Public Safety and Facilities Announcements
Teaching and Learning
General Announcements
Event Announcements
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Keeping Track of Auggies
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Auggie Athletics
Public Safety and Facilities Announcements
Updated Electrical Shutdown Information
Facilities Management will be completing required maintenance activities on the electrical service(s) for Christensen Center, Old Main, Mortensen Hall and Urness Hall during the week of May 17th. While this work is being completed, electrical power will need to be interrupted to these facilities on the following schedule:
Monday 5/17 - Christensen Center and Old Main will be without power.
Tuesday 5/18 Urness Hall (change from earlier schedule) and Mortensen Hall will be without power.
Wednesday 5/19 - No power interruptions.
Thursday 5/20 - Christensen Center, Old Main, Mortensen Hall and Urness Hall will all be without power.
Friday 5/21 No power interruptions. All work should be complete.
All of these power interruptions are scheduled to take place starting at 7:00 A.M. and ending at 4:00 P.M. on the corresponding day. While the power is off, the buildings can not be occupied, so staff will need to accommodate that in their work schedule. Please use the following as your guide [prepared by Augsburg HR] when making alternate arrangements:
"Division VPs should work with their managers to determine which of the affected employees could work from another location. Any employees who can work from another location on campus or from home will be expected to do so. Employees who can not work from another location for the day of the power outage will be paid for their regular work hours. Employees who could work but choose not to, will be expected to use vacation leave for that day. Employees should work with their supervisor/manager to determine how the power outage should be handled for their particular situation."
Teaching and Learning
Register Now: On Campus GRE Prep
Are you interested in going to graduate school? Most masters and doctoral programs require the Graduate Records Examination (GRE) for admission. GRE Prep is offered this summer on campus through the Office of Undergraduate Research and Graduate Opportunity. You'll learn the most effective ways tackle the Verbal, Quantitative, and Analytical Writing sections on the GRE.
The course meets Tuesdays from 6-9 p.m. for six weeks (May 25-June 29). The cost is only $40, which includes test prep materials; this is a fraction of the cost when compared to similar classroom GRE prep courses offered by Kaplan or the Princeton Review that cost over $1,000.
Augsburg staff, alums, as well as non-Augsburg students are welcome to register.
Online registration is now open at the following website:
Questions? Contact Dixie Shafer, URGO Director:
Fulbright Student Program Competition - Open Now
The Fulbright U.S. Student Program Competition is now open!
For more than 60 years, the federal government-sponsored Fulbright U.S. Student Program has provided future American leaders with an unparalleled opportunity to study, conduct research, and teach in other countries.
The Fulbright U.S. Student Program awards over 1,500 grants annually and currently operates in more than 140 countries worldwide. Fulbright English Teaching Assistantships are now available to over 50 countries. Fulbright grants provide funding for round-trip travel, maintenance for one academic year, health and accident coverage and may also provide full or partial tuition.
To start your application process, please make an appointment with Dixie Shafer ( in the URGO Office.
General Announcements
Sign Up for Community Service Days
The traditional Campus Beautification event has been expanded this year to include community service projects off campus. This will allow more campus members to get involved and offer greater variety of projects. Members of the Augsburg community are invited to join us in the following projects June 14-16, 2010.
Feed My Starving Children
Community Garden/Local Community Garden
Project Linus
Books for Africa
Sign up online at by June 1.
Also, be sure to mark your calendars for the summer picnic on Wednesday, June 16 at noon in Murphy Park!
Student E-Mail Maintenance
IT will perform maintenance on the student email system on Tuesday, May 11, beginning at 8:00pm and lasting until approximately 8:30pm. During this time, students will not be able to access or send email. Groupwise will not be effected.
If you have questions or concerns about the maintenance, please contact the Student Tech Desk at 612-330-1400 or
AugNet Folders System Maintenance
IT will perform maintenance on the AugNet Folders system on Tuesday, May 11, beginning at 8:30pm and lasting until approximately 9:00pm. During this time, no access to ORGS, FACSTAFF, or STUDENT folders will be available.
If you have questions or concerns about the maintenance, please contact your LFC or the Student Tech Desk at 612-330-1400 or
Campus Kitchen Needs Garden/Cooking Tools
This year will be the fourth summer of the Campus Kitchen Project's Cooking and Gardening Education Program. This season interns Eli Grobel and Jasmine Zand will work with youth from Brian Coyle and the Somali Confederation to develop healthy lifestyles in the garden and in the kitchen. We need some tools:
Wheel barrow
Shovels (adult and kid sized for all tools)
Dandelion fork
most anything else you can imagine
Measuring cups
Cutting boards
Rice cooker
again, most things kitchen related
If you have anything to donate, please give a call or send an email, and I'd be happy to pick it up. I'm really trying to cut our costs on these items, so anything helps a ton. Thanks!
Student Paychecks in Human Resources
Please come to Human Resources between 8:00am - 5:00pm with your ID to pick up your paycheck from Friday, May 7. If you have any questions, please call Human Resources at 612-330-1058.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Summer Housing Credit Applications - Due May 12
Students who work 600 hours during the summer (May 2-September 4, 2010) may be eligible for a summer housing credit (campus residences only) of $834.00. Students must reside on campus, not work over 40 hours per week, and be taxed on the credit over a 4-month period.
To apply for the student housing credit, students need to complete paperwork for Human Resources, and must already Summer Housing Contract through Residence Life.
Students can pick up a Summer Housing Credit Agreement in Human Resources or go to the public drive: O/Human Resources/Public/Student Employment/ Summer Housing Credit Agreement 2010. Students and their supervisor need to complete the agreement and sign it. Completed Summer Housing Credit Agreements 2010 are due to Human Resources by Tuesday, May 12, 2010. For questions on this information, please contact Human Resources at or 612-330-1058. Thank you!
May NOW@Augsburg
The May edition of NOW@Augsburg is currently available at Check it out Auggies!
Event Announcements
No postings
Keeping Track of Auggies
No postings
Auggie Athletics
Auggie Athletics Update
Auggie Athletics Update (click on link for story/stats):
Saturday, May 8:
Men's Track and Field -- Augsburg at Hamline Meet of the UnSaintly
Women's Track and Field -- Augsburg at Hamline Meet of the UnSaintly
Baseball -- Augsburg 2-8, Hamline 1-9
Upcoming Events:
Friday-Saturday, May 14-15:
M/W Track and Field -- Augsburg at MIAC Outdoor Championships, St. Mary's University, Winona, Minn.
Friday-Sunday, May 14-16:
Baseball -- Augsburg at MIAC Playoffs, Dundas/Northfield, Minn.
Thursday, May 20:
M/W Track and Field -- Augsburg at Wisconsin-La Crosse Last Chance Qualifier
Thursday-Saturday, May 27-29:
M/W Track and Field -- Augsburg at NCAA Division III National Championships, Baldwin-Wallace College, Berea, Ohio
Awesome Moving and Yard Sale on Sat. May 15
Stop by our house from 9am to 4pm for a great yard sale filled with a number of items including:
Writing and Computer Desks
Twin Futon Frame and Mattress
IKEA Folding Chairs and Table (Bollo)
IKEA Kitchen Carts (Bekvam and Forhoja)
Kids/Colorful Stack Shelving
Boys sz. 5-6
Girls sz. 5-6-7
Women sz. 0-2
Picture Shelves
Snow Boots
Roller Blades and Other Sporty Items
Saturday, May 15, 9 am to 4 pm
2936 42nd Ave S, Minneapolis, MN 55406
If you'd like to see pictures of the furniture, e-mail Dulce at