Public Safety and Facilities Announcements
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Teaching and Learning
General Announcements
- Free Health Screening
- Flu Shot Information for All Faculty & Staff
- Strategy Games – New Student Club
- 28 Days Left in Annual Benefit Enrollment Period
- Strategy Games – Faculty / Staff Group
- Metropass for Faculty and Staff on Sale Now
- Augsburg Dining Hours
- BSN Re-accreditation Update
- Fall Blood Drive Next Week
Event Announcements
Keeping Track of Auggies
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Auggie Athletics
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Public Safety and Facilities Announcements
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Teaching and Learning
Apply Now for Augsburg's Model UN Team
Interested in international relations or the foreign service? Want a chance to visit the UN and meet with diplomats working there?
Augsburg will be participating in its 13th National Model UN Conference in New York City from March 28- April 4, 2010. The conference involves 2,500 student delegates from all over the globe in a simulation of UN negotiations. All students interested in participating in MUN Delegation need to submit applications to Prof. Underhill by Friday, Oct. 30. The delegation will bring between 12 and 16 students, depending on which country we are assigned.
Selected students must register for the Model UN course for the Spring term and then travel with the group to New York. The cost of participation for delegates is $250 (plus food and incidentals) for the week.
For questions or a copy of the application, email Prof. Underhill at
Book Request due Thursday October 15
This year the bookstore is requesting book orders by October 15th. While this may have seemed like a very early deadline, it is part of an effort to provide more used books for our students as well as pay higher prices for their used books.
Turning your book order in promptly allows the bookstore ample time to source as many used books as possible in order to offer the best value and save the students money. Since many campuses nationwide source from the same wholesale company, it is critical we get your order in on time.
Knowing early on what books are going to be used for the following semester means we can pay higher prices at buyback (up to 50% of what the student paid for the book) and source the books from used book distributors.
Because of your cooperation last year we paid students over $206K in buyback. However, we have a tremendous opportunity as this was $87K less than the amount we paid the previous year.
The faculty and staff at Augsburg College play a significant role in the success of this endeavor by getting the book orders in early. Final exam week last May we had received 65% of the book requests. With your help, we look forward to do even better this semester.
We are asking for Spring Day/Winter WEC book orders by October 15th and anticipate having 95% of the book orders in hand before finals week. Again, this may seem early, but please remember, the earlier the book requests are in, the better the outcome for our students.
Upon this due date, we will share with you, a list of book orders still outstanding so we can make sure that no book orders were missed as well as assist you in getting your orders placed.
Finally, effective in 2010, the Higher Education Opportunity Act will go into affect. One portion of this act states that institutions of higher education are to inform students on how they can save money on textbooks (including used books, cash back programs, etc.) at the time of registration. Submitting your book orders promptly, will assist in ensuring our campus is in compliance to this portion of the HEOA bill.
Once again, we would like to truly thank you for your help and cooperation in trying to keep costs down for our students. The solution to high textbook prices is faculty, staff and bookstores working together. We cannot meet these objectives without your help.
If you need any more information, please give myself or Alissa Nollan a call,(612.359.6492), email me at or stop in the bookstore anytime.
Thank you!
GMAT Prep: Registration Deadline Extended
Thinking about a Master of Business Administration program after graduation? Most MBA programs require the GMAT (Graduate Management Admissions Test) for admission. GMAT Prep sessions are offered this fall on campus through the Augsburg MBA Program. Sessions will cover verbal, writing, and quantitative problems.
The course meets five Tuesdays from 6-9 PM (October 20 & 27, and November 3, 10, & 17). The cost is $300, including a $50 non-refundable deposit paid upon registration. This fee includes prep book and materials.
You may download the registration form from the MBA web site ( ).
Alums and non-Augsburg students are also welcome to register.
General Announcements
Free Health Screening
Augsburg is hosting a free health screening for all staff and faculty who are currently enrolled in Augsburg's health plan.
The health screenings are taking place during the following times:
- Tuesday, October 13, 2009 from 8:00 am - noon
- Friday, October 23, 2009 from 8:00 am - noon
- Thursday, October 29, 2009 from 8:00 am - noon
- Wednesday, November 4, 2009 from 8:00 am - noon
Please see the link below to find out more information on the free screening:
If you choose to participate in the health screen, you must sign up in advance at:
Once you receive the results from the health screening you will be able to input the data into a Health Risk Assessment. Taking your Health Assessment ( can be your first step to a healthier life. Simply answer questions about your health history, nutrition, physical activity, lifestyle and more. It takes just 20 minutes and is confidential. You'll get a clear picture of your health with an instant results report. You'll also receive tailored health tips, access to online coaching modules and other support as appropriate. You can take advantage of these important tools to learn, set goals and get healthier, step by step.
*Participate in the health screen and the complete the Health Risk Assessment for a $25.00 A'viands credit on your employee ID card.*
Please contact Human Resources with any questions at x1058.
Flu Shot Information for All Faculty & Staff
We are pleased to announce that Augsburg will be able offer seasonal flu shots for all staff and faculty. This is sponsored by Human Resources through Homeland Health Specialists. Augsburg strongly encourages all employees to get the flu shot. Homeland Health Specialists will submit the claim to your health insurance. If you do not have health insurance, the cost of the flu shot will be paid for by Augsburg. Flu shots will be offered on the following dates and times:
Tuesday, October 13, 2009, 8:00 am - noon, Christensen Center, Century Room
Friday, October 23, 2009, 12:30 pm - 4:00 pm, Christensen Center, Minneapolis Room
Thursday, October 29, 2009, 11:30 a.m. - 3:00 pm, Christensen Center, Minneapolis Room
Wednesday, November 4, 2009, 8:00 am - noon, Christensen Center, Minneapolis Room
Please contact Human Resources at x1058 to make an appointment for your flu shot.
Strategy Games – New Student Club
A new student club is being organized for the purpose of playing strategy games. This popular hobby features a wide range of board games and card games. Settings of such games include those based on fantasy/mythic literature, others simulating the development of railroad empires and stock markets, sci fi exploration of space, the growth of civilization, and many more. Shut down that one-way fixation with a computer screen and play strategy games with real humans! Interested? E-mail:
28 Days Left in Annual Benefit Enrollment Period
The annual enrollment period for benefit eligible staff is open now through Monday, November 9. All forms must be turned into Human Resources by Monday, November 9. No late forms will be accepted.
Please plan to attend one of the following benefit information sessions (if you are benefit eligible):
Monday, October 12, 2009 at 12:30 pm, OLD, 208 (this is a change in location from the original communication)
Thursday, October 15, 2009 at 5:00 pm, OGC, 114
Friday, October 23, 2009 at 10:00 am, Sverdrup, Room 2
Wednesday, October 28, 2009 at 10:30 am, OCG, Room 200
Tuesday, November 3, 2009 at 2:00 pm, Christensen Center, Minneapolis Room
All enrollment forms are located in the public HR folder:
I:\Human Resources\Benefits\2010 Benefits
Please contact Human Resources at x1058 with any questions.
Strategy Games – Faculty / Staff Group
A faculty / staff group is being drawn together for the purpose of playing strategy games. This popular hobby features a wide range of board games and card games. Settings of such games include those based on fantasy/mythic literature, others simulating the development of railroad empires and stock markets, sci fi exploration of space, the growth of civilization, and many more. Strategy games make for serious fun. Interested? E-mail
Metropass for Faculty and Staff on Sale Now
Metropasses are now available for faculty and staff. At $38.00 per month they are at a substantial discount compared to the normal retail value. Bus fares without discount are $1.75 each way non-rush hour, $2.25 during rush hours and $3.00 for express buses. Even if one only comes to campus 3 times a day the cost of transportation for a month would range from $42 to $72 a month without a discount. If one is a full time commuter coming to campus 5 days a week the Metropass still saves money even if the commuter doesn't use the pass during the summer. Using the pass only 10 months of the year the annual cost averaged for 10 months is $45.60 compared to the per ride cost without a discount would range from $94.5 to $162.00.
Order your Metropass card as soon as possible to ensure a smooth transition to the new pass. There will be a 2 -3 week delay between the time the application is filled out and the time the new Metropass cards are delivered. Temporary pass cards will be available to allow applicants to continue bus use until their new passes arrive. Fill out a Metropass application at the Enrollment service counters at Sverdrup 100 as soon as possible. All Augsburg employees working 20 hours per week or greater are eligible to participate in the Metropass program. Participants must sign up for the pass for a contract year that begins this September 1st and goes through August 31, 2010. The cost of the pass is $38.00 per month and it will be automatically deducted (pre-tax) from participants pay. Each participant has the opportunity to renew their card during the last month of the contract year.
The Go-To cards are quicker to use on bus and trains and they also eliminate the need to go and purchase a monthly card at the service counter every month. The Go-To cards are good for light rail and buses, every day, all day including trips to some of the outlying suburbs. Riders will have to provide additional cash to the driver for exceptionally long commutes outside the 7 county metro area. Travel by bus companies other than Metro Transit are not included in this program. Participants must agree to participate for the contract year, allow their I.D. picture to be used on the Go-To card and participants must return the card to Human Resources when their employment at the college ends. The cash value cards will still be on sale at the Enrollment counter with the same 50% discount as before. If you need more information please call Tom Ruffaner @ Ext. 1641.
Augsburg Dining Hours
M-F 7:30am-7pm
Hot Breakfast: 7:30-9am
Hot Lunch: 11am-1:30pm
Hot Dinner: 4:30 pm-7
Saturday & Sunday
Brunch: 11:30-1pm
Dinner: 5-7pm
M-F 7:30-8pm
Saturday 7:30-5pm
Sunday (non WEC) Closed
WEC Sundays: 7am-2 pm
Aclub Grille
11am-2pm & 5-9pm
Grill Closes at 8:30pm C-Store Open till 9pm
Non WEC Saturdays
Non WEC Sundays
WEC Saturdays 7am-3pm
WEC Sundays 9am-1:30pm
Hours subject to change
BSN Re-accreditation Update
The Department of Nursing is pleased to report that the Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) program has been approved for re-accreditation by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE) at their October, 2009 Board Meeting. Re-accreditation will remain in effect through 2019. The Master of Art in Nursing Program is also accredited by the CCNE through June, 2017.
Fall Blood Drive Next Week
Please stop by Christensen Center on Tuesday 10/13 to sign up to donate blood for the Fall Blood Drive to be held on October 20. Memorial Blood Center and CCHP will be tabling for donation times tomorrow from 11 - 1 p.m. in the Christensen Center lobby.
If you cannot stop by to get a time slot, please feel free to call the CCHP office at 612-330-1707 for a time. Augsburg has always done a great job with getting blood donors so we hope we can continue that tradition.
The blood drive will be Tuesday, October 20 from 10 - 4 p.m. in the East Commons. Please help save lives by donating blood.
Event Announcements
The Art of Networking, October 15 at 5:30 p.m.
Please join us for "Good Ol' American Know-Who: The Art of Networking," a workshop in which you will learn how to build a personal network inventory and use it as a powerful tool to both get help from and give help to others.
Date: Thursday, October 15
6:00 p.m. (refreshments at 5:30 p.m.)
Location: East Commons, Christensen Center
Colleen Watson '91, an adjunct professor in Augsburg's business department, will present best practices and facilitate a group activity to demonstrate the magic of networking. You are sure to leave with at least one new contact to advance you toward your next goal.
This workshop is open to Augsburg graduate students, alumni, faculty, and staff. It is co-sponsored by the Master of Arts in Leadership and the Master of Business Administration programs. To reserve a space in this free workshop, contact Patty Park ( or 612-330-1150).
Jazz Pianist Jason Moran, Convocation Tomorrow
After seven years on the inestimable Blue Note Records, 34 year-old pianist Jason Moran has proven his brilliance as a performer. He's established himself as a risk-taker and a seeker of new directions for jazz as a whole. Looking to the wider world of art for inspiration, Moran has found it in edgy 20th century painters like Jean-Michel Basquiat ("JAMO Meets SAMO" and his ongoing series of "Gangsterism" compositions), Egon Schiele (from whose painting entitled "Facing Left" Moran borrowed the title of his second album for Blue Note), and Robert Rauschenberg, whose chaotic refinement inspired Moran's third album Black Stars, featuring the legendary Sam Rivers. Moran's driving philosophy involves an effort to turn the proverbial marginality of Jazz to advantage. He and his group plan to invade the worlds of conservatory and vernacular art, scramble black Americana and European modernism (in the mostly disused but worthy tradition of Duke Ellington), combine the databases of "traditional" and "experimental" jazz, and generally thrill audiences. Augsburg College will have a taste of this compelling creative adventurism when Mr. Moran visits the campus on October 13, 2009.
Seven Strategies for Charitable Giving Seminar
Augsburg is hosting an ACTC sponsored educational seminar through Principal Financial Group. This event will be facilitated by Mike Schwartz, former Augsburg men's hockey coach.
Date: Tuesday, October 13
Time: 9:00 to 10:30 am
Location: Christensen Center, Minneapolis Room
No registration is required. All members of the Augsburg community and ACTC member schools are invited to attend this workshop.
Recent studies show that people make charitable contributions primarily because they want to make a difference. But whether they support educational foundations, medical research, or humanitarian programs, contributors feel they lack the knowledge that is essential to maximize the effectiveness of their gifts.
At this educational presentation, you will learn:
- Seven gifting strategies that can make your gift more effective
- How each strategy works and its relative strengths and weaknesses
- Considerations when choosing a particular gifting strategy
- Tax benefits associated with planned giving
- Qualifying organizations to which you can give
Everyone who attends will receive a full-color, 20-page workbook on charitable giving strategies. This valuable resource is packed with information that will help you take a good look at your personal situation and evaluate your options.
All Hands Meeting
The Augsburg Community is invited to attend an All Hands Meeting on Tuesday, November 3, 11:15-11:45 a.m., in the Hoversten Chapel.
Keeping Track of Auggies
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Auggie Athletics
Auggie Athletics Update
Auggie Athletics Update (click on link for story/stats):
Friday, Oct. 9:
Volleyball -- Augsburg 3, Macalester 0 (25-23, 25-13, 25-22)
Saturday, Oct. 10:
Men's Cross Country -- Augsburg 2nd at Wisconsin-Parkside Lucian Rosa Invitational
Women's Cross Country -- Augsburg 18th at Wisconsin-Parkside Lucian Rosa Invitational
Football -- Augsburg 31, Carleton 28
Volleyball -- St. Olaf 3, Augsburg 0 (25-22, 25-18, 25-19)
Men's Soccer -- Concordia-Moorhead 1, Augsburg 0
Women's Soccer -- Concordia-Moorhead 4, Augsburg 1
Sunday, Oct. 11:
Men's Golf -- Augsburg 20th at Gustavus Twin Cities Classic
Upcoming Events:
Tuesday, Oct. 13:
Volleyball at Crown Triangular -- vs. Northwestern, 6 p.m., vs. Crown, 8 p.m.
Women's Soccer vs. Bethel, Edor Nelson Field, 7:30 p.m.
Wednesday, Oct. 14:
Men's Soccer at Bethel, 3:30 p.m.
Thursday, Oct. 15:
Volleyball vs. Concordia-Moorhead, Si Melby Hall, 7 p.m.
Saturday, Oct. 17:
M/W Cross Country at Wisconsin-La Crosse Invitational, 10:30 a.m.
Women's Soccer at Carleton, 1 p.m.
Football at Concordia-Moorhead, 1 p.m.
Men's Soccer vs. Carleton, Edor Nelson Field, 7 p.m.
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