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Security and Facilities Announcements
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Teaching and Learning
Yale Divinity School Visit Oct. 5
Fall Series: From Leadership Theory to Practice
GenEd Writing Skill Consultation Today
Study abroad application countdown: Forms due Oct.1
GenEd Writing Skills Consultation Today
Fall Augsburg Abroad Fair Today
General Announcements
Hall Crawl Update
Alumni Mentoring for Business Students
Free Concert On Campus
Education Department Open House is Today
Students with Disabilities: Sciences Internships
Election Results
Christensen Convocation - Monday and Tuesday
NASA Space Grant Scholarship for 2006-07
1st & 2nd Years: Take the QUEST 24 Oct. 6-7
Artist Amy Rice '93 to give slide talk Friday
Spanish lunches
Skilled Carpenters Wanted
President Pribbenow to speak on faith@work!
Have You Ever Thrown A Desk?! Auggie Cup Update
Win a Prize For Being Creative
"Title that Sculpture" Contest--Enter today
Track of Auggies
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Seven to be inducted into Hall of Fame tonight
Venter named MIAC POW, D3Kicks.com TOW
Donate Irons
Discussions in the AugNet Forums...
(Forum access is currently limited to Augsburg faculty and staff.)
A representative from Yale Divinity School will be visiting Augsburg
The Center for Leadership Studies invites you to attend its fall series entitled Walking the Talk: From Leadership Theory to Practice. The first workshop features Don Frick, author of Robert K. Greenleaf: A Life of Servant Leadership. Frick will lead an exploration of the basic concepts of servant leadership, its potential for grounding and guiding our lives, and its practical applications. The second workshop tells the story of servant leadership in action in a presentation by Augsburg alumna Jacquie Berglund, co-founder/president of a thriving company that is strongly committed to using its profits and resources to create social change.
Just a reminder to all students interested in studying abroad in January or in spring semester Applications are due October 1.
Did you know you can study almost anywhere in the world and receive Augsburg credit? And that you can use your financial aid? Study abroad at Augsburg applies toward graduation, can fit any schedule, and can be really affordable! It prepares you to be a better citizen of the world and a better employee -- and its fun!
Staff and Faculty--
The Alumni Mentoring Program is especially looking for students interested in business, MIS, accounting, or finance.
Head to the TV Studio, across from the Chapel, on Thursday, October 5 at 7 p.m. for the first installment of the KAUG Live Concert Series: Steal This Concert! This FREE concert features Augsburg hip hop artists Audyssey and TQD and will be filmed for the upcoming KAUG Live DVD. The concert is open for anyone to attend. Visit www.augsburg.edu/kaug for more info on KAUG.
Please remember to stop down today, Thursday, September 28, from 4-7 p.m. the Education Department is hosting an Open House. We want to take this opportunity to invite faculty, staff, and
Message: On Monday, October 2 at 3:30 in Foss 21B, a representative from Entry Point will be on campus to talk about summer internships for students with disabilities who are majoring in: life sciences, physical sciences, computer science, engineering, mathematics, and some social science and business fields. Let Regina in the CLASS office know if you are interested in attending (612-330-1053). More information about Entry Point is at: http://www.entrypoint.org
Congrats to the newly elected Senators!
"In a culture that fluctuates between boasting of its winner status and darkly suspecting that it is a loser, its not easy to appropriate the anthropology and ethic of stewardship. But it is possible; and unless we can bring about something like this modest but provocative sense of human vocation we may find ourselves in a dark age that is greater than the dark ages of the past." Douglas John Hall
The 2006-07 NASA Space Grant Undergradute Scholarship Program at Augsburg supports the advancement of academically focused undergraduates seeking professional careers in the natural sciences, especially space physics & engineering, mathematics, and science/mathematics education. This program encourages sophomore-senior undergraduates who are
Where are you going in your life? Do you need a hot air balloon to get there?
Message: Have you see the exhibition "Egg Basket Full of Hollyhock Dolls" on view in Christensen Center? Want to know more about the art and artist? Then join us this Friday, September 29 at 3:30 p.m. in the Marshall Room, Christensen Center. The artist, who is an Augsburg alumna, will talk about her artwork and her non-profit organization Spectrum ArtWorks, which serves adults with mental disabilities. Refreshments will be served.
Want to practice your conversational Spanish? Come meet others who are interested in doing the same thing. We will meet in the Riverside room in Christensen Center every Thursday from 12 - 1 p.m. You are invited to bring a lunch. This is a conversation group, so there will be informal interaction - no grammar lessons! Questions? Contact Kate Reinhardt at x1081 or Anita Fisher at x1082. Hasta jueves!
The Theatre Arts Department seeks two skilled carpenters to help build their theater sets. Previous carpentry or woodworking experience required. Must be available to work most Saturdays and at least one Wednesday, Thursday or Friday afternoon. This position is open to all work-study approved Augsburg students.
Did you miss the Lilly lunch when Dr. Pribbenow spoke on his vocation? You have another opportunity! The next session of the faith@work! leadership speakers series, featuring President Pribbenow, is on Wednesday, October 4 from 7 8 a.m. at St. Philip the Deacon Lutheran Church.
Here's your chance!
Art Club needs a LOGO!!!!
Message: Have you seen the three new pieces of outdoor sculpture adorning out campus? Like them? Hate them? Just don't be indifferent! We want to know what you would title the sculptures. "Kubrick" is situated next to the Gateway Center construction, "Triple Spark" is located in front of Foss, and "Fractured Daemon" is adorning the grassy knoll near the cement steps of Christensen Center. The people who come up with the most creative titles will win prizes! Winning entries will be announced at the Oct. 7 reception for Sam Spiczka's exhibition "Reliquiae," currently on view in the Gage Family Art Gallery. Email your entries to Kerry at morgank@augsburg.edu. |
Seven to be inducted into Hall of Fame tonight
Seven to be inducted into Augsburg Athletic Hall of Fame on Thursday
Venter named MIAC POW, D3Kicks.com TOW
Augsburg's Pascaul Venter named MIAC Men's Soccer Player of the Week and to D3Kicks.com Team of the Week for second week in a row
Donate Irons
Message: Art department needs steam irons in safe, operating order donated for early November 2006 high school hand papermaking workshop. Appliances with safety shutoff feature are particularly helpful. Drop off to OM 3C, or call x1232 for pickup. |
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