Public Safety and Facilities Announcements
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General Announcements
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Keeping Track of Auggies
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Auggie Athletics
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Public Safety and Facilities Announcements
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General Announcements
Public Art Invitational for Artists/Design Teams
We're excited to share a new art and design opportunity with Augsburg alumni, staff, and faculty. A team comprised of faculty, alumni, staff, and art consultants are working to bring beauty and inspiration into the Hagfors Center for Science, Business, and Religion, and you're invited to participate.
Augsburg has engaged Forecast Public Art to facilitate the commissioning of art works for the new Hagfors Center for Science, Business, and Religion. You are invited to submit qualifications to be considered for this opportunity.
Read the Art & Identity Request for Qualifications (RFQ) here: The deadline for RFQ submission is July 19, 2016; all required materials must be received by 4 p.m. CDT. The Augsburg Art and Identity Committee will review applications and select up to 20 finalists to participate in a concept development phase.
The Art and Identity Initiative's charge is to bring expression to the guiding principles for the new Center and Augsburg's aspirations for a 21st century urban campus. Through art and identity, the Center's key interior elements and exterior spaces will illustrate a sense of beauty, harmony with place and a commitment to hospitality. As a way to express the transformative impact of the Hagfors Center for Science, Business, and Religion, Augsburg will commission numerous works of art. Each piece will be commissioned through philanthropic sponsorship and displayed in various locations within this new signature academic building.
We look forward to seeing your work!
Hagfors Center Art and Identity Committee:
Amy Alkire
Tim Alt
Kristin Anderson
Paul Daniels '79
Karina Karlén '83
Karolynn Lestrud '68
Heather Riddle
Jon Thorpe
Jenny Wheatley '06
To see more, view the Hagfors Center for Science, Business, and Religion design overview:
Metro Cards - 10-Ride Passes Still Available
Metro Transit is phasing out their Go-To cards.
The Enrollment Center still has some cards available. Purchase these passes now while our supply lasts.
Earn $5 by Participating in an Eye-Tracking Study
Hello Auggies!
My name is Madeline Kinn, and I am doing an URGO summer research project with Dr. Ben Denkinger of the Psychology Department. We would like to invite you to participate in our study!
Our study is a facial perception eye-tracking experiment in the eye tracking lab on campus (SCI 110). We are looking specifically for students ages 18-29 to participate. Our study lasts about 30-40 minutes and participants will receive $5 for participating.
If you have any questions, concerns, or if you would liked to schedule an appointment, you can email me at
Thank you!
Event Announcements
ACYTI Closing Worship: June 24 at 11 a.m.
This week 15 high school students, 5 mentors, and 3 Theology & Vocation Fellows from around the country are participating in the annual Augsburg College Youth Theology Institute (ACYTI). They are exploring the theme of "Jesus Has Left the Building: Discipleship in the Public Square" through community-based experiences and classroom learning led by Dr. Jeremy Myers, and evening worships led by local musicians. Following their time at Augsburg, the students will spend the summer writing an essay on a topic of their choice related to the theme. These papers will be compiled in an online journal to be published in the fall. The program is a collaboration of the Christensen Center for Vocation, the Religion Department, and Campus Ministry. More information about ACYTI is available online:
Augsburg community - you are invited and welcome to attend a closing worship with the group and their families at 11 a.m. tomorrow (Friday, June 24) in Hoversten Chapel. We will gather for worship and to give this great group of ACYTI students a warm Augsburg community send-off!
Picnic at Minnehaha Falls via the Blue Line
Curious about Metro Transit Trains? Interested in learning how to ride the train in a safe place where newbies are totally welcome?
Join Augsburg colleagues and Transit for Livable Communities on June 30 for an experiential visit to one of the best regional parks in the Twin Cities - all via the Blue Line! Learn the ins and outs of riding the train in a safe and fun environment - we'll cover the cost of your transportation, you bring a picnic lunch. We'll teach you how to ride, how to pay, and how to check on the status of your train. Meet at the Oren Gateway Center at 11 a.m. and return by 1:30 p.m. Maximum of 25 participants.
RSVP via this link:
If you have any questions, please contact Nicole at
Keeping Track of Auggies
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Auggie Athletics
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Wanted: Volunteers for Canoe Adventure
Seeking a volunteer(s) who can participate in the Minn. Department of Natural Resources Loon Monitoring Program one morning from June 24 to July 4. Canoe or small watercraft and transportation "Up North" required.
Volunteer will travel north of Finland, Minn., and survey two lakes by canoe. I recommend making it a long weekend and camping at a local forest service campground. Two specific lakes need to be surveyed for this 20+ year-old program monitoring our environment and Minnesota's state bird, the common loon. No prior experience required and education provided.
It's a beautiful and a educational and enjoyable experience. Contact me for more information: 612-330-1462 or