Public Safety and Facilities Announcements
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Teaching and Learning
General Announcements
Event Announcements
- Fall Blood Drive - Tomorrow
- Flu Shot Information for All Faculty and Staff
- Health Screening (Note Time Change for Nov. 4)
- All Hands Meeting
- Peace Corps Graduate School - Meeting Tuesday
- Servant Leadership Summit in Rochester
- October is National Disability Awareness Month
- Join Augsburg Alumni at the Etiquette Dinner
- A-Club Grand Opening
Keeping Track of Auggies
- (No listings)
Auggie Athletics
Public Safety and Facilities Announcements
No postings
Teaching and Learning
Book Orders for Spring/Winter Due Now
This year the bookstore is requesting book orders by October 15th. While this may have seemed like a very early deadline, it is part of an effort to provide more used books for our students as well as pay higher prices for their used books.
Turning your book order in promptly allows the bookstore ample time to source as many used books as possible in order to offer the best value and save the students money. Since many campuses nationwide source from the same wholesale company, it is critical we get your order in on time.
Knowing early on what books are going to be used for the following semester means we can pay higher prices at buyback (up to 50% of what the student paid for the book) and source the books from used book distributors.
Because of your cooperation last year we paid students over $206K in buyback. However, we have a tremendous opportunity as this was $87K less than the amount we paid the previous year.
The faculty and staff at Augsburg College play a significant role in the success of this endeavor by getting the book orders in early. Final exam week last May we had received 65% of the book requests. With your help, we look forward to do even better this semester.
We are asking for Spring Day/Winter WEC book orders by October 15th and anticipate having 95% of the book orders in hand before finals week. Again, this may seem early, but please remember, the earlier the book requests are in, the better the outcome for our students.
Upon this due date, we will share with you, a list of book orders still outstanding so we can make sure that no book orders were missed as well as assist you in getting your orders placed.
Finally, effective in 2010, the Higher Education Opportunity Act will go into affect. One portion of this act states that institutions of higher education are to inform students on how they can save money on textbooks (including used books, cash back programs, etc.) at the time of registration. Submitting your book orders promptly, will assist in ensuring our campus is in compliance to this portion of the HEOA bill.
Once again, we would like to truly thank you for your help and cooperation in trying to keep costs down for our students. The solution to high textbook prices is faculty, staff and bookstores working together. We cannot meet these objectives without your help.
If you need any more information, please give myself or Alissa Nollan a call,(612.359.6492), email me at or stop in the bookstore anytime.
Thank you!
CTL Lunch Seminar for Faculty and Staff on Oct. 22
October is Disability Awareness Month and CTL is sponsoring a lunch seminar on the topic of Mental Health. A speaker from NAMI - National Alliance for Mental Illness will present in conjunction with CLASS and CCHP. Come here about trends in mental health, resources on campus and off and how academic accommodations help students with anxiety, depression and other impacting mental health issues.
Thursday, October 22 from 11:50 to 1:00
Minneapolis Room Christensen Center
RSVP to Terry Martin ( to get on the lunch list. Lunch will be the cafeteria line so please arrive early enough to get your lunch and get settled.
General Announcements
Enrollment Center Limited Services this Week
The Student Financial Services office will be out at a conference this week all day Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday morning. We will continue to staff the first window with limited services. The Financial Aid window will reopen on Thursday, October 22 from 12-3pm.
Thank you
Enrollment Staff
Diversity Strategic Plan Update
Augsburg launched a campus-wide diversity strategic plan process in 2007. In 2008, we brought forward a four-part plan: mission, people, structures, governance. During the 2008-2009 year the Diversity Committee hosted meetings to provide updates and invite discussion.
So what's going on now? Come to the Diversity Strategic Plan update on Wed., Oct. 21, 3-4 pm in Oren Gateway 100
21 Days Left in Annual Benefit Enrollment
The annual enrollment period for benefit eligible staff is open now through Monday, November 9. All forms must be turned into Human Resources by Monday, November 9. No late forms will be accepted.
Please plan to attend one of the following benefit information sessions (if you are benefit eligible):
Friday, October 23, 2009 at 10:00 am, Sverdrup, Room 2
Wednesday, October 28, 2009 at 10:30 am, OCG, Room 200
Tuesday, November 3, 2009 at 2:00 pm, Christensen Center, Minneapolis Room
All enrollment forms are located in the public HR folder:
I:\Human Resources\Benefits\2010 Benefits
Please contact Human Resources at x1058 with any questions.
New Look and Option for your Account Activity
Have you seen the updated account activity page online (this lists your tuition and fee charges and your tuition payments)? Log into Augnet Records and Registration and click on the link "Make a Payment/Account Activity" to see what all the talk is about! In this area you can view your tuition charges and payments, make a payment to your student account and most importantly, sign up your parents or a third party to have viewing rights to your account activity. Once signed up they will be able to view your billing history and be able to make payments to your account online. The information is limited to the billing history and does not include your financial aid award, grades or email. Please note, parents will need to be signed up to be able to make a payment to your student account online.
Here's how to get started:
1. Log into Augnet Records and Registration and click on "Make a Payment/Account Activity."
2. Under the Parent Pin heading, click on "Add New". You will be prompted to create a login name for them and to also list their email address.
3. Once submitted, they will receive an email with instructions on how to access your account.
If you have any questions, contact the Enrollment Center at 612-330-1046.
New Under Armour Apparel in at the Bookstore
New Under Armour polo, t-shirt and hoods in at the bookstore. Stop in today and show your school spirit.
Augsburg Dining Hours
M-F 7:30am-7pm
Hot Breakfast: 7:30-9am
Hot Lunch: 11am-1:30pm
Hot Dinner: 4:30 pm-7
Saturday & Sunday
Brunch: 11:30-1pm
Dinner: 5-7pm
M-F 7:30-8pm
Saturday 7:30-5pm
Sunday (non WEC) Closed
WEC Sundays: 7am-2 pm
A-Club Grille
11am-2pm & 5-9pm
Grill Closes at 8:30pm C-Store Open till 9pm
Non WEC Saturdays
Non WEC Sundays
WEC Saturdays 7am-3pm
WEC Sundays 9am-1:30pm
Hours subject to change
Clearance Clothing 25% Off
All clearance clothing is an extra 25% off this week- stop by and stock up on your Auggie Gear!
Event Announcements
Fall Blood Drive - Tomorrow
CCHP reminds all interested students, faculty and staff that Memorial Blood Center will be on campus on Tuesday 10/20 from 10 - 4 p.m. in the East Commons for our annual fall blood drive.
Thanks to the 55+ people who have signed up to donate. A few slots after 2:00 p.m. are still available if you want a specific time to donate. Walk-ins are always welcome and encouraged, too. So even if you don't have a time slot but decide you want to donate come on up to the East Commons.
If you are planning to donate, be sure to eat good meals, drink a lot of fluids (water is great!) and don't forget the photo ID when you come.
Any questions, please call the CCHP office at 612-330-1707. Thanks for helping save lives -- one pint of donated blood saves 3 lives!!
Flu Shot Information for All Faculty and Staff
The seasonal flu shot clinics for Thursday, October 29, 2009 and Wednesday, November 4, 2009 have been cancelled due to low sign up.
However, you still have one more chance to get your flu shot on campus:
-Friday, October 23, 2009, 12:30 pm - 4:00 pm, Christensen Center, Minneapolis Room.
This is sponsored by Human Resources through Homeland Health Specialists. Augsburg strongly encourages all employees to get the flu shot. Homeland Health Specialists will submit the claim to your health insurance. If you do not have health insurance, the cost of the flu shot will be paid for by Augsburg.
Please contact human resources at x1058 to sign up for your flu shot.
Health Screening (Note Time Change for Nov. 4)
Augsburg is hosting a free health screening for all staff and faculty who are currently enrolled in Augsburg's health plan.
The health screenings are taking place during the following times:
- Friday, October 23, 2009 from 8:00 am - noon
- Thursday, October 29, 2009 from 8:00 am - noon
- Wednesday, November 4, 2009 from noon - 4:00 pm (please note this is a change from the original time to accommodate those who work evening hours)
Please see the link below to find out more information on the free screening:
If you choose to participate in the health screen, you must sign up in advance at:
Once you receive the results from the health screening you will be able to input the data into a Health Risk Assessment. Taking your Health Assessment ( can be your first step to a healthier life. Simply answer questions about your health history, nutrition, physical activity, lifestyle and more. It takes just 20 minutes and is confidential. You'll get a clear picture of your health with an instant results report. You'll also receive tailored health tips, access to online coaching modules and other support as appropriate. You can take advantage of these important tools to learn, set goals and get healthier, step by step.
*Participate in the health screen and the complete the Health Risk Assessment for a $25.00 A'viands credit on your employee ID card.*
Please contact Human Resources with any questions at x1058.
All Hands Meeting
The Augsburg Community is invited to attend an All Hands Meeting on Tuesday, November 3, 11:15-11:45 a.m., in the Hoversten Chapel.
Peace Corps Graduate School - Meeting Tuesday
A representative will be on campus next Tuesday, October 20th at noon in the Minneapolis Room discussing the Peace Corps Master's International Programs at Michigan Tech. All are welcome to attend. Feel free to bring your lunch. Questions - or email
Servant Leadership Summit in Rochester
The Servant Leadership Summit will be held in Rochester on Tuesday, October 27th at 7:00 PM. Speakers will discuss the value and passion of leading by serving. Speakers include Bethel Lutheran Church Pastor, Norm Wahl, Mayo Department of Development Associate Chair of Principal Gifts, Jim Hodge, and Rochester Chamber of Commerce President, John Wade. This event is sponsored by the Augsburg College MBA Program and The Post Bulletin, and is part of the "Connecting with the Community" learning series. This summit will be held in Bethel Hall at Bethel Lutheran Church, 810 3rd Avenue SE, Rochester and is free and open to the public. No registration is needed. Contact Dave Conrad at 507 287-7791 or with questions.
October is National Disability Awareness Month
To help raise awareness during this month, we will be posting brief notes on how we as a community can be supportive of persons with disabilities.
Please consider attending the following activities:
Wednesday October 21 3-5 Location: Foss 17A
Groves Lab Open House!! Come to the CLASS Office to see and experience technology in action!
Thursday October 22 11:50 - 1:00 Minneapolis Room Christensen Center
CTL is sponsoring a lunch seminar on the topic of Mental Health. A speaker from NAMI - National Alliance for Mental Illness will present in conjunction with CLASS and CCHP. Come hear about trends in mental health, resources both on and off campus, and how academic accommodations help students with anxiety, depression and other mental health concerns.
RSVP to Terry Martin ( to get on the lunch list. Lunch will be via the cafeteria line so please arrive early enough to get your lunch and get settled.
Wednesday October 28th 3:30 Sateren Auditorium (in the Music building)
CLASS is bringing Mixed Blood Theatre's play titled "Theory of Mind" to campus on Wed, October 28 at 3:30 in Sateren Auditorium (in the Music building). "Theory of Mind" is a sensitive yet unsentimental portrait of Bill, a college-bound seventeen year-old with Asperger's Syndrome. He is equipped with scholastic brilliance, but low emotional intelligence; keen self awareness, but an inability to read social cues; and a charming directness. He is also uncertain about relationships, anxious about dating, and prone to taking everything he hears literally. His outing with a girl from his school becomes a memorable, insightful look at the tugs, shifts and about-faces found on the autism spectrum.
This performance is free and open to all.
Have a great week!! :-)
Join Augsburg Alumni at the Etiquette Dinner
Students - Join Augsburg Alumni at the annual Etiquette Dinner
Thursday, November 12th 5:30 p.m.
Cost $10
Registration Deadline - November 4th
Guest Speaker - Darcy Matz, Professional Training and Coaching Consultant
Sponsored by: Augsburg Business Organization & Center for Service, Work, & Learning - Careers and Internships
To register - stop by Careers & Internship Office (CSWL) - lower level, Anderson Hall Download form at:
A-Club Grand Opening
Come check out AClub's grand opening today. Free cake and hot Chocolate and free Sliders for the first 50 people. You will not believe the changes in our newly remodeled Grille. And don't forget to get an autograph of one of the athletes when you see them.
Keeping Track of Auggies
No postings
Auggie Athletics
Auggie Athletics Update
Auggie Athletics Update (click on link for story/stats):
Saturday, Oct. 17:
Men's Cross Country -- Augsburg at Wisconsin-La Crosse Invitational
Women's Cross Country -- Augsburg at Wisconsin-La Crosse Invitational
Women's Soccer -- Augsburg 0, Carleton 0 (2OT)
Football -- Augsburg 27, Concordia-Moorhead 20 (OT)
Men's Soccer -- Carleton 2, Augsburg 0
Upcoming Events:
Tuesday, Oct. 20:
Men's Soccer vs. St. Scholastica, Edor Nelson Field, 7:30 p.m.
Wednesday, Oct. 21:
Volleyball vs. St. Catherine, Si Melby Hall, 7 p.m.
Women's Soccer vs. Wisconsin-River Falls, Edor Nelson Field, 7:30 p.m.
Friday, Oct. 23:
Men's Soccer vs. Hamline, Edor Nelson Field, 7 p.m.
Saturday, Oct. 24:
Football vs. Gustavus, Edor Nelson Field, 1 p.m.
Women's Soccer at Hamline, 1 p.m.
Women's Swimming hosting Augsburg Pentathlon at St. Catherine, 1 p.m.
Olympics Tickets For Sale - Skeleton 2/19
Know someone going to the Olympics?
We have two tickets for Skeleton at the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics. Tickets are for February 19th. We are no longer able to stay until that day.
Asking the face-value price, plus a portion of the shipping/charges. $128 for the pair.
Please let me know if you are interested in buying/trading these tickets.
Thank you,
Amanda Temple
Mortensen Residence Hall Director