesday, 12/30/09 mark PH with # hours (prorated based on FTE)
Thursday, 12/31/09 mark PH with # hours (prorated based on FTE)
Friday, 1/1/2010 mark H with # hours (prorated based on FTE) MAKE SURE THIS IS ON A SEPARATE ABSENCE REPORT/TIMESHEET since its a different month
Employees who were unable to take one or more of the Presidents Holidays due to department staffing needs are encouraged to work with your supervisor to arrange an alternative day off to use these hours by January 31, 2010.
Thank you! We hope everyone had a nice holiday!
Event Announcements
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Keeping Track of Auggies
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Auggie Athletics
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Exercise Equipment for Sale - AB Lounge Sport
Do your New Year's resolutions include getting in shape? The AB Lounge is an easy way to fit in those sit-ups. My AB Lounge is like new, and includes the DVD instructions. $50 or best offer. Jill Davenport, Central Services, 612-330-1297,