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Teaching and Learning
Register now for the Nobel Peace Prize Forum
Did you sign up for Action Alerts?
Safe Space Training on February 28
Vocation Reconsidered
General Announcements
Auggie Cheer Team Community Day Fundraiser
Study Abroad deadline this week
Spanish conversation and lunch
Sign up today for Weight Watchers
Get Ready is coming back to Augsburg
Housing Lottery for 2007-2008
Were interested in your feedback
Enrollment Center closed for convocation
Employee of the Year nominations due this Friday
dollar/sense last iPod shuffle giveaway tonight
World Chat: Climate Change
Christensen Center website is live
Mural Artist and Hip Hop Live this Friday
Come have pizza, pie, and REAL TALK tomorrow
Looking to volunteer locally
The Economics of Global Climate Change
Outdoors Club Meeting tonight
Bill Green to speak
Weekly Update
Peace Corps to hold information session
Pre-Law Meeting on March 2
Do you know about Darfur? Time to organize
Yoga and Tai Chi Today - Pilates Tomorrow
Discussions in the AugNet Forums...
(Forum access is currently limited to Augsburg faculty and staff.)
Register now for the Nobel Peace Prize Forum
Schedule and registration for the 19th Annual Nobel Peace Prize Forum at Augustana College, March 9 and 10, is now available at: www.augie.edu/peaceprizeforum/. Registration closes on Firday, March 2.
Did you sign up for Action Alerts?
If you havent joined the MPCC's Action Alert network, here is what you are missing.
Safe Space Training on February 28
Be informed on lesbian, gay, transgender, and bisexual issues as well as learn how to be supportive of individuals in the LGBTQIA community.
Vocation Reconsidered
Message: Tuesday, February 27, 3:30-5:00 p.m., Minneapolis Room. The first of a series of conversations for and by faculty on the role of vocation in the curriculum and the Augsburg mission. Informal conversation; ideas, critiques, suggestions, and proposals for future directions welcomed. Contact Russell Kleckley for more information, x1348; kleckley@augsburg.edu. Refreshments served. |
Auggie Cheer Team Community Day Fundraiser
Last week to get your coupons:
Study Abroad deadline this week
The deadline to study abroad summer 2007, fall 2007 or for the academic year 2007-08 is:
Spanish conversation and lunch
Message: You are invited to attend a Spanish conversation group that will meet every Thursday from 11:00 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. in the Augsburg room, on the 2nd floor of the Christenson Center. Drop in for 10 mins. or for the whole 90 mins. - whatever works for you. Whether you're fluent in Spanish or just starting a beginning class, this will be a good practice experience. Bring your lunch if you want. We look forward to seeing you there. Questions? Contact Emiliano Chagil, Anita Fisher or Kate Reinhardt. Subject:
Sign up today for Weight Watchers
Its not too late to sign up for Weight Watchers! We need 5 more pre-meeting registrations to bring this convenient weight-loss program to Augsburg.
Get Ready is coming back to Augsburg
Housing Lottery for 2007-2008
Lottery night is March 13, 2007 in the East Commons, Christensen Center.
Subject: Were Interested In Your Feedback Message:
Your opinions matter to us. We are inviting you to complete a short survey about your experiences at Augsburg. Your feedback will provide us with insights about the aspects of your experience which are most important to you as well as how satisfied you are with them. Your responses will help the leadership determine what is working and what is not working here at Augsburg.
Enrollment Center Closed for Convocation
Message: The Enrollment Center will be closed for convocation on Friday, March 2 from 9:45 to 11:15 a.m. We will be open until 4:30 that afternoon. Subject:
Employee of the Year Nominations due this Friday
Message: Have you ever wanted to thank one of your fellow staff members for all the hard work that they do? Then you may want to consider nominating them for the Staff Employee of the Year award. This award is intended to recognize exceptional Augsburg staff members who exemplify the mission statement of the college through their actions. Recipients of this award consistently go above and beyond the call of duty by providing exceptional service to others and/or making innovative and outstanding contributions to enhance the objectives of their department or the Augsburg community. To be considered for this award, the nominee must have a complete nomination packet that includes: the nomination form and at least two letters of recommendation. You can locate the nomination form in the Staff Senate public folder. Please return the nomination form and all letters of recommendation no later than 4 p.m. on Friday, March 2nd to: Liz Bassani, Staff Senate, Campus Box #309. The Staff Recognition and Length of Service event will be held on March 15 from 3-4:30 p.m. in East Commons. Food and beverages will be provided. Subject:
dollar/sense last iPod shuffle giveaway tonight
dollar/sense is in its last week of its series dedicated to teaching students how to make smart money choices. dollar/sense will be hosted in the campus Coffee Shop at 6:30 p.m. Monday-Thursday until March 1.
World Chat: Climate Change
Join the Minnesota International Center (MIC) for a World Chat on Climate Change with Karlyn Eckman, a senior fellow at the Water Resources Center and adjunct professor in the College of Natural Resources at the University of Minnesota. This event is open to all.
Christensen Center website is live Message:
The Christensen Center Task Force website is up and running. Subject:
Mural Artist and Hip Hop Live this Friday
Don't miss the farewell party for the Gage Gallery this Friday from 7 to 10 p.m. Twin Cities urban painter and former Augsburg student Chris Allen will be creating an 8 ft. mural outside of Lindell Library. Live hip hop by Big Jess of The Unknown Prophets, Mohs, and The Dirty Smarts Collective, with DJ Last Word. Matty V will host the event.
Come have pizza, pie, and REAL TALK tomorrow
You're invited to the first incarnation of REAL TALK this Wednesday, February 28, from 12-1 p.m. in the Cedar and Riverside Rooms.
Looking to volunteer locally?? Message:
Use your volunteer time in the neighborhood.
The Economics of Global Climate Change
Augsburg Students are invited to attend the public forum sponsored by the Minnesota International Center on Tuesday, Feb. 27 (TODAY) with His Excellency Alan Charlton, Deputy Head of Mission for the British Embassy in Washington, D.C. Ambassador Charlton will be speaking on the economic impact of climate change and the British government' s international efforts to improve the global environment. This event is free for students!
Outdoors Club Meeting tonight
Outdoors Club Meeting
Bill Green to speak
Message: The Augsburg Associates are delighted to have Bill Green as the speaker for the Spring Seminar on March 17th at 9:00 am in Foss Atrium. Dr. Green is an Augsburg History professor who has spent the past year as the Interim Superintendent of the Minneapolis Public Schools, and was recently named Superintendent. President Pribbenow will also be at the Seminar to provide the invocation and introduction of Dr. Green. Please join us for a continental breakfast and what will surely be a most interesting presentation. To access the registration form, please go to the Alumni Events portion of the Alumni and Friends link on the Augsburg website; the downloadable form is at the bottom of the page. You may print it, fill it out, and send it in with your registration fee to Kathryn Croyle at CB 142. Please call Kathryn at 1171 if you have any questions. Subject:
Weekly Update
Peace Corps to hold information session
Message: There will be a representative from the Peace Corps on campus Wednesday, March 7th tabling in the Christensen Center lobby from 9:30a.m.-1:00 p.m. They will also be holding an informational session at 4:30 p.m. in the Minneapolis Room. Stop by to find out more about the application process and a hear from a former volunteer. The presentation will include a brief video highlighting the work of volunteers worldwide, followed by a slide show and time at the end for your questions. Subject:
Pre-Law Meeting on March 2
The Prelaw Club will meet Friday, March 2 at 11:50 a.m. (after chapel).
Do you know about Darfur? Time to organize Message:
Tragically, not enough people are informed about the genocide in Darfur. With deaths upward of 200,000, more should be done to stop this human rights catastrophe. ASAC and concerned students have organized to make a difference and spread action on the behalf of others. If you are interested in making a difference on campus and Darfur, come to our weekly meeting. We meet in the third floor study rooms in the library, a sign will be posted.
Yoga and Tai Chi Today - Pilates Tomorrow Message:
Counseling & Health Promotion reminds interested students, faculty and staff that yoga will be offered today and Thursday from noon - 1:00 p.m. in the Marshall Room. All are welcome. Feel free to bring your own yoga mat.
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