Friday, June 1, 2012
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Minnesota Public Radio features Public Achievement

Thank you to Auggie staff in the Center for Democracy and Citizenship, Education Department faculty, and MAE in-service teachers who spoke last week with Minnesota Public Radio’s Tim Post about Public Achievement, special education, and the accomplishments of students at Fridley Middle School.

Post spoke with Auggie faculty, staff and students to learn about the FMS Bully Bosses program, and work by that group of youths to co-create an anti-bullying effort in their school. The Bully Bosses spoke with Post earlier this week, and Post did an in-depth story on their work at the school.

The story was posted to MPR’s website yesterday afternoon, aired at 5:20 p.m. as part of Tom Crann’s All Things Considered, and was on the news outlet’s home page yesterday. Listen to and read the story at: . (Please consider sharing the story with your colleagues by email or through Facebook.)

By partnering with Auggie staff, faculty and students, Augsburg played a central role in shaping the story, including by pitching the idea, providing background to the reporter at a time when the topic of bullying is at the forefront of the mind of the public and policymakers, providing quick responses to the reporter’s interview requests, and collaborating with the school to provide access to the youths doing the work.

Special thanks is due to Dennis Donovan, national organizer for Public Achievement, who responded to the reporter while he was in the Houston airport, and to Susan O’Connor, associate professor of Education, who made herself available to the reporter during her vacation. Thanks, also, to Michael Ricci ’07 and Alissa Blood ’07, who work at FMS and use the Public Achievement model with their students.

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