Public Safety and Facilities Announcements
Teaching and Learning
- (No listings)
General Announcements
- Would You Like to be Published?
- Clearance and Athletic Clothing 50% Off
- Show off Your Writing Talents
- Work For A Non-Profit
- No Augsburg ID = No Dining Purchases
- Auggies Change Auggies
- International Spring Dance
- Open Question Time for Faculty
- Estate Sale - April 3 and 4
- Donate to Abused Women and Children
Keeping Track of Auggies
- (No listings)
Auggie Athletics
- (No listings)
Public Safety and Facilities Announcements
Posting Policy
Augsburg College recognizes student groups, student organizations, staff, and faculty may use College space to communicate and advertise ideas and events relating to the College. Out of consideration for the right of free expression, the rights of viewers, civility, tolerance and respect the College has published guidelines to be followed when posting flyers and notices.
In general, the guidelines provide for:
[1] Approval of postings.
[2] Where to post.
[3] How to post.
[4] How long to post.
[5] What to post.
[6] And, what happens to postings not adhering to the policy.
The complete College Posting Policy can be viewed at
Beginning MON/4.6.09, we will be administering this policy to the fullest extent. This means all posting inappropriately displayed will be removed and tossed.
In the meantime, if you have posters you would like to retrieve and repost in the designated areas please feel free to do so.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. If you have any questions regarding the Posting Policy they can be directed to
Teaching and Learning
No postings
General Announcements
Would You Like to be Published?
Do you have an academic paper you're particularly proud of? It might be worth even more than the grade you received. The Augsburg Honors Review wants to publish your work. All you have to do is submit it!
What to Submit:
We will consider papers from all disciplines that successfully articulate an original and compelling thesis.
Why Submit?
Being a published author is one of the best ways to demonstrate your writing skills to graduate schools, professional schools, and employers.
How to Submit:
Please send your work to and include the following information:
-- The first and last names of all authors and faculty advisors,
-- Your anticipated graduation date,
-- A reliable way to contact you other than your college-provided email address,
-- The name of the institution where your research was conducted (if other than Augsburg), and
-- The title of your paper.
We prefer Microsoft Word format (.doc) for all attachments.
The priority deadline to submit your work for the 2010 publication is April 20, 2009.
What is the Augsburg Honors Review?
The Augsburg Honors Review is an interdisciplinary journal exhibiting outstanding work by undergraduate students. The goal of the AHR is to give students the opportunity to participate in scholarly conversations within their disciplines and to expose them to the dialogue between a journal and a contributor in editing an article for publication.
For more information, please contact Shawn Boonstra (
Clearance and Athletic Clothing 50% Off
All Clearance and athletic clothing is 50% off this week! Stop by the bookstore and stock up on Auggie gear!
Show off Your Writing Talents
Are you interested in reading something you have written while here at Augsburg? The English Department will be having an "open book reading" April 17. The English professors are working with us on creating an event where we could share our writings with family, faculty and friends.
The reading will take place April 17 at 6:30 PM and will be followed with a reception, including dessert and thoughtful conversation with friends, family and faculty. If you have any other recommendations or questions, feel free to contact us or any of the professors in the English department.
Please reply to one of us or your English professor if you would like to read some of your work as soon as possible!
Amanda Symes
Sam Spafford
Work For A Non-Profit
You won't want to miss this event! Tonight at 4:45 p.m. in the Minneapolis Room, CC the Center for Service, Work, & Learning will host a panel discussion on "Explore Careers In The Non-Profit World"
Representatives from Lutheran Social Service, United Way, and Resource will share the myriad of career, volunteer and internships that one can find while working in the non-profit world. Students, faculty and staff all are invited.
Questions, call Sandy at 612-330-1472
No Augsburg ID = No Dining Purchases
Your Augsburg ID is your identification on campus as well as the key to your Augsburg Dining account. For your protection no purchases will be allowed without your Augsburg Student ID, no other forms of identification will be accepted as well, as saying your identification number aloud compromises your security.
As stated in the Enrollment Services website
You will want to exercise care and caution with your ID
card, as your email address and ID number are included
on it. Carry your ID card with you at all times. As stated
on the back, "You must produce this card upon demand
for identification."
For a new Augsburg Identification Card visit the Enrollment Center.
If you have a concerns about this policy please
contact Cyndy Rowe, Residence Life
Ext. 1488 or email:
Auggies Change Auggies
Stop by our table in Christensen Center to hear what those Green Dollar Bill signs mean, learn what the Augsburg Fund is doing for students, pick up your limited edition Stewards/Philanthropy Week Buttons (a different design daily), donate some change (or more), and register to win an iPod Shuffle!
We'll have a table in Christensen Center from 10 a.m.- 2 p.m. all week!
International Spring Dance
Come to our dance party and dance to music from all over the world!
When: Friday, April, 3, 8 p.m.
Where: Minneapolis Room
Sponsored by The International Student Organization
All are welcome.
Open Question Time for Faculty
In order to provide time for faculty to review the academic proposals before them on April 8 and ask for further information, an open question time will be held with the proposers on Monday April 6 from 12-1 in OGC 100. There will be four proposals to discuss:
i. Biopsychology new major
ii. Language and Cross-Cultural Studies new major
iii. MBA cohort at the Sinerghia Institute, Moscow
iv. MSW/MBA new dual degree
Estate Sale - April 3 and 4
The Augsburg Associates will be facilitating an estate sale for Phil and Dora Quanbeck on FRIDAY, APRIL 3 and SATURDAY, APRIL 4. Old Scandinavian trundle bed, nice oriental rugs, excellent natural pine table and chairs, clocks, spinning wheel, crock churn, glass, china, kitchen, linens incl Hudson Bay blankets, books, Xmas, Scandinavian accessories . House and garage full! Come out and support the Associates. The income supports the Associates' student scholarship fund. 8 am 4 pm Friday. 8 am - 3 pm Saturday.
4957 17th Ave. South, Minneapolis. Directions: 2 blocks west of Cedar Ave at the corner of 50th Street and 17th Ave.
Donate to Abused Women and Children
For thousands of women and children, home can be frightening, lonely and for many it is a very dangerous place. The Lewis House, located in Eagan, is dedicated to helping these women and children find safety and get them back on their feet. The Lewis House provides shelter, food, daycare and education about safe relationships for women and children who seek their services. To support these women and children, a few students from Augsburg College will be running a donation drive.
Items the Lewis House needs are: bath sized towels & wash cloths, twin size sheets/comforters, pillowcases, diapers, infant formula - all varieties, baby bottles/nipples, craft supplies (markers, crayons, construction paper, special kits), school supplies (notebooks, folders, back packs), educational toys, puzzles, videos and learning games, toothbrushes/toothpaste/floss, old cell phones with chargers, women and youth clothing (any age, gently used or new).
Collecting through April 3 in the Enrollment Center!
Please contact Ashle with questions at
Keeping Track of Auggies
No postings
Auggie Athletics
Intramural Spring Sports Update
Intramurals will be taking rosters for the first 8 teams to sign-up for both a 3 night/3 game volleyball tournament and a 3 night/3 game kickball tournament, in which both will begin next week.
The volleyball tournament will be played on Wednesday nights the next three weeks starting at 8:00 PM, with the roster deadline being Monday, April 6.
The kickball tournament will be played on Monday nights the next three weeks from starting at 7:00 PM, with the roster deadline being Saturday, April 4.
Both leagues are going to be filled on a first come, first serve basis for the first 8 teams as mentioned earlier. Rosters and additional sign-up information can be found downstairs in Si Melby Hall on and next to the intramural bulletin-board. For any additional comments, questions, or concerns feel free to contact Josh Hersch at
No postings