Tuesday, June 2, 2015
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Public Safety and Facilities Announcements

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Teaching and Learning

First Meeting of Augsburg R-user Group ARG

Have you ever wanted to use R/RStudio but didn't know where to start? Are you learning R/RStudio, but have hit a wall? Are you a seasoned R user and want to learn some new tricks?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, than ARG (Augsburg R-user Group) is for you! ARG will have its inaugural meeting Wednesday, June 3 in Science 108 from 1-2 p.m. Bring your laptop, your friendly spirit, and your eagerness to learn and share with this new community of R users at Augsburg.

Questions? Please email Miles Ott: ottmi@augsburg.edu

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General Announcements

Sign Up for Research Experiment and Receive $


Dear fellow Auggie,
My name is Ali Kanan and I am an undergraduate student from the Psychology department at Augsburg College. I am writing to invite you to participate in my summer research project. The purpose of this study is to examine how motivational traits influence how persistent one is in an exercise session. Through this process we hope to gain knowledge and a better understanding on how to help people to find the motivation to continue or begin exercising for their own health benefits.

The study involves filling out a series of questionnaires relating to the topics of motivation, personality, and exercise. Following the questionnaires, you will be asked to perform three physical tasks (roughly 5 minutes each). The experiment will take approximately 30 minutes to complete, and as compensation you will receive $5 for participating in the study. All information concerning identity of participant, including the collected data, will remain anonymous and confidential.

In order to be eligible as a participant of this study you must:
1) Be between the ages of 18-65, and is/has participated in some form of physical activity
2) Pass a health screening questionnaire prior to the experiment
3) NOT exercise before the experiment on the day of testing

If you meet the above criterion, and decide you want to participate, or would like more information about participating, contact: Ali Kanan at 763-614-4852 (kanan@augsburg.edu), or Dr. Ben Denkinger at 612-330-1172 (denkinge@augsburg.edu).

**Sign up using the link below, OR, shoot me and email/call if you would like me to set it up for you! Thanks!


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Together We Made a Difference--Thank You

THANK YOU to the team of AMAZING AUGGIES that came together to pack meals for the Feed My Starving Children organization. We should be proud of what we were able to accomplish. Together we packed 25,704 meals in just an hour and a half! It was a fantastic experience with an organization that is truly making a difference all around the world.

If you missed the opportunity or are interested in packing meals at the next event, please contact Katie Berggren at berggren@augsburg.edu.

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Sign Up For: Retirement Planning Sessions

You can discuss your personal financial situation with an experienced TIAA-CREF Financial Consultant on a confidential basis. They are available to discuss how to help you pursue your financial goals.

Sign up today:
www.tiaa-cref.org/schedulenow or call 1-800-732-8353

Appointments are available:
Friday, July 10, 2015 8:00 am - 1:00 pm, Sverdrup Hall, Room 102
Friday, July 17, 2015 8:00 am - 1:00 pm, Sverdrup Hall, Room 102

Questions please contact Katie Berggren at berggren@augsburg.edu

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Food Service Hours

Einstein's is open from 7:30am-1:30pm with a condensed menu.

Nabo is open from 10:00am-2:00pm with a condensed menu.

The Commons is closed.

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Mary Hollerich, New Library Director

Dear Colleagues,

It is with great pleasure that I announce the appointment of Mary Hollerich as Augsburg College's new Library Director, effective July 1, 2015.

Mary received the A.B. in Germanic Languages and Literature, and the M.S. in Library and Information Science, from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Most recently, Mary served as Assistant Dean of Scholarly Resources and Research Services at Southern Methodist University, where she oversaw operations for the Central University Libraries. Since 2011, she has also served as Editor-in-Chief of Interlending & Document Supply, an international journal devoted to resource sharing topics. Mary is recognized as one of the country's leading experts in resource sharing.

Mary's professional interests and credentials align well with her new role at Augsburg, particularly in a swiftly evolving environment that presents new opportunities for academic libraries to be nimble partners to students, faculty, and staff. At SMU, Mary spearheaded efforts to develop instruction and orientation programs for incoming freshmen that focused specifically on the undergraduate experience, incorporating student learning outcomes into library orientation sessions, and utilizing roving and embedded librarians. To meet the particular needs of graduate students and faculty, she expanded the librarian role to incorporate literature reviews and research on grant funding, citation analyses, and impact measures of faculty publications for tenure and promotion reviews. I am excited by the potential that Mary's previous experience has for her work at Augsburg: she will bring a new and important lens to the work of our librarian colleagues.

As we look forward to Mary's arrival, I also want to extend my deep gratitude to Dixie Ohlander, for her thoughtful guidance through a careful, deliberative process that has brought us to the selection of Mary Hollerich. I also extend sincere thanks to Ron Kurpiers, for his leadership as interim director of Library Services, and to Michael Bloomberg, for his service as interim associate director, during this period of transition.

Please join me in welcoming Mary Hollerich as she joins the work of our campus community this summer!

Best wishes,

Karen Kaivola

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Want To Be Involved? Send Your Event Info by 6/5

Get involved! New pilot program coming for Fall 2015: Fall Major/Career Exploration Weeks

To better support students in exploring options for majors and careers, Career & Internship Services is partnering with URGO to plan a new five-week program series for fall 2015 - and we hope you will be involved! (Details: http://www.augsburg.edu/strommen/calendar/fall-majorcareer-exploration-series/)

The program is designed to help students explore majors and careers by disciplines in alignment with our academic divisions, plus a week focused on pre-health and one designed to meet the needs of undecided students or those still exploring majors or careers.

During each of the five weeks Career & Internship Services and/or URGO will host a panel discussion featuring a mix of alumni, employers, faculty, and other experts linked to the majors and disciplines featured that week.

In addition, faculty, staff and students are invited to plan additional offerings during the weeks that most closely align to their major, department, or organization mission/focus (see list of dates below and online). Career & Internship Services will promote the full slate of offerings to students, provided information is received by our deadline.

The Fall 2015 weeks are scheduled as follows:

Week of Sept. 21: Professional Studies
Week of Sept. 28: Fine Arts & Humanities
Week of Oct. 5: Natural & Social Sciences
Week of Oct. 12: Pre-Health Week
Week of Oct. 19: Undecided/Exploratory Student Week

Next steps to get involved:

--> Learn more about the Fall 2015 pilot program: http://www.augsburg.edu/strommen/calendar/fall-majorcareer-exploration-series/

--> Let us know you will be involved by Friday, June 5 via this Google form: https://docs.google.com/a/augsburg.edu/forms/d/1beJykfif5fC-Sc1tru24eOLVO76vF8BBcZ18hU_OCbk/viewform
You do not need to know the full details - just let us know your initial thoughts now.

--> Confirm the details of your event/offering by Friday, July 10 via Google form: https://docs.google.com/a/augsburg.edu/forms/d/1-SfSjJCmpDW4WUzwgqhpypcvbutJzUmUsEOzRm4Ln5I/viewform

All individuals or groups who let us know their full plans by Friday, July 10 will be guaranteed to have their offering included in any web or printed promotional materials.

Questions or Comments? Contact Maggie Heier, assistant director in Career & Internship Services, or Catherina Kipper, health professions specialist in URGO.

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Human Resources Closed on Thursday, June 4th

The Human Resources office will be closed on Thursday June 4th for an offsite conference. If you have an urgent issue that cannot wait until Friday, please contact Kathy Uecker at X1030 who will be able to relay a message to us.

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Sign Up to Take Survey & Fitness Assessment

My name is Michael Kantor and I am an Undergraduate Exercise Science student at Augsburg College. I am writing to invite you to be a participant in my study: Physical Activity Levels and Motivation in Urban Midwest College students, faculty and staff. This research is funded by URGO Summer Research Program and the Northland Chapter of the American College of Sports Medicine Student Research Grant. Dr. Ana Ribeiro, Assistant Professor of Health, Physical Education and Exercise Science will be mentoring me during this project.

If you agree to participate in this study, sign up via the link below to receive a questionnaire for a short anonymous one-time online survey (approximately 5-10 minutes) about physical activity participation and motivation.

Questionnaire Sign Up Sheet:

(https://docs.google.com/a/augsburg.edu/spreadsheets/d/1-zIwk42bziTGdf6cod_5sVA5Bl5voOv9Ugi5iWTxevg/edit?usp=sharing ).

You also have the option to participate in an additional in-person fitness assessment that requires a 30 minute visit to Kennedy Center 309. If you desire to do so, please sign up using the link below and select a time that works best for you. If the times provided don’t work and you are still interested please email me at kantor@augsburg.edu and I will attempt to accommodate your schedule.

Fitness Assessment Sign Up Sheet:


You will be compensated with a $5 Target gift card upon successful completion of the survey and with another $5 Target gift card upon completion of optional fitness assessment.

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Event Announcements

Leadership Summit with R.T. Rybak June 3

The Augsburg Center for Leadership Studies and the MA in Leadership are hosting a Leadership Summit on Wednesday, June 3, in partnership with the Midway Chamber of Commerce. The Keynote Speaker will be R.T. Rybak, Executive Director of Generation Next and former City of Minneapolis Mayor. A reception/networking event will start at 11 a.m. and the lunch program and presentation will take place at noon in Foss Center. This event is open to Augsburg faculty, staff, students, and alumni. To register go to:


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Keeping Track of Auggies

StepUP Staff Present at Conference

Patrice Salmeri, Director, and Scott Washburn, Assistant Director, of Augsburg's StepUP Program presented at the 6th National Collegiate Recovery Conference at the University of Nevada, Reno. Patrice's presentation, titled "I Met My Best Friend: On-Campus Living for Recovering College Students," included co-presenters Anne Thompson Heller, Augsburg alum, and current students Joseph Joyce(Education), and Gabe Stumme (Psychology). Scott's presentation was "Transitioning to the Future: Collegiate Recovery Program (CRP) Alumni Perspectives on Life and Recovery after College." Scott's co-presenters were Anne Thompson Heller, Augsburg Alum, and current student Gabe Stumme (Psychology).

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Auggie Athletics

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