Thursday, July 30, 2015
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Public Safety and Facilities Announcements

Elm Tree Removal in Quad

Davey Tree will be removing two elm trees due to Dutch Elm disease in the Quad next Tuesday (8/4) through Thursday (8/6). If you have any questions or concerns please contact Bryan at or 612-280-7447.

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Teaching and Learning

URGO Summer Research Presentations TODAY @ 1pm

We invite students, faculty, and staff to attend this year's URGO Summer Research Presentations July 28th -30th. These student presentations are the culmination of 10 weeks of intensive study under the guidance of a faculty mentor. Please join us to learn something new, engage in thoughtful conversation, and support student scholarship!

Thursday, July 30th
1:00: STEM Fields - Sverdrup 202
Michael Kantor (Exercise Science; Dr. Ana Ribeiro)
"Assessing Physical Activity Levels and Motivation in an Urban Midwest Private Liberal Arts College"
Ali Plieseis (Chemistry; Dr. Michael Wentzel)
"Benzyllic Amide formation via a Heterogeneous Catalyzed Continuous Flow Reactor"
Claire Cripps (Exercise Science; Dr. Tony Clapp)
"Predicting Maximal Oxygen Consumption with a Single Stage Skate Test"

1:00: STEM Fields - Sverdrup 206
Maifa Belghoul (Biology; Dr. Nidanie Henderson-Stull)
"Expression of the unphosphorylated cellular Sarcoma enzyme in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe"
Davy DeKrey (Biology; Dr. Ann Impullitti)
"Physiological changes of soybean due to the disease Brown Stem Rot"
Steve Dols (Biology; Dr. Ann Impullitti)
"Investigation of 4 known soilborne pathogens on disease development in soybean plants"

2:15: STEM Fields - Sverdrup 202
Susanna Petaisto (Biopsychology; Dr. Henry Yoon)
"Longitudinal Association between Reduced P3 Brain Amplitude and ADHD Comorbidity"
Kelsey Merck (Biology; Dr. Nidanie Henderson-Stull)
"Getting a handle n-Src: site-selective tagging of the c-Src protein"

2:15: STEM Fields - Sverdrup 206
Blair Stewig (Chemistry; Dr. Joan Kunz & Dr. Ben Stottrup)
"The Behavior of Isomeric Hydroxycholesterols in a Lipid Monolayer"
Kristine Volz (Chemistry; Dr. Michael Wentzel)
"C-H Activation by Metal Catalysis Through the Use of Directing Groups"

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General Announcements

Congrats to Mexico Site Director

Congratulations to Dr. Ann Lutterman-Aguilar for getting published in the upcoming book, "Lutheran Pedagogy for a Global Context." She contributed the chapter, "Discovering God at Work in this World: How Global Education Can Impact Students’ Vocations."

Ann is the Site Director and Instructor at Augsburg's Mexico campus in Cuernavaca. Read more at the Center for Global Education and Experience's Blog at:

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Feel Good By Doing Good

In August, Augsburg Total Wellness will be sponsoring a school supply drive to benefit People Serving People. This non-profit is located in Minneapolis and is the largest and most comprehensive, family-focused homeless shelter in Minnesota.

Thousands of students all across the United States will be heading back to school in just a few short weeks. Let's help make sure each and every one has the supplies they need to start the year off right! Beginning August 4th, Human Resources will be collecting school supplies. For each item that is donated, you will receive an entry into a prize drawing. That's right, for each item you will receive an entry; 100 items means 100 chances to win! Prizes include Barnes and Noble gift cards, Augsburg golf umbrellas, gym bags, and more! All donations must be received in HR office, Memorial 19 by Friday August 14th. Prize drawing will be held on Wednesday, August 19th.

Items needed:
#2 Pencils
Pencil sharpener
Alarm clocks
Red, Blue & Black Pens
Calculators, Protractors & Rulers
Colored pencils, Markers & Crayons
Construction paper
School bags/backpacks
School glue & Glue sticks-large size
Scissors–youth size
Wide-ruled loose leaf composition paper
Wide-ruled spiral bound notebooks
Pencil boxes/pouches
*New Items only

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Event Announcements

Farmers Market TODAY

The West Bank Mini Farmers Market at Augsburg will be open today from 11am - 2pm at the Ice Arena Plaza at 2323 Riverside Ave. We'll have even more this week, with some new farmers adding corn, melons, and honey! Stop by the market information booth to use your credit, debit, or EBT card.

We are also looking for a few volunteers to fill the following roles:

- Market set up: Meet at the market site at 10:15am to assist in setting up the market booth, and directing vendors.
- Market Tear down: After the market, from 1:50pm - 2:45pm, assist with taking down the market booth and unloading it at the Campus Kitchen Cupboard.

If you are interested in helping out, stop by the market to learn more!

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MFA Summer Residency - Readings and Screenings

The MFA in Creative Writing 2015 Summer Residency is in progress until Sunday, August 2. Please join us in welcoming our group of very talented students and acclaimed writers to campus for this festival of craft talks, workshops, evening readings and more. This summer's visiting writers include memoirist Sue William Silverman; poet Marci Vogel, winner of the first Howling Bird Press book award; novelist Helene Wecker; playwright Carson Kreitzer; and Ken Rance, screenwriter of the film NEW IN TOWN. They will be joining our own MFA mentors, Nicole Brending, Stephan Eirik Clark, Cass Dalglish, Jack El-Hai, Heid Erdrich, Sarah Myers and Cary Waterman. In addition, eleven of our graduating MFA students will be giving public readings of their works - Trena Bolden-Fields, Ashley Cardona, Jayne Carlson, John Garland, Dominique Haikel, Jay Moad, Cindy Morgan, Roseroberta 'Bobbi' Pauling, Jen Shutt, KatieJo Sonneman and Amanda Symes.

We invite you to join us for the evening readings/screenings and receptions, at which featured writers will be available to sign their works. All events are free and the public is invited.

Thursday, July 30
Screening: New In Town
with Screenwriter Ken Rance
7:30 p.m., Foss TV Studio, Foss Center

Friday, July 31
Graduating Writers
Roseroberta 'Bobbi' Pauling, Fiction
Ashley Cardona, Poetry
Jen Shutt, Fiction
Cindy Morgan, Creative Nonfiction
Jay Moad, Fiction
7 p.m., Sateren Auditorium, Anderson Music Building

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Keeping Track of Auggies

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Auggie Athletics

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Free Pack and Play

I have a free pack and play available for pick up at Augsburg's Enrollment Center for anyone who wants it. It is blue and in great condition.

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