Thursday, August 1, 2013
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Public Safety and Facilities Announcements

Undergraduate Day Student Parking

Parking permit sale dates and cost information for FALL 2013 is in the attached link. Sales are NOT open yet, please use the information to find your specific registration date!

Please be aware that due to academic schedule changes and the increase in summer activities, Public Safety will require parking permits to be displayed throughout the summer in 2014. Any 13-14 academic year permit will be acceptable. For example, if a student purchases a fall 2013 permit, that same permit can be used throughout the summer at no extra cost to the student. More information regarding summer 2014 will be available next spring.

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Teaching and Learning

New Chair Leadership Seminar

All new department chairs, division chairs, and program directors are invited to attend ACTC's third annual New Chair Leadership Seminar August 20-22. The New Chair Leadership Seminar is sponsored by the ACTC Academic Officers Council, so there is no cost for participants from Augsburg, Hamline, Macalester, St. Kate's, or St. Thomas.

The New Chair Leadership Seminar focuses on developing your leadership, helping you manage the daily responsibilities of chairing a department or program, and providing you with the resources you need, from books and local higher ed experts to a cohort of your peers.

While all departments have unique personalities, the successful ones share common cultural attributes: collaboration is natural, faculty and staff are energized, and the department advances its goals. As a new chair you are in a unique position to create and sustain such a culture. And we'll help you do it by focusing on two things: developing trust among your colleagues, and drawing out their innate strengths.

Learn more and register online at

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Moodle Huddle Workshops Next Week

Moodle Huddle 2013
Strengthen Your Moodle Muscles!

To help you gear up for the 2013-2014 academic year, your IT User Support Team offers its Moodle Huddle workshop series for all Augsburg faculty and staff. Eighteen 20-minute sessions will be held in Sverdrup Hall, 2nd floor from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. each of the following days:

August 6, 7, 8
August 20, 21, 22

View the full Moodle Huddle 2013 schedule at

Each unique session targets specific features, workflows, or strategies to best implement your goals in Moodle. No RSVP is required. You are welcome to attend topics that fit your needs or schedule. Come for a few sessions or attend multiple days to get all 18! Refreshments provided.

Questions? Contact Eric Strom at

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Integrated Course Design Workshop

All faculty are invited to participate in a workshop designed to enhance your instructional design skills and discover ways to incorporate online learning in your courses. It is particularly critical for Augsburg for Adults and graduate faculty who are creating "hybrid" courses for 2013-14.

The Integrated Course Design for Hybrid Learning is a hands-on workshop that introduces Augsburg's Moodle Template for developing your course in accordance with GAAC/AAC requirements and a Course Design Support site to provide additional detail and examples for Moodle applications. In this workshop, you will explore Fink's model for course design, which integrates situational factors, learning goals, learning activities, and assessment. We will also address how to choose face-to-face and online activities to create an engaging learning experience, provide direct instruction, and facilitate active, collaborative learning. The final workshops will be held on:

9-12 a.m., Thursday, August 8, OGC 100


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Hybrid Course Design Course

The first Face2Face session of a Hybrid Course Design Moodle Course for faculty will be offered at 1:00 p.m. on Aug. 8 and Aug 22 in OGC 103. The first session is a one hour session followed by two more online sessions and another Face2Face session scheduled according to participant preference.

Please send your intention to attend or any questions to Dan McGuire at, or call 612.889.3482

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General Announcements

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Event Announcements

Farewell for Physician Assistant Program Faculty

The Augsburg community is invited to a reception for Brenda Talarico, Clinical Coordinator and Patty Marincic, Academic Coordinator. Both faculty will be leaving Augsburg after many years with the PA Program.

We hope you can join us to wish Brenda and Patty well on their future vocations.

Tuesday, August 6
3:30-5:00 p.m.
Foss Atrium

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Keeping Track of Auggies

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Auggie Athletics

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