Wednesday, May 2, 2012
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Public Safety and Facilities Announcements

Public Safety Phone Line Down

The Public Safety phone line is currently down. Please call x7777 from a campus phone or 612-330-1000 to reach the Department of Public Safety Dispatch Center.

We will send a follow up alert when the regular service has been repaired.
Thank you for your patience.

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Crime Alert:Luther Underground- Theft from Vehicle

May 1 2012: Theft from vehicle

Two vehicles in Luther Underground parking area were reported to have broken windows and items missing on Sunday April 29th. A staff member later spotted and reported a suspicious individual in the parking area. The individual is described as a Caucasian male wearing a grey ski mask, grey gloves, blue sweater or jacket, and dark pants.

If you have any information about this crime, please report to Public Safety Dispatch 612-330-1717 or Minneapolis Police 911.

You Can Help Prevent Crime at Augsburg!

Always lock your vehicle.

-Make sure to place valuables out of site before you park. Keep them in the trunk or on your person.

Check on your vehicle often.

Keep your keys on your person at all times.

Immediately report any suspicious activity to the Minneapolis Police or Augsburg DPS.

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Teaching and Learning

May Teaching and Learning Calendar

May 3, 11:45 am – 5 pm, East Commons – Scholarship and Teaching Showcase*, Faculty Recognition Luncheon and Faculty Meeting

May 9 or 10, 11:30 am – 1 pm, Lindell 301 – URGO Mentor Orientation (for all faculty mentoring undergraduate research projects this summer)

May 14, 10 am – 4 pm, OGC 100 - Graduation Skills Workshop

May 15-16, Dunrovin Retreat Center – New Faculty Retreat (for first and second year faculty)

May 17, 10 am – 4 pm, OGC 100 – Major/Program Assessment Workshop (at least two representatives for each major/program are expected to attend)

May 18, 9 am – 2 pm, OGC 100 – Instructional and Course Design Grant Kick-Off (for 2012-13 grantees only)*

May 21, 8:30 am – 4:30 pm, OGC 201 – AugSem and AVID Strategies Workshop (for all faculty teaching AugSem in 2012-13)

May 22-23, 8:30 am – 4:30 pm, Hoversten Chapel and OGC Classrooms – Creating an Inclusive Campus Conference* (all faculty and staff are encouraged to attend)

May 24, 9 am – 12 noon, OGC Classrooms – Creating an Inclusive Campus Working Sessions (at least 2 representatives from each department should attend)*

May 24, 1 pm – 4 pm, Lindell 202 – CTP Portfolio Workshop (for faculty involved in CTP reviews)*

May 29-31, Dunrovin Retreat Center – Jessica Nathanson Scholarly Writing Retreat (for all faculty; requires preregistration with CTL)*

* Contact Sarah Hedstrom ( for additional information about these events.

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Technology Tapas Today

Tapas are small plates of delicious food eaten as appetizers or combined to form a meal shared with friends. Similarly, our Technology Tapas are tasty bite-sized topics presented in brief segments. You can drop by for just a few topics or stay to experience an entire workshop. Please join us for:

"Technology Tapas"
Wednesday, May 2 from 11:30 am - 1:00 pm
Christensen Center Riverside and Cedar Rooms

About the Workshop
Your LFC team and guest presenters will share a variety of tools and resources that can be applied in your day-to-day activities and in special projects that arise. For example, Moodle 2 and its new features! The presentation will be informal so please feel free to come and go as your schedule allows - we've designed the program with this in mind! Community lunch participants are welcome. Content is appropriate for users with all levels of computing experience.

We look forward to seeing you!

A collection of Technology Tapas topics can be found on the Tapas moodle community site. Select groups in the Moodle Community Sites and enter 'tapas' in the search field near the bottom of the page.

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Faculty Showcase - Call for Materials

Scholarship and Teaching Showcase
Faculty Recognition Luncheon
May 3, 11:45 am -2:30 pm
East Commons

As part of our annual faculty recognition luncheon, CTL sets up tables to display faculty work. It includes both a focus on scholarship – books, articles, art, and performances by faculty – and teaching – Moodle sites, syllabi, significant learning experiences, and other course materials that illustrate diverse approaches to teaching that have been effective. If you have scholarship or teaching materials that we could display, please send your name, department, the materials you will provide, and your email address to Sarah Hedstrom ( Please deliver a copy to Sarah by May 1; she will return them after the luncheon.

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Register Now for Summer School

Take a summer session course (or two) and get one step closer to fulfilling your graduation requirements.

Classes are offered during the day or in the evenings in
many majors and in the liberal arts.

Summer Session I
May 29–June 29

Summer Session II
July 9–August 9

Summer Online I
May 14–June 29

Summer Online II
July 2–August 17

Check out course listings, schedule, and registration information on the Records and Registration website.

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Integrated Course Design Grant Recipients

Integrated Course Design Grant Recipients
Congratulations to Stuart Anderson, Tracy Bibelneiks, Larry Crockett, Stephan Clark, Marc Isaacson, Sandra Olmstead, Michael Wentzel, and Joseph Towle, who have received Integrated Course Design grants to design or redesign courses. They will work with Tim Pippert and Cari Maguire to learn and apply an integrated approach to their courses.

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Summer Scholarship Grant Recipients

Congratulations to Tim Pippert and Su Doree, who were selected to receive the Dean's Summer Scholarship grant, and to Annette Gerten, Melissa Hensley, and Tara Sweeney, recipients of the Grangaard Summer Scholarship grant.

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Last Day, Spring Sem in the WL; May & Summer Hours

Today, Wednesday May 2, is the last day in spring semester for you to visit the WL. Wednesday hours are, as usual, 3 - 5:30 and 6:30 - 9 PM. Starting on May 7, hours will be 4:30 - 6 PM, MWR. These hours will be maintained from May 7 - May 24; May 30 - June 28; July 9 - August 8 in order to accommodate all WEC, grad, and SS students.

Any questions? Contact Professor Swanson (x1010).

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CTL Fellows – Call for Volunteers

Anyone interested in helping plan, market, and host CTL programs should contact Velma Lashbrook ( to express their interest in playing this role.

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Lindell Library Exam and Graduation Week Hours

During the rest of final exam and graduation week, Lindell Library will be open:

Wed., May 2 8:00 am – 1:00 am
Thurs., May 3 8:00 am – 7:00 pm
Fri., May 4 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Sat., May 5 10:00 am – 6:00 pm
Sun., May 6 noon – 6:00 pm

Hours are always available on the Lindell Library web site:

Online library resources are also available 24/7 on that web site.

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The Jessica Nathanson Scholarly Writing Retreat

The third annual Scholarly Writing Retreat will be held at Dunrovin Retreat Center near Marine on St. Croix from 10:00 am on Tuesday, May 29 to 1:00 pm on Thursday, May 31. Initiated by Jessica Nathanson, the retreat gives scholars time and space to work on scholarship, undistracted by meetings, classes, or even children and family responsibilities. Some come to plan an approach to a new project to be completed over the summer; others use it as an opportunity to finish articles they have been working on during the year. Those interested in participating should contact Sarah Hedstrom ( Registrants are accepted on a first come-first serve basis.

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General Announcements

Dining Services

Commons Lunch will be moved to the Oren Gateway Center on Thursday May 3rd from 11:00am to 1:30pm. Dinner will be in the Commons at 4:30pm.

Einstein's will be closing at 3:00pm on Thursday and Friday this week.

Einstein's has a new smart options menu featuring beverages and food with 350 calories or less. We now have Strawberry Banana and Blueberry Pomegranate Smoothies.
Stop in and try our new Bacon Avocado Turkey Sandwich or the Garden Herb Turkey Thin.
The featured beverage this week is a passion fruit smoothie, for a limited time only.

All flex points end on May 4th at 3pm, they do not carry over to the next semester.

Friday May 4th Einsteins will be closing at 3 pm. Nabo will close at 2pm and the Commons will close at 1:30.

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Register for Summer Classes

Register now for Summer classes. Sessions begin May 29th. Summer courses are a great way to fulfill a requirement, take a hard to get into class, or get ahead in your coursework.
For more information, visit the summer registration page at,

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Homecoming 2012

Is your department hosting an event during Homecoming Week 2012 – September 24 -September 29? If so, the Office of Alumni & Constituent Relations would like to help make it a success! We can help to publicize the event by including it in the Homecoming brochure which is mailed to over 22,000 Alumni, Parents and Friends of Augsburg! Perhaps your department is celebrating an anniversary or some significant milestone. Let us help you reach your target audience with the Homecoming brochure and website. Call us at (x1085) or send an email to with some brief notes about the event and we'll be in touch soon. Thank you!

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Summer 2012 GRE Prep

Summer 2012 GRE prep will be held from 3:00-5:30 p.m. on Tuesdays:
5/22, 5/29, 6/5, 6/12, 6/19, 6/29, 7/10, 7/17

To register:
1. Fill out the form on the URGO website:

2. Please bring $75 cash or check (made out to Augsburg College) to the URGO office in Science 116 between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday-Friday. If you do not this before the first day of class, you will not be registered.

Please note that seats in URGO GRE Prep classes are reserved for students of Augsburg College. Any additional seats will be given to alums and members of the Augsburg College community.

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On Campus Housing Available

There are 2 bedrooms, 4 people apartments available in Mortensen Hall and Anderson Hall. If you would like to get on-campus housing for 2012-2013 or would like more information, please contact Cyndy Rowe at or (612) 330 - 1488.

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Raspberry Plant Fundraiser, Plots Available

The Augsburg Community Garden is looking to fund raise by selling raspberry plants. A typical plant costs $5 in the garden store, is real small, and won't bear fruit for a year or two. We'll be taking from mature plants in the garden and off site that may provide berries once or twice even this year (the varieties are ever bearing) if you're lucky.

If you are interested in purchasing a plant in a half gallon container for $5, we will be selling them out of the garden during the following times:

Thursday 1-1:30
Friday 10-10:30
Friday 1-1:30

If you'd like some, please fill out the following form (it'll take 1 minute and will keep it much more organized than emails) then plan to come out to the garden at one of the pick up times to pay and select your plants. If you can't take the plants right away, we can definitely label your choices and you'll be able to take them from the garden at your earliest convenience.

And if you're interested in joining me on a quick trip to the University to dig up berries on Thursday from 9-11 am, please email. There's a lot of demand for berries and we could sure use a hand to get them all.

The money raised will be used to purchase compost, mulch, water, and all the other supplies needed to make the Augsburg Community Garden beautiful, nutritious, and accessible to all our neighbors.

And if you're interested in a plot - there's still time. Apply here: and email me with questions.

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Event Announcements

Creating an Inclusive Campus– Save these Dates

Creating an Inclusive Campus Conference – Save these Dates
May 22-24

All faculty, staff, and students are invited to participate in the fourth annual conversation to co-create an inclusive campus. As our mission states, "The Augsburg experience is supported by an engaged community, committed to intentional diversity in its life and work." What does it mean to be committed to intentional diversity? It means that we recruit a diverse student body and create an inclusive, supportive learning environment that enables them to succeed . It means that we prepare all students to work collaboratively in a diverse, global environment. Finally, it means that we hire diverse faculty and staff, and create an inclusive, supportive work environment that enables them to be meaningfully involved in the work of Augsburg College. This conference allows us to celebrate what we are doing right and engage in dialogue about how we can continue to improve.

The opening session, "Transformative Conversations: The Art of Building Bridges and Civil Spaces," includes a panel of students sharing their experience of transformative dialogue across differences. You will explore concrete skills that can support the authentic connections necessary for creating an inclusive campus community. Applications will include conversations about political and religious issues that often become divisive in an election year.

Other sessions address the needs of adult learners, developing intercultural competence, using the neighborhood as a classroom, embedding global learning in a calculus course, undoing racism, understanding student experiences of racism, making use of our international resources, hiring diverse faculty, supporting LGBTQIA students abroad, reimagining the theater department, and developing intercultural leadership.

The closing session, "Fighting Poverty in Augsburg," is an outgrowth of last fall's Life of the Mind retreat on global poverty and inequity, and efforts to address this issue locally. This session aims to: (1) raise awareness in the college community about the reality of poverty and its consequences for many Augsburg students; (2) provide resources for students, faculty, and staff to address some of the consequences of poverty, such as acquiring textbooks and finding housing options for homeless students; and (3) explore realistic short- and long-term solutions to address the issue of poverty among Augsburg students.

Please join us to help co-create a more inclusive campus. Look for posters and flyers that provide more information on the schedule and how to rsvp.

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Keeping Track of Auggies

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Auggie Athletics

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