Wednesday, July 10, 2013
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Public Safety and Facilities Announcements

Women's Locker Room Construction

All lockers on the general side of the women's locker room need to be emptied for the beginning of team room construction. This process will hopefully be started next week and at this time we are not sure of a completion date in which you would be able to move back in. Thank you for addressing this request immediately.

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Teaching and Learning

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General Announcements

Augsburg Now for iPad

Get the enhanced, interactive version of the Augsburg Now FREE on your iPad.

Simply open the App Store application on your iPad, search "Augsburg Now" in iPad Apps, and install. The spring issue of the magazine will appear in your newsstand.

For a preview of what you'll find:

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Puppet Show Tonight

Neighborhood Puppet Show
with Open Eye Figure Theatre

Tucker's Robot
Wednesday, July 10
7:00 p.m.
Corner of 20th Avenue South and 7th Street-in the courtyard
Bring a blanket or lawn chair for the show

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Designated Smoking Areas

A reminder that smoking in permitted outdoors only in designated smoking areas. Smoking areas locations are:

1. Plaza area outside of the Ice Arena.
2. Designated area in front of Si Melby.
3. Bench area outside of the music building.
4. North side of walkway entrance to Foss.
5. Oren Gateway entry near Lot H.
6. 7th Street side of Lindell Library.
7. Quad: patio area near Christensen.
8. Christensen Center vent area.
9. Urness/Mortensen near motorcycle parking.
10. Covered bench area between Anderson and Luther halls.

Students, faculty, staff and guests should use the ashtrays provided to reduce litter.

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Augsburg Abroad Summer Hours

Augsburg Abroad will have limited office hours in July.

Out of office schedule
Andrea Dvorak: July 3-26
Leah SdeV: July 2-19; July 28-Aug 2

Office coverage:
Our student worker, Priti B, will be working T W TH and will respond to student emails and will do walk-in advising during the 2 weeks (July 8-19) when regular staff is out.

Advising Appointments:
Students who need appointments with either Andrea or Leah in August should schedule through

Emergency Phone Coverage:
The Office of International Programs staffs a 24/7 emergency phone in case any students who are abroad this summer need assistance. Calls will be routed to Leah when necessary/appropriate.

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Event Announcements

CGE International Staff: Ice Cream Social

Four internationally-based Augsburg College (Center for Global Education) staff/faculty will be in Minneapolis this summer.

CGE invites you to meet, greet, and reunite with:
Cesar Acevedo (Program Coordinator - El Salvador)
Mark Lester (Co-Site Director - Central America, based in Nicaragua)
Ann Lutterman-Aguilar (Site Director, Faculty - Mexico)
Romanus Shivoro (Site Director, Faculty - Southern Africa)

Join us for good conversation cream!

When: Thursday, July 25, 4 p.m. - 6 p.m.
Where: East Commons
Each of the above individuals will provide a brief update on Augsburg College programs in their countries/regions at 5 p.m.

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Keeping Track of Auggies

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Auggie Athletics

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