Thursday, October 2, 2014
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Public Safety and Facilities Announcements

2014 Annual Security Report

The 2014 Augsburg College Annual Security Report (Clery Report) is now available for viewing on the Department of Public Safety Website under the Crime Alerts and Logs section:

You can also find the Report directly here:

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Parking Appeal Committee Members Needed

As the new school year is underway it is time again to set up the parking appeal committee for the year. This committee will meet once a month to review appeals and make decisions on how the appeal will be handled. The committee will consist of 2 faculty members, 2 staff members, 2 students, and I will chair the committee as the Assistant Director of Public Safety. If selected to this position you will be expected to be unbiased in regards to all aspects of the appeal process. As a committee member your name will remain confidential to assure any outside influences will be minimized. If you would like to take part in this endeavor please email Mark DeCrans at

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Teaching and Learning

Intl. Internships Info Session TODAY 4:30-5:30

International Internships Information Session
TODAY! October 2 from 4:30-5:30
Strommen Center--Christensen Center Suite 100

The session will cover:
--Why an international internship?
--How internships fit into your major and satisfy graduation requirements
--How Intl Internships can help you get your first professional job
--How to select an international internship: considerations of length, location, and academic credit
--Where you can study & intern abroad (Mexico, Namibia, Norway, Ireland, UK, Australia....)

Special will be attention given the Augsburg's own internships at CGE locations in Mexico and Namibia, where students can earn credit in up to 12 disciplines & receive additional scholarships:

--environmental studies
--interdisciplinary studies
--language and cross-cultural studies
--political science
--Social Work
--women's studies
--youth and family ministry
--others upon approval by department

There is still time to apply for Spring Semester Abroad!
Deadline: October 30.

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Augsburg Alum Speaker: Gabriela Hamerlinck

Gabriela Hamerlinck is currently a doctoral candidate in Ecology at the University of Iowa. She is an alumna of the biology and mathematics departments, as well as the McNair Scholars and North Star STEM programs.

Presentation: Understanding coevolution of hosts and their parasites using mathematical models and phylogenetic analyses
When: 12:30 - 1:30 on Friday, October 3.
Where: Augsburg College, Science Hall 123

Roundtable Discussion: Graduate School
When: 4:50 - 5:50 on Friday, October 3.
Where: Augsburg College, OGC 100

Both of these events are FREE and open to the general public. For more information, please visit

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Using LinkedIn to Start Building Your Career

Who: Stephen Dupont
What: AugSTEM Networking Seminar: Using LinkedIn to Start Building Your Career
Where: OGC 100
When: Friday, October 3, 2014 from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
This event is FREE and open to the general public."I haven't done anything yet!" "I don't have any work experience.""I don't know anyone."

These are just a few of the excuses that people use to avoid creating a LinkedIn profile. Whether your dreams are locked on to graduate school or you hope to get a job lined up before you graduate, the time is now to build a LinkedIn page and begin the process of managing your personal brand.

LinkedIn is a social media platform that helps business people connect faster. It is one of the fastest growing social media platforms in the world. It can help accelerate the process of networking with future employers, as well as those with whom you want to share ideas and collaborate. Because the focus is on business and careers, it's an important tool for telling your story - and how you can deliver value to others, such as an employer's customers. It's also just one stool of a broader framework - managing your reputation online. If you don't take control of your Internet footprint, others may define your reputation online, or you may not appear at all - remaining invisible to potential employers or other people who could influence your future.

In this presentation, you will learn about the fundamentals of networking with others and how LinkedIn can play a role in helping you meet future employers, or one day, attracting clients. In addition, you will learn:

* How to build perceived expertise through Linkedin
* How to package your experiences with your LinkedIn profile
* Why you must have a LinkedIn profile if you're looking for an internship or job
* How to connect with other students, potential mentors, and influencers
* Mistakes to avoid with LinkedIn
* How to tie LinkedIn to other social media platforms

This seminar will be presented by Stephen Dupont, APR, who serves as vice president of public relations and branded content with Minneapolis branding firm Pocket Hercules ( ). Experimenting with LinkedIn since 2007, Dupont will share insights that will help you think beyond the typical uses of LinkedIn.

For more information or to RSVP, please visit

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Academic Year Research Grants Available

Each fall URGO offers $1,000 research grants for students who wish to gain research experience with an Augsburg faculty member. These grants require 100 hours of research over the course of the academic year and are a great way to ease into research or to continue work on an existing project. These grants go quickly, so apply SOON!

Applications for Academic-Year Research Grants are accepted on a rolling basis. To apply, complete the electronic application at Mentor approval for projects is shown by emailing the application and report form to

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General Announcements

Timekeeping Systems Workshops

With the new school year beginning, we have many new students, staff, and supervisors using the new timekeeping system.

We have set up several hands-on workshops to go through the process of the new system.

The sessions are targeted to particular groups which are noted below with the list of days, times, and locations.

Students with Jobs on Campus:
Friday, October 10, 10 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. (students with jobs on campus) in Sverdrup 205
Friday, October 10, 10:30 a.m. - 11 a.m. (students with jobs on campus) in Sverdrup 205
Friday, October 10, 3 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. (students with jobs on campus) in Sverdrup 205
Friday, October 10, 3:30 p.m. - 4 p.m. (students with jobs on campus) in Sverdrup 205

Monday, October 13, 10 a.m. - 11 a.m. (supervisors) in Sverdrup 205
Monday, October 13, 2:30 p.m.- 3:30 p.m. (supervisors) in Sverdrup 201

We look forward to seeing you there!

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New Copy Request System - Now Live

Dear Faculty, Staff, and Students,

I am pleased to announce that the new copy request system is now live. With the help of a beta test group we have been working hard over the last few months to complete this project. This new system has been built to allow users to easily set up their job(s) and includes a lot of new features: uploading multiple files, sending one request for multiple jobs, and reviewing your job summary before submitting it to the copy center. The link is on the Inside Augsburg home page under Administrative Tasks for Faculty and Staff and on the Central Services home page for students.

Training for the new copy request system has been scheduled for Wednesdays and Thursdays in October. If you would like to participate in these training sessions, please RSVP by sending an email to Gao Vang at Seats are limited so please reserve your seats ahead of time. These training sessions will last approximately 20-30 minutes.

Listed are the available times for these training sessions:

Wednesdays at 3:00 p.m. in Old Main 210

Thursdays at 3:30 p.m. in Old Main 210

If you are unable to attend any of these training sessions, you may request a personal session by calling or emailing the copy center. You may also use the Training Guide located on the Central Services page. You may access it by clicking Online Ordering and selecting the "New Copy Request Instruction Guide" button.

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Food Service Hours

Nabo is open from 7:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.. The Special of the Day is Crispy BBQ Chicken.

Einsteins is open from 7:30am-9:00 p.m., with the late night menu starting at 7:00 p.m..

The Commons is open from 7:30 a.m.-8:00 p.m.. Market Place is serving herb roasted pork loin, millet cauliflower, mashed potatoes, and buttered corn. Vege is serving garlic roasted mushrooms, peas and carrots with green onions, baked potato, and buttered brown rice.

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McNair Scholars Program Recruiting for Fall 2014

Augsburg College's TRIO McNair Scholars Program is recruiting for Fall 2014 admission. The goal of the program is to prepare Scholars for graduate study through academics, involvement in undergraduate research and other scholarly activities. McNair teams Scholars with other academically strong students who aspire to graduate study, and helps them to achieve that dream.

The McNair Scholars Program works with students who are members of groups underrepresented in graduate education and who exhibit strong academic potential. The program provides coursework, workshops and advising in preparation for doctoral study. Also, the program assists with securing admission to and financial assistance for enrollment in graduate programs. Students will acquire the research skills necessary to succeed in graduate school through a paid research internship ($4,000) with an Augsburg faculty member during the Summer of 2015.

The McNair Scholars Program is a federal TRIO grant from the U.S. Department of Education. Therefore, to be eligible, students must be first-generation (neither parent graduated from a four-year college) AND low-income OR may be persons from groups underrepresented in graduate education. The Department of Education defines these groups as African-American, American Indian, Alaskan Native, and Hispanic/Latino. Additionally, applicants must be either U.S. Citizens or Permanent Residents.

If you are interested in learning more about the McNair Scholars Program, please contact Lara Crombie, Program Assistant at or (612) 330-1380 to schedule an appointment. Don't hesitate to contact us if you have questions about the program or if you're unsure whether or not you qualify.

Application Deadline: Monday, October 13, 4 p.m.

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October is Veterans' Voices Month

You are invited to join the MFA Faculty as we recognize October as Veterans' Voices Month

During October each of the MFA mentors and their students will be reading and discussing work that illuminates the experiences of those who have served in the armed forces. The project bridges the disconnect between veterans and their civilian counterparts by participating in the initiative passed by the Minnesota State Legislature: "The month of October is designated as Veterans' Voices Month in recognition of the state's desire to honor, recognize, and celebrate the contributions of veterans. Schools, organizations, and communities in the state are encouraged to hold events and programs that honor veterans and educate students and citizens about the unique culture of the military by sharing and studying veterans' experiences through stories, essays, poetry, and art from the men and women who have served in the armed forces."
(Minnesota State Legislature, 2014)

The legislative initiative was lead by Jay Moad, Former Air Force C-130 pilot with over a hundred combat sorties, Assistant Professor of English at the US Air Force Academy, a fiction editor for the journal War, Literature and the Arts, an Augsburg MFA student seeking a multi-genre degree (fiction, playwriting, and poetry), and a Delta Airline pilot. The Augsburg Community is invited to include in classes and meetings a reflection on “ essay, story, poetry, OpEd piece... whatever works for your area of study that can help students get a glimpse into this different world and all the repercussions of war across society." (Jay Moad)

Watch for the StarTribune Op-Ed piece in October.

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Study Abroad Deadline Extension - October 30


Short-term Faculty-led:
+ Winter-break: Chiapas, Mexico, and El Salvador. [Cuba--no extension]
+Spring-break: Mexico

Spring Semester Programs:
+ Center for Global Education Study Abroad in Mexico, Namibia & Central America.

+ Higher Education Consortium for Urban Affairs (HECUA) in USA.& Intl.

+ Approved Affiliate Programs (check program for their deadlines)

Come to Info Session this week to get started--there's still time.

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Event Announcements

Chapel: Celebration of New Life - Tues., Oct. 7

Campus Ministry invites all faculty, staff and students who are celebrating "new life" with birth, adoption, foster care, etc., in the past year or so, to be our Special Guests in Chapel on Tuesday, October 7, at 11:30 a.m.

Are you a new parent or guardian or grandparent? Are you a new sister or brother? Are you a new aunt or uncle? Please email Amy Hanson at or call x1732; with the following information: your name, phone, email, and the name of the "new life".

Thanks, and we look forward to celebrating with you!

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Free Yoga Class TODAY

Where: Kennedy Center, Wrestling room
When: 10:45-11:45 every Thursday morning!
What: A wonderful blend of heart-opening (Hatha) yoga that is both mindfully grounding/relaxing
AND physically challenging to whatever degree you feel like pushing--it will be your choice!

All students, staff, and faculty are welcome--especially beginners.
No need to bring anything...all equipment provided, and it's drop-in welcome--so come whenever you can and to however many/few sessions you wish to attend this semester.

Sponsored by the Augsburg Mindfulness help Augsburg grow in Mindfulness--physically, emotionally, and mentally. Thank you Mindfulness Club!

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Monday Daily Chapel: Blessing of the Animals

Join us at 10:40 a.m. on Monday, 10/6, as we celebrate St. Francis of Assisi, Patron Saint of Animals. Our service will include a lively blessing ritual of animals and pets to honor St. Francis' devotion to all God's creatures. Bring your pet (or picture of your pet) to chapel for this special worship service in Hoversten Chapel, Foss Center.

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Fall Art Tour - Saturday

The Associated Colleges of the Twin Cities (ACTC) is sponsoring the 11th annual College Art Gallery Collaborative FALL ART TOUR on Saturday, October 4 from 1-5 p.m.

This free neighborhood art crawl takes participants on a guided bus tour featuring ten Twin Cities college and university gallery exhibits. Each stop on the tour features free music and refreshments, with guest artists and gallery docents on hand to discuss the exhibitions.

Participating galleries:
Augsburg College
Bethel University*
Concordia University
Hamline University
Katherine E. Nash Gallery,
University of Minnesota
Macalester College
Minneapolis College of Art and Design*
St. Catherine University
University of Northwestern-St. Paul*
University of St. Thomas

*Bethel, MCAD, and Northwestern collaborate with a Pop-Up Exhibition at the People's Gallery on University Avenue in Saint Paul, just off the Green Line.

Free Tour brochures provide information about each exhibit and describe the various bus routes and starting locations available. Brochures also feature a bike map with Nice Ride kiosks locations for those who would like to bike the tour.

Visit to register or learn more about the event.
Questions? Contact ACTC at 651.493.9162 or

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Focused Conversation Series Begins Monday/Tuesday

The 2014-15 series of Focused Conversations kicks off Monday and Tuesday with the topic, "The Enrollment Village: Building campuswide engagement around matriculating first-time students," led by William Mullen, vice president for Enrollment Management. The session will be held twice. You are invited to attend whichever session fits your schedule:

Monday, Oct. 6, 3:40 p.m.-OGC 100
Tuesday, Oct. 7, 3:40 p.m.-OGC 100

The full fall 2014 schedule of Focused Conversations is available on the "All Hands 2014-2015" page in the College Reports section of Inside Augsburg. You can access the All Hands page by logging into Inside Augsburg and clicking the "All Hands" icon on the main page of Inside Augsburg.

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TODAY: International Internships Info Session

TODAY - October 2, 4:30-5:30, Strommen Center for Meaningful Work, Christensen Center
Brought to you by the Center for Global Education at Augsburg College and Augsburg Abroad

International internship programs create an unmatched global working and educational experience. Attend this information session to find out more about the benefits of choosing an international internship. We will answer questions such as:
--How do employers view international internships?
--How long should your internship be? And where?
--Part-time or full-time? Part of an academic program or separate?
--What are the next steps for making an international internship happen?

Free snacks, too!

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West Bank Ride - Saturday, Oct. 4

Join the West Bank Ride on Saturday, October 4th from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. to explore and enjoy the creative side of the West Bank neighborhood. The event is a non-competitive cycling event with stops at 13 artsy and fun sites throughout the neighborhood. To learn more and to register for the West Bank Ride, go to Volunteers are also needed. For more information about volunteer opportunities go to .

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Trip To Mille Lacs with American Indian Studies

The American Indian Studies Department along with St. Thomas University's Culture and Difference Program will be taking a day trip up to Mille Lacs on Oct. 11. If you are interested in visiting the museum, trading post, and having a brief tour of the community, please RSVP to

Cost: Free but bring money for lunch
Meet: 9:00am outside Sci-Melby
Return: around 4:30-5:00 p.m.

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Keeping Track of Auggies

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Auggie Athletics

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