Friday, January 31, 2014
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Public Safety and Facilities Announcements

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Teaching and Learning

On-Campus Summer Research Application - Due February 3

Phase One deadline for URGO Summer Research is fast approaching. If you have questions about the application process, the summer program, or connecting with a faculty mentor, please contact the URGO office at or stop by Science Hall 152.

Check out our website for links to the application and information packet:

Turn in Phase One application by February 3, 4 p.m. in Science Hall 152.

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CTL Night at the Theater - February 7

The Center for Teaching and Learning and the Theater Arts Department present
Faculty and Staff Night at the Theater

Friday, February 7 at 7 p.m.
Tjornhom-Nelson Theater, Foss Center

A new translation of Sophocles' Antigone
By Anne Carson
Directed by Martha Johnson

Free tickets for faculty and staff
Post-show refreshments
A talkback featuring Doug Green of the English Department, Marty Stortz of the Christensen Center for Vocation, Sarah Myers of the Theater Department, director Martha Johnson of the Theater Department, and the Antigonick student cast

In her highly innovative translations of ancient plays, acclaimed poet Anne Carson "combines contemporary language with the traditional structures and rhetoric of Greek tragedy, opening up [ancient tales]…to a modern audience…" In Antigonick, Carson emphasizes the importance of time–and timing–in tragedy, by introducing a silent character, Nick, who is always on stage measuring things while the events of the play unfold. Antigone is "here given an entirely fresh language and presentation." The Augsburg Theater Department production is an area premiere and only the second production ever of this provocative new play.

Make reservations at
and please indicate you are faculty or staff interested in CTL Night.

20 free seats available on a first-come, first-served basis so reserve your tickets early!

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Ally Trainings Offered in February

Staff and faculty are invited to attend Ally Trainings this February. These workshops give participants an opportunity to learn about LGBTQIA history and culture, discuss terminology, and build skills to work with LGBTQIA communities. Workshops are taking place:

Ally Training I
Tuesday, February 11
1-4 p.m.
Oren Gateway 100

Ally Training II (for people who have been through Ally Training I)
Wednesday, February 12
9 a.m.-12 p.m.
Oren Gateway 100

To RSVP for either session, please email Michael Grewe at

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Prepare for a Career in Academic Medicine

Friday, February 14 at 2 p.m. Dr. Lisa Schimmenti from the U of M Pediatrics department and the department of Ophthalmology and Visual Neurosciences will discuss how to best prepare as an undergraduate for a career in academic medicine. Come to the Marshall Room in Christensen to attend.

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Paid Summer Research Opportunities

In addition to URGO's undergraduate on-campus summer research program (phase 1 apps due Feb. 3), many students also apply for summer research programs throughout the country. Last year Augsburg students could be found conducting research at Johns Hopkins, The National Institute of Standards and Technology, The University of Minnesota, The Mayo Clinic, and more.

Please check out URGO's website to find our database of off-campus research opportunities throughout the country for students from all majors:

URGO is eager to help students with their applications and personal statements, so feel free to stop by the office at Science 152 or email if you choose to apply for programs

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$8,000 Scholarship to Norway - Deadline Today

$8,000 Scholarship for Study Abroad in Norway

Through the generous support of the High North Fellowship Grant, the Norwegian government and Harstad University College are offering a scholarship to one Augsburg College student to participate in their English-language Advanced Marketing Program in Fall 2014.

The grant consists of a travel stipend of NOK 9,700 (approx., $1500 USD) plus a monthly living stipend of NOK 9,700 (approx., $1500 USD) from September -December. The selected grantee will also receive $1000 grant in addition to all financial aid received through Augsburg College (Federal & State grants, loans, and Augsburg Aid).

Apply by January 31, 2014

• Junior or Senior Standing in Fall 2014
• Either Micro or Macro Economics and Principles of Marketing completed or in progress at time of application.
• 3.0 min. GPA
• Fluency in English (international students must be able to provide valid TOEFL or IETLS: a minimum score of 500 (paper-based) or 170 (computer-based) or 60 (internet-based) is required on the TOEFL test, or a minimum score of 5.0 from the IELTS (academic) test.
• Must provide high school and college transcripts.
• Completion of Scholarship Application essays by January 31st.

Course Equivalency: Courses taken at Harstad University College will be registered as Augsburg Courses with the following equivalencies:
• MKT 466-International Marketing | 4 cr.
• MKT 355-Marketing Communications| 4 cr.
• MKT 350-Consumer Behavior | 4 cr.
• MKT 499-Topics: Business-to-Business Marketing & Branding | 4 cr.

The program will form a good basis for the student's first step towards a position in a market-oriented organization in marketing and sales departments in both small and medium sized companies within the fields of retailing, travel and tourism, export and international enterprises.

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Civil Discourse Employee Training - February 6

We are pleased to announce that the well-received employee training, "Civil Discourse: Strategies for Communicating in a Diverse Workplace" will happen again.

Augsburg is committed to providing development opportunities for our employees that enable each of us to better serve this community. The sessions are open to all faculty and staff at no cost. There are two more opportunities to participate in this course.

Thursday, February 6, 2014 - Marshall Room
Session 1: 8:30 a.m.-12 p.m.
Session 2: 1-4:30 p.m.

The training will cover the following aspects of communication:
- Differing definitions of respect
- Common communication break-downs
- Characteristics of tactful and diplomatic communicators
- A self-assessment of various communication styles
- Tips for adjusting one's own style of communication
- A Communication Action Plan for use during times of difficult or problematic communication

Here's how to register:

On the Human Resources Moodle Page

Click on the "Civil Discourse" Strategies for Communicating in a Diverse Workplace" link.

You will then be directed to the appointment scheduler tool, where you can select the session you wish to participate. The sessions have a limited number of seats available so register early.

The sessions will be facilitated by Jeffrey Cookson, Organizational Development Manager and Global Diversity Inclusion Specialist. If you have any questions, please contact Katie Berggren at

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General Announcements

TONIGHT 6:30 - Film and Discussion with Director

Native American Film Festival at Augsburg and Refocus the Frame: Turning the Lens on Racism presents:

Star Dreamers — the Spirit Water People. Part 1: The Indian System
Followed by conversation with director Sheldon Wolfchild and historian Mark Diedrich

Friday, January 31, 2014.
Doors open at 6:30 p.m.
Film starts at 7 pm
Discussion with the film maker afterwards

Sateren Auditorium, Music Hall, Augsburg College, 715 22nd Ave South 55454 (across from Murphy Park)
FREE and open to the public

StarDreamers—The Spirit Water People is a 3-part documentary created by filmmaker Sheldon Wolfchild. The film weaves oral and written history and traditional Dakota beliefs together to offer a truthful telling of the Dakota story.

Part 1: "The Indian System" traces the mid-1800s interaction of Dakota with the U.S. Government. This history was a period when treaties were forced upon the Dakota people, and were manipulated by such noted Minnesotans as Henry H. Sibley and Alexander Ramsey.

Screening will be followed by a conversation with 38plus2 director, Sheldon Wolfchild and historian, Mark Diedrich. Attendees filling out an event evaluation will be entered in a drawing for Brotherhood Brew coffee or tea products and a book by M. Elise Marrubio after the discussion.

Presented in collaboration with the Augsburg American Indian Studies Program, Facilitating Racial Equity Collaborative, Discussions that Encounter, Brotherhood Brew, and St Paul Interfaith Network.

For parking directions visit: A limited number of free parking permits are available in Augsburg’s lot L off of 25th Ave between Riverside and Butler Pl. Contact M. Elise Marubbio at

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Campus Kitchen Internship + $1,000 stipend

This semester, we're offering a Campus Kitchen Operations internship open to all students. This internship would last for one semester and is a great opportunity for anyone who would like to get leadership experience. You can see the information about it below, or online (where you can apply) at

Spring Semester Operations Internship

Job duties:

-Lead and run 3-4 shifts every week (depending how your work schedule works with our's, which can be seen at
-Work 8-12 hours a week
-Lead and train new student volunteers who assist with shifts
-Manage food and material inventories
-Promote the program to interested individuals and organizations on campus
-Maintain and compile accurate records of the work we do


-Active drivers' license and comfortable driving in south Minneapolis
-Ability to lift large boxes and pans of food
-Adherence to food safety and operation procedures (our full training program can be seen at
-Ability to thrive without direct supervision and guidance at all times
-Previous experience with Campus Kitchen shifts is recommended - sign up now at


-$1,000 stipend paid in three installments
-Free meals on all the shifts

To apply, complete the application form at If you have any questions, please email us at

Applications are due Wednesday, February 5.

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Nominations for the Augsburg Leadership Awards

Nominations are currently open for the 2013-2014 Augsburg Leadership Awards! These awards recognize student leaders and student groups for their innovative and outstanding leadership during the academic year. All students, staff, faculty, alumni, and community members are strongly encouraged to submit nominations; self-nominations are also encouraged. To nominate an individual or a student group, visit

Questions can be directed to Michael Grewe at

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Day at The Capitol

An Invitation from Augsburg Student Government
Tell Your Legislator That the State Grant Program Is Important!
Thursday, April 3, 2014
Pizza Dinner and training session: Wednesday, April 2, 104

On April 3, 2014, the Minnesota Private College Council and Augsburg's Day Student Government will sponsor a free day-long trip to the Minnesota State Capitol for Augsburg Students. This event promotes the Minnesota State Grant Program and gives you the opportunity to spend a day in one of the most important venues in the state. At the Capitol, you will have the opportunity to meet with your State Representative, sit in on a legislative session, and become a part of the political process!

Your participation in this annual event is needed now more than ever. Each year, approximately $3.0 million in State Grant funds help Augsburg students and families pay for their education. But, with increasing pressure on the Minnesota state budget, the State Grant program is in jeopardy. We need your help promoting the State Grant Program to ensure that Augsburg families continue getting the support they need!

2014 Day at the Capitol takes place on April 3 from 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Augsburg provides private bus transportation to and from the State capitol—busses leave Augsburg at 9:00 a.m. and return to campus around 2:00 p.m. The Minnesota Private College Council provides on-site training on how to talk to legislators about the State Grant program, schedules your visits with legislators, coordinates all on-site activities and provides lunch.

Last year, 25 Auggies made the trip to the Capitol to advocate for the State Grant Program, and we hope to increase that number this year. We will hold a prize drawing for 4-$50 Barnes and Noble gift certificates on the bus returning from Day at the Capitol—open only to students who attended!

New this year: The night before Day at the Capitol, Augsburg Day Student Government and Augsburg Government Relations will host a free pizza dinner at 5:00 p.m. in the Marshall Room, where trainers form the Minnesota Private College Council will demonstrate effective techniques for talking with your elected representatives. Please register by e-mail at by March 24.

Please plan to join us by registering for Day at the Capitol at by March 24.

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Preparing for Years of Service Recognition

Hello fellow staff members!
The 2014 Staff Appreciation Event is coming up on Tuesday, March 11th from 2:30-4pm in the East Commons, Christensen Center. The Augsburg College Staff Senate will honor staff celebrating milestones in length of service as well as those receiving Outstanding Staff Awards. We celebrate 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 years of service from January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013. If you think you should or should not be on this list, please contact me at or ext. 1160.

*Remember to nominate an outstanding staff member by February 14th, 2014!

Thank you!
Tracy Christianson and Staff Senate

5 Years
Amborn, Timothy
Crombie, Lara
Diercks, Kelly Anderson
Erickson, Carl
Fortier, Josef
Grewe, Michael
Haas, Jessica
Hallanger, Nathan
Hoisington, Daniel
Keplar, Justin
Matthias, James
Motl, Melissa
Peacock, Stephen
Reeck, Joanne
Ridgle, David
Schlipp-Riedel, Sara
Spinosa de Vega, Leah
St Aubin, David
Stone, Kim
Strom, Eric
Stuckey, Dennis
Tavera, Maria
Vaughan-Fier, Jonathan
Washburn, Scott
Yang, Bruno

10 Years
Kurpiers, Ronald
Bassani, Elizabeth
Hill, Ut
Shidla, Carrie
Young, Sherilyn

15 Years
Ohlander, Dixie
Akpan, Akpan
Garvey, Ann
Hagander, Sonja

20 Years
Trelstad-Porter, James
Lutterman-Aguilar, Ann
Tilton, Sandra

25 Years
McBride, Kathleen
Sticha, Cheryl

30 Years
Rowe, Bruce

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Mathematics Professor to Collaborate on NSF Grant

Congratulations to Dr. John Zobitz, Associate Professor of Mathematics, who will be participating as a Fellow in "Engaging Mathematics," a NSF TUES funded project led by Wm. David Burns of SENCER (NSF ID: 1322883). The Engaging Mathematics project will develop curricula that connects learning in mathematics courses to real and relevant local, regional, national and global issues and thus greatly improve students’ retention of the specific mathematics concepts and skills, along with their understanding of the role of mathematical modeling and quantitative literacy in everyday life. Dr. Zobitz will work in partnership with colleagues at two and four year colleges and universities locally and nationally to develop learning experiences across the mathematics curriculum. To learn more about this project, please contact Dr. Zobitz at

Want more information about grants at Augsburg? Go to

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Community Lunch - February 5

Join your colleagues and friends for lunch.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014 Human Resources will be hosting a community lunch for faculty and staff. The lunch will be in the East Commons of Christensen Center 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Information about upcoming Wellness Challenges will be provided as well many other department updates.

Hope to see you there.

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Did you sign up for the Wellness Program?

If you did be sure to log into the Interactive Wellness sight.

Remember to stay engaged and active in the Active wellness program. Once logged in click on MY ACTION PLAN this will take you to your personal health action plan.

Announcements will be coming out soon in the Daily A-mail that detail the fitness and nutrition programs that we are coordinating for 2014.

Questions, please contact Katie Berggren in Human Resources at

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Event Announcements

Gullah Art of Stick Pounding with Melanie DeMore

You are invited to join vocal activist Melanie DeMore on Tuesday, February 4 from 1:30-3 p.m. at Hoversten Chapel at Augsburg College for an afternoon of singing, stick pounding, hand clapping and foot stomping, as she weaves the fibers of African American folk music with soulful ballads, spirituals and her own original music.

The event is FREE, but we do ask that you register at or by phone at 612.547.1456.

This event is sponsored by the Associated Colleges of the Twin Cities.

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Shared Governance Town Hall Meetings

The Shared Governance Task Force formed by the Board of Regents will be holding meetings across campus in the next few weeks with various groups and committees, and with a series of open meetings. Please join members of the Governance Task Force on Monday, Feb. 3 from 11:10 a.m. - 12:20 p.m. in the Marshall Room to share your views and experiences with decision-making and governance at the College. These meetings are an opportunity for all members of the campus community to be involved in improving our decision-making practices. Forums will involve conversations that ask participants to draw on recent experiences with decision-making at the College and a chance for open discussion of ways to improve governance at the college.

Other town hall meetings will be held as follows:

Thurs., February 6 12-1:30 p.m. Augsburg Room

Tues., February 11, 3:40 - 5 p.m. Marshall Room

Fri., February 14, 9:20 - 10:30 a.m. OGC 100

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Job Fair Prep Session Today

Registration is now open for the annual MN Private College Job & Internship Fair on February 19, 2014. This fair is open to all sophomores, juniors, and seniors.

Starting Friday, January 31 (4:30-5:30 p.m. or 5:15-5:45 p.m.) the Strommen Center will be offering prep sessions to help students prepare for the fair.

For a list of all prep session dates and times and/or to register for the fair visit (students only need to attend one prep session)

For questions, contact the Strommen Center for Meaningful Work at 612-330-1148 or email

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College Possible Info Session - Jobs Next Fall

Are you looking for a paid full-time job next year? Representatives from College Possible will hold an informational session on Monday, February 3 from 4:45-5:30 p.m. in the Marshall Room, which is located in the Christensen Center.

College Possible is a growing nonprofit dedicated to making college admission and success possible for low-income students. They are powered by AmeriCorps and VISTA members who coach high school students, and mentor college students. AmeriCorps and VISTA members have helped 98 percent of their students earn college admission and work toward their degrees.

Application deadline date is approaching. To learn more visit and/or attend their information session.

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Augsburg Theater's Production of Antigonick

A new translation of Sophocles’ Antigone

By Anne Carson
Directed by Martha Johnson

January 31 at 7 p.m.
February 1, 6, 7, 8 at 7 p.m.
February 2 and 9 at 3 p.m.

Tjornhom-Nelson Theater, Foss Center
For ticket information go here:

In her highly innovative translations of ancient plays, acclaimed poet Anne Carson "combines contemporary language with the traditional structures and rhetoric of Greek tragedy, opening up [ancient tales] . . .to a modern audience. . ." In Antigonick, Carson emphasizes the importance of time–and timing–in tragedy, by introducing a silent character, Nick, who is always on stage measuring things while the events of the play unfold. Antigone is "here given an entirely fresh language and presentation."

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Keeping Track of Auggies

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Auggie Athletics

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