Public Safety and Facilities Announcements
Teaching and Learning
General Announcements
Event Announcements
Keeping Track of Auggies
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Auggie Athletics
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Public Safety and Facilities Announcements
Fire System at the Music Building
The following information has been emailed to tenants in the Music Building and signs have been posted at building entrances.
The Department of Public Safety would like you to be aware of a problem with the fire system in the Music Building. Due to a problem with the control panel for the fire system, the horns and strobes in the building are not working. The sensors in the building ARE working correctly and the Fire Department and DPS will be notified of any alarms. However, the horns and strobes in the building will NOT activate in the event of an alarm.
Facilities Management is coordinating repairs to the system and Public Safety is prepared to manually evacuate the building if needed. The Fire Department has been notified of the problem and will be updated on repairs.
Please review the following safety tips with your colleagues and any students you may work with.
- If you encounter a fire, pull the fire alarm and immediately exit the building. While the horns will not sound, it will summon the fire department. Call DPS at 1717 only after you have pulled the alarm and exited the building.
- If a DPS officer or fire fighter tells you to evacuate, leave immediately. Don't return to your office or stop to call others.
- While evacuating, instruct anyone you see to leave the building also. Keep moving, it is not your job to stay and see that they leave.
- Remain outside of the building until a DPS officer or firefighter says you can return.
- If you are working late or believe you are alone in the building, please call 1717 and let us know where you are. If we do need to evacuate the building, it will help us to know where you are.
Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. DPS and Facilities will send updates and more information becomes available.
Teaching and Learning
Fulbright Student Program Competition-Open Now
The Fulbright U.S. Student Program Competition is now open!
For more than 60 years, the federal government-sponsored Fulbright U.S. Student Program has provided future American leaders with an unparalleled opportunity to study, conduct research, and teach in other countries.
The Fulbright U.S. Student Program awards over 1,500 grants annually and currently operates in more than 140 countries worldwide. Fulbright English Teaching Assistantships are now available to over 50 countries. Fulbright grants provide funding for round-trip travel, maintenance for one academic year, health and accident coverage and may also provide full or partial tuition.
To start your application process, please make an appointment with Dixie Shafer ( in the URGO Office.
GMAT Prep from Princeton Review
Thinking about a Master of Business Administration program after graduation? Most MBA programs require the GMAT (Graduate Management Admissions Test) for admission. The Augsburg MBA Program is partnering with the Princeton Review to provide GMAT preparation at a discounted rate.
The course will meet Wednesdays 6-9 p.m. for seven weeks (June 2, 9, 16, 23, & 30, and July 7 & 14). The discounted cost is $549, which includes access to the Princeton Review's online student center, the Manual for the GMAT 8.3, and the GMAT Review 12th edition.
To register, contact Princeton Review by calling 612-676-1447, or stop by the MBA office in Oren Gateway suite 115 to pick up a registration form.
General Announcements
Fiscal 09-10 Year End Invoices
We are in the process of planning our fiscal year end which is 5/31/10. All invoices that need to be processed for the current school year (09-10) should be turned into Amy Daugherty in Accounts Payable located in Science Bldg, Suite 148 or inter-campus to CB 308. Invoices need to be sent no later than Friday, June 18th.
If you should have any questions, please feel free to contact Amy @ X1031 or
New Clinic in the Seward Co-op
People's Center Health Services opens a QuickClinic at the Seward Co-op
A primary care, convenient health clinic will be available every Wednesday 4pm-8pm and Saturday 10am-2pm on the second floor of the Seward Co-op.
Walk-ins welcome or call 612-332-4973 to make an appointment.
Health Services:
Seasonal allergies
Preventive care
Chronic care management
Camp and sports physicals
Well child check ups
Accepts most insurances
Sliding-fee scale available
We love the uninsured!
Come stop by THIS Wednesday or Saturday for YOUR check up. First 50 patients receive a free nutritional assessment with a registered dietitian from People's Center.
This partnership promotes low cost, high quality health care with the convenience of being located at the Seward Co-op.
Seward Co-op: 2823 East Franklin Avenue, Minneapolis, MN 55406
Women's Resource Center Survey for Faculty & Staff
Please help the Anne Pederson Women's Resource Center to better serve Augsburg faculty and staff by participating in a short survey of just a few questions. This survey is for faculty and staff only; students will have other opportunities to provide feedback. The survey will be available until June 15.
Thank you for participating - we welcome your ideas!
The survey is available here:
Dining Service Hours
Coopers Closed on Thursday
Coopers Friday 7:30 am to 1:00 pm
Coopers Saturday 7:30 am to 3:00 pm
Coopers Sunday 12:00 to 3:00 pm
Nabo Thursday 7:30 am to 2:00 pm
Nabo Friday 10:00 am to 2:00 pm
Nabo Friday 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm
Nabo Saturday 11:00 am to 5:00 pm
Nabo Sunday 12:00 pm to 3:00 pm
Experimental College in Cedar Riverside Meeting
The Experimental College of the Twin Cities (EXCO) is hosting another community meeting for free education - Monday, May 24, 6pm at the Brian Coyle Community Center (childcare, snacks, and translation provided). Please see below for more information (in English and Somali). I attached the fliers in English and Somali in case anyone would like to print them to give to friends or others who might be interested in attending.
Hope to see you there!
Community Meeting for Free Education in Cedar Riverside
The Experimental College of the Twin Cities (EXCO) is working to create a community-run process and organizing group for creating free classes created by and for the community on the principle that everyone can teach or take classes and all classes are free.
When: Monday, May 24th from 6:00pm to 7:30pm
Where: Brian Coyle Community Center Library
Childcare, snacks, and translation will be provided!
Together we are working to:
-Create a specifically Cedar-Riverside based organizing group
-Bring the community together to discuss what they'd like to learn or teach and create classes
-Create free and open classes in Cedar Riverside in many languages and on many subjects
-Provide a site to deepen, strengthen, and connect existing opportunities and projects by building relationships, movements, collective knowledge and community
All are welcome! We need you to make this successful!
For more information contact:
-Erin at 815-302-2481 or
-Salmah 612-229-8523
For more information visit
Event Announcements
The Minnesota State Fair
It's time for staffing the Augsburg booth at the Great Minnesota Get-Together! This year's dates are August 26-September 6.
As in the past, we will have three shifts: 9-1, 1-5 and 5-9; we need two people to work each shift, because the booth can never be left unattended. So, I'll be filling the shifts, first-come, first-served. Working at the fair has gotten quite popular over the last few years, so hurry! You may feel free to ask a student or an alum to work with you. We are pleased again this year to supply you with a very nice Auggie polo and free admission to the fair (you will need to provide your own transportation).
You may either call me at ext. 1525 or send me an E-mail to
Local Habitat for Humanity Build Opportunity
Rob Wagner '02, a member of the Alumni Board and Young Alumni Council, has extended an invitation to the Augsburg community to participate in "Thrivent Builds" with Habitat for Humanity (
Monday and Tuesday, June 7 and 8
8a.m.4 p.m. (with breakfast and lunch provided)
Build site in Brooklyn Park; work will include interior molding, finishing and painting
For more information, or to sign up contact:
Rob Wagner at
Remember you can use your community service benefit days for this event!
Opening Art Receptions - Tomorrow Night
Shaila Christofferson
Gage Family Art Gallery, Augsburg College
May 21 - July 9, 2010
Opening reception: Friday, May 21, 5:30-7:30 p.m.
Artist Shaila Christofferson comments on the materialistic nature of modern culture in everyday life through her sculptural forms, created out of discarded packaging materials, such as foam and plastic inserts. Materials that were once unwrapped, flattened and thrown away appear again in the architectural designs of her sculptures.
"Charted Course"
Fred Hagstrom and Linda Rossi
Christensen Center Art Gallery, Augsburg College
May 21 - July 9, 2010
Opening reception: Friday, May 21, 5:30-7:30 p.m.
This joint exhibition of prints and photographs is a response to a collection of scientific charts from the mid 20th century. To artists Fred Hagstrom and Linda Rossi, these scientific documents represent a simpler time when there was curiosity about the environment and excitement about exploration.
Laura Craig
Student Art Gallery, Christensen Center
May 18 28, 2010
Laura Craig will be having an artist reception for her senior art show on Friday, May 21, 5:307:30 p.m.
Community Service Days
The traditional Campus Beautification event has been expanded this year to include community service projects off campus. This will allow more campus members to get involved and offer greater variety of projects. Members of the Augsburg community are invited to join us in the following projects June 14-16, 2010.
Feed My Starving Children
Community Garden/Local Community Garden
Project LinusFULL
Books for Africa
Sign up online at by June 1.
Also, be sure to mark your calendars for the summer picnic on Wednesday, June 16 at noon in Murphy Park!
Keeping Track of Auggies
No postings
Auggie Athletics
No postings
1 Bedroom Available
We have a bedroom available and move in ready by July. The house is located three blocks down from Saint Thomas on Cleveland and Marshall. Three sisters live there and want another female roommate. Rent ranges from 350 to 400, depending on the season because of heat. Only three exits away via 94 from Augsburg! Close and affordable. Contact Samantha Steele at if you want more information.
Wanted: Couch and Wooden Chairs
The East African Women's Center here in Cedar Riverside needs a couch and some wooden chairs for its center. They do not have to match. For info on this organization, please go to
If you have chairs or a couch to donate, please contact Mary Laurel True, 612-330-1775 or
Many thanks!