Public Safety and Facilities Announcements
Teaching and Learning
General Announcements
Event Announcements
- Koryne Horbal Lecture: Alicia Cabezudo
- Business Folks Speak About Green Jobs - Monday
- The Theatre Arts Department Presents THREE SISTERS
- Financial Management Seminar
- Last Benefit Information Session TODAY
- Student Organization Workshop
- Artist Panel for "Pixel and Pen" Exhibit -TODAY
- Orientation Leader Social Sunday
Keeping Track of Auggies
Auggie Athletics
Public Safety and Facilities Announcements
Traffic Advisory for Saturday
With the set up of the field dome this coming weekend, there will be some changes to parking and traffic flow.
On the morning of Sat. Nov 7, city street parking areas will be posted with "no parking" on the east side of 23rd Avenue from 7th street S to Butler Place, and on the north and south sides of Butler Place from the South Lot L entrance to 23rd Ave. The Butler Place roadway from the Lot L South entrance to 23rd Ave will be closed to all traffic.
These parking areas will also be posted with "no parking" on Thursday and Friday (Nov 5 and 6), however Butler Place will not be closed to traffic.
Students and staff coming to campus on Sat morning will need to access the campus from Riverside or 20th Ave S.
As always, Public Safety will be staffing Lot L to ensure adequate parking for students and staff with valid parking permits. Visitor parking for $5 in Lot L, will be limited.
Northstar Commuter Rail and Parking Refunds
The Northstar Commuter Rail will open on Nov 16th for service from Big Lake to Minneapolis. Stops along the way include: Elk River, Anoka, Coon Rapids, and Fridley. For those planning to leave their cars at home and ride the train to school or work, Public Safety is offering a pro-rated parking permit refund.
If you currently have a parking permit but plan to begin riding the Northsrar Commuter Rail once it opens, please contact We can then work with you to get a pro-rated refund for your permit or start the process of canceling your payroll deduction.
For more information about the Northstar Commuter Rail, go to
Teaching and Learning
New Course for Spring: Hitler's Holocaust
A new topics course (GER 295/495) will be offered this spring by John van Cleve: "Hitler's Holocaust and German Civilization". The course will be taught in English (GER 295) with additional work in German (GER 495) for those wishing to minor or major in German. The course looks at genocide in cultural context and counts toward the new major in Cross-Cultural Studies.
Meeting time: MWF 8-9.
General Announcements
Nontraditional Student Week Events
The Augsburg for Adults office is hosting a series of events to celebrate Nontraditional Student Week for all students, faculty and staff. The events include:
Thursday, November 5, "Student And..." Panel Discussion
5:30-7:00 p.m. in Riverside Room
Friday , November 6 & Saturday, November 7, WEC Advising Days for majors, times and locations
Friday, November 6, Nontraditional Program Reception
5:00-6:00 p.m. in Minneapolis Room
Saturday, November 7, First Word with President Pribbenow
7:30-8:00 AM in Foss Atrium
Saturday, November 7, Nontraditional Program Reception
11:30-1:30 p.m. in Minneapolis Room
To see brief descriptions of these events, please visit . We hope that you will join us to celebrate lifelong learning at Augsburg!
Nontraditional Program Reception
Faculty, Staff and Students of Nontradtional Undergraduate and Graduate Programs are invited to the Nontraditional Program Receptions.
Join us for refreshments and community time at one of two sessions:
Friday, November 6
5:00-6:00 p.m. in Minneapolis Room
Saturday, November 7
11:30-1:30 p.m. in Minneapolis Room
We hope that you will join us to celebrate lifelong learning at Augsburg!
Reserve Your Spot at Advent Vespers Now
Join the Augsburg College community to celebrate the Advent and Christmas season on December 4 & 5 at Advent Vespers. Seating Envelopes are required and are now available at:
-The Music Office
-The Christensen Center Information Desk
-Online at
Event Details:
Advent Vespers
December 4 at 5 & 8 p.m.
December 5 at 2, 5 & 8 p.m.
Held at Central Lutheran Church
Shuttle and Directions Info at
"Student And" Panel Discussion
Have you ever wondered what it's like to balance school,family and work responsibilities? As part of Nontraditional Student Week, the Augsburg for Adults office is hosting a panel discussion with students who successfully balance the various responsibilities in their lives. Learn what works for them and what remains a challenge.
Faculty, staff, and students are invited to join the conversation:
Thursday, November 5, "Student And..." Panel Discussion
5:30-7:00 p.m. in Riverside Room
Snacks will be provided.
To see brief descriptions of all the Nontraditional Student Week events, please visit .
We hope that you will join us to celebrate lifelong learning at Augsburg!
Faculty & Staff Togo Containers hit the Commons
Faculty & Staff, Get your To-Go containers Now! If you are on the go or just want to eat in the office, well now you can. Just purchase an Eco-friendly reusable to-go Container for the Commons for the one-time Price of $5.99 per semester to use once per meal when you purchase your meal. Simply bring in a clean container for your food, load it up and go. If you are choosing to eat in the Commons, simply turn in the used container and get a card showing that you have purchased a container. Turn the card in when you are ready to use the Container again.
Restrictions: You may only use your container once per meal. You may not eat in the Commons and then choose to use your container. The Container is only for Faculty and Staff in the Commons. If you loose your container and/or your redeemer card and want to continue in the program, you must purchase one at full price ($5.99).
Apply to be a 2010 Orientation Leader
Are you charismatic and dynamic? Are you interested in developing your leadership skills and working in a challenging and stimulating environment?! If you answered yes to these questions then you should apply to be a 2010 Orientation Leader! Imagine yourself as part of the O-Team that will energetically welcome the first-year class of 2014! Applications are located on the Ground Floor of the Christensen Center in the Auggie's Nest and are due by 4:30 pm on Friday, November 13th.
For more information, please email or call (612) 330-1100. Thanks!
Iron Chef Comes To Augsburg
Hey you Cat Cora's and Bobby Flay's, Have you ever thought, "I could make that!" Well here is your chance. Augsburg Dining is holding an Iron Chef contest. There will be 3 teams of 3, and each team will get a kitchen staff to work with. Teams must meet once between December and January. And just like the show, there will be a secret ingredient. The winning team will get quite a prize. Contact Gilbert Villas for more information at So in the words of Iron Chef's Chairman Kaga Allez cuisine!
Event Announcements
Koryne Horbal Lecture: Alicia Cabezudo
Alicia Cabezudo is a professor in the School of Education at the University of Rosario, Argentina, and the UNESCO Chair on Culture of Peace and Rights at the University of Buenos Aires. Her Work is rooted in the contemporary history of Latin America, and she researches and teaches in the field of democracy, culture of peace and human rights. Her current research focus is public policies related to educational programs for building citizenship participation and democracy as tools for creating a culture of peace, particularly at the local level.
She will coming to Augsburg as part of the convocation series on November 12, Thursday at 11 am in the Hoversten Chapel, Foss Center
Business Folks Speak About Green Jobs - Monday
Panel Discussion on Green Jobs
Monday, November 9
4:45 p.m. -5:45 p.m.
Oren Gateway, Room 100
Free & open to everyone
The Careers and Internship Office encourages you to join our panel discussion that will include representatives from Green River Greening, Flannery Construction, Blue Green Alliance, Aveda, and Aerotek Professional Services. Representatives will talk briefly about their companies and their experiences in helping to create a green economy, as well as, share with students any internship or volunteer opportunities their company offers. Students will have a chance to ask questions.
Questions - x1148
The Theatre Arts Department Presents THREE SISTERS
Performances of THREE SISTERS, by Anton Chekhov, will take place on Friday, Nov. 6 and Saturday, November 7 at 7:00 p.m.; and Sunday, November 8 at 3:00 p.m. The following week, performances will take place on Thursday, November 12, Friday, November 13, and Saturday, November 14 at 7 p.m.; and Sunday, November 15, at 3:00 p.m. To reserve tickets, please call 612 330-1257.
Scenery and lighting are designed by two well-known professionals, Nayna Ramey and Wu Chen Khoo. Costumes are designed by wonderful resident designer, Sandra Schulte. Sound design is by student Joe Funk.
Student actors in the play are: Steve Bergquist, Eric Dobratz, Abbey Ehling, Alex Hapka , Scott Hemann. Roger Huelsnitz, Brittany Juntunen, Anders Lee, Kat Lutze, Josh Lyons, Shannon OBrien, Tom Ringberg, Dustin Ritchea, Cole Seidl, Kathleen Watson, and Rochelle Weidner. Many other students are involved in the production in the areas of stage management, dramaturgy, scenery, costumes, and lighting.
We hope you'll come and enjoy the production.
Financial Management Seminar
Principal Financial in partnership with the ACTC will present, "How Financial Success Happens" for all ACTC students, faculty and staff on Tuesday, November 10, 2009 from 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm in the Minneapolis Room.
This presentation will cover:
-A six step plan for financial success
-How to estimate the amount of life insurance you really need
-The true cost of credit card debt
-Three critical components of a sound investment plan
-Steps you can take to manage taxes
-How to calculate how much money you'll need to retire
-Important estate conservation strategies
Please see the following link for more information:
Please RSVP your seat today by emailing Kelly Crawford at
Last Benefit Information Session TODAY
There are only 4 days left in the annual benefit enrollment period.
The last benefit information session will be happening today, Thursday, November 5, 2009 at 12:00 pm, OGC, Room 100.
The benefit enrollment period ends on Monday, November 9, 2009. No late forms will be accepted.
Please contact Human Resources at x1058 with any questions.
Student Organization Workshop
"Put Your Degree To Work!" Do you think that the leadership skills you acquire in student groups don't follow you? They do! This session will cover the area of transferable skills and how to include those on your resume. If you have a current resume, bring it along, or be ready to start a draft during this session. This session will also prepare you for general interview questions that may be included in future interviews. Wednesday, November 11, 4 pm - 6 pm in Oren Gateway, room 100. Individuals who are not members of a student organization should feel free to attend.
Artist Panel for "Pixel and Pen" Exhibit -TODAY
Artist Panel for "Pixel and Pen" Exhibit
Topic: Digital Art
Minneapolis Room, Christensen Center
Thursday, November 5, 1:30 p.m.
Orientation Leader Social Sunday
Do you want the chance to build your leadership skills? Would you love to work with new first-year students during SOAR and Auggie Days? Well, the Orientation Leader position might be the position for you! Stop by the first ever Orientation Leader Social and find out what it takes to be an Orientation Leader! Hang with the 2009 Orientation Leaders, get all your questions about being an Orientation Leader answered, pick up an Orientation Leader application, and enjoy some free food!
The Orientation Leader Social will take place on Sunday, November 8th at 7:00 pm in the Student Lounge. Be there or be square! We'll see you there!
Keeping Track of Auggies
Profs. Boisen and Rodenborg present at Henn. Co.
Social work professors Laura Boisen and Nancy Rodenborg presented a workshop on Multicultural Clinical Supervision with Hennepin County social work supervisors on Wednesday, November 4, 2009. This workshop was supported in part through a contract between Augsburg College and Hennepin County Human Services and Public Health for a series of training workshops for their supervisors and other staff.
Prof. Lehmann is Facilitating Community Groups
Social Work Professor Barbara Lehmann is co-facilitating a relaxation training group at the Community Action Program in Minneapolis for women who are chronically unemployed and looking for work; she has also been invited to be the monthly consultant/facilitator for a community developed group that meets on Saturday mornings at the "Living Room" at Redeemer Center for Life.
Auggie Athletics
Bus to Auggie Football Game at the Dome- Saturday
There will be 2 school buses transporting game workers and fans this Saturday, Nov. 7 for the Augsburg football game at the Metrodome vs. St. John's- game time is 1:00 PM.
Buses will leave from the Si Melby doors at Noon and 12:30 PM
Bus seats are first come- first serve for fans after priority goes to game workers, dance team and pep band members.
Buses will return to campus in the same first come- first serve fashion, departing 10 minutes following the game at the drop off location
Questions- contact Paul Grauer 612-330-1243
Mini Refrigerator FOR SALE
It is white and approximately 17x19in. It works just fine. I'm asking $25 for it; please email me at if you are interested.