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Security and Facilities Announcements
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Teaching and Learning
Leadership Series: Embracing Organizational Change
General Announcements
AWAKEN Drama Ministry here this weekend only FREE
Exit Loan Counseling/Consolidation
Free Japanese Drumming Performance in Park
Summer Abroad Course in Poland
ONE More day to Be Seen in the Augsburg Yearbook
President Frame's Book
Seniors, have you RSVP'd?
Friday Forum
Information about mumps
Message for Education Students
Homecoming 2006, Sept. 25-30 "Watch Us Soar"
Alumni Relation Office Welcome's Becky Taute!
Enter to win!
Track of Auggies
Colin Irvine's Publication
Frames to speak at Central Lutheran
Spring 3v3 Basketball Tournament
Auggie Athletics Update
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Discussions in the AugNet Forums...
(Forum access is currently limited to Augsburg faculty and staff.)
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Thursday, April 27, 2006: "Driving Change," presented by Barry Vornbrock
Minneapolis Room of the Christensen Center
Hors d'oeuvres at 5:30 p.m.; the program begins at 6 p.m.
The Awaken Drama Ministry is comprised of a group of young adults who have been touring Northern Nebraska, Iowa, and Southern Minnesota since February of 2006. The program done by Awaken is similar to those produced at Augsburg and featured during communion services the past three years. The drama presentation is a compelling portrayal of God's love for a broken humanity.
Financial Aid will be hosting another Exit Loan Counseling session on April 24th from 2-3pm in the Minneapolis Room. Please plan on attending if you would like to learn more about repayment and consolidation options for your Federal Loans!
Mu Daiko performs a free concert of Japanese drumming in the park Friday,
April 21, from 11 a.m. - noon as part of the Augsburg Artist Series. If it rains, the event
will take place in the TV/Film Studio, Foss Center. This event is
Message: POLAND Summer Session II
Message: We are extending the photos to FRIDAY, APRIL 21! Please stop by the Nelson Room in Christenson from 11:30-1:30 to get your photo taken for this years yearbook. You will also be able to get a free copy of last years book when you get your picture taken.
Message: President Frame's book The Dialogue of Faith and Reason is now available at the bookstore. On Tuesday, April 25th President Frame will be signing copies of his book in the Marshall Room from 3 - 4:30 p.m.
Message: The Alumni Board invites all graduating seniors to a reception in your honor on Thursday, April 27th, 2006 from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. in the Foss Atrium. Please send your response including the faculty and staff member you will bring as your guest, to RSVP@augsburg.edu. Come celebrate with your graduating friends! Business casual attire is recommended.
Friday Forum featuring speakers from Americorps
Upper midwest health agencies continue to receive reports about cases of mumps. The following information comes from the Minnesota Department of Health Website:
The ASAC Music Committee brings national artist Ben Lee to Augsburg's Spring Music Jam tomorrow Saturday, April 22, 2006 as part of ASAC's Spring Fling week. The FREE concert will start at 5:30 p.m. in Lot E on the Urness Lawn. Ben Lee is most well know for performing the songs "Catch My Disease" and "Gamble Everything For Love" and can be heard on 89.3 The Current, Cities 97, and Drive 105.
Important Message for Education Students
Message: Would you like to host an event during Homecoming 2006? We are encouraging Departments to have their receptions on Friday afternoon. We would like to encourage alumni to come for the receptions, attend the Hall Crawl, and stay for the fabulous Variety show at 7 p.m. Friday night. We also want everyone to head out to the soccer game after the Variety show! Please fill out the form and get back to Alumni Relations no later than May 5th. Thank you!
Message: The Alumni Relation's Office would like to welcome Becky Taute to our department as our program assistant. We are very excited about Becky joining our department. Please come by and say hello to Becky! Her new phone number will be 612-330-1613.
Student Computing is conducting a survey and we need YOUR help! Please take a few minutes to tell us how we can improve our services. You can also enter for a chance to win a free 128MB flash drive. Just go to
Colin Irvine's Publication
Message: Associate Professor of English, Colin Irvine, has been published in "Journal of the West", Winter 2006. His article " The Popular Western as Epic: A Bakhtinian Understanding of Time in the American West(ern)" presents the idea that the Western genre shares much with Bakhtin's concept of the epic, in terms of the genre's style, purpose, and content. The perpetuation of the frontier myth presents problematic and false beliefs about the Old West and separates the past from the present real or New West. A copy of this journal is available in the English Department office. Subject:
Frames to speak at Central Lutheran
Bill & Anne Frame will be speaking at the Central Lutheran Church Adult Forum on Sunday, April 30, 9:45 a.m.-10:45 a.m., Bill & Anne Frame will be the featured speakers at Central Lutheran Church's Adult Forum in the Lower Narthex of the church, which is located across from the Convention Center in downtown Minneapolis. That afternoon will be the public celebration of the Frames' presidency, also at Central (in the main sanctuary where Advent Vespers is held), from 2-4 p.m. featuring music and worship, followed by a reception with refreshments.
Spring 3v3 Basketball Tournament
Message: Please join the Augsburg Community Development League for the first annual 3v3 basketball tournament. The tournament is scheduled for Saturday April 29th in the main gym on campus. The entry fee is $10 per person and all the proceeds go to support the Gateway Building. Participants must be students, faculty, or staff from Augsburg and alumni are welcome. For more information or to register, there will be tables set up in Christensen for the remainder of the week. Subject:
Auggie Athletics Update
Auggie Athletics Update:
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