Public Safety and Facilities Announcements
Teaching and Learning
General Announcements
- Residence Life Offices Closed for Break
- "On-Hold" Accounts Payable Checks
- Saying Goodbye to Phillip Hernandez
- Hurry - Advent Vespers is almost Full
- Hoodie Event ends this Wednesday
- CGE Summer Abroad Credits, LAF's, AugCore Electives
- Spirit of MLK Award
- Copy Center Discontinues Bright Papers
- No Table this Wednesday - Career & Internship
- De-stress & Feel Better - TODAY
- Apply by 11/25: 1K+ Scholarship for Summer Abroad
Event Announcements
Keeping Track of Auggies
- (No listings)
Auggie Athletics
Public Safety and Facilities Announcements
Department of Public Safety Cell Phone Drive
The Department of Public Safety is collecting used wireless phones and their batteries to benefit victims of domestic violence. Shelter Alliance will donate money to the Tubman Organization in Minneapolis for every used cell phone they receive from our department. Please be sure to deactivate your service before donating a phone. Donations are being accepted at the Dispatch booth in the Mort/Urness lobby. Any personal data found on the phone will be erased by Shelter Alliance, a program of GRC Wireless Recycling. Thank You!
Melby/Kennedy closed for Thanksgiving Break
Si Melby Hall and Kennedy Center -- including both fitness centers -- will be closed for Thanksgiving break, Thursday & Friday, Nov. 26 & 27
We will re-open with normal hours at 8am, Saturday, Nov. 28
Teaching and Learning
Lindell Library Thanksgiving Hours
Lindell Library Thanksgiving hours will be:
Wednesday, Nov. 25: closed at 5:00 pm
Thursday-Friday, Nov. 26-27: closed
Saturday, Nov. 28: 10:00 am -- 4:00 pm
Sunday, Nov. 29: regular hours, noon -- midnight
Hours are always available from the "Hours" link on the Lindell Library web site:
Online library resources are also available 24/7 on that web site.
Computing resources are available throughout the weekend in the 24-hour lab in Urness Hall (just past the Department of Public Safety).
Graduate Writing Workshops Series
The Graduate Writing Workshop series is a supportive, interactive opportunity for students from all Augsburg graduate programs to focus on the development of basic writing skills. Augsburg staff members are also welcome.
Topics include the construction and development of a thesis statement and the correct use of syntax, grammar, and punctuation. The non-credit workshops are taught by Kathryn Swanson, professor of English.
Format: 3 Saturday mornings on non-WEC/Grad weekends
Dates: February 6, February 20, and March 6 (9 hours of instruction)
Time: 9:00 a.m.-noon
Location: Oren Gateway Center 103
Cost: $400
Enrollment limited to 15 students.
For more information, contact Patty Park at 612-330-1150 or
General Announcements
Residence Life Offices Closed for Break
Due to Thanksgiving break, the Department of Residence Life offices will be closed on Wednesday, November 25th - Sunday, November 29th. They will reopen on Monday, November 30th.
If there is an emergency that needs our attention, please contact DPS at 612-330-1717 to connect with the on-call Residence Life staff.
"On-Hold" Accounts Payable Checks
Authorization Invoices processed with a "On-Hold" request originally to
be picked up on Friday, November 27 will be available on Wednesday, November 25th anytime after 1:00 pm because of the Thanksgiving Holiday.
If you should have any questions, contact me at X1031 or Thank You!
Saying Goodbye to Phillip Hernandez
Phillip Hernandez is leaving the Department of Residence Life after employment of 3 1/2 years working in Mortensen Hall, Luther Hall, and Oren Gateway with the residential communities. Phillip provided insight and direction to the Department through his work with the Summer Housing, Operations Committee, Student Staff Selection Committee, and Facilities Coordinator meetings in conjunction with this work. Outside of Residence Life, his outreach to student organizations, Senate, and College judicial proceedings provided support to students and their experience at Augsburg College.
Please join us in saying goodbye; Phillip's last day in November 28, 2009. We wish him well as he journeys to St. Cloud University to join November 31, 2009 the Department of Residence Life as Coordinator for Leadership Programs and Residential Life Conduct.
Hurry - Advent Vespers is almost Full
Don't miss out on this Augsburg College Tradition - Reserve your Spot NOW!
Friday, 5 p.m.Less than 30 tickets left!
Friday, 8 p.m.273 tickets remaining
Saturday, 2 p.m.FULL
Saturday, 5 p.m.FULL
Saturday, 8 p.m.75 tickets remaining
Tickets are available at the Music Office, Christensen Center Welcome Desk, or order online at
Hoodie Event ends this Wednesday
All Hoods are 25% off now at the bookstore. Sale ends this Wednesday so hurry in and stock up before the holidays. This sale does not include clearance and cannot be combined with other discounts.
CGE Summer Abroad Credits, LAF's, AugCore, Electives
Earn 2 credits through any of our summer abroad programs!
- Antigua,Guatemala
Spanish Language and Mayan Spirituality (May 30 --July 2)
AugExperience, AIS Elective, Modern Language Skill
- Windhoek, Namibia
Social Change and Development in Southern Africa (May 30 --August 8)
AugExperience,and Internships in HIS,INS,and POL
- Cuernavaca, Mexico
Spanish Language and Culture (May 23 --June 27)
AugExperience,Fine Arts LAF,HPE Skill,Modern Language Skill,and SPA
Gender, Art and Social Change (May 23 -- June 27)
AugExperience,Fine Arts LAF,HPE Skill,Modern Language Skill, and SPA
Internship and Independent Research (May 23-June 27 and June 27- August 1)
AugExperience,Fine Arts LAF,HPE Skill,Modern Language Skill,SPA
electives,and Internships in 9 different majors
Scholarships that apply towards these programs include:
- Student of Color Study Abroad Scholarship
Sponsored by Lutheran Brotherhood/Thrivent
Awards starting at $1,000. Application deadline: Noon, November 25, 2009
Awards of up to $1,000. Application Deadline: April 2, 2010
- Boren Scholarship
For Namibia only. Awards of up to $5,000 for students majoring in Science,
Math,Engineering and Technology. Application deadline: February 10, 2010
- Gilman Scholarships.
All programs. Awards of up to $5,000 for students majoring in Science,
Math,Engineering and Technology. Students are not required to study an
STEM subject during their summer abroad. Application deadline: April 6,
For more information, e-mail Dulce Monterrubio at
Spirit of MLK Award
During the 2010 MLK Luncheon we, the MLK Convocation Committee, will award two people (One student and one faculty or staff) who have demonstrated a commitment to one or more of the following areas of Dr. Martin Luther King's life work:
*Peace and justice causes and organizations
*Issues of racial equality
*Involvement in issues related to non-violent means of solving problems
*The political empowerment of local people organized around issues of peace, justice, racial and economic equality
Please nominate someone whom you believe should receive special recognition by providing specific examples of how this person has demonstrated commitment to one or more of the previously mentioned areas of Dr. King's life work.
Please provide your name and contact information and the full name of the person/people that you are nominating along with their contact information.
All information can be emailed to or turned into campus box 234. Thank you!
Copy Center Discontinues Bright Papers
In keeping with our commitment to being ecologically responsible, Augsburg College has opted to discontinue the use of Astrobrite papers (super bright/dense colors) as of December 1 2009, due to environmental/recycling concerns. The copy center will do its best to provide eco-friendly alternatives whenever possible.
Vicki Keck
Copy Center Lead
Jill Davenport
Manager, Central Services
No Table this Wednesday - Career & Internship
Due to the holiday break the Strommen Career & Internship Center will not have a staff member tabling this Wednesday in the library link. Please stop by our office for questions in the lower level of Anderson Hall. Tabling will resume on Wednesday, December 2nd from 1-4 p.m. Thank you.
De-stress & Feel Better - TODAY
Come join other students interested in creating a weekly way to manage stress. Today's Mindfulness session will be lead by local expert Dr. Stephen Parker--he's been a teacher of yoga & meditation for over 30yrs; been a senior faculty member at the Himalayan Institute lecturing internationally; and teaches regularly as an Adjunct Faculty member at St. Mary's University, University of St. Thomas, and the MN Society of Clinical Hypnosis. 5pm-6pm in the Marshall room, Christensen Center today. Call Jon at CCHP x1337 or with any questions.
Apply by 11/25: 1K+ Scholarship for Summer Abroad
Lutheran Brotherhood/Thrivent is sponsoring awards of $1,000 and up for students of color seeking to study abroad during summer 2010 through any of the following programs:
Experiences in Thai Education & Culture: Thailand
AugExperience, Humanities LAF, ENG Elective
Medieval History & Writing: Scotland
AugExperience, Humanities LAF, HIS Elective
Sustainable Cities: Canada
AugExperience, Social Science LAF, SOC Elective
The Travels of Paul: Turkey
AugExperience, Humanities LAF, REL Elective
Development and Social Change in Southern Africa: Namibia
AugExperience, Internship in HIS, INS or POL
Spanish Language & Mayan Spirituality: Guatemala
AugExperience, Modern Language, AIS Elective
Gender, Art, and Social Change: Mexico
AugExperience, Lifetime Fitness, Fine Arts LAF, SPA Electives
Spanish Language and Culture: Mexico
AugExperience, HPE 002/003, Fine Arts LAF, Modern Language,SPA Electives
Academic Internship & Independent Research: Mexico
AugExperience, HPE 002/003, Modern Language, Internships in 9 majors
Don't miss this opportunity to earn credit, fulfill AugCore requirements and complete major electives by studying abroad!
The application deadline is noon TOMORROW! Application form and eligibility criteria available at
For questions or more information contact Augsburg Abroad at or 612.330-1650
Event Announcements
Holiday Drive!! Omicron Delta NHS Social Work
Omicron Delta plans to take on the task of raising food, funds, clothing and toys for local food shelves this holiday season. Through the wonderful resource of Second Harvest Heartland, we are able to have our own fund raising website! Second Harvest Heartland is serving as a facilitator for this fund raiser. Our food donations will be hand delivered by Omicron Delta members directly to the community shelves we have collectively selected.
This is really wonderful, as one of our goals for this fund raiser was to donate to those food shelves serving the "in between" population, i.e. those that make too much to qualify for a lot of resources and that make too little to have everything they need for the holidays, as well as food shelves really struggling to provide this year given the state of the economy and the higher usage by this "in-between" population.
Members of the Augsburg community, we would like to invite you to help us with this fund raiser by donating what you can this holiday season! Also, feel free to forward this to other people you may know who may like to help us out with this food drive as well. Our first priority is food, clothing and toys, but if you or someone you know would like to contribute, but is unable to dropoff a donation on campus, there is a monetary donation option on the website as well.
Here is our link:
On the site you will find a listing of items needed and contact info for setting up a donation drop off.
We will be tabling November 30th through December 2nd in Christensen Center to take donations, as well as provide information for other donation drop-off options.
THANK YOU so much for your time and efforts!
Sponsored by Omicron Delta: Phi Alpha National Honor Society of Social Work
Alex Cirillo, 3M, Speaks on Campus on Dec 3
Clair and Gladys Strommen Executive Speaker Series
Thursday, Dec. 3, 2009
Featuring Alex Cirillo, Vice President, 3M Foundation
Augsburg has launched a new series to bring top executive leaders to campus to share their experience with alumni and students. Please join us on Thursday, December 3 at 5 p.m. to hear Alex Cirillo, Vice President of the 3M Foundation and past president of 3M Canada , speak on "Creating a Culture of Innovation in the Workplace." Cirillo is both a physicist and a highly experienced manager who is nationally recognized for his expertise in the area of innovation and creativity in corporations.
The event will take place in Hoversten Chapel at 5 p.m. with beverages and networking. Cirillo will begin his remarks around 5:15 p.m. and a question and answer period will follow. The event is free; we ask that you let us know you'll attend. RSVP to or leave a message at 612.330.1720. We look forward to seeing you there!
Writing A Winning Resume - Workshop
The Strommen Career & Internship Center invites you to attend our "Writing A Winning Resume" workshop on Tuesday, December 1 from 4:45-6 p.m. in Anderson Hall, Classroom 101. All are welcome! Questions - call x1148
Support for the Climate Bill and Green Jobs
Gather together for a FREE evening with DINNER and CONVERSATION around green jobs and climate change. The goal is to push our senators and representatives to support important provisions in the Climate Bill.
**Guest appearances include Keith Ellison! Amy Klobuchar! Kathleen Schuler of the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy in Minnesota, and Jennifer Jimenez of HIRE- Healthcare, Infrastructure, Renewable Energy!
Hosted by EJAM- Environmental Justice Advocates of Minnesota!
Phyllis Wheatley Community Center
1301 10th Avenue North
Minneapolis, MN 55411
Saturday, 19 December 2009 5-7 p.m.
Eid Celebration
This event is hosted by the Muslim Student Association at Augsburg. This is the celebration of one of the two holidays that Muslims celebrate yearly and we would like for every one to come and be part of this great event. We will have a Islamic Scholar come in and talk about an interesting topic and there will also be some amazing foods that will be served that most students at Augsburg have never had. There will also be flyers about Islam and its history. We will also have some entertainment at the end but you will have to come and find out. We hope to see everyone there and we can promise that you will have an amazing time.
Community Time TODAY
Join faculty and staff colleagues for refreshments and conversation in the East Commons on today, 3:45-4:30 It's a great opportunity to meet new people and hear news of interest.
How To Be Successful In An Interview - Workshop
The Strommen Career & Internship Center invites you to attend our interviewing workshop on Wednesday, December 2nd from 4:45-6 p.m. in Anderson Hall, Classroom 101. All are welcome! Questions - call x1148
Keeping Track of Auggies
No postings
Auggie Athletics
Rink to be Named for Saugestad in 2010
MINNEAPOLIS -- Next fall, Augsburg College will rename the main competition rink at the Augsburg Ice Arena as "Ed Saugestad Rink," in honor of the coach who led the Auggies to national prominence in men's ice hockey during his storied career.
At a special celebration to honor Ed Saugestad '59 on Saturday (11/21), Augsburg officials unveiled a plan to raise $250,000 for renovations to the Augsburg Ice Arena, with the naming ceremony for Ed Saugestad Rink to take place on Sept. 25, 2010, during Augsburg's Homecoming weekend.
"It is fitting that our athletic field is named after Edor Nelson '38, and it's fitting that our main court in our gymnasium is named after Ernie Anderson 37, and it's fitting that our competition rink will now be named after Ed Saugestad 59," said Augsburg athletic director Jeff Swenson 79.
A 1959 Augsburg alumnus, Saugestad began his coaching career during his senior year, 1958, and coached the Auggies until 1996, compiling a 503-354-21 record. His Auggies won Minnesota Intercollegiate Athletic Conference titles six straight years (1976-82), qualified for national tournament play 10 times and won the NAIA national championship in 1978, 1981 and 1982. He coached 22 All-Americans during his Augsburg career.
Saugestad was awarded the American Hockey Coaches Association's John MacInnes Award in 2002 to honor his contributions in the growth of amateur hockey in the United States, and was named as the Hobey Baker Legends of Hockey honoree in 2007. The MIAC christened its playoff championship trophy as the Ed Saugestad Trophy in 1998. He was inducted into Augsburg's Athletic Hall of Fame in 1978.
In addition to his hockey coaching duties, Saugestad also served on the Augsburg football coaching staff from 1959-84, including two years (1970-71) as head coach. Now recognized as a Faculty Emeriti, Saugestad taught in the Health and Physical Education department throughout his career, and served as the college's men's athletic director from 1981-87.
At Saturday's event, alumni and friends spoke fondly of Saugestad, praising him as an outstanding coach, teacher and mentor. All-Americans Corky Hall '71 and Bill Ross '74 were featured, along with former players Bruce Johnson '68 and Troy Zangs '92. Former teaching colleague Joyce Pfaff '65 and current Augsburg head coach Chris Brown also spoke at the event, hosted by former Augsburg head coach Mike Schwartz '83.
The event was part of a full day of celebration on Saturday, which also included Augsburg's 4-1 men's hockey win over Concordia-Wisconsin, and an alumni event at the Augsburg Ice Arena following the game.
The Augsburg Ice Arena has served the Augsburg community and the Twin Cities since it opened in 1974. It is unique among Division III colleges in Minnesota and the nation in that it is a two-rink facility with year-round ice. It is one of only three on-campus ice arenas among MIAC schools.
Winter is coming:polar fleece needed
Time to sort that stash of polar fleece in your sewing closet? Please donate your spare fleece to a sewing cooperative of Spanish- speaking women located in St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church in Minneapolis. Thank you. Contact MAL student Marita Bujold at or call 651-646-0851.