Public Safety and Facilities Announcements
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Teaching and Learning
General Announcements
Event Announcements
- Meet Filmmaker Missy Whiteman Oct. 21
- TODAY - "Who is My Neighbor?" 3-5 p.m.
- Daily Chapel at 11:30 a.m.: Service of Holy Communion
- CHANCE Meeting - Friday, Oct. 16
- Get Ahead By Going Abroad: Speaker on 10/22 @ 2 p.m.
- Pre-Health Experiences Auggie Panel, 1:50p.m. TODAY
- First Light: Sisters of Sunrise Film Event
Keeping Track of Auggies
Auggie Athletics
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- (No listings)
Public Safety and Facilities Announcements
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Teaching and Learning
Teach an Honors Elective: Call for Proposals
No, really. We'd love to hear your ideas about teaching electives in the Honors Program.
We're looking for interesting courses that might be offered multiple times, on a regular basis -- no need to worry about one-off course design. A fully developed syllabus is not needed at this point. We just need some really good ideas.
Please submit your concept proposals, for possible offering in the fall 2016 or spring 2017, by October 30th, to:
More details and the application form are available at:
Register TODAY - Engaged Department Workshop
This event sponsored by the University of Minnesota Office for Public Engagement, Gustavus Adolphus College, and Minnesota Campus Compact is open to departmental teams or individual participants from any campus interested in integrating civic and community engagement into departmental research and teaching activities.
Participants will hear from Andy Furco and leaders in a variety of academic departments that have already planned, implemented, and evaluated strategic initiatives that advanced the integration of public engagement, and will consider opportunities to deepen engaged learning and scholarship in their own contexts.
Friday, October 23, U of M Recreation Center
For more information and to register, visit
Hurry, today (the 15th) is the last day to register! The Sabo Center will cover registration fees for any faculty members interested in attending.
MEA Keynote FRIDAY, Augsburg Follow-up on Monday
This Thursday, join our PreK-12 colleagues at the annual MEA conference to hear Pedro Noguera. A sociologist and UCLA Education professor, Noguera is one of the nation's leading experts on what it takes to foster true equity in our public schools.
Noguera will speak at 11:00 a.m. on Thursday, Oct. 15, in the Roy Wilkins Auditorium in downtown St. Paul.
As a local follow-up, we invite Augsburg faculty from all departments to coffee and conversation regarding the partnership work we are doing or would like to be doing with P-12 schools, and how these efforts strive to close the opportunity gaps in the Twin Cities.
The discussion will be held on Monday, Oct. 19, from 10:30-11:30 a.m. in Lindell 301.
For more information, see the following article by Noguera and the MEA speakers website:
General Announcements
Help Us Recruit The 2016 Orientation Leaders
Attention Augsburg Faculty and Staff! Do you know of a student who you believe has what it takes to be a 2016 Orientation Leader!? If yes, please encourage them to apply! The application can be found on the Human Resources website ( and need to be submitted by Tuesday, November 10 by noon. Any questions or concerns can be directed to or 612-330-1100. Thank you in advanced for sending your best our way!
AAUP Open Letter on UCAP Proposal
AAUP has sent an open memo to the Faculty Senate addressed to Faculty, Staff, and Administration on the national context in which changes in university governance structures are occurring. This context should help us evaluate impending changes in our own governance structures, with a particular focus on the proposed University Committee on Academic Planning--the one bearing most directly on faculty's long-acknowledged responsibility for the curriculum and academic program. You can access the memo at this link or by pasting the URL into your browser.
Hagfors Center Focused Conversation: Slides/Replay
Slides from the October 13 and 14 Focused Conversations regarding the Hagfors Center are available on the All Hands page. A recording of the livestream is also available for those who were not able to attend the sessions.
Diversity and Inclusion Committee Open Forum
Please consider attending the first Diversity and Inclusion Committee Open Forum of the 2015-2016 academic year which will take place on Monday, October 19 at 12 - 1 p.m. in the Marshall Room. This open forum is an informal opportunity for faculty, staff, and students to gather and discuss thoughts about current inclusion efforts and/or other inclusion-related topics at Augsburg. Topics could include, but are not limited to inclusion efforts that are going well and should be continued/strengthened, new and innovative ideas to improve inclusion, efforts that could be improved and/or should have more attention, etc. The Chief Diversity Officer and members of the Diversity & Inclusion Committee will be present to answer questions if applicable and to record suggestions and concerns for future committee work. Please note that you are welcome to bring your lunch, treats will be provided.
Event Announcements
Meet Filmmaker Missy Whiteman Oct. 21
Come meet the filmmaker Missy Whiteman (Northern Arapaho and Cheyenne), the host of the Oct. 21 Native American Film Series event. She would love to meet and talk with students from 5:00-6:00 in Sateren Auditorium. Then stay for the reception and film event!
The Augsburg Native American Film Series presents a special evening of films that explore the power that Native women filmmakers have as creators of legacy and legend. Our evening of short films is hosted by Missy Whiteman (Northern Arapaho and Kickapoo) and includes selected work of Indigenous women filmmakers and animators including Missy Whiteman, Amanda Strong, and Ramona Emerson.
Location and Time
Augsburg College
Sateren Auditorium, Music Hall, 715 22nd Ave South
Talk with students from 5:00-6:00
Reception 6:15-6:45
Screening begins at 7:00
Discussion with filmmakers follows
This event is free to the public
TODAY - "Who is My Neighbor?" 3-5 p.m.
"Who is My Neighbor?" workshop with Abdirahman Mukhtar, Director of Youth Programs at Brian Coyle Community Center. Mr. Mukhtar will discuss topics of importance related to the East African Community in Minneapolis.
Workshop for students, faculty, and staff--
Thursday, October 15
3-5 p.m.
Marshall Room, Christensen Center
Refreshments will be provided.
Sponsored by the Sabo Center for Democracy and Citizenship. For more information, please contact Mary Laurel True,
Daily Chapel at 11:30am: Service of Holy Communion
Join us for worship in the chapel! We continue our series, "Let the Whole Creation Cry: Caring for the Good Earth," with a Service of Holy Communion: Let the Whole Creation Cry. Musicians: Kou Lee and Ray Makeever, flute.
Chapel series concludes:
Friday, 10/16, 10:40am: St. Luke's Day: Healing of Our Environment and all Creatures. Melodie Lane, vocalist.
We gather in Hoversten Chapel - Everyone is welcome!
CHANCE Meeting - Friday, Oct. 16
Please join us this Friday, October 16th from noon - 1:00 p.m. at The Common Table, 2001 Riverside Ave. (Across 20th from Afro Deli) for the October meeting of Cedar Humphrey Augsburg Neighborhood Community Engagement (CHANCE).
CHANCE is a joint effort between Augsburg and the Humphrey School at the University of Minnesota to provide opportunities for faculty, staff, and students to learn about the Cedar-Riverside neighborhood and to become involved. Abdirahman Mukhtar, Youth Programs Manager at the Brian Coyle Community Center, will be joining us to share his insights and experiences from working with youth in the neighborhood. Feel free to bring your lunch and come learn what's going on in our neighborhood.
Get Ahead By Going Abroad: Speaker on 10/22 @ 2 p.m.
Next Week: Special Guest Speaker on how study abroad can help you gain important skills for your career!
Get Ahead By Going Abroad: The Importance of being a Global Citizen in the 21st Century Workforce - Thursday, Oct. 22 at 2:00 p.m. in the Chapel
Stacie Berdan, a world-wide leader and expert in Global Education, will be on campus presenting on the significance that an off-campus experience (like an internship or study abroad) can have. She will explain why it's life changing, transformational, and all around good for you and your resume. Gaining global skills/mindset is an important part of college, regardless of major - everyone is welcome to attend, especially those interested in study abroad, global education, and off campus internships! Sponsored by: CGEE & the Stommen Center for Meaningful Work.
Pre-Health Experiences Auggie Panel, 1:50 p.m. TODAY
Pre-Health Experiences Auggie Panel
Thursday, Oct. 15 | 1:50-3 p.m.
Marshall Room, Christensen Center
Stop by to hear about the robust experiences three Auggies have selected for involvement to help them build skills and prepare for further education and a great medical or health career down the road, including:
Yasmin Abdulaya, B.S. Biology, Experiences include: Americorp VISTA Volunteer, Health Commons, Campus Kitchen, research
David Bergstrand; B.S. Biopsychology, chemistry minor; Experiences include: medical scribe, Mayo Innovation Scholars Program, crisis counselor, instructor
Anika Clark; B.S. Biology; Experiences include: medical scribe, research, Mayo Innovation Scholars Program
First Light: Sisters of Sunrise Film Event
The Augsburg Native American Film Series presents a special evening of films that explore the power that Native women filmmakers have as creators of legacy and legend. Our evening of short films is hosted by Missy Whiteman (Northern Arapaho and Kickapoo) and includes selected work of Indigenous women filmmakers and animators including Missy Whiteman, Amanda Strong, and Ramona Emerson.
Location and Time
Augsburg College
Sateren Auditorium, Music Hall, 715 22nd Ave South
Talk with students from 5:00-6:00
Reception 6:15-6:45
Screening begins at 7:00
Discussion with filmmakers follows
This event is free to the public
For parking permits contact M. Elise Marubbio at Permits are limited in number. For parking directions visit: You will be parking in Lot L off of 35th between Riverside and Butler Pl. You will need a parking permit.
Keeping Track of Auggies
Nazih Safi Presents at Biomathematics Conference
Congratulations to junior Nazih Safi for his poster presentation "Classifying Ecosystems using the Gini Coefficient" this past weekend at the International Symposium on Biomathematics and Ecology Education and Research Conference at Illinois State University on October 9. This poster was based on Nazih's work as a McNair scholar this past summer. Mathematics professor John Zobitz also presented a poster "Incorporating Data Assimilation into an Undergraduate Mathematical Biology Course".
Rachel Kruzel Presents At National Conference
Rachel Kruzel, Accommodations Specialist in the CLASS/Disability Resources office, recently presented a session at the national Closing The Gap conference titled "Latest and Greatest: Free and Low Cost Assistive Technology for Everyone"
Auggie Athletics
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