Thursday, June 4, 2015
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Public Safety and Facilities Announcements

Enrollment Center Closed All Day Thurs., June 11

The Enrollment Center will be closed all day, Thursday, June 11. The Student Financial Services team will be out of the office for an event.

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Teaching and Learning

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General Announcements

Sign Up For Fun Experiment and Receive $


Dear fellow Auggies,
My name is Ali Kanan and I am an undergraduate student from the Psychology department at Augsburg College. I am writing to invite you to participate in my summer research project. The purpose of this study is to examine how motivational traits influence how persistent one is in an exercise session. Through this process we hope to gain knowledge and a better understanding on how to help people to find the motivation to continue or begin exercising for their own health benefits.

The study involves filling out a series of questionnaires relating to the topics of motivation, personality, and exercise. Following the questionnaires, you will be asked to perform three physical tasks (roughly 5 minutes each). The experiment will take approximately 30 minutes to complete, and as compensation you will receive five dollars for participating in the study. All information concerning identity of participant, including the collected data, will remain anonymous and confidential.

In order to be eligible as a participant of this study you must: 1) Be between the ages of 18-65, and is/has participated in some form of physical activity, 2) Pass a health screening questionnaire prior to the experiment, 3) NOT exercise before the experiment on the day of testing.

If you meet the above criterion, and decide you want to participate, or would like more information about participating, contact: Ali Kanan at 763-614-4852 (, or Dr. Ben Denkinger at 612-330-1172 (

**Sign up using the link below, OR, shoot me and email/call if you would like me to set it up for you! Thanks!

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Want To Be Involved? Send Your Event Info by 6/5

Get involved! New pilot program coming for Fall 2015: Fall Major/Career Exploration Weeks

To better support students in exploring options for majors and careers, Career & Internship Services is partnering with URGO to plan a new five-week program series for fall 2015 - and we hope you will be involved! (Details:

The program is designed to help students explore majors and careers by disciplines in alignment with our academic divisions, plus a week focused on pre-health and one designed to meet the needs of undecided students or those still exploring majors or careers.

During each of the five weeks Career & Internship Services and/or URGO will host a panel discussion featuring a mix of alumni, employers, faculty, and other experts linked to the majors and disciplines featured that week.

In addition, faculty, staff and students are invited to plan additional offerings during the weeks that most closely align to their major, department, or organization mission/focus (see list of dates below and online). Career & Internship Services will promote the full slate of offerings to students, provided information is received by our deadline.

The Fall 2015 weeks are scheduled as follows:

Week of Sept. 21: Professional Studies
Week of Sept. 28: Fine Arts & Humanities
Week of Oct. 5: Natural & Social Sciences
Week of Oct. 12: Pre-Health Week
Week of Oct. 19: Undecided/Exploratory Student Week

Next steps to get involved:

--> Learn more about the Fall 2015 pilot program:

--> Let us know you will be involved by Friday, June 5 via this Google form:
You do not need to know the full details - just let us know your initial thoughts now.

--> Confirm the details of your event/offering by Friday, July 10 via Google form:

All individuals or groups who let us know their full plans by Friday, July 10 will be guaranteed to have their offering included in any web or printed promotional materials.

Questions or Comments? Contact Maggie Heier, assistant director in Career & Internship Services, or Catherina Kipper, health professions specialist in URGO.

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Farmers Markets - Survey and New Facebook Page

In case you haven't had a chance to take the survey, the West Bank Farmers Market is looking for your feedback. Whether or not you've ever been to the market, we would love to get your input! Complete the survey and you can be entered into a raffle to win a $10 gift certificate to the farmers market!…/1tygwtjbBkfWyp_fdUha6k4…/viewform…

And while you're at it, take a second to "like" the new Facebook page so you can stay up to date on the happenings of the market!

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Get $5 Each for Survey and Fitness Assessment

Hello, my name is Michael Kantor and I am an Undergraduate Exercise Science student at Augsburg College. I am writing to invite you to be a participant in my study: Physical Activity Levels and Motivation in Urban Midwest College students, faculty and staff. This research is funded by URGO Summer Research Program and the Northland Chapter of the American College of Sports Medicine Student Research Grant. Dr. Ana Ribeiro, Assistant Professor of Health, Physical Education and Exercise Science will be mentoring me during this project.

Staff Members can no longer receive $5 Gift card for Survey, but can receive the other $5 gift card for fitness assessment. Faculty and Students still can until funds run out.

If you agree to participate in this study, sign up via the link below to receive a questionnaire for a short anonymous one-time online survey (approximately 5-10 minutes) about physical activity participation and motivation.

Questionnaire Sign Up Sheet:

( ).

You also have the option to participate in an additional in-person fitness assessment that requires a 30 minute visit to Kennedy Center 309. If you desire to do so, please sign up using the link below and select a time that works best for you. If the times provided don’t work and you are still interested please email me at and I will attempt to accommodate your schedule.

Fitness Assessment Sign Up Sheet:


You will be compensated with a $5 Target gift card upon successful completion of the survey and with another $5 Target gift card upon completion of optional fitness assessment.

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Food Service Hours

Einsteins is open from 7:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. with a condensed menu

Nabo is open from 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. with a condensed menu

The Commons is closed.

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Event Announcements

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Keeping Track of Auggies

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Auggie Athletics

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