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Teaching and Learning
Canadian Studies
Critical Thinking Workshop January 31
Register now for the Nobel Peace Prize Forum
Sexuality & Politics
Life of the Mind Retreat, March 16-17
CTL Night at the Theatre
General Announcements
Today - Dessert & Dialogue - The State of Race
Interested in affecting social change?
Quest 24 The February Edition
Staff Employee of the Year nominations
Intramural 5 on 5 Basketball
Discussion of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement
Track of Auggies
Mark Engebretson's Space Physics Group Publication
We've got our eye on Biology Professor Bill Capman
Congratulations to Biology Major Linda Huynh
Auggie Athletics Update
Discussions in the AugNet Forums...
(Forum access is currently limited to Augsburg faculty and staff.)
Canadian Studies
The college has received some funds to support Canadian Studies here at
Augsburg. If you currently include the study of something Canadian in
your courses ( i.e. Canadian authors, the Canadian political system,
etc.), would like support in adding a Canadian component to classes, or
are interested in developing a new course with Canada as its focus,
please attend this meeting. It will be held on Wednesday, Jan. 31 in
Lindell 202 at 3 p.m. If you can't attend the meeting but want to be
included in further messages, please send an e-mail to Carol Knicker
Critical Thinking Workshop January 31
So that representatives from ALL departments can make plans to attend, the deadline for RSVPs has been extended to January 26.
Are you part of a team from your department who will attend the workshop? Or are you the representative from your department? RSVP today!
Register now for the Nobel Peace Prize Forum
Schedule and registration for the 19th Annual Nobel Peace Prize Forum at Augustana College, March 9 and 10, is now available on line at www.augie.edu/peaceprizeforum/
Subject: Sexuality & Politics Message:
On Tuesday, February 6 from noon to 1 p.m. in the Century Room, students will speak on the issue of "Sexuality & Politics."
Life of the Mind Retreat, March 16-17
A message from Doug Green
CTL Night at the Theatre
Message: Faculty and staff are invited to the Feb. 3 performance of "Twelfth Night" by William Shakespeare and directed by Barbara Berlovitz. The play begins at 7 p.m. and will be followed by a reception and discussion with the performers. Please call Terry Marin (x1229) to reserve a ticket. The first 25 tickets will be free to faculty and staff. |
Subject: Today - Dessert & Dialogue - The State of Race Message:
Tonight! January 29 , 6:30 p.m. in the Augsburg Room.
Interested in affecting social change?
Do you have a social justice issue that you would like to see addressed? Are you interested in supporting fair trade, promoting the Peace Prize Forum, and planning an Action at Augsburg day?
Subject: Quest 24 The February Edition Message:
Where are you going in your life?
Quest 24 can help you answer this question! Join us, February 10-11 at the beautiful Mount Olivet Retreat Center for 24 Hours of vocation exploration. During our time together, we will hike, discuss, journal, swim, and have a great time. This retreat is co-led by Campus Ministry and the Center for Service, Work, and Learning.
Staff Employee of the Year nominations
Message: Have you ever wanted to thank one of your fellow staff members for all the hard work that they do? Then you may want to consider nominating them for the Staff Employee of the Year award. This award is intended to recognize exceptional Augsburg staff members who exemplify the mission statement of the college through their actions. Recipients of this award consistently go above and beyond the call of duty by providing exceptional service to others and/or making innovative and outstanding contributions to enhance the objectives of their department or the Augsburg community. To be considered for this award, the nominee must have a complete nomination packet that includes: the nomination form and at least two letters of recommendation. You can locate the nomination form in the Staff Senate public folder. Please return the nomination form and all letters of recommendation no later than 4 p.m. on Friday, March 2nd to: Liz Bassani, Staff Senate, Campus Box #309. The Staff Recognition and Length of Service event will be held on March 15 from 3-4:30 p.m. in East Commons. Food and beverages will be provided. Subject:
Intramural 5 on 5 Basketball
Get your rosters and waivers for 5 on 5 Basketball completed by Tuesday, January 30. Turn forms in at the IM Bulletin Board in the basement of Si Melby (across from the weight room).
Discussion of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement
Message: Norwegian diplomate Tom Vraalsen will discuss the humanitarian crisis in the Sudan on Tuesday, Jan. 30, 11:30 a.m. in Cowles Auditorium at the Humphery Center, 301 19th Ave. S. A comlimentary light lunch will be served after the progam. For more information call Jamie Proulx at 612-625-9436. |
Mark Engebretson's Space Physics Group Publication
Mark Engebretson's Space Physics Group has published the following research: "ULF Waves at Very High Latitudes", M.J Engebretson and J.L. Posch (Augsburg) and V. A. Pilipenko and O.M. Chugunova (Space Research Institute, Moscow, Russia).
We've got our eye on Biology Professor Bill Capman
Message: Kudos to Bill Capman of the Biology Department for the recent use and publication of his photograph of the eye of a scallop in Russel Fernald's article "Casting a Genetic Light on the Evolution of Eyes" in the journal of Science Sept 2006 vol 313 p.1915 Subject:
Congratulations to Biology Major Linda Huynh
Message: Kudos to Linda Huynh for receiving the Graduate Women in Science (GWIS) Xi Chapter 2006 Undergraduate Affiliate Travel Award. Linda will be a co-presenting author on an abstract submitted to the American Society for Microbiology General Meeting in Toronto Canada with co-authors Richard Birkett, Dan Hayward and Beverly Smith-Keiling in May 2007. |
Auggie Athletics Update
Auggie Athletics Update (click on link for story/stats):
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