News Archives - 2005
The Original Dr. Phil?
Convocation: Tuesday, October 11
years ago, in the city of Augsburg, Germany, a document was presented to the
Holy Roman Emperor, Charles V. The document— which became known
as The Augsburg Confession—was penned by a young professor
named Philipp Melanchthon. Augsburg College derives its name from Melanchthon’s
document—a document that became a touchstone for the sixteenth century
reformation of the Christian Church, a document that still carries significant
importance for Lutheran Christians today. This year, our very own Dr.
William Frame will speak upon the subject of Melanchthon’s contribution
to civil society in a talk titled, “Melanchthon and Civility.”
Dr. Frame’s scholarly work on Melanchthon received attention earlier
this year when he presented a lecture (“Philipp Melanchthon and the
Academic Reformation”) at the Lutheran Educational Conference of North
America in Vancouver, Canada.
Dr. Frame’s lecture rounds out the Melanchthon Symposium, a gathering of scholars, pastors, seminarians, and others, who will descend upon Augsburg College beginning Monday, October 11. Other lecturers include Dr. Markus Wriedt, Marquette University in Milwaukee, and Dr. James Nestingen, Luther Seminary in St. Paul. For more information about the Symposium, contact Hans Wiersma, professor of religion, at x1205.
For information on the entire 2005-2006 Convocation series, click here.