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Security and Facilities Announcements
Inauguration Parking
Teaching and Learning
Education Panel TODAY
General Announcements
Upcoming Government Job/Internship Fair
TODAY'S Inauguration Events
Be a Good Pastor Like Pastor Dave and Pastor Sonja
Get free shipping on your Halloween Costume!
CSWL - Student Open House
Spanish conversation and lunch
President Paul Pribbenow on Channel 5 news tonight
Spanish conversation and lunch
The Discipleship Bible study is at 2 PM Sunday.
Please Submit to the 95 Theses
Saturday's Service Project
The Augsburgian needs you!
Augsburg's A-List
Minnesota OUT! Campus Conference
Track of Auggies
Peter Agre on Colbert Report tonight
Auggie Athletics Update
Got Auggie Spirit? Join the Auggie Cheer Team!
Prairie Home Companion Tickets!
Do you need a kitten or two?
Discussions in the AugNet Forums...
(Forum access is currently limited to Augsburg faculty and staff.)
Inauguration Parking
Message: On Friday, Oct. 20 Lot L will be used as visitor parking for Friday's inauguration. We are asking all students, faculty, and staff that usually park in the L lot on campus to park at Fairview's Yellow Parking Ramp. You can pick up your pass today at Event Services in the Lower Level of Christensen between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. These passes will be distributed on a first come, first served basis. If you have any questions please contact Amanda Storm, Events Coordinator, at 612-330-1107 or storma@augsburg.edu. |
Education Panel TODAY
As part of today's inauguration events, you are invited to a Public Roundtable entitled "Augsburg's Commitment to Public Education," featuring:
Subject: Upcoming Government Job/Internship Fair Submitter: Sandra E Tilton, Employer Relations Coordinator, Center for Service Work and Learning Message:
TODAY'S Inauguration Events
Subject: Be a Good Pastor Like Pastor Dave and Pastor Sonja Submitter: Ross Murray, Campus Ministry Associate; Tutoring Services Coordinator; , Campus Ministry and Academic Skills Office Message:
On Thursday, November 2, visit the Seminary & Divinity School Day at Gustavus Adolphus College! Over 15 seminaries and divinity schools from around the United States will gather at Gustavus to hold the Seminary & Divinity School Day. The day will include informal and informational visits with representatives from seminaries and divinity schools. There day will also host a chapel service (with Bishop Jon Anderson of the Southwestern MN Synod of the ELCA), a panel discussion about seminaries today, and lunch (with Dr. Rolf Jacobson of Luther Seminary). There will also be workshops on the decision-making process, like finances, candidacy, choosing a program, etc.
Get free shipping on your Halloween Costume!
Help support the Auggie Cheer Team by purchasing your Halloween costume at CostumSuperCenter. You'll get free shipping (enter coupon code FREE40 at checkout) and 12% will go to the Auggie Cheer Team for a fundraiser! Plus you can earn cash for telling your friends about it too!
CSWL - Student Open House
Subject: Spanish conversation and lunch Submitter: Kathy J Reinhardt, Instructor, Modern Languages Message: Want to practice your conversational Spanish? Come meet others who are interested in doing the same thing. We will meet in the Riverside room in Christensen Center every Thursday from 12 - 1 p.m.. You are invited to bring a lunch. This is a conversation group, so there will be informal interaction - no grammar lessons! Questions? Contact Kate Reinhardt at x1081 or Anita Fisher at x1082. Hasta jueves! Subject:
President Paul Pribbenow on Channel 5 news tonight
Message: President Paul C. Pribbenow was interviewed last week by KSTP anchor Cyndy Brucato for the Channel 5 News feature "Five People Making the News." It will be aired tonight, Thursday, Oct. 19 at 6:30 p.m. Subject:
Spanish conversation and lunch
Message: Want to practice your conversational Spanish? Come meet others who are interested in doing the same thing. We will meet in the Riverside room in Christensen Center every Thursday from 12 - 1 p.m.. You are invited to bring a lunch. This is a conversation group, so there will be informal interaction - no grammar lessons! Questions? Contact Kate Reinhardt at x1081 or Anita Fisher at x1082. Hasta jueves! Subject:
The Discipleship Bible study is at 2 PM Sunday.
Message: Instead of meeting at 1:30 in the coffee shop, the Discipleship Bible Study, open to all, now meets at 2 p.m. in the coffee shop on Sundays. Subject:
Please Submit to the 95 Theses
Student Senate is continuing its tradition of the 95 Theses and we would like to hear from you. If you have any ideas or suggestions as to what should be on the 95 Theses please email concerns@augsburg.edu.
Tonight's Student Senate meeting will be canceled due to Inauguration events.
Saturday's Service Project
Message: As part of President Pribbenow's inaugural celebration, we will be engaging in service projects for the neighborhood on Saturday morning from 9-12 noon. There are two options for your time and talents: 1. The East African Women's Center - A project of the Confederation of Somali Community in Minnesota, this center provides East African women with culturally sensitive programming to support them as they integrate into American culture while retaining their sense of identity and belief. Ten interested volunteers will be painting, varnishing, and helping to spruce up this excellent community partner's facility in the Riverside Plaza. 2. Mississippi River Clean-Up - Most of us are unaware that Augsburg College is the steward for the stretch of river from Bohemian Flats to the I-94 bridge on the West Bank. Join us to clear litter and debris as we hear a bit of the river's history from Professor Joe Underhill-Cady. Be sure to bundle up as we take care of one of our neighborhood's most treasured resources. We'll meet at 9 a.m. in the Christensen Center lobby for a continental breakfast to fuel our efforts. If interested in serving with us, please send an email to Mary Laurel True at truem@augsburg.edu or Tim Dougherty at doughert@augsburg.edu by 2 p.m. on Friday. Call X1208 or X1775 with questions. Subject:
The Augsburgian needs you!
Message: The Augsburgian, the Augsburg College yearbook, is in need of students to plan this years book. This student organization consists of members holding the following positions: commissioner, managing editor, staff writer, graphic designer, and photographer. Stipends are available for these positions. If you are interested in being involved in this exiting and rewarding project, please contact Kathy Rumpza at ext. 1182 or e-mail rumpza@augsburg.edu. Subject:
Augsburg's A-List
Augsburgs A-List
Minnesota OUT! Campus Conference
Are you interested in networking with lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and ally campus communities from across the state of Minnesota? Would you like to attend workshops exploring topics such as LGBTQA communities of color, transgender policy initiatives, or bisexual identity development? Then register for the Minnesota OUT! Campus Conference!
Peter Agre on Colbert Report tonight
Message: Peter Agre '70, 2003 Nobel prizewinner in chemistry, is scheduled to be a guest on Stephen Colbert's Comedy Central show, the Colbert Report, tonight, talking about Scientists and Engineers for America. He serves on the board of this non-partisan 527 political group that advocates for support for science and research. The Colbert Report is shown on Comedy Central at 10:30 p.m. |
Auggie Athletics Update
Auggie Athletics Update (click on link for story/stats):
Got Auggie Spirit? Join the Auggie Cheer Team!
WANTED: Auggie Cheerleaders! If you or someone you know are interested in being apart of Augsburgs Spirit and Traditions and would like to support the Augsburg Community at athletic events as well as many other community activities, please join the Augsburg Spirit Team! We are looking for both male and female cheerleaders, so if you are interested please tryout!
Prairie Home Companion Tickets!
Message: Two tickets to this Saturday's (October 21st) Prairie Home Companion Sold-out show. Only $100! Please E-mail Sam Barber at barbers@augsburg.edu or call his office at (612) 330-1116 for more information. Subject:
Do you need a kitten or two?
Free kittens!
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