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Security and Facilities Announcements
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Teaching and Learning
Considering Ministry?
Research Poster Making Workshop Wednesday
Scholastic Connections Scholarship
Zyzzogeton *The Last Word
"Invitation to Design" workshop today
Sexuality & Augsburg
Hurry! Deadline for Tony Bibus Lunch Is Coming Up
Winter WEC Grades Due Tuesday, April 3
"The God Delusion" Discussion, Thursday 3:30 p.m.
Student Research Abstracts due March 30
Chinese and Chinese Culture Session
General Announcements
workculture@augsburg meeting
Summer & Fall Book request due April 9
Open Hearings on Proposed Code of Ethics
Faculty Cap & Gown Rentals
Advising Sessions for Business majors
Students - be on the EC Advisory Board
An April Fool's Day that benefits the Campus Kitchens
"Sudan: the Cost of Silence" exhibit starts today
You're invited to the Gandhi Lunch - Friday
Spring Blood Drive - tomorrow
Student Computing Survey
We invite you to chapel - MWF 10:20 TU/TH 11:20
Friday the 13th is less than a month away
Weekly Update
Celebrating Tracy Elftmann
Yoga and Tai Chi are Back today
Track of Auggies
Leadership Recognition Nomination
(No listings)
Free rent
Discount Tickets: Choral Performance at Basilica
Discussions in the AugNet Forums...
(Forum access is currently limited to Augsburg faculty and staff.)
Considering Ministry?
Message: Then consider applying to be a Lilly Scholar for 2007-2008! This program is a year-long academic seminar for students who have a possible interest in attending seminary or pursuing graduate study in the sacred arts or theology. It includes a scholarship for $2,100 and, in some cases, an opportunity to take graduate level coursework at Luther Seminary. Deadline March 30. For further information and an application, please stop by the Lilly Resource Center (Memorial 231), or contact Diane Glorvigen at 612-330-1334 or glorvige@augsburg.edu. Subject:
Research Poster Making Workshop Wednesday
Scholastic Connections Scholarship
Dear Augsburg Students,
Zyzzogeton *The Last Word
*An annual highlighting of student and faculty scholarly workfrom artistic performances to the Student Research Poster Session.
Subject: "Invitation to Design" workshop today Message:
Invitation to Design workshop series
Subject: Sexuality & Augsburg Message:
On Tuesday, April 3 from noon to 1 p.m. in the Century Room, members of the Augsburg community will talk about Sexuality & Augsburg.
Hurry! Deadline for Tony Bibus Lunch Is Coming Up Message:
Come celebrate Social Work Month with Tony Bibus! Staff and faculty are invited to enjoy a COMPLIMENTARY LUNCH courtesy of the Lilly Program as Prof. Bibus shares reflections on his life experiencesbecoming a social worker, teaching social work, and finding a home at Augsburg College. He will explore the links between hope, health, help, and vocationall in the spirit of Paul Tillichs assertion that there is no depth of life without the depth of the common life.
Winter WEC Grades Due Tuesday, April 3
TO: Augsburg Faculty
Subject: "The God Delusion" Discussion, Thursday 3:30 Message: A faculty discussion of "The God Delusion," chapters 1-5, by Richard Dawkins, Thursday, March 29 from 3:30 - 5:00, Riverside Room. Follow-up discussion on April 5th. Free copies of the book available; refreshments served. Contact Russell Kleckley, ext. 1348; kleckley@augsburg.edu. Subject:
Student Research Abstracts Due March 30
Student Research Poster Session
Chinese and Chinese Culture Session
If you are interested in learning conversational Chinese or more about Chinese culture, we hope you will come to Sverdrup 202 tomorrow afternoon. Visiting professor Zhang Jie (John), Professor of English and Dean of the School of Foreign Languages at Anqing Teachers College will be offering this session for students, faculty, and staff (non-Augsburg guests are also welcome).
workculture@augsburg meeting
Message: You are invited to join the workculture@augsburg committee tomorrow, March 28th, from 11:00 am - noon if you are interested in discussing suggestions for ways the workculture@augsburg program could fund campus collaboration. Please bring your suggestions to Sverdrup 102 and join in this planning session. Subject: Summer & Fall Book request due April 9 Message: Please submit Summer & Fall Book request by Monday April 9th. Book request may be e-mailed to Laura at solerl@augsburg.edu or called in at x1521 If you need help selecting a title or obtaining a desk copy please visit www.facultycenter.net Subject:
Open Hearings on Proposed Code of Ethics
The Faculty Senate has scheduled open hearings on the amendment proposed for Section 2 of the Faculty Handbook: "Augsburg College Code of Ethics." This amendment will be on the agenda of the April 11 Faculty Meeting for vote, and the latest draft can be found in the "Code of Ethics for the Faculty Handbook" folder in the Faculty Senate folder on Augnet. If approved, this proposed code of ethics for Augsburg College faculty would replace the 1966 Professional Ethics section in the current handbook.
Subject: Faculty Cap & Gown Rentals Message: All faculty needing to rent gowns for the upcoming commencements should contact the bookstore by April 9th. If you have rented in the past year, you can e-mail me at solerl@augsburg.edu Please call x1521 with questions. Subject:
Advising Sessions for Business majors
Wed. March 28 and Thurs. March 29.
Students - be on the EC Advisory Board
Message: Here's your chance to help us make your Enrollment Center the best it can be! We need students from all of our programs to talk with us about how we can provide personal service, organizing and updating our website, the physical layout of the EC, our hours of operation, and our processes. Please email wheelerw@augsburg.edu by April 9 if you are interested in attending a meeting this spring. Subject: An April Fool's Day that benefits the Campus Kitchens Message:
April Fools Day is rapidly approaching
and Campus Kitchens has the perfect way for you to celebrate: FLAMINGO FLING! For a small donation of only $3 to the Campus Kitchens, volunteers will decorate a students, facultys, and/or staffs door with FLAMINGOS and pink streamers!
Subject: "Sudan: the Cost of Silence" exhibit starts today Message:
Subject: You're invited to the Gandhi Lunch-Friday Message:
Arun Gandhi will be speaking from 10:20am until 11:00am in the chapel this week on Friday. All are welcome!
Spring Blood Drive - TOMORROW
It feels good to save lives so please consider donating blood Wednesday, March 28 between 10 - 4 p.m. in the Marshall Room of Christensen Center. Res Life and Counseling & Health Promotion will be tabling today from 11:30 - 1:30 for specific time slots to donate.
Student Computing Survey
Student Computing is conducting a survey, and we need YOUR help! All students are encouraged to take a few minutes to tell us how we can improve our services. You can also enter for a chance to win a $10 gift card to a local restaurant.
We invite you to chapel! MWF 10:20 TU/TH 11:20
Tuesday - Jane Ann Nelson, Library
Friday the 13th is less than a month away
Message: On Friday, April 13 KAUG presents its Final Note concert, the final concert in this year's KAUG Live series. Mark the date on your calendar and stay tuned for updates. www.augsburg.edu/kaug Subject:
Weekly Update
Celebrating Tracy Elftmann
Please join us in celebrating Tracy Elftmann
Yoga and Tai Chi are Back Today!
Counseling & Health Promotion invites all interesed students, staff and faculty back to yoga which will start up again TODAY. Yoga will be held from noon - 1:00 p.m. in the Marshall Room. Please wear comfortable clothing and feel free to bring your own yoga mat. Yoga will also be held on Thursday from noon - 1:00 in the Marshall Room.
Leadership Recognition Nomination
It is that time of the year when we come together as college to recognize those individuals and organizations who have made outstanding contributions to our community in so many different ways. We recognize excellence, celebrate progress, share accomplishments and as a community take pride in the accomplishments of both individuals and organizations at Augsburg College.
Free Rent
Discount Tickets: Choral Performance at Basilica
Message: Minnesota Choral Artists "The Singers" perform 8 p.m. Saturday, March 31 at the Basilica of St. Mary. Tickets are normally $25, but I am selling them at a discount rate of $10. Contact me via phone 612-226-4024 or e-mail jedlicki@augsburg.edu to buy tickets. Don't miss one of the Twin Cities' most anticipated choral events of the year. |
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