Augsburg News

News Archives - 2008

WEC families can skate with the Auggies on Feb. 9

FEBRUARY 5, 2008

Auggie hockeyOn Saturday, Feb. 9, Augsburg's weekend college (WEC) Student Senate will be holding an event on campus for all WEC students and families called "WEC Winter Wonderland."  The event includes prize drawings, reserved seating at the Auggie women's hockey game, and free open skating following the game.

The event starts at 1 p.m. in the Christensen Center with snacks and prize drawings. It is a time for WEC students and families to get on campus, connect with others outside the classroom, and have some fun in the process.  All families are then encouraged to cheer on your Auggie women's hockey team as they take on Concordia-Moorhead at 2:15 p.m. in the Augsburg Ice Arena.  Following the game, families are then invited to join the Auggie hockey players on the ice for some free skating time.    

"This WEC event is designed to bring students with their families onto campus for some fun instead of classes, and to let the families see where their loved one is spending so much time," says Michele Roulet, a WEC student senate member.

For more information about the WEC Winter Wonderland, contact Mia Bothun (WEC Student Body President) at