Tuesday, April 16, 2013
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Public Safety and Facilities Announcements

Severe Weather Safety: Lightning & Hail

Minnesota participates in Severe Weather Awareness Week during April 15-19th. Please review the information posted each day to be prepared for severe weather this Spring and learn how to keep yourself and our campus community safe.

Please review the Public Safety Emergency Procedures Guidebook at: http://web.augsburg.edu/dps/EmergencyManual.pdf Hard copies are available for pick up at the Public Safety Dispatch Center in the Urness/Mortensen Lobby

TUESDAY: Severe Weather, Lightning, and Hail

Thunderstorms affect relatively small areas, compared with most other storms. The typical thunderstorm is 15 miles in diameter and lasts for 30 minutes, but whatever their size, all thunderstorms are dangerous.

Severe thunderstorms produce large hail or winds of at least 58 mph. Some wind gusts can exceed 100 mph and produce tornado-like damage. That's why many communities will sound their outdoor sirens for damaging straight-line winds.
When a severe thunderstorm threatens, stay inside a strong structure.

Thunderstorm Winds
Thunderstorms can produce straight-line winds that exceed 100 miles per hour. For this reason you should treat severe thunderstorms just as you would tornadoes. Move to an appropriate shelter if you are in the path of the storm.

The strong rush of wind from a thunderstorm is called a downburst. The primary cause is rain-cooled air that accelerates downward, producing potentially damaging gusts of wind.

Strong downbursts can be mistaken for tornadoes, and they're often accompanied by a roaring sound similar to that of a tornado. Downbursts can easily overturn mobile homes, tear roofs off houses and topple trees. Campers are especially vulnerable because trees can fall into campsites and onto tents.

Minnesota's strongest thunderstorm gust in 2007 was 85 mph, near Goodridge on June 19.

Hail is product of thunderstorms that causes nearly $1 billion in damage every year. Most hail is about pea-sized. Much of it is the size of baseballs, and it can reach grapefruit-size. Large hail stones fall faster than 100 mph and have been known to kill people.

Every thunderstorm produces lightning!
Lightning kills about 100 Americans each year — more than tornadoes — and causes about 300 injuries.

Lightning Safety Tips
• Get inside a building or enclosed vehicle. Many fatalities occur when warning signs are ignored.
• If you are caught in an open area with lightning around, crouch down immediately! Put your hands on your knees, but don't lie down on the ground.
• Do not use a telephone or electrical appliance when lightning is taking place. A nearby lightning strike can travel through phone or power lines, right into the home.
• Never seek shelter beneath one lone tree.

Myths and Facts About Lightning
Myth: If it is not raining, there is no danger from lightning.
Fact: Lightning often strikes away from rainfall. It may occur as far as ten miles away from any rainfall.

Myth: Rubber soles on shoes or rubber tires on a car will protect you from being injured by lightning.
Fact: Rubber provides no protection from lightning. However, the steel frame of a hard-topped vehicle provides some protection if you are not touching metal.

Myth: People struck by lightning carry an electrical charge and should not be touched.
Fact: Lightning victims carry no electrical charge and should be attended to immediately.

Myth: Heat lightning occurs on very hot summer days and poses no threat.
Fact: What is referred to as heat lightning is actually lightning from a thunderstorm too far away for thunder to be heard. However, the storm may be moving in your direction.

Augsburg Alerts: Emergency Notification System:

All students, staff and faculty are encouraged to register for Augsburg Alerts, an emergency notification system operated by Augsburg College. Augsburg Alerts is an electronic communications tool to communicate timely information regarding active emergencies or weather closures via text message, voice mail, and/or e-mail to registered personal cell phones, landlines, or personal e-mail addresses.

Augsburg Alerts only will be used to communicate important information related to weather closings, or during an active emergency, to help individuals make sound decisions about their personal safety. Examples of situations in which Augsburg Alerts may be used could include natural weather events that lead to an unscheduled closing of the College, or for emergency situations such as a gas leak, fire, bomb threat, active shooter, power failure, or other event. Augsburg Alerts will NOT be used to notify the community of things such as enrollment deadlines, sporting events, or other non-emergency information.

For further details and registration instructions visit: http://web.augsburg.edu/dps/ACAlerts.pdf

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Crime Advisory: Armed Robbery - Off Campus

April 15th 2013: Armed Robbery

Public Safety was notified by Minneapolis Police of a crime near campus. This crime took place near 9th Street and 23rd Ave S, which is on the south side of I94. The following is the public data for about this crime. Please see the safety tips below to keep safe.

The victim was robbed by two suspects, with handguns. The suspects were described as Somali males with red handkerchiefs around their faces. As the victim was in the hallway, near the stairs by the front entrance in the above apartment complex, the two suspects approached him and began grabbing him and taking his wallet, cell phone and car keys from his pockets. As the victim resisted, one of the suspects pulled out a handgun and hit the victim over the head, knocking him to the ground, leaving the victim with a cut on his forehead. After getting the victims property, the suspects ran out the front doors of the complex and took the victims vehicle that was parked in the lot. A person walking by called the police for the victim.

If you have any information about these crimes or believe you may have witnessed something in relation to this crime, Minneapolis Police 911.

Augsburg College believes that descriptors alone are not a valid reason to profile or
cast suspicion on any individual. They are included here because they may reasonably assist
in identifying the perpetrators of this incident.

Public Safety Escorts are available 24/7 by calling 612-330-1717.
Walk in well lit areas and with a friend.
Be aware of your surroundings at all times.
Leave valuables at home when possible.
Call Public Safety or 911 immediately to report suspicious behavior, if you witness a crime, or at victimized.

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Teaching and Learning

Faculty Showcase - Call for Materials

Scholarship and Teaching Showcase
Faculty Recognition Luncheon
May 2, 11:45 a.m. -2:30 p.m.
East Commons

As part of our annual faculty recognition luncheon, CTL sets up tables to display faculty work. It includes a focus on both scholarship (books, articles, art, and performances) and teaching (Moodle sites, syllabi, significant learning experiences, and other course materials that illustrate diverse approaches to effective teaching). If you have scholarship or teaching materials/ products that we could display, please send your name, department, the materials you will provide, and your email address to ctl@augsburg.edu

Please deliver a copy to Lois Nielsen-Johns in Memorial 111 by May 1; she will return them after the luncheon.

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CTP Portfolio Workshop

Tuesday, May 21, 8:00-11:30 a.m.
Location: Riverside Room, Christensen Center
Facilitators: Diane Pike and Su Doree
RSVP to ctl@augsburg.edu

The purpose of this workshop is to help candidates for any type of Committee on Tenure and Promotion (CTP) review to determine the various forms of evidence that can help build a strong portfolio. The focus is on evidence of teaching, but the strategies directly apply to scholarship and service as well. This workshop is not designed to replace departmental guidance and advice nor is it an analysis of the Faculty Handbook language as it applies to an individual. Following the workshop, participants are encouraged to form groups to review each other's portfolio materials and provide feedback and support.

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April Moodle Labs for Hybrid Learning

April Moodle Labs for Hybrid Learning will be focusing on specific topics. Please see below to view the schedule and upcoming topics:

3:10-4:40 p.m., Tuesday, April 16, Foss 22A Topic: Assignments;
10-12 noon, Saturday, April 20, Foss 22A RSVP required;
9-10:30 a.m., Wednesday April 24, Foss 22A Topic: Gradebook;
9-10:30 a.m., Tuesday, April 30, Foss 22A Topic: Linking and Embedding

Look for more topics and workshops coming in May! If you have a suggestion for a Moodle Lab topic, please send your suggestion to your LFC.

The latest Moodle Lab workshop information can always be found at: http://go.augsburg.edu/moodlelab

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Integrated Course Design for Hybrid Learning

Integrated Course Design for Hybrid Learning.
RSVP to ctl@augsburg.edu

The Integrated Course Design for Hybrid Learning is a hands-on workshop that explores Fink's model for course design, which integrates situational factors, learning goals, learning activities, and assessment. It addresses how to choose face-to-face and online activities to create an engaged learning community, provide direct instruction, and facilitate active, collaborative learning. Future workshops will be held on:

3:40-6:40 p.m., Thursday, April 25, Marshall
9-12 a.m., Tuesday, May 7, Marshall

Additional support includes:
Moodle Template for developing your course in accordance with GAAC/AAC requirements.
Course Design Support Site to provide additional detail and examples for Moodle applications.
Technology Tapas to showcase a variety of technologies that can improve your work.
Sloan-C Online Workshop passes to participate in further study of online learning.

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Learn About Islam in Fall 2013

Want to learn more about Islam? Sign up for the REL 205 Islam course in Fall 2013. It is scheduled on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 12:00-1:40 p.m. The course will satisfy the Humanities LAF requirement. It is also accepted for a Religion major or minor. Please sign up for the course and encourage your friends to sign up so that we have a vibrant class for discussion.

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May Teaching and Learning Calendar

May 7, 9 - 12 a.m., Marshall Room – Integrated Course Design Workshop

May 8-9, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m., TBD - Writing Across the Curriculum

May 13, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m., Marshall Room – Major Assessment Workshop

May 14-16, Dunrovin Retreat Center – Jessica Nathanson Scholarly Writing Retreat (registration now closed, although we can add you to a waitlist)

May 15, 9 a.m. – 1:30 p.m., Marshall Room – Department Chairs/Program Directors Workshop

May 20, 9 a.m. – 1 p.m., Lindell 301 – AugSem Training Session

May 21, 8:00 - 11:30 a.m., Riverside Room – Portfolio Workshop (for faculty involved in CTP reviews)

May 22-23, 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., Hoversten Chapel and OGC Classrooms – Creating an Inclusive Campus Conference (all faculty and staff are encouraged to attend)

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TFAPS - Hybrid Learning Implementation

All faculty are invited to participate in two workshops offered by CTL and IT to support weekend and graduate faculty who are creating "hybrid" courses for 2013-14. If you are satisfied with the basic design of your courses, you only need to participate in the Moodle Labs to learn best practices for online learning and how to meet GAAC/AAC requirements for hybrid learning.

If you would like to improve the underlying design of your courses, you will also benefit from the integrated course design workshop.

Prerequisite: Please watch the screencasts in the Overview section of the Course Design Support Site (http://go.augsburg.edu/moodlelab) before coming to these sessions.

Moodle Lab for Hybrid Learning.
The Moodle Labs are hands-on workshops that introduce and support development of your Moodle sites. Upcoming workshops are held on:

3:10-4:40 p.m., Tuesday, April 16, Foss 22A
10-12 noon, Saturday, April 20, Foss 22A
9-10:30 a.m., Wednesday April 24, Foss 22A
9-10:30 a.m., Tuesday, April 30, Foss 22A

Additional spring and summer dates will be added later.

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Creating an Inclusive Campus - Call for Proposals

Creating an Inclusive Campus Conference
Reimagining Augsburg: Learning, Retention, and Success
Conference Dates: May 22-23
Proposals Due: April 19

This two-day annual conference will be held May 22-23 and is designed to feature key developments in fulfilling our commitment to intentional diversity and global learning at Augsburg College. It includes an opening session entitled "Reimagining Augsburg: Learning, Retention, and Success." It will combine a presentation by Dr. Eric Jolly with a working session to envision how we can co-create an inclusive community committed to learning, retention, and success of all members. Dr. Jolly is a member of Augsburg's Board of Regents, President of the Science Museum of Minnesota, and a nationally recognized speaker on issues of inclusiveness (http://www.smm.org/leaders).

As our mission states, "The Augsburg experience is supported by an engaged community, committed to intentional diversity in its life and work." What does it mean to be committed to intentional diversity? It means that we recruit a diverse student body and create an inclusive, supportive learning environment that enables them to succeed. It means that we prepare all students to work collaboratively in a diverse, global environment. Finally, it means that we hire diverse faculty and staff, and create an inclusive, supportive work environment that enables them to be meaningfully involved in the work of Augsburg College. This conference allows us to celebrate what we are doing right and engage in dialogue about how we can continue to improve.

We invite you to design sessions that will engage faculty and staff in conversations about learning, retention, and success at Augsburg; or presentations that will deepen understanding of what is being done to create a more inclusive community. These sessions may focus on facilitating the success of all students, embedding diversity and global learning in the curriculum, or developing our community.
Please submit a proposal for a 90-minute session. Provide a title for your session, list of presenters, and a 150-200 word description of the session you would like to facilitate. Submit your proposal to ctl@augsburg.edu by April 19.

The conference is co-sponsored by CTL, the Office of International Programs, Human Resources, Student Affairs, and General Education.

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Writing Across the Curriculum Workshop May 8 and 9

As part of a CIC-funded initiative, all faculty are invited to a workshop on Writing Across the Curriculum with Chris Anson, Distinguished Professor of English and Director of Writing at North Carolina State University

Wednesday, May 8 and Thursday, May 9, 2013
9:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Come to the whole workshop or individual sessions (schedule TBA)
To reserve a lunch, RSVP to Jacqui deVries by Friday, May 3

Details on Chris's bio and professional work may be found at: http://www.ansonica.net/. He brings extensive experience working with campuses, including several ACTC schools, to assess and improve their embedded writing programs. His visit lays the groundwork for future collaboration with ACTC schools on professional development and assessment around WAC.

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General Announcements

2013-2014 FAFSA Renewal: Two Weeks Left

Yesterday, April 15, was the federal deadline to file taxes for 2012. May 1st is Augsburg College's official deadline to file your FAFSA for the upcoming 2013-2014 academic year; that's two weeks from now!

Please go to http://www.fafsa.ed.gov/ to renew your FAFSA for this upcoming year. Be sure to use the IRS Data Retrieval Tool within the FAFSA form to transfer your tax information over directly from the IRS.

If you have any questions or concerns, we have Student Financial Services Counselors available Monday through Friday, 12:00-4:00 p.m., at the Student Financial Services Window in the Enrollment Center in Sverdup Hall; stop by and see us!

Did you know you are able to track the status of your FAFSA and financial aid online? Visit http://www.augsburg.edu/studentfinancial/track-your-financial-aid/ and log in to track your financial aid. Keep in mind, it takes about three days from when you submit the FAFSA for us to receive it.

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"Recovering the Me I Know I Can Be"

zAmya Theater Project presents "Recovering the Me I Know I Can Be"
by the ensemble with Nicole Smith
Tuesday, April 23rd
2:00-3:00 p.m.
Sateren Auditorium - Music Building

Six women tell their stories of homelessness, addiction, and the lives they envision on the other side of recovery.

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Volunteers Needed - West Bank Bike Ride

The Augsburg Thrivent Fellows are looking for volunteers to assist with the first annual West Bank Bike Ride on Saturday, April 27. The fellows are in need of 10-15 volunteers to assist with a variety of tasks between 11:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. in Murphy Park at Augsburg College. If you are able to volunteer we ask that you email tilton@augsburg.edu and register on line at http://www.westbankride.org/

Questions, please email tilton@augsburg.edu

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Volunteers Needed - Habitat for Humanity

Volunteers Needed: Thrivent Builds with Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity!
Date: May 23
Worksite: 652 Sims Ave E, St. Paul

To volunteer, please contact Rob Wagner, Augsburg Class of 2002
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans
Office: 763-746-3124
Toll-free: 800-847-4836
Email: rob.wagner@thrivent.com

THANK YOU for volunteering!!

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Native American Literature Class Fall 2013

Native American Literature Class Fall 2013: ENG 355 Topics in American Indian Literature: Native Voices of and in Minnesota

Come explore the exciting world of Native American Literature every Wednesday night from 6-9:30 p.m. The theme of this course is Native Voices of and in Minnesota. We will be reading works by American Indian authors either living in, originating from, or whose work is set in Minnesota. In all cases their work explores the issues of identity, land, and migration/movement across physical and political borders. Because American Indian literature does not exist in isolation from the experiences of Native peoples, this course also includes analysis of the ways in which the authors' works reflect and illuminate American Indian culture, traditions, and interaction with non-Native groups. Students will focus on primary texts, comparing and contrasting these themes and the voices, aesthetic styles, and cultural emphases of the authors.

This course fulfills AIS and ENL credit as well as general education credits. For more information contact M. Elise Marubbio at marubbio@augsburg.edu or 330-1523

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Dining Services

Stop by and try the new smoothies and sandwiches. We now have a Strawberry Lemonade Smoothie and a Mixed Berry Smoothie. Our new featured sandwiches are a Bagel Thin Club and a Toasted Egg and Cheese Thin.

The special of the day at Nabo is a Turkey Club Flatbread with chips and a fountain soda. This can be used for the meal replacement.

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Nominations for Staff Senate

Are you interested in, or do you know an Augsburg staff member that would like to be nominated for Staff Senate? We are looking to fill two positions. These two positions are two-year terms.

The Augsburg College Staff Senate (ACSS) serves Augsburg College and its staff by providing a forum to foster and promote a positive and meaningful dialogue among staff, faculty, students and administration by advising in decision making processes, by serving as an advocate for Augsburg College staff, by promoting professional development opportunities and by recognition of Augsburg College staff's contributions to furthering and upholding the mission and values of Augsburg College.

Staff Senate is composed of six members who are nominated and elected by their peers, and two at-large members chosen by Staff Senate.

Nominees for Staff Senate may be submitted to Melissa Motl: motl@augsburg.edu . Self-nominations are encouraged!

Nominations for Staff Senate will close on Friday, April 19, 2013 at noon.

More information about Staff Senate elections will follow soon!

Please visit http://inside.augsburg.edu/staffsenate/ for additional information about Staff Senate.

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Virtual Career Fair - April 18

Looking for a job or internship? Be green, be virtual, be recruited online. The Minnesota Private College Career Consortium is hosting a Virtual Career Fair. Participate in a Job Fair that's convenient, user-friendly and within the comfort of your own room. Registration is free. Upload your resume, login to chat with employers prior to the event and check out the employers ahead of time to research their positions. Register at: http://minnesota.careereco.net/students-alumni/virtual-career-fair-registration/

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Women's Night Out

Women of Augsburg are invited to join in the festivities at

Women's Night Out
Saturday, April 20
5:00-8:00 p.m.
Brian Coyle Community Center
420-15th Avenue South

Free dinner and fashion show of dress from many cultures.

For more information, please call Mary Laurel True at 612-330-1775 or email truem@augsburg.edu

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Summer Housing

Choose the living arrangement that best suits your needs. Once you do this find any one of our professional staff to pick space and sign contract:

Luther Hall: Single bedrooms in shared apartments (multiple apartment-style options)

Oren Gateway: StepUP students only. (Limited number of apartments and flat bedrooms)

Priority Deadline is April 19. Residence Life professional staff will assist with apartment selection and contract signing. Find us in the Residence Life or Housing Specialist office to pick space and sign contract.

If you have any questions about this information, please contact a Residence Hall Director (Residence Life office) or Cyndy Rowe at rowe@augsburg.edu or by telephone at (612) 330-1488 or stop by the walk-in office hours are Tuesday through Friday, 1-3 p.m.


Follow us on Twitter at https://twitter.com/AugsburgRescomm

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Event Announcements

Meet the Candidate

The second provost finalist candidate to visit campus is Linda Winkler, who currently serves as Dean of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences and Professor of Anthropology at Wilkes University in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania.

Open forums to meet Dean Winkler have been scheduled for Wednesday, April 17, 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. OR 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. with a brief reception following.

NOTE room change from previous communications: both are in the Marshall Room. Dean Winkler's CV is available on the Provost Search Committee's public community moodle site.

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Reception for Retiring Faculty Cancelled


Because of an unusual confluence of circumstances among our retiring faculty members this spring, we are going to cancel this Thursday's Retiring Faculty Reception. Travel and other unanticipated events will prevent the majority of our retiring colleagues from participating in this event.

While we will miss this Thursday's opportunity to hear from and celebrate these colleagues, we will adjust the timing of the May 2nd Faculty Recognition Luncheon to include brief words from them. Please join me on Thursday, May 2 when we will enjoy the faculty scholarship display beginning at 11:45 a.m., and the luncheon program at 12:30 p.m.


John Schmit

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Zyzzogeton April 19 - 2-4 p.m. - Abstracts Online

Please join us for this year's Zyzzogeton Research Symposium on April 19 from 2 to 4 p.m. in Oren Gateway Center. Over 70 students will be presenting their research in the poster session. Zyzzogeton is a great opportunity to hear about the exciting scholarship happening on campus and refreshments will be served throughout the event.

Check out the URGO website to read the full abstracts! www.augsburg.edu/urgo/zyzzogeton

Keep an eye out for the bright Zyzzogeton T-shirts and buttons around campus and mark your calendar for April 19!

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May and June Commencement Volunteers Needed

Commencement 2013 is right around the corner and we're looking for members of the campus community that would be able to volunteer during the ceremony. As you can imagine, it takes a lot of people to make sure that the nearly 3,000 guests and our graduates have a seamless, enjoyable day. This year's ceremonies are:

Saturday, May 4, 2013
Ceremony Begins at 11:00 a.m.
Si Melby Hall

Sunday, June 23, 2013
Ceremony Begins at 11:00 a.m.
Si Melby Hall

Volunteer opportunities for both dates include:

Ticket Takers
Shift is from 9:30-11:30 a.m.
Si Melby Hall Lobby

Ushers/Seating Assistants
Shift is from 9:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m.
Si Melby Hall Lobby

Flag Bearers (Ideally Students)
Shift is from 10:30-11:15 a.m.
Robes provided

If you're available to help or have questions, please contact Jodi Collen in the Event & Conference Planning department at collen@augsburg.edu. Once shifts are assigned, additional information will be sent to all volunteers regarding their shift.

Thank you in advance for your help!

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Anderson Spring Clean

Anderson Students!

On Sunday, April 21, the Anderson lobby will have cleaning supplies, garbage containers, and snacks for Anderson residents. Join us on 4/21 for a Hall-wide Spring Cleaning extravaganza! Make your move-out experience that much easier! There will also be a swap table where you can leave items you wish not to keep anymore. See you there!

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Home Energy Conservation Training Today at Noon

Improve Your Home with Help from the Home Energy Squad!

Would you like a more comfortable and healthy home? Are you concerned about maintaining your home's value? Have you ever considered investing in insulation, new windows or other energy efficiency measures but don't know where to get started?

Please join us on Tuesday, April 16, in the Riverside Room of the Christensen Center from 12-12:30 p.m. for an interesting and fun presentation on saving energy. At this presentation you will:

- Get tips on how to save energy at home and at work
- Learn about ways to improve your homes comfort, value and efficiency
- Learn about available financing options, some of which offer 0% interest loans

At the end of the presentation you have the option to sign up for a discounted home energy visit. This visit will help you decide what improvements are right for you, tell you what is a fair price you can expect from contractors, and install lots of great energy saving products, like door weather stripping and water heater blankets.

Check out the following links for more information:



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Indian Philosophy

Professor Emmanuel Uppamthadathil, current visiting professor from India, will be giving a presentation on Indian Philosophy. He will present his paper, "The Central Teaching of Bhagavadgita."

This event will take place in the Cedar Room in Christensen Center, from 3:30-5:00 p.m. We encourage you to join us and bring along friends. Snacks will be provided.

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Critical Conversations: Diversity & Justice, UMN

Critical Conversations about Diversity and Justice series concludes for the academic year this Friday, April 19 from 1:30 - 3:00 p.m. in the Givens Conference Room, 1st floor, Andersen Library, West Bank of the University of MN, with the following program:

WHY I LEFT HOME: Stories about Migration, Immigration, and Globalization

The Organization for Economic Development and Cooperation lists the US as the leading destination for permanent immigrants. People emigrate for complex reasons – war, natural disaster, economic opportunity – and deal with many obstacles in pursuit of a new home. Engage in a conversation among professionals trying to assist new immigrants, some of whom will share their own stories even as they have become professionals living aspects of the American dream.

Panelists: MayKao Y. Hang, President and CEO of the Wilder Foundation; John Keller, Executive Director, Immigrant Law Center; Juventino Meza, Director, NAVIGATE Minnesota; Ahmed Yusuf, Somali community activist and author of Somalis in Minnesota. Moderator: Louis Mendoza, Associate Vice Provost, University of Minnesota Office for Equity and Diversity.

The University of Minnesota OED's Critical Conversations about Diversity and Justice Series is free of charge and open to all students, staff, faculty and community members (no need to RSVP). Please note that a flier is available for download on our Critical Conversations webpage:

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Update on Diversity and Inclusion Work

Campus members are invited to a conversation/discussion about the best next steps for the Augsburg College community as we live into our mission of an "engaged community that is committed to intentional diversity in its life and work." Hosted by Dionne Doering, Joanne Reeck-Irby, Terry Lewis and Ann Garvey, there are 2 times:

Friday, April 19, 12-1 p.m. (feel free to bring your lunch)
Riverside Room

Thursday, April 25, 12-1 p.m. (feel free to bring your lunch)
OGC 100 - note location.

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Keeping Track of Auggies

Congratulations to James Vela-McConnell

TRAILS (Teaching Resources and Innovations Library for Sociology) is a subscription-based, online, peer-reviewed, teaching resource run by the American Sociological Association (ASA).

The ASA recently announced the 10 most downloaded resources of 2012. The most frequently downloaded resource in the library was Professor Vela-McConnell's Friendship Diversity Exercise. This exercise is designed to introduce students to the sociological imagination through their own friendship patterns. Well done James!

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Three Auggies Win Awards at Winchell Symposium

Three Augsburg students won awards at the Winchell Undergraduate Research Symposium (sponsored by the Minnesota Academy of Science) this past weekend.

Kirubel Frew's poster on "Anti-malarial activity of new artemisinin derivatives" and Peter Schmit's poster on the "Development of tools to study and regulate gene expression in Daphnia magna" took top poster awards. Allison Zank was awarded a prize for her presentation on "Human airway epithelial secretions inhibit the formation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms."

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Congratulations to Student Leadership Award Winners

Linda Schrempp Alberg Endowed Leadership Award
AuBrianna Weatherspoon

Student Leader of the Year
Ibrahim Al-Hajiby

Student Group of the Year
Augsburg Latin American Students

Student Leader Service Work Award
Joshua Fredlund & Vincent Henry

Student Group Service Work Award
Fighting Poverty at Augsburg

Student Leader Social Justice Award
Joe Vital

Student Group Social Justice Award
Queer and Straight in Unity

Outstanding Seniors of the Year
Jeb Bates, Colton Hinz & Kacie Lucchini

Outstanding Juniors of the Year
Amineh Safi, Michael Fetting & Tina Monje

Outstanding Sophomores of the Year
Andrena Murphy & Fabien Dubbe

Outstanding First-Years of the Year
Bram Oosterlee

Outstanding New Student Group of the Year Award
Brotherhood of Successful Scholars

Outstanding Veteran Group of the Year Award
Tri-Beta Biological Honors Society

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Auggie Athletics

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