Religion Major/Minor Gathering - Today
Abigail M Ferjak, Student
Come one and all to meet your fellow religion majors and minors, have snacks, and discuss what you would like to do this year beyond classes:
social gatherings?
religion club?
colloquium on religion topics?
conversation with alumni about what you can do with a religion major? help planning for seminary or graduate school?
Thursday, October 5, 5 - 6 p.m.
Christensen Center Coffee shop
(behind the art gallery)
Yale Divinity Visit Today
Diane R Glorvigen, Lilly Program Assistant, Exploring Our Gifts
A representative from Yale Divinity School will be visiting Augsburg
College on Thursday, October 5, 2006 from 1:30-3 p.m. in the Riverside Room. Please come by to learn more about the Divinity School's graduate and professional degree programs.
Yale Divinity School is interdenominational and completely nonsectarian divinity school providing instruction in the history, doctrines, and polity of all the major church bodies.
Sunday Bike Ride
Sarah M Pesola, Student
This Sunday, October 8, Campus Ministry will be hosting a bike ride for anyone who wants to come along.
We'll meet in front of the chapel at 1 p.m. Bring your bike and a helmet. We'll bike to Minnehaha Falls and then stop for a treat on the way back. We'll be back at Augsburg by 3:30.
If you don't have a bike, email pesola@augsburg.edu and we will try to find one for you to use.
Hope to see you there!
Free Massages
Tori L Bahr, Student
ASAC's annual Spa and Poker night is back this Friday 8-11 in the Commons. There are free massages for all and Texas Hold'Em, Casino War, and Black Jack. Come test your luck and you could win some big prizes!! $100 gift cards to Target and Best Buy!!
Welcome Desk Duties
Andrea E Kaul, Student
The Augsburg College Welcome Desk, located in Christensen Center, is up and running again this semester! Hours for fall semester are Monday Friday from 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. and WEC Saturdays from 8 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. The following items will be handled by the Welcome Desk staff:
Floral Deliveries
Deliveries from florists will be received at the desk, and the recipients will be notified immediately. Flowers can be picked up with proper identification.
Lost and Found
The Welcome Desk is now the official location of the lost and found. Lost items can be retrieved with proper identification.
Campus Maps
Current maps of the campus will be available at the desk.
First Aid Supplies
A first aid kit is available in the closet behind the desk.
Vendor/Display Table Policy
1. To schedule a table for display purposes in the Christensen Center, please complete the display table request form found on the Event and Classroom Services web page (www.augsburg.edu/eventservices), or contact Event and Classroom Services at 612-330-1104.
2. Tables must be reserved at least 2 days in advance through Event and Classroom Services.
3. The day the vendor is scheduled, they will be required to obtain a vendor/display permit from ECS, located in the lower level of the Christensen Center, to exhibit at their table.
Posting Policies
Augsburg College recognizes student groups and organizations, staff, and faculty, may use college space to communicate and advertise ideas and events relating to the college. Out of consideration for the right of free expression, the rights of viewers, civility, tolerance, and respect, the following guidelines are to be followed when posting flyers and notices:
1.All postings must be approved and dated at the Welcome Desk.
2.Posting is allowed on the designated posting strips and bulletin boards that are found in each building. Please do not use duct tape or other permanent adhesives. Damage to walls and services will be charged.
3.Postings are allowed ten days of display time. ALL individuals and organizations are responsible for removal of their materials after this time.
4.No direct of indirect promotion of alcohol or drugs, obscene material, or material that would violate applicable law or Augsburg College policy will be permitted.
5.Posting is not permitted on any glass doors, doorframes, painted and wallpapered walls, floors, or pillars. Notices from the Registrar, Facilities Management, and Campus Security are permitted to post in all areas.
6.No flyers are permitted on cars on campus.
Where postings are permitted in Christensen Center:
-Graduate Programs and Weekend College should be posted on the bulletin board in the bathroom hallway on the Admissions wall side.
-Activities and Employment should be posted on the bulletin board in the bathroom hallway on the bathrooms wall side.
-Human Resources and Campus Ministry should be posted on the bulletin board opposite of the mail room.
-Activities and Housing Options should be posted on the bulletin board in the hallway with the ATM.
-All other buildings on campus must be on the designated bulletin boards.
Floor Signs
1.Floor signs may be posted in the area in front of the Welcome Desk in Christensen Center, and must be approved by Event Services.
2.Signs may be a maximum of 6 x 8.
3.Signs must be a minimum of 10 from any landing or stairway. Taping signs to stairs, landings, and railings is not permitted.
4.Groups must use Gaffers Tape special tape that does not leave a residue once removed for all signs taped to the floor. Clear tape may be used to cover the entire sign as to protect from weather and traffic, but must not come into contact with the floor.
5. Signs may not directly or indirectly promote alcohol or drugs, obscene material, or material that would violate applicable law or Augsburg College policy.
6. Individuals and groups must remove signage immediately after the two-week posting time. Failure to do so will result in loss of privilege in reserving space in the future.
7.The college reserves the right to remove the sign if it becomes dirty, torn, or out-dated.
1.Only one student group or organization will be permitted to chalk at any one time.
2.Chalking may not directly or indirectly promote alcohol or drugs, obscene material, or material that would violate applicable law or Augsburg College policy.
3.Arrangements must be made with Buildings and Grounds to remove the information once the event has occurred.
4.Chalking may be removed due to weather or watering of the lawns.
Painting the Skyway
1.Only one student group or organization may be permitted to paint the skyway at any one time. Notification and approval must be done through Ramon Knox, Director of Campus Activities and Orientation. Contact knoxr@augsburg.edu or extension 1111.
2.Only Temper Paints or markers specifically made to write on glass may be used.
3.Arrangements with Buildings and Grounds must be made in advance to clean up. Groups are responsible for their own clean-up. Windows must be cleaned within 24 hours of completing the event.
Use of the Quad for Programs, Events, and Activities
The Quad is defined as the space surrounded by the following four buildings: Christensen Center, Memorial Hall, Science Hall, and Sverdrup Hall.
1.Tables and displays must be arranged as not to block or impede the traffic flow on the walkways, stairs, and access ramps.
2.Music is permitted only with prior approval from Event Services. No amplified sound is permitted in the Quad without approval from Event Services.
3.A rain site must also be reserved in the case of inclement weather. Contact Event Services to make other arrangements due to weather.
Failure to adhere to the above guidelines will result in removal of postings and future denial of posting privileges.
If you have any questions, or concerns about posting or events on campus please contact Event Services at ecs@augsburg.edu or 612-330-1104.
For questions or comments about the Welcome Desk please contact:
Andrea Kaul, Welcome Desk Student Supervisor: kaula@augsburg.edu or Brenda Hemmingsen, Welcome Desk Supervirsor: x 1001 or hemmings@augsburg.edu.
Did you do Key Club in high school? Join Circle K
Will O'Berry, Assistant Director, Campus Activities/GLBTQA Advisor, Campus Activities and Orientation
An informational meeting will be held by the Minnesota-Dakotas District of Circle K International. The event will be an opportunity for Augsburg students to learn about the organization and the opportunity to charter a chapter here at Augsburg. Circle K International is a global service organization dedicated to community service and philanthropy. Its service partners include Kiwanis International and Key Club International.
When: Wednesday, October 11 at 7:30 p.m.
Where: Minneapolis Room, Christensen Center
Augsburg's A-List
Kerry Morgan, Coordinator of Galleries and Exhibits, Art
Augsburg's A-List: Where to go from here
Cultural events just a stones throw away from Augsburg College and often free-of-charge. These suggestions come to you from Kerry Morgan (Galleries Coordinator) and Mary Laurel True (Center for Service, Work, and Learning).
The Rabbit Show: Fairytales Unmasked by Third Rabbit Dance Ensemble
Jack and Jill have a secret. Red Riding Hood carries heat. Only a virgin can see a unicorn. And that's just the beginning of the sometimes thoughtful, occasionally downright wacky rendering of classic fairytales by Third Rabbit Dance Ensemble. This promises to be a modern dance show for grown-ups who think they don't like "that modern dance stuff."
Where: Bryant Lake Bowl Cabaret Theater
When: October 11 at 7 p.m. (doors open at 6 p.m.)
Tickets: $6-$10 (pay what you can)
New Work by Spectrum ArtWorks Artists
Organized by Amy Rice (93)
October 4-October 29
Opening Reception: Wednesday October 4, 5-9 p.m.
Special Gallery Event: Identity Art: A Forum
Thursday, October 19 from 7-9 p.m.
Where: Stevens Square Center for the Arts
1905 3rd Ave S Mpls, MN
Regular Gallery Hours: Friday-Sunday 1-5
All events are FREE and open to the public
The Master and Margarita
University Theater, under the co-direction of Michael Sommers and Luverne Siefert, has streamlined the story by anti-Stalinist Russian writer Mikhail Bulgakov. It is theatrically staged outdoors to create a multidisciplinary spectacle that includes an outrageously decorated car, a live band, a bonfire, and fireworks. Dont miss the fun.
Where: Behind Ted Mann Concert Hall, West Bank, University of Minnesota
When: October 5-14
Free; 612-625-4001; artsquarter.umn.edu
Desperatekt Seeking...
David A. Barlow, Assistant Professor, Physician Assistant Program
your gently used items. Bring them to the PA program in the lower level of Anderson Hall today or tomorrow morning. The big yard sale to benefit Family Opportunities for Living Collaborative (FOLC) is tomorrow. Don't forget to stop by the sale and see what treasures you may find. The PA Student Society will also be having a bake sale at the yard sale so come and see what kind of goodies they have made.
October 6th is National Physician Assistant Day. Students and faculty from the Augsburg College PA studies program are joining The Family Opportunities for Living Collaboration (FOLC) to put on a yard sale with proceeds to support FOLC. We hope to make this a huge success for FOLC but we need your help. Please consider donating any of the following gently used items to the sale:
Household goods/Toys and Games/Collectibles/Instruments/Working Electronics/
Tools/Books/Clean and Serviceable Clothing/Cash Donations Welcome
If you have large items (furniture, automobiles etc) please deliver on the morning of the sale. 10/6/06
You may bring items to the PA program (lower level Anderson Hall) beginning on Friday the 29th of September. Contact Sandy Fevig at 330-1399 if you have questions.
The mission of FOLC is to inspire, connect, administer, and support individuals and organizations as they partner together to provide programs that address the health and family needs of community members living in Cedar Riverside and surrounding Minneapolis neighborhoods. See their website for details www.folcmn.org
The Afro-Colombian Quest for Peace
Mary L True, Associate Director, Center for Service Work and Learning
Hope for Development in the Crossfire:
The Afro-Colombian Quest for Peace
Coffee hour with Luis Gilberto Murillo
International Policy Analyst for Lutheran World Relief
10 a.m.-11:30 a.m., Saturday, October 7
Resource Center of the Americas
3019 Minnehaha Avenue, Minneapolis, $4 ($3 for RCA members)
Luis Gilberto Murillo was Governor of the predominantly Afro-Colombian Department of Chocó from 1998 to 1999. In 2000, he was kidnapped and threatened with extortion and death. He was forced to flee Colombia with his family, receiving asylum in the U.S. where he began working in Washington, D.C. as US-Colombia Policy Coordinator and later International Policy Analyst for Lutheran World Relief (LWR). Mr. Murillo works to make the voices of marginalized Colombians heard in the policy debate in Washington, D.C. His work is part of LWR's efforts to build peace in Colombia through local projects backed by education and advocacy in the United States. Mr. Murillo is one of the most active Afro-Colombian voices in the Washington, DC policy debate on Colombia. (For more information please contact John at 612-270-2224 or cjohnhildebrand@yahoo.com)
Boozhoo niiji-gikinoo-amaaganidog-anishinaabeg
Lyman Jenkins, Student
In response to the message posted a few days ago regarding a resurrection of an ITSU(Inter-Tribal Student Union), I'd like to add that if we, as Indian students, do not wish to become "official" as a student organization, we should still embrace any opportunity for fellowship-at the very least, to know that we as individuals, indeed, are part of a collective here at Augsburg! Any chance to bounce ideas off of other Indian students, share in culture/language revitilization initiative, or general friendship sounds like a good chance to me!! How about you? Feel free to contact me at jenkinsl@augsburg.edu...
Yoga Now On Thursdays
Dianne Detloff, Administrative Assistant, Counseling and Health Promotion
Counseling & Health Promotion is happy to announce that there will be a yoga session on Thursdays starting today from noon - 1 p.m. in the Marshall Room. All interested students, staff and faculty are invited to join. Feel free to bring your own mats. Any questions, please all CCHP at 612-330-1707.
Spanish conversation and lunch
Kathy J Reinhardt, Instructor, Modern Languages
Want to practice conversing in Spanish? Join us on Thursdays in the Riverside room from noon - 1 p.m. This is an informal gathering - no grammar lessons! Feel free to bring your lunch. Questions? Contact Kate Reinhardt at ext. 1081 or Anita Fisher at ext. 1082. Hasta entonces!
Did you do Key Club in High School? Join Circle K
Will O'Berry, Assistant Director, Campus Activities/GLBTQA Advisor, Campus Activities and Orientation
An informational meeting will be held by the Minnesota-Dakotas District of Circle K International. The event will be an opportunity for Augsburg students to learn about the organization and the opportunity to charter a chapter here at Augsburg. Circle K International is a global service organization dedicated to community service and philanthropy. Its service partners include Kiwanis International and Key Club International.
Art Gallery Crawl Saturday--free food
Kerry Morgan, Coordinator of Galleries and Exhibits, Art
Don't miss the 3rd annual "Art Attack: Multi-Campus Art Gallery Crawl" this Saturday, October 7 from 4 to 8 p.m. Hop on a free bus at 4 p.m. and take off to see great art at six other college campuses. Want to hang out and meet artists Amy Rice and Sam Spiczka? Buses will be arriving and departing every 20 minutes so hang out and enjoy the art, food, and live music.
There will be a special silent auction of "Art of the Storm" artwork so bring your checkbooks and get an early start purchasing gifts for loved ones. At 7 p.m. Mary Gray, CEO of MinnesotaHelpers, will talk about the ongoing support for artists who were affected by Hurricane Katrina.
Hope to see you Saturday!
Free Concert On Campus Tonight
Ted A Jedlicki, Student
Head to the Foss TV Studio, across from the Chapel, this Thursday, October 5 at 7 p.m. for the first installment of the KAUG Live Concert Series: Steal This Concert! This FREE concert features Augsburg hip hop artists Audyssey and TQD and will be filmed for the upcoming KAUG Live DVD. The concert is open for anyone to attend. Visit www.augsburg.edu/kaug for more info on KAUG.
October 6 Benefit Event for CGE Scholarship
Regina McGoff, Associate Director, Center for Global Education
Please join the Center for Global Education at Augsburg College and St. Martins Table on Friday, October 6, 7:30 p.m. for a concert and silent auction. Bread for the Journey features Mary Preus, Ray Makeever, Tom Witt, Bret Hesla, Linda Breitag, and Antonio Machado. They play music of faith and hope from Christian communities around the world. The mix of music from global cultures is lively, inspiring and will wake you from any spiritual slumber! The concert and silent auction will be held at Our Saviours Lutheran Church, 2315 Chicago Avenue South.
A silent auction of unique items from Mexico and Central America will benefit the Center for Global Educations Mary Witt Scholarship Fund that enables low income people and people from historically disadvantaged groups in study abroad to participate in the Centers programs. Tickets are $12 and may be purchased at St. Martins Table, 2001 Riverside Avenue, Minneapolis or by phone from 612-339-3920. Please join us for a lively night of music.