Public Safety and Facilities Announcements
Teaching and Learning
General Announcements
- Fossil Watches on Sale at the Bookstore
- Thank You For A Successful Foodless Food Drive
- Clearance and Athletic Clothing on Sale
- Donate to Abused Women and Children
- International Spring Dance - Tonight
- Nominations for Christensen Justice Award Due
- Garry Hesser's Birthday Open House
- Seniors: Show Off Your Writing Talents
- I Spared Some Change (And I Liked It)
- Sverdrup Lecture Program Events on April 13 - 14
Keeping Track of Auggies
Auggie Athletics
- (No listings)
Public Safety and Facilities Announcements
Posting Policy
Augsburg College recognizes student groups, student organizations, staff, and faculty may use College space to communicate and advertise ideas and events relating to the College. Out of consideration for the right of free expression, the rights of viewers, civility, tolerance and respect the College has published guidelines to be followed when posting flyers and notices.
In general, the guidelines provide for:
[1] Approval of postings.
[2] Where to post.
[3] How to post.
[4] How long to post.
[5] What to post.
[6] And, what happens to postings not adhering to the policy.
The complete College Posting Policy can be viewed at
Beginning MON/4.6.09, we will be administering this policy to the fullest extent. This means all posting inappropriately displayed will be removed and tossed.
In the meantime, if you have posters you would like to retrieve and repost in the designated areas please feel free to do so.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. If you have any questions regarding the Posting Policy they can be directed to
Teaching and Learning
Additional International Travel Funding Available
Due April 6
Faculty presenting a paper at an international conference are eligible for additional travel funding through CTL. Two $400 awards are available to supplement the annual travel award of $1200 for which faculty presenting a paper are eligible. (Canada is considered international.) These supplemental awards are determined competitively by the Committee on Faculty Development. The funding year is June 1-May 31st.
Apply online at the CTL web page Link at the left of the page, web forms.
Would You Like to be Published?
Do you have an academic paper you're particularly proud of?
It might be worth even more than the grade you received.
The Augsburg Honors Review wants to publish your work. All you have to do is submit it!
What to Submit:
We will consider papers from all disciplines that successfully articulate an original and compelling thesis.
Why Submit?
Being a published author is one of the best ways to demonstrate your writing skills to graduate schools, professional schools, and employers.
How to Submit:
Please send your work to and include the following information:
-- The first and last names of all authors and faculty advisors,
-- Your anticipated graduation date,
-- A reliable way to contact you other than your college-provided email address,
-- The name of the institution where your research was conducted (if other than Augsburg), and
-- The title of your paper.
We prefer Microsoft Word format (.doc) for all attachments.
The priority deadline to submit your work for the 2010 publication is April 20, 2009.
What is the Augsburg Honors Review?
The Augsburg Honors Review is an interdisciplinary journal exhibiting outstanding work by undergraduate students. The goal of the AHR is to give students the opportunity to participate in scholarly conversations within their disciplines and to expose them to the dialogue between a journal and a contributor in editing an article for publication.
For more information, please contact Shawn Boonstra (
Faculty/Staff Night at the Theater
The Center for Teaching and Learning is sponsoring a night at the theater for faculty and staff. You are invited to attend the April 18th 2009 performance of Urinetown directed by Darcy Engen. A reception will be held after the performance. To reserve your free ticket please e-mail
Online Course Evaluation Discussion
Online Course Evaluation System
Please join us for a conversation about the current online course evaluation project. These conversations anticipate bringing a recommendation to the faculty in April or September. If these times do not work, please contact us for other opportunities.
Diane Pike and Scott Krajewski
April 6, 4:00-5:00
April 7, 8:30-9:30
All meetings are in Lindell 202.
2009 URGO Summer Research Awardees
Congratulations to the 2009 URGO Summer Researchers:
Aybike Bakan [Jennifer Bankers-Fulbright, Biology]
Nicolas Blixt [Ralph Butkowski, Biology]
Anna Boyle [Gary Hesser, Sociology]
RuthAnn Dohner [Jennifer Bankers-Fulbright, Biology]
Dustin Dorsey [Chris Botanga, Biology]
Jessica Fanaselle [Colin Irvine, English]
Jessica Hilk [Anthony Clapp, Health-Physical Education]
Ben Hoffman [Pavel Belik, Mathematics]
Eric Howe [Pavel Belik, Mathematics]
James Kleason [David Crowe, Biology]
Randall Krug [Arlin Gyberg, Chemistry]
Arianna Lofrano [William Capman, Biology]
Emily Merher [Robert Tom, Art]
Juventino Meza Rodriguez [President Pribbenow]
Therese Miller [Jennifer Bankers-Fulbright, Biology]
Andrew Myers [Bob Stack, Music]
Allison Nelson [Sandra Olmsted, Chemistry]
Elizabeth Norell [Dale Taylor, Music]
Taylor Norman [Colin Irvine, English]
Melissa Robertson [David Crowe, Biology]
Natalie Sasseville [Jeremy Myers, Religion]
Ruth Senum [Linda Stevens, Education]
Mackenzie Shiell [Nicki Crick, Uof M, Ctr Relational Aggression]
John Singleton [Pavel Belik, Mathematics]
Sam Smith [James Vela-McConnell, Sociology]
Colin Stanhill [Bob Cowgill, English]
Adam Williams [Dave Matz, Psychology]
Breann Woelfel [Ralph Butkowski, Biology]
Shane Wyborny [Vivian Feng, Chemistry]
Fall and Summer Book Orders
Please submit your book request to Laura at Thanks to all who have turned in!
GIS Workshop
Wednesday, April 15, 3:30-4:30
Foss 22A
"How geographic mapping can help you teach and learn: A hands-on workshop introduction to ArcGIS 9.3." Presented by Heather Ek and Lars Christiansen.
Please RSVP by 4/7 to x1229 or
General Announcements
Fossil Watches on Sale at the Bookstore
All Fossil watches are on sale at the bookstore!
Thank You For A Successful Foodless Food Drive
The Center for Service, Work, & Learning, Office of Community Relations and Augsburg Dining would like to thank all faculty, staff and students that donated cash for Augsburg College's first Foodless Food Drive. Together we raised $2,200! With the Thrivent Financial for Lutheran Grant we exceeded our goal and raised $3,100 for the Brian Coyle Food Shelf. Thank you!
Clearance and Athletic Clothing on Sale
All Clearance and Athletic clothing is 50% off at the bookstore. Stop by to stock up on Auggie apparel.
Donate to Abused Women and Children
For thousands of women and children, home can be frightening, lonely and for many it is a very dangerous place. The Lewis House, located in Eagan, is dedicated to helping these women and children find safety and get them back on their feet. The Lewis House provides shelter, food, daycare and education about safe relationships for women and children who seek their services. To support these women and children, a few students from Augsburg College will be running a donation drive.
Items the Lewis House needs are: bath sized towels & wash cloths, twin size sheets/comforters, pillowcases, diapers, infant formula - all varieties, baby bottles/nipples, craft supplies (markers, crayons, construction paper, special kits), school supplies (notebooks, folders, back packs), educational toys, puzzles, videos and learning games, toothbrushes/toothpaste/floss, old cell phones with chargers, women and youth clothing (any age, gently used or new).
Today is the last day to collect at the Enrollment Center!
Please contact Ashle with questions at
International Spring Dance - Tonight
Come to our dance party and dance to music from all over the world!
When: Friday, April, 3, 8 p.m.
Where: Minneapolis Room
Sponsored by The International Student Organization
All are welcome.
Nominations for Christensen Justice Award Due
Marina Christensen Justice Award
Augsburg Students, Faculty and Staff,
Please submit a short application for one graduating senior for the Marina Christensen Justice Award. Submissions are due by Friday, April 3rd at 5 pm. You can fill out the form below and return it to, or get a written form at the Information Desk in the Christensen Center and return it to CB#108.
The Marina Christensen Justice Award is an annual award honoring a graduating senior who represents in a high degree Augsburg's motto: "Education for Service." The recipient must have demonstrated a dedication to the kind of community involvement that characterized the personal and professional life of Marina, who courageously and effectively reached out to bring equity and harmony--living Christian values--to disadvantaged people and communities.
Name of the senior whom you wish to nominate for the award:
Why are you nominating this person?:
Please include many examples of this student's work in "service" (that go beyond the campus community.)
Thank you for your nomination!
Garry Hesser's Birthday Open House
The Dept. of Sociology has proclaimed Monday to be Garry Hesser Day. You are invited to help the Department of Sociology celebrate Garry Hessers 70th Birthday. We will be hosting an open house in OGC 100 from 10:45 11:45 a.m. on April 6th so please stop by to thank Garry for his never ending contributions to Augsburg College and 70 years of a great spirit.
Seniors: Show Off Your Writing Talents
Are you interested in reading something you have written while here at Augsburg? The English Department will be having an "open book reading" April 17. The English professors are working with us on creating an event where we could share our writings with family, faculty and friends.
The reading will take place April 17 at 6:30 PM and will be followed with a reception, including dessert and thoughtful conversation with friends, family and faculty. If you have any other recommendations or questions, feel free to contact us or any of the professors in the English department.
Please reply to one of us or your English professor if you would like to read some of your work as soon as possible!
Amanda Symes
Sam Spafford
I Spared Some Change (And I Liked It)
Final day of Philanthropy Week!
Stop by our table in Christensen Center to hear what those Green Dollar Bill signs mean, learn what the Augsburg Fund is doing for students, pick up the last limited edition Stewards/Philanthropy Week Button, donate some change (or more), and register to win an iPod Shuffle!
We'll have a table in Christensen Center from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Sverdrup Lecture Program Events on April 13 - 14
This year's Sverdrup Lecture is Dr. Stephen Schneider, Professor for Interdisciplinary Environmental Studies, Professor of Biological Sciences, and a Senior Fellow in the Woods Institute for the Environment at Stanford University. Dr. Schneider is the founder and editor of Climatic Change. He will be presenting:
Sverdrup Public Lecture
"Global Warming: Is the Science Settled Enough for Politics?"
Monday, April 13 - 7:30 p.m. 8:30 p.m. Hoversten Chapel, Foss Center AND
Sverdrup Convocation
"What Can Individuals do to Deal with Global Climate Change When They Aren't Authorized to Negotiate with the Chinese?"
Tuesday, April 14 - 11:00-Noon, Hoversten Chapel, Foss Center
Please join us in these two exciting presentations.
Keeping Track of Auggies
Vote for Alumni Scholarship Video
Alumni Kelley Schreiber entered in video contest from UPromis to win $10,000 to pay back student loans.
Here's how it works:
There are two parts of the contest.
First- today-May 3 you can vote for my video (one email can vote a day)
Next, may 3rd they will pick 4 out of each category ("paying it back") a percentage of who gets into the top 4 depends on your votes!
If Kelley makes it into the top 4, the winner is decided totally by public votes. Voting is May 12-20.
Anyways, please check out the video, its titled, "The Starving Artist" (submitted by Jamie S. MN) -- Kelley's brother.
if you could all vote and also spread the word to anyone you know that would be an awesome help. thanks so much!
p.s. you have to type in an email address and phone # when you vote, if you unclick the box, they wont send you stuff, SORRY!
Auggie Athletics
Auggie Athletics Update
Auggie Athletics Update (click on link for story/stats):
Thursday, April 2:
Softball -- St. Catherine 6-11, Augsburg 1-8
Upcoming Events -- always check online for postponements/cancellations before you go:
Friday, April 3:
Baseball at Carleton, 2:30 p.m.
Saturday, April 4:
Baseball vs. Hamline, Parade Stadium, 1 p.m.
Softball at Gustavus, 1 p.m.
Men's/Women's Track and Field at Hamline Invitational.
Women's Golf at Wartburg (Iowa) Invitational, Centennial Oaks GC, Waverly, Iowa.
Sunday, April 5:
Men's Golf at Loras (Iowa) Duhawk Spring Invitational, The Meadows GC, Dubuque, Iowa.
Women's Golf at Wartburg (Iowa) Invitational, Centennial Oaks GC, Waverly, Iowa.
Monday, April 6:
Men's Golf at Loras (Iowa) Duhawk Spring Invitational, The Meadows GC, Dubuque, Iowa.
No postings