Security and Facilities Announcements
Teaching and Learning
General Announcements
- Reminder: Wednesday Gathering TODAY, 11 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
- Fall Fest
- Glass Designers to Talk at Fall Art Tour this Friday
- Fall All-Staff Gathering
- Bike Ride Saturday
- New Phone Numbers for Food Service
- Poster Contest
- Homecoming Office Decorating Contest
- Disability Awareness Month Information
- Book Signings this Week at the Bookstore
- Spanish Conversation and Lunch
- AFC Monopoly Madness
- Smoking/Clean Air Policy at Augsburg
- Homecoming Lunch - Faculty & Staff Invitation
- Auggies Have Spirit
Keeping Track of Auggies
- (No listings)
Auggie Athletics
- (No listings)
Security and Facilities Announcements
Campus Crime Report Available
Each year, Augsburg College publishes an annual security report. This report includes statistics for the previous 3 years concerning reported crimes that occurred on campus; in certain off-campus buildings or property owned or controlled by Augsburg College; and on public property within, or immediately adjacent to and accessible from, the campus. The report also includes institutional policies concerning campus security, such as policies concerning alcohol and drug use, crime prevention, the reporting of crimes, sexual assault, and other matters. You can obtain a copy of this report by contacting the Public Safety Department at x1717 or at the following web addresses:
Report for the Minneapolis Campus:
Report for the Rochester Campus:
If you have any questions regarding the report, please feel free to give me a call. My direct phone number is 612-330-1644 and my e-mail is
Teaching and Learning
IRB Information Session - Oct. 10
What is the Institutional Review Board and what does it do? Who needs to submit proposals to the IRB? These and other questions will be addressed at an information session on Wednesday, Oct. 10 from 3:30 - 5:00 p.m. in Oren 111. Please plan to attend if you have any questions regarding IRB.
Space Physics Researcher to Visit Augsburg
Dr. Gordon Rostoker, emeritus Professor of Physics at the University of Alberta and long-time researcher on the physics of the aurora borealis, will present two lectures at Augsburg on Monday, Oct. 8 as part of a 2-day visit. All students, faculty, and staff are welcome to both lectures.
1. At 12:10 p.m., in Science 205, Prof. Rostoker will present Ambiguity in space science models: The plight of the scientists when the data aren't good enough. He will show how the models scientists construct are only as good as the data used to construct them. Better data will sometimes allow one to distinguish between competing models, such as in the classic conflict between the Ptolemaic and Copernican models of the solar system.
2. At 3:30 p.m., in Science 21, Prof. Rostoker will make an illustrated public presentation, sponsored by Augsburgs Chapter of the Society of Physics Students (SPS), on Northern Lights: Violence in the Sky.
Lesbian, Gay, Bi & Trans History Month
October is Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) History Month!
Visit the LGBTQIA Support Services web site during each day of October to see a short, 30-second clip concerning a different member of this vibrant community at
Look for more materials concerning LGBT History Month at Augsburg as the month goes on.
General Announcements
Reminder: Wednesday Gathering TODAY, 11 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
All faculty and staff are invited to the Wednesday Gathering in the East Commons of the Christensen Center this Wednesday, October 3.
Chili (meat or vegetarian), salad, and dessert buffet will be available between 11:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. The security and custodial night shift employees are also invited to the Wednesday Evening Gathering at 8:00 p.m. in the Riverside Room.
The first-Wednesday-of-the-month gatherings support our commitment to building community and practicing Common Work. They are an opportunity to get to know one another, exchange ideas, and collaborate in new ways. We hope you will invite your colleagues and plan to join us!
Fall Fest
Join us today for Fall Fest, 3:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. in the Quad. Enjoy carameled apples, candied apples, a hay ride, leaf dipping, henna, potato sack races, and more! Sponsored by Residence Life.
Glass Designers to Talk at Fall Art Tour this Friday
The annual multi-campus Fall Art Tour is taking place this Friday, Oct. 5 from 5 - 8 p.m. The first bus leaves Augsburg at 5 p.m., with others arriving every 25 minutes. There will be plenty of time to visit art galleries at St. Thomas, St. Kate's, and Macalester and still get back to Augsburg by 7 p.m. when glass designers Andrea Blum and Warren Olson will talk in the Gage Family Art Gallery about the show they co-curated.
More information about the art gallery crawl can be found at:
We hope to see faculty, staff, and students participating in this event, which is sponsored by ACTC.
Fall All Staff Gathering
Please mark your calendar and join Staff Senate for the first ALL STAFF GATHERING of the 2007-08 academic year on Thursday, Oct. 25 from 3:30 - 4:30 p.m. in the East Commons, Christensen Center. Meet new staff members and hear about Senates plans for the year ahead. Great door prizes and refreshments!
Bike Ride Saturday!
Students, Faculty, and Staff are invited to join Campus Ministry on a Bike Ride This Saturday, from 1 - 3 p.m.
We will meet outside the chapel, and bike the West River Parkway to Minnehaha Falls.
Bring a couple of dollars for ice cream at the park!
Don't have a bike? That's okay! E-mail: and we will arrange one for you to borrow!
Questions? E-mail Joanna:
New Phone Numbers for Food Service
Food service numbers have changed to the following:
General Office: 612-359-6475
Jim Falk, General Manager: 612-359-6477
Catering Office: 612-359-6474
Cooper's Coffee Shop: 612-359-6478
Nabo Cafe: 612-359-6470
The new numbers are in place and ready to receive your calls.
Poster Contest
In recognition of Disability Awareness Month, the CLASS office is sponsoring a poster contest. We have the posters, and you provide the artwork.
Requirements are that the artwork promote awareness of disabilities on campus in a positive and collegial format, and include a slogan or phrase that you believe best conveys understanding and acceptance for each individual's unique contributions.
First Prize is a $50 gift certificate, Second Prize is a $25 gift certificate, and Third Prize is a $15 gift certificate. There will be choices available as to where the gift certificates can be redeemed.
If you are interested in submitting an entry for consideration, please pick up a blank poster board in the CLASS office (Foss 17A).
All entries must be submitted to us by Friday, Oct. 26 before 5 p.m. All posters created will be displayed in the Christensen Center coffee shop, and the top three entries will be framed and displayed in the CLASS office after October.
If you have any questions, please contact Rebecca Lund at 612-330-1353 or via e-mail at
Homecoming Office Decorating Contest
Pick up a decorating bag from Staff Senate TODAY at the Wednesday Gathering between 11:00 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. in the East Commons. Judging will take place on Tuesday, Oct. 9. The winning office will receive a pizza party from Alumni Relations.
This year's Homecoming theme is AUGGIE ADVENTURE.
Good luck with your decorating!
Disability Awareness Month Information
To help raise awareness during this month, we will be posting brief notes on how we as a community can be supportive of persons with disabilities.
"The Disclosure Dilemma"
Should you? Shouldnt you? When? To whom? Such questions frequently arise whenever the topic of disclosure of a disability arises. Many disabilities, such as certain learning, cognitive, and perceptual disabilities, are not readily apparent. Students and employees with hidden disabilities may be reluctant to disclose information about the presence and nature of a disability for fear of discrimination and negative perceptions.
Book Signings this Week at the Bookstore
On Friday, Oct. 5, Michael True will be at the bookstore from 12:30 - 1:30 p.m. On Saturday, Oct. 6, Terry Jones will be at the bookstore from noon - 1 p.m. to sign. Books are available now; any questions, please call 612.359.6491.
Spanish Conversation and Lunch
You are invited to attend a Spanish conversation group that will meet this Thursday from 11:00 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. in the Riverside room, on the 2nd floor of the Christensen Center. Drop in for 10 mins. or for the whole 90 mins. — whatever works for you! Whether you're fluent in Spanish or just starting a beginning class, this will be a good practice experience. Bring your lunch if you want. We look forward to seeing you there! Questions? Contact Emiliano Chagil, Anita Fisher or Kate Reinhardt.
AFC Monopoly Madness
Come and meet the executive board of the Accounting/Finance Club (AFC), learn about upcoming AFC events, and run your own Monopoly!
Wednesday, Oct. 3 2007 at 5:00 p.m. located in the Marshall Room of Christensen Center.
We hope to see you there!
Smoking/Clean Air Policy at Augsburg
Did you know that...
Minnesota is second only to Utah in percentage of adult smokers who had quit smoking?
Overall, 18.5% of Minnesotans aged 18-35 are current smokers.
The smoking/clean air policy relies on the thoughtfulness, consideration, and cooperation of smokers and non-smokers. Everyone shares the responsibility for adhering to and enforcing the policy. In all cases, the right of the non-smoker to protect her or his health and comfort will take precedence over a smokers desire to smoke.
A reminder that students, faculty and staff should refrain from smoking in doorways and near entryways to buildings.
We have set up the Urness balcony area as a space for those who want to smoke. It has a few tables and chairs and three cigarette-butt disposals. The area is covered and well-lit. This is an alternative space for the Christensen Center quad entryway during bad weather.
Homecoming Lunch - Faculty & Staff Invitation
Make your reservation NOW for the Homecoming Lunch on Friday, Oct. 12th at 12:30 p.m. in the Christensen Commons. Cost of the lunch is $3 at the door. RSVP to x1598 or to If you wish to pay with a budget transfer, please contact Becky Taute at x1085. Reservation deadline is this Friday, Oct. 5. Don't miss the adventure!
Auggies Have Spirit
AUGGIE ADVENTURE, Homecoming 2007 is October 8 - 13. Show your Auggie spirit by wearing Augsburg colors and Auggie apparel every day of the week. Join Alumni Relations in the adventure of fun activities taking place on campus all week long. GO AUGGIES!
Keeping Track of Auggies
(No listings)
Auggie Athletics
Women's Athletics Celebration in Star-Tribune
In Tuesday's (Oct. 2) Minneapolis Star-Tribune, there was a column by Rachel Blount about Augsburg's 35th anniversary of women's sports celebration, titled "Augsburg Honors Trailblazing Female Athletes."
Read it online:
Needed: Faculty Advisor, Men's Lacrosse
The Augsburg men's lacrosse team is playing in its first official season in the UMLL, Division 2 level. We would need a faculty advisor to receive our funding and participate in the league. The faculty advising job would consist of attending between 10 and 15 games in the spring. For details and more information, please contact our team at
Thank you,
Jay Kusiak
(No listings)