News Archives - 2000
Astronomer Owen Gingerich leads off 2000-2001 Convocation Series
Owen Gingerich, senior astronomer at the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory and longtime professor of astronomy and the history of science at Harvard University, lectured at Augsburg Sept. 25 and 26. Gingerich's lectures began the 2000-2001 Augsburg Convocation Series, a six-part series on the topic "Science and Religion in Dialogue."
Gingerich spoke before a full house during his morning convocation address on the 26th.
The convocation series continues on Oct. 19-20 when John Haught, Landegger Distinguished Professor of Theology at Georgetown University, will address the topic "God after Darwin."
Dr. Gingerich's recommended reading:
The Fourth Day: What the Bible and the Heavens Are Telling Us about the Creation -- Howard J. Van Till
Nature's Destiny: How the Laws of Biology Reveal Purpose in the Universe -- Michael Denton