Public Safety and Facilities Announcements
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Teaching and Learning
General Announcements
Event Announcements
- Food Day, Christensen lobby, 10-1:30 Today
- Sophomore Retreat 2016 - Applications Open
- Visiting Irish Poet Micheal O'Siadhail
- Minneapolis 2015: Last Stop Before Paris
- Interfaith Mini-Convo at 11:30am: Fardosa Hassan
- Get Ahead By Going Abroad: Speaker on 10/22 @ 2pm
- NSS Summer Research and Internship Preview
- Final Week of Major/Career Exploration Series
Keeping Track of Auggies
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Auggie Athletics
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Public Safety and Facilities Announcements
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Teaching and Learning
Gathering for Adjunct Faculty - Oct 28
Are you a new adjunct faculty member at Augsburg? Are you an experienced adjunct? Are you somewhere in-between? Come meet other adjunct faculty members and share your experiences! What's working for you? What resources would you like to learn about from other adjuncts? Are there ways you can collaborate?
Stop by Lindell 202 on Wednesday, October 28 between 12:45-2:00 for light refreshment and conversations with your colleagues.
Jointly sponsored by CTL and the Adjunct Task Force.
Thursday: Gen Ed at Augsburg with Jacqui deVries
What is LAF? AugEx? The Search for Meaning!?
Come to the next installment in the New Faculty Orientation Series and learn about Augsburg's General Education program. This session will be led by Jacqui deVries, Professor History and Director of General Education. All are welcome.
Thursday, October 22, 11:30am-1:00pm in Lindell 202.
Jointly sponsored by CTL and the CCV.
Scholarly Article by Joseph Towle
Joseph Towle, Assistant Professor of Languages and Cross-Cultural Studies, has published "_El complot mongol_ ayer y hoy: Una perspectiva desde los EE. UU." in the volume _El complot anticanónico: Ensayos sobre Rafael Bernal_ (Fondo Editorial Tierra AdentroConaculta, 2015). The collection offers a critical assessment of the Mexican diplomat and crime novelist Rafael Bernal (1915-72). Conaculta is an agency of the Mexican federal government charged with promotion and protection of the arts.
General Announcements
Career Enhancement Etiquette Dinner -Register Now
Register today at to attend the Career Enhancement Etiquette Dinner on Thursday, November 19 from 6:00-8:30 p.m. in the Marshall Room, Christensen Center.
Cost $10
Join alumni & students for a life changing dinner and learn key etiquette skills needed to enhance making a lasting and positive first impression! Are you presenting yourself with professional style, polish, and class? Do you know the manners skills that are career enhancers? Build character, be confident, and add credibility! Come learn skills to put your best foot forward every time! Sponsored by: Strommen Center for Meaningful Work and Augsburg Business Organization.
Help Us Recruit The 2016 Orientation Leaders
Attention Augsburg Faculty and Staff! Do you know of a student who you believe has what it takes to be a 2016 Orientation Leader!? If yes, please encourage them to apply! The application can be found on the Human Resources website ( and needs to be submitted by Tuesday, November 10 by noon. Any questions or concerns can be directed to or 612-330-1100. Thank you in advance for sending your best our way!
Beware of "Toner Phoners"
There are several unscrupulous businesses out there who attempt to sell you outrageously priced toner over the phone. They may start by asking you what is the model or ID# of the copier or printer near your desk. They may say they have extra stock of the toner you need or the price is set to increase soon. They may offer to ship you a toner on trial. Regardless of what they say, don't give them any information. All you need to know is that toner is included in the maintenance agreement for the machines on campus, and you get toner for your copier or printer by calling the Copy Center at extension 1054. You will never need to purchase toner for machines in your area. A quick way to ditch these "toner phoners" is to tell them you will transfer them to the person in the organization who purchases toner - they will hang up before you can transfer them!
Welcome Carrie Noble: Anderson RHD
The Department of Residence Life would like to welcome Carrie Noble to Anderson Hall, the residential communities, and Augsburg College. Carrie is returning to Augsburg College following her fantastic leadership and guidance in many opportunities locally and internationally. We welcome her innovation and direction to the department and encourage the community to come and meet her. Her office is located in Anderson Hall Residence Life office suite.
Strommen Center Open House - Thursday
Faculty, Staff and Students are invited to stop by the Strommen Career & Internship Services Open House for conversation and treats on Thursday, October 22 between 10:30 a.m. and 12 p.m., Suite 100, Christensen Center
Event Announcements
Food Day, Christensen lobby, 10-1:30 Today
Hunger doesn't discriminate. In 2014, 1/10 Americans seeking emergency food assistance were students.
In honor of Food Day (Oct. 24), Campus Cupboard and Campus Kitchen students will be handing out free "brain food" for students in the Christensen lobby from 10-1:30! Stop by for a snack made with food available at the Campus Cupboard!
Food Day is a national celebration of real, just food, with a focus this year on moving "toward a greener diet." The Campus Cupboard helps stem food waste by being conscious of "use by" dates on food that do not actually reflect food safety but drive people throw away food. By taking food that is still good but just past the date on the package, we help make good food available to students while doing our part to reduce the 40% of all food that is wasted in the U.S each year.
Sophomore Retreat 2016 - Applications Open
Introducing the Sophomore Retreat 2016
New this year, Augsburg will offer a one-day, on-campus "Sophomore Retreat" to support second-year students on Sunday, January 31, 2016 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. The retreat is free of charge to students and breakfast and lunch will be provided. The retreat will involve a balance of content, assessments, and reflection time organized around three modules: meaning & purpose, gifts & passions, and community & connection. Students who are searching for a major, looking for support exploring career options, or seeking a deeper sense of connection at Augsburg will all benefit from this retreat. To learn more, visit:
Eligibility: Any student who self-identifies as a second-year student is invited to apply via the Strommen Center for Meaningful Work website starting on October 19. Space is limited to 40 students.
Apply: Beginning October 19, students can apply to be part of the retreat online here:
Staff and faculty can also nominate students by submitting names on the same site.
The Sophomore Retreat is brought to you by the Strommen Center for Meaningful Work, Campus Ministry, Religion Department, Academic Advising, Sabo Center for Democracy and Citizenship, Christensen Center for Vocation, and Student Affairs.
Visiting Irish Poet Micheal O'Siadhail
Award-winning Irish poet Micheal O'Siadhail is visiting Luther Seminary and coming to Augsburg College next week. O'Siadhail was educated at Clongowes Wood College, Trinity College Dublin and the University of Oslo. He has published 10 collections of poetry and two academic works. He has given poetry readings and broadcast extensively in Ireland, Britain, Europe and North America. He was a member of the Arts Council of the Republic of Ireland and the Advisory Committee on Cultural Relations. He was a founding member of Aosdána and a former editor of Poetry Ireland Review. He was the founding chairman of Ireland Literature Exchange. You can find out more about his work at .
You can attend a reading with O'Siadhail (pronounced Mee-hawl O-sheel) on campus at 6:15-7:45pm, Monday, 26 October, in the Augsburg College Bookstore, which is sponsoring the reading and book-signing with the English and Religion Departments. There will be light refreshments.
O'Siadhail will read again on 7-8pm, Thursday, 29 October, at the Olson Campus Center of Luther Seminary (1490 Fulham St., St. Paul), followed by a reception and book-signing at 8pm.
Please join us at one or both readings.
Minneapolis 2015: Last Stop Before Paris
As a Friend of The Nobel Peace Prize Forum, we are pleased to send you an invitation to:
Minneapolis 2015: Last Stop Before Paris
A Pathway to Paris Dialogue Event bringing Citizen Engagement to the 2015 Global Climate Talks
Sunday October 25, 2015
9:30 AM to 5:30 PM
Radisson Blu Minneapolis
35 South Seventh Street
Minneapolis, MN 55402
On October 25th 2015, under the auspices of Oslo-based Partnership for Change, Citizens' Climate Lobby will convene a globally-networked discussion on the impact of climate change on communities, the role of citizens in driving change and the catalytic solutions to securing the livable climate future.
This initiative is the first in a series of dialogues that will establish a process connecting citizens to decision-makers, to ensure that what starts in Paris reaches all people and results in real, sustained, and successful outcomes for people and the climate.
The Day of Dialogue will include:
Interactive plenary discussion with experts and participants around the world;
Sessions featuring leadership from around the Twin Cities;
Working groups focused on six work-streams;
Discussion of the outcomes of work-streams in plenary session;
Foundational meeting of the Citizens' Climate Engagement Network.
Sunday, October 25, is your opportunity to participate in the creation of a new global network of partners, working locally to empower citizens, strengthen government action on climate, and drive needed solutions across the world. Outcomes from the 25th will inform a high-level Chatham House rules dialogue on Monday, October 26, featuring leaders from business, government, advocacy, and scholarship.
Citizens' Climate Lobby and the Pathway to Paris coalition will bring outcomes from Minneapolis 2015 to the global climate negotiations that open in Paris on November 30.
Social media discussion for this event will use the hashtags #b4paris, #Minneapolis2015, and #peaceitforward
Interfaith Mini-Convo at 11:30am: Fardosa Hassan
Join us for an Interfaith Mini-Convo today at 11:30am: Fardosa Hassan '12, Muslim Student Advisor, "The Importance of Interfaith Work"
Chapel This Week:
Wednesday, 10/21, at 10:40am: President Paul Pribbenow preaching, "Till and Keep." Musicians: The Augsburg Choir.
Wednesday Night Communion, 10/21, at 9:30pm: Taizé Prayer Around the Cross. Pr. Justin Lind-Ayres, Associate College Pastor, preaching. Student testimonial: Erica Bryer '16.
Thursday, 10/22, at 11:30am: Sylvia Bull '10 preaching, Intern from Princeton Seminary. Guest musicians: Dr. Roberta Kagin and Karin Vaccaro.
Friday, 10/23: Mid-term Break No Chapel Service
We gather in Hoversten Chapel, Foss Center - Absolutely everyone is welcome!
Get Ahead By Going Abroad: Speaker on 10/22 @ 2pm
Get Ahead By Going Abroad: The Importance of being a Global Citizen in the 21st Century Workforce Thursday, Oct. 22 at 2:00 p.m. in Hoversten Chapel
Stacie Berdan, a world-wide leader and expert in Global Education, will be on campus presenting on the significance that an off-campus experience (like an internship or study abroad) can have. She will explain why it's life changing, transformational, and all around good for you and your resume. Gaining global skills/mindset is an important part of college, regardless of major everyone is welcome to attend, especially those interested in study abroad, global education, and off campus internships! Sponsored by: CGEE & the Strommen Center for Meaningful Work.
NSS Summer Research and Internship Preview
Join us today, Tuesday 10/20, at the Weisman Art Museum from 6-8pm to find out about summer 2016 internship and research opportunities for STEM students.
The North Star STEM Summer Research and Internship Opportunities Preview will consist of informal networking and short remarks around the importance of having internship and research experiences in the STEM field. Hors d'oeuvres will be provided. Student résumés and casual business attire recommended.
Walk over with other Augsburg students: meet in Science Hall 154/STEM Programs to depart at 5:45pm.
The event will take place in the Dolly Fiterman Riverview Gallery. Attendees can park in the East River Road Parking Garage ($6 parking validation). No pre-registration required.
Click for an address, map and directions:
The Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (LSAMP) North Star STEM Alliance, is a partnership of fourteen higher education institutions and three community partners - the Science Museum of Minnesota, Minnesota High Tech Association, and the Minnesota Minority Education Partnership. The initiative is funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF grant #1201983) to increase the number of African-American, Hispanic/Latino, Native American, Alaska Native and Pacific Islander students receiving baccalaureate degrees in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM).
Feel free to email with any questions.
Final Week of Major/Career Exploration Series
Final Week of Major/Career Exploration Series
This week, Undecided & Exploratory Students Week, marks the final week of the Major/Career Exploration Series. Check out the last events in the series below and online at:
Tabling: Center for Global Education and Experience for Exploration
Wednesday, Oct. 21 from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. in Christensen Lobby
Stop by our table in the Christensen Center Lobby to learn about the Center for Global Education opportunities and how study abroad or away can help students who are exploring options for majors and careers. Sponsored by: Center for Global Education and Experience. Contact: Lucy Hardaker (
Get Ahead By Going Abroad: The Importance of being a Global Citizen in the 21st Century Workforce
Thursday, Oct. 22 at 2:00 p.m. in the Chapel
You will often hear claims that an off-campus experience (like an internship or study abroad) is life changing, transformational, and all around good for you and your resume. But why is this? Who decided that being a global citizen is important? Stacie Berdan, a world-wide leader and expert in Global Education, will be on campus presenting on this very topic. Gaining global skills/mindset is an important part of college, regardless of major everyone is welcome to attend, especially those interested in study abroad, global education, and off campus internships! Sponsored by: CGEE & the Strommen Center for Meaningful Work.
Open House: Strommen Center for Meaningful Work
Thursday, Oct. 22 from 10:30 a.m. to Noon in the Strommen Center (100 Christensen Center)
Students, faculty and staff are all invited to stop by for treats and a chance to learn more about the ways the staff in the Strommen Center for Meaningful Work support student career development at Augsburg College.
Learn more about the Major/Career Exploration Series and all the upcoming events here:
Keeping Track of Auggies
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Auggie Athletics
No postings
Reward: Lost Microsoft Surface 3
I lost my tablet/laptop October 19th. Believed to be in the OGC. I have everything on there. Please help me find it. Cash reward offered - no questions asked.
Living Community
My roommates and I are looking for another person to join our living community. We are all working adults and we want someone with a job who is responsible and able to pay rent on time every month. If you are a student it is very affordable (probably about $365 a month depending on utilities). We prefer a single woman but are open to other options including a married couple or single man. There are seven bedrooms total in the house and three bathrooms. Email me if you are interested and I will be happy to give you more details.