Thursday, January 23, 2014
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Public Safety and Facilities Announcements

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Teaching and Learning

Last Budget Manager's Training Session

Did you miss last week's Budget Manager's training session? Never fear, there will be one last chance to attend.

The last session will be Wednesday, January 29 between 1-2 p.m. in the Oren Gateway Center suite 100.

This training is designed to help new budget managers navigate the Fiscal 2015 budget cycle and introduce them to the Excel budget templates. However, all budget managers are welcome. Please note if you are already familiar with this process, nothing has changed from last year.

Remember, Deans and Divisional VPs will be reviewing these budgets during the week of February 3. They will then submit to Finance on Monday, February 10.

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$8,000 Scholarship to Study Marketing in Norway

$8,000 Scholarship for Study Abroad in Norway.

Through the generous support of the High North Fellowship Grant, the Norwegian government and Harstad University College are offering a scholarship to one Augsburg College student to participate in their English-language Advanced Marketing Program in Fall 2014.

The grant consists of a travel stipend of NOK 9,700 (approx., $1500 USD) plus a monthly living stipend of NOK 9,700 (approx., $1500 USD) from September -December. The selected grantee will also receive $1000 grant in addition to all financial aid received through Augsburg College (Federal & State grants, loans, and Augsburg Aid).

Apply by January, 31, 2014

• Junior or Senior Standing in Fall 2014
• Micro and/or Macro Economics and Principles of Marketing completed or in progress at time of application.
• 3.0 min. GPA
• Fluency in English (international students must be able to provide valid TOEFL or IETLS: a minimum score of 500 (paper-based) or 170 (computer-based) or 60 (internet-based) is required on the TOEFL test, or a minimum score of 5.0 from the IELTS (academic) test.
• Must provide high school and college transcripts.
• Completion of Scholarship Application essays by January 31st.
Course Equivalency: Courses taken at Harstad University College will be registered as Augsburg Courses with the following equivalencies:
• MKT 466-International Marketing | 4 cr.
• MKT 355-Marketing Communications| 4 cr.
• MKT 350-Consumer Behavior | 4 cr.
• MKT 499-Topics: Business-to-Business Marketing & Branding | 4 cr.

The program will form a good basis for the student's first step towards a position in a market-oriented organization. As this marketing program is of an analytical nature, it qualifies the student for positions in marketing and sales departments in both small and medium sized companies within the fields of retailing, travel and tourism, export and international enterprises.

More info: Contact Leah at

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Open Moodle Lab - Lindell 202

Do you need some help
building/editing your hybrid course Moodle site?
planning the online components of your hybrid course?
creating engaging forum discussion assignments?
devising relevant online assignments?

Come to an Open Moodle Lab for individualized help. Open Labs will be held;
Tues. & Wed. from 9-10:30 a.m. - OGC 103
Thurs. 1:00-2:30 p.m. - Lindell 202

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Ally Trainings Available in February

Staff and faculty are invited to attend Ally Trainings this February. These workshops give participants an opportunity to learn about LGBTQIA history and culture, discuss terminology, and build skills to work with LGBTQIA communities. Workshops are taking place:

Ally Training I
Tuesday, February 11
1-4 p.m.
Oren Gateway 100

Ally Training II (for people who have been through Ally Training I)
Wednesday, February 12
9 a.m.-12 p.m.
Oren Gateway 100

To RSVP for either session, please email Michael Grewe at

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General Announcements

Teach English in China with Augsburg Exchange Partner

Calling All Auggie Alumni or soon-to-be grads in May. Teach English in China at our Exchange Partner United International College in Zhuhai, China (near Hong Kong). Paid airfare and housing, monthly stipend, excellent experience! 3.0 min. GPA required.

Deadline to apply is extended to Feb 10.
Submit Application Materials to Leah Spinosa de Vega in Augsburg Abroad.

Contact Augsburg Abroad if interested in more info.

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Civil Discourse Employee Training - Feb. 6

We are pleased to announce that the well-received employee training, "Civil Discourse: Strategies for Communicating in a Diverse Workplace" will happen again.

Augsburg is committed to providing development opportunities for our employees that enable each of us to better serve this community. The sessions are open to all faculty and staff at no cost. There are two more opportunities to participate in this course.

Thursday, February 6, 2014
Session 1: 8:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Session 2: 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.

The training will cover the following aspects of communication:
- Differing definitions of respect
- Common communication break-downs
- Characteristics of tactful and diplomatic communicators
- A self-assessment of various communication styles
- Tips for adjusting one's own style of communication
- A Communication Action Plan for use during times of difficult or problematic communication

Here's how to register:

On the Human Resources Moodle Page

Click on the "Civil Discourse" Strategies for Communicating in a Diverse Workplace" link.

You will then be directed to the appointment scheduler tool, where you can select the session you wish to participate. The sessions have a limited number of seats available so register early.

The sessions will be facilitated by Jeffrey Cookson, Organizational Development Manager and Global Diversity Inclusion Specialist from MRA Trusight. If you have any questions, please contact Katie Berggren at

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Bookstore Charging: Last Day is Monday, January 27

The last day to charge books and supplies to your Augsburg student account is Monday, January 27. After that date, all bookstore charging will be closed, and the amount spent will be billed to your student account prior to financial aid disbursing and credit refunds being issued.

Questions? Stop by the Enrollment Center and speak with one of our Student Financial Services Counselors.

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SC 2014-15 Applications Now Available

Scholastic Connections is a scholarship and mentorship program for undergraduate students of color (American Indian, Hispanic/Latino, Pan-Afrikan, and Pan Asian) at Augsburg College. Students who are successful in their application process and are selected to participate, receive a $5000 scholarship and are paired with a successful alum of color that serves as mentor for the Scholar.

Five "new" Scholars will be selected for the program for 2014-15.

Students who are Promise Scholars, President Scholars or International President Scholars are NOT eligible for SC.

Eligibility Criteria:
Current Augsburg student or advanced-standing transfer student
Demonstrated financial need as determined by the Financial Aid Office
Demonstrated leadership ability or potential
Demonstrated community involvement on or off campus
GPA of 2.5 or higher


Applications available at the SC web page - go to Inside Augsburg, click on A to Z Directory, go to S's and click on Scholastic Connections.

ATTENTION FACULTY AND STAFF: If you know of a student who could benefit from working with a mentor and within a larger group of other high-achieving students of color and alumni mentors as well as receive scholarship assistance, feel free to nominate the student(s). Nomination forms are available at the SC web page. Go to Inside Augsburg, click on A to Z Directory, and go to S's, click on Scholastic Connections.

Questions? Contact Cindy Peterson at 612-330-1754 or

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Event Announcements

Looking for a Summer Paid Job? Stop by TODAY

Breakthrough Twin Cities staff will be tabling in the Christensen Center on January 23 from 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Breakthrough Twin Cities (BTC) launches highly motivated, under-resourced students on a path to college and inspires high school and college students to pursue careers in education. BTC is seeking a passionate, diverse group of talented undergraduate and high school students (juniors/seniors) to apply for our paid summer teaching fellowship, complete with training and classroom teaching experience. Teaching at Breakthrough is a lifestyle more than a job. By the end of this experience, you will definitely know if teaching is the right path for you!

The Breakthrough summer teaching fellowship offers...
1. An opportunity to teach rigorous academic courses in English, science, social studies, and electives with the support of an experienced instructional coach.
2. Training in lesson planning, classroom management, and student-centered teaching.
3. A chance to work with a fun, cohesive, diverse faculty comprised of other amazing students.
4. Leadership opportunities related to special events, fields trips, and committees.
5. An experience that has been named a "Top Ten Internship" by the Princeton Review.
6. Stipend of $2500 for two months of full-time work.

Internship dates: June 9, 2014-August 8, 2014. No exceptions. Open to all majors!

The summer 2014 application is now available online:
Application Deadline: February 25, 2014 (Interviews granted on a rolling basis)

Please check out the Breakthrough Twin Cities ( for more information!

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TODAY - Medical Scribing Info Session

URGO will be hosting an information session on medical scribing today with an emergency department scribing agency from here in the Twin Cities. A scribe is a medical documentation specialist who works with an emergency department physician to produce medical notes recording what occurs during a patient's visit. The scribe is directly involved in patient interviews and physical exams and continues as an integral part of the treatment team throughout the patient's stay in the emergency department. Many students applying for medical school or other health-related fields have found scribing to be a great learning experience.

Scribe Information Session
Time: 6-7 p.m.
Location: OGC 114

Pizza will be served!

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Keeping Track of Auggies

CSBR Campaign Leaders Announce Big Steps Forward

Did you know that the Center for Science, Business, and Religion is the largest building project in Augsburg's history? Once we open its doors, it will become the new campus crossroads. So many Augsburg alumni and friends are turning our attention to bringing this special project to fruition. This Class Challenge newsletter is one way we keep you in the know about our progress on it.

With that in mind, 2013 marked the first year we made a concerted effort to seek the financial support of our entire alumni community! The Class Challenge goal we have set--for each Augsburg class to contribute a total of $1 million, collectively, toward this effort--has generated great momentum which we carry forward into this new year. In fact, this month another class exceeded its $1 million goal.


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Michelle Grafelman Wins Vann Fellowship

Augsburg Presidential Scholar, Michelle Grafelman, was recently awarded the 2014 Vann Fellowship in Biomedical Ethics at The Mayo Clinic. As a summer fellow, she will work with physician and research mentors within Mayo's Program in Professionalism and Ethics (Associate Director, Regent Paul Mueller) to examine issues such as end-of-life-care, genetic therapies, and patient consent, among others. The competitive applicant pool included students from five colleges in Minnesota, and the junior biology major and math minor was the sole in-state student selected.

Michelle plans to become a physician in the future and has built a solid academic foundation in her three years at Augsburg, earning a 4.0 GPA, participating in the Honors Program, and serving on the Pre-Med Club leadership team. Chosen last summer to be one of ten Sundquist Scholars to conduct STEM research on campus, Michelle is already an accomplished research assistant. Her work in biology, funded by the generous gift of Dean and Amy Sundquist and supervised by Professor Matt Beckman, has helped her develop important research skills within molecular biology and she is continuing this work through an academic-year research grant from Augsburg's Office of Undergraduate Research and Graduate Opportunity. Michelle has taken advantage of the many opportunities a small campus provides, including leading the flute section in the Augsburg Concert Band and writing communion worship prayers for service each Wednesday. Please join us in congratulating Michelle on her fellowship!

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Bataldens Make Gift to CSBR Classroom

Paul '63 and LaVonne (Olson) '63 Batalden embrace the art of the question. That's one key reason they decided to sponsor a classroom in the Center for Science, Business, and Religion through their $225,000 gift to Augsburg College. The location, on the second floor between the religion and science departments, reflects their own passion for the connection between the subjects.

"The most valuable gift we received from Augsburg was a liberal arts education," LaVonne says. "The CSBR will demonstrate the liberal arts in a concrete way. The interchange that will go on between the departments makes me want to support the building."


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Auggie Athletics

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