Wednesday, October 10, 2012
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Public Safety and Facilities Announcements

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Teaching and Learning

Managing Time and Tasks at Work

Staff Development Series: Managing Time and Tasks at Work
Date: Tuesday, October 16
Time: 8-9:30 a.m.
Place: Oren Gateway Center 103
RSVP online at:

Join us to explore a few different systems for managing time, email, and
priorities during this practical, hands-on session! You will learn about
Stephen Covey's methods for prioritization, as well as David Allen's Getting
Things Done methodology for stress-free productivity. During the session, you
will capture some of the "open loops" in your professional life and explore a
tool for effective prioritization. We will also dive into practical tips for
managing your GroupWise email more effectively and efficiently as well as
explore a few different tools for tracking "to-dos."

About the facilitators:
Rick Gubash works in the CLASS Office where (among many other things) he coaches students on time management and prioritization to guide them to academic success.

Andrea Dvorak is the coordinator for faculty-led programs abroad in the Office of International Programs. She is a practitioner of the Getting Things Done methodology in her own work life as she tracks the comprehensive status of multiple overseas trips at any given time.

Questions? Contact Tracy Christianson or Erin Voss. The Staff Development Series is co-sponsored by Human Resources and the Center for Teaching and Learning.

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Service-Learning/Internships Abroad: Today 10-1

Please stop by Christensen Center from 10-1 to learn more about Service- Learning Programs through Augsburg affiliate IPSL in the following countries:

Galapagos Islands / Quito, Ecuador
Guayaquil, Ecuador
Montpellier, France
Thessaloniki, Greece
Kolkata (Calcutta), India
Siena, Italy
Cusco, Peru
Segovia, Spain
Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania
Chiang Mai, Thailand
London, England, United Kingdom

In addition to doing service-learning for credit, students take courses in a variety of majors.

Deadline for spring semester programs is Oct. 15--this Monday. There still is time to apply.

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General Announcements

Spanish Conversation Meets This Thursday

Looking for a chance to improve your Spanish conversation skills? Then we've got just the thing for you - Spanish Conversation group!

Please join us as we gather to chat in Spanish, laugh, and have a bit of fun. From beginning to advanced, all levels are welcome! We meet every Thursday in the Riverside Room, 2nd floor Christensen, from 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Signs will be posted. Join us for 10 minutes or for the whole session, whatever works for you. Feel free to bring your lunch.

Questions? Contact Emiliano Chagil, ext. 1309; Anita Fisher, ext. 1082; or Kate Reinhardt, ext. 1081. We hope to see you there!

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Credit Cards Accepted: Copy/Mail/Ship Departments

You can now pay for your personal copies, stamps, or package shipping with credit/debit cards. We will accept VISA and MasterCard credit cards and VISA and MasterCard debit/check cards used as credit cards (no PIN numbers).

Minimum credit card purchase is $2. For your protection and ours, we will also be checking your photo ID when your purchase is over $25.

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Event Announcements

Color the Campus

On Friday we are all going to wear our Auggie's Vote No T-shirts or a bright colored shirt and at 10:50 a.m. we will gather outside the chapel for a picture. Come show your pride for all loving couples.

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Volunteer for Halloween Safe Block

Kids from the Community will come to Augsburg to Trick-or-Treat in Urness Hall. We need lots of students to volunteer to make this event awesome! Hand out candy, be a tour guide, help with activities, and more! Campus student organizations can volunteer for decorating in the floor challenge, fun-filled activities, and much more! Faculty and staff are welcome to attend, dress up, and bring their kids!

When: Wednesday, October 31
4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Where: Urness Hall and Urn/Mort Lobby

To sign up, email: or sign up on Facebook!

Sponsored by Community LINK and Res Life!

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Euro-disko Tek Party This Friday

Join your friends from local colleges for a community party this Friday from 8:00-11:00 p.m. The DJs will be playing a variety of music from across Europe: pop, disco, rock, techno, and classics. Admission is FREE. The dance is at the Germanic-American Institute, 301 Summit Ave., St. Paul. To get an accurate count for refreshments, we ask that you please RSVP by Wednesday, October 10 at

The Department of Languages and Cross-Cultural Studies is a co-sponsor for this event.

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International Forum at Augsburg

Dignity and Empowerment: Women as the Keys to Global Food Security
OCTOBER 11 at the Humphrey School / Oct. 12 (9-11:30 a.m. at Augsburg College)

Sponsored by the Oslo Center for Peace and Human Rights-US Foundation

This international seminar will launch a movement to build new relationships among women leaders, promote new ideas and real-world solutions, and inform policy makers and the public about the need to empower women, who play the most important in food production. Speakers include the former Prime Minister of Norway, Kjell Magne Bondevik; from Norway, Ingrid Stange, the internationally known director of Partnership for Change; and Vigdis Vestad, Norway's prominent human rights expert.

See full schedule and program details on program flyer in International Programs public folder on the orgs drive.

Free Admission/Registration Required at

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Oct. 15: Not Too Late for Winter Study Abroad

It's not too late to make your plans for study abroad this winter break! The deadline for the following two winter break programs has been extended to October 15--NEXT MONDAY.

1. Indigenous Nation Building and History in Bolivia
January 3-12, 2013
WST/AIS 305 or AIS 490 or HIS 350
1 credit
Fulfills: AugExperience, WST/AIS 305/490 fulfills Keystone, HIS 350 fulfills HIS, IR, CCS major electives
Faculty: Michael Lansing & Elise Marubbio

2. Vocation & Christian Faith: El Salvador
January 3-13, 2013
REL 480
1 credit
Fulfills: AugExperience, Keystone for some majors, including BUS, and a REL Elective
Faculty: Bev Stratton

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Study Abroad Info Session

Are you interested in learning about study abroad opportunities available to Augsburg students? Do you want to hear about real experiences from people who have been on a trip? Would you like to share an experience you've had on an Augsburg Abroad or CGE trip? Then bring your lunch and come to the Women's Resource Center this Thursday, October 11, from 12-1 p.m.

AA and CGE faculty and staff will be on hand to share expertise and answer questions.

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Exploring Culture: Latino/a Poetry Now This Wed.

Xochiquetzal Candelaria
Lorena Duarte
Rigoberto González

Latino/A Poetry Now will feature readings by three distinct and dynamic voices in Latino/a poetry, followed by a public conversation moderated by Francisco Aragón (director of Letras Latinas). The series has been traveling the country and previously appeared in Cambridge, MA and Washington DC. Co-sponsored by Letras Latinas, the literary program of the Institute for Latino Studies at the University of Notre Dame, the Poetry Society of America, The Loft Literary Center, and Macalester College.

The event is free and open to the public.
Wednesday, Oct 10, 7:00 p.m.
John B. Davis Lecture Hall
Campus Center, Macalester College
1600 Grand Ave, St Paul, 55105

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Focused Conversations: Thursday and Next Tuesday

Focused Conversations about enrollment and student success are scheduled Thursday this week and Tuesday next week. Please note the date/time change for the enrollment plan discussion; the meeting was rescheduled from Friday to Thursday due to a room schedule conflict. We apologize for any inconvenience due to this change. If there are people who are interested in this topic but cannot attend on Thursday, please let me know (, and we will schedule a second Focused Conversation for this topic.

The conversations will be held in the Marshall Room:

• NEW DATE/TIME: 12 to 1 p.m., Thursday, October 11. Julie Edstrom, vice president of enrollment management, will discuss the enrollment plan currently under development.

• 12 to 1 p.m., Tuesday, October 16. Ann Garvey, vice president of student affairs, will talk about the student success/Augsburg Promise initiative

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Open Hearings on Credit Hour

The federal government has issued a mandate that all colleges and universities must be in compliance with guidelines regarding course credit hours. The Higher Learning Commission has established protocols to ensure compliance and a group of Augsburg staff and faculty members (the Task Force on Academic Program Structure) has been meeting this past summer to work on means by which this compliance can be accomplished.

It is important that all faculty and staff members have opportunities to learn about the proposed changes and to discuss the implications of these changes. If you were not able to attend the previous hearings, Faculty Senate and the Task Force invite you to attend one (or both) of these sessions:

Thursday, Oct. 11; 9-10 a.m. in Lindell 301
Monday, Oct. 15; 12-1 p.m. in Sverdrup 102

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Exploring Mind/Meditation: Monday 7 p.m. OGC 100

Wolfgang Poier
"Exploring Mind"
Monday, October 15, 7 p.m.
Oren Gateway Center Room 100

The Diamond Way Buddhist Group on campus is excited to host Wolfang Poier from Germany on campus. The program at Augsburg will be about a hour long introduction to Buddhism and meditation, time for questions, and an opportunity to try a guided meditation. Free and open to all.

He'll also speak at the Diamond Way Center in Uptown on Tuesday at 7 p.m. More information at

You can also join us every Monday 10:20-10:55 in Si-Melby 206 for a short program: 10 minute introductory talk followed by a 15 minute guided meditation.

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Keeping Track of Auggies

Kayla Johnson Meets Congressman Keith Ellison

Yesterday afternoon, Auggie Kayla Johnson joined McNair Scholars Director Tina Tavera, Assistant Director Brian Greening, and Minneapolis Community and Technical College TRIO Director Janet Tauer for a meeting with Minnesota Congressman Keith Ellison.

The group discussed the current state of TRIO programs in Minnesota and at the federal level. As anyone who knows Kayla might expect, she stole the show. Poised and thoughtful, Kayla, a biology and mathematics double major, ended up talking about her research experiences over the last two summers, including her recent off-campus work at Baylor University. Ellison, the U.S. representative for Minnesota's 5th congressional district, peppered Kayla with questions for 15 minutes straight. She responded with the eloquence of a well-polished researcher.

At the end of the meeting, Congressman Ellison praised Kayla for her smooth delivery and political engagement. Ellison also assured Kayla that she would undoubtedly effect change someday in the field of medicine. Augsburg's McNair Scholars Program and the school's Biology and Mathematics Departments are proud of Kayla's accomplishments!

For more information on Congressman Ellison, please see his website:

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Dr. Melissa Hensley - Paper on Suicide Prevention

Assistant Professor Melissa Hensley's paper (w/lead author Monica Matthieu), "Gatekeeper training outcomes: Enhancing the capacity of staff in substance abuse treatment programs to prevent suicide in a high-risk population", will be published in Mental Health and Substance Use, 6 (4). The authors worked together on a research project in which they trained chemical dependency treatment program staff in suicide prevention techniques. This is their second paper based on these research findings. Congratulations Melissa!

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Auggie Athletics

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