Public Safety and Facilities Announcements
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Teaching and Learning
General Announcements
Event Announcements
Keeping Track of Auggies
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Auggie Athletics
Public Safety and Facilities Announcements
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Teaching and Learning
May Faculty Workshops
For listing of workshops please follow link:
On-Line Special Ed. License Info Session
When/Where: Wednesday (April 21, 2010) 6-7pm Oren Gateway 113
RSVP Deb or 330-1101 for a parking permit
If you have a BA/BS degree (or know of someone) and interested in participating in an On-Line program (Fall 2010) to obtain your Special Education Teaching License, Augsburg College is partnering with the University of Minnesota-Duluth in a project called: Naadamaadiwin "Helping One Another": Special Education Tribal Cohort. The course work is focused on teaching American Indian children (k-12) with Learning Disabilities and/or Emotional/Behavioral Disabilities. This is a two-year program, four or five additional classes are needed for the MAE. Please call: 612-330-1458 or email: for more information.
Portfolio Workshop
Thursday, May 6, 12:30-3:30 or
Thursday, May 13, 9:00-noon
Lindell Library 202
The purpose of this workshop is to help candidates determine the various forms of evidence that can help build a strong portfolio. The focus is on evidence of teaching, but the strategies directly apply to scholarship and service as well. This workshop is not designed to replace departmental guidance and advice nor is it an analysis of the Handbook language as it applies to an individual; it does not represent the views of the CTP committee. Rather, this is a long standing CTL opportunity to help support candidates' preparation and is one that many colleagues have found to be useful. Facilitated by Diane Pike.
RSVP to or x1229.
Faculty Scholarship Display
The Center for Teaching and Learning will be having a Faculty scholarship display at the Faculty Recognition Luncheon on Thursday, April 29 and you are invited to participate. The purpose of this display is to highlight the work of Augsburg Faculty in their field. The display will be in the East Commons beginning at 11:45 AM.
If you have an item to display such as a published paper, article, book, playbill, or other work, please drop it off to the CTL desk in the link level of the Library by noon, Monday, April 26th. If you have any questions, please email Terry Martin at
Additional International Travel Funding Extended
Additional International Travel Funding Available
Due April 23
Faculty presenting a paper at an international conference are eligible for additional travel funding through CTL. Two $400 awards are available to supplement the annual travel award of $1200 for which faculty presenting a paper are eligible. (Canada is considered international.) These supplemental awards are determined competitively by the Committee on Faculty Development. The funding year is June 1-May 31st.
Apply online at the CTL webpage Link at the left of the page, webforms.
General Announcements
Choral Auditions for 2010-2011
The last two days of choral auditions for next school year -- 2010-2011 -- will be held:
20 April, Tuesday -- 2-5 PM
22 April, Thursday -- 2-5 PM
Signup sheets are on the bulletin board between the band and choir rooms (M-2/M-3).
Please sign up today!
B.B.Q. on the Lawn - Dinner Tonight
Enjoying the Beautiful Weather?
The end of the Spring Semester is near, and the start of the beautiful weather is just beginning. As a way of enjoying both of these occasions, A'viands is having tonight's dinner service as a B.B.Q. on the Lawn!
Dinner will begin at the usual time of 4:30pm in the lawn between Christensen Center and Urness Residence Hall. You must have your Student ID present if you wish to use your Meal Plan. Cash will also be accepted. Unfortunately we cannot accept Credit Cards during this service, so please come prepared.
Come join us as we enjoy the weather and great barbecued food!
Memorial Hall Network Upgrade: Saturday, April 24
IT will upgrade the networking equipment in Memorial Hall on Saturday, April 24th, beginning at 7:00am and lasting until Noon. During this time, no network access, including wireless, will be available in Memorial Hall. No other buildings will be affected.
If you have questions or concerns about the networking upgrade, please contact your LFC.
Event Announcements
Celebrate Earth Week on April 25
This year's theme for the annual Spring in the Valley event held April 25 from 1-5pm at the private, non-profit Silkesnas (silk-es-nas) Nature Preserve is "Transportation - the Ways Plants, Animals, and Humans Get Around!" This year, visitors will get the opportunity to meet specialists around the Preserve discussing transportation issues faced by the various plants and animals in the natural environment, as well as the ones we humans face. Program events include:
Augsburg's own Pedalers for Progress (a student bicycling advocacy group) and Lars Christianson, discussing the Pedalers' work and Nice Ride Minnesota
Representatives Tom Schee and Chris Schneider from International Motorwerks (LaCrosse, WI) displaying and discussing the role of NEVs (Neighborhood Electric Vehicles)
Warren Warner and his SMART car, describing SMART Car features, performance, and manufacturing technology and philosophy
Master gardener Gail Behr discussing one of the most amazing migrations on earth, the monarch butterfly! Learn about the monarch's unique lifecycle, the generations of monarchs that make their annual journey, and how monarchs find their way
Forester John Lenarz describing the specific survival needs of trees; how recent climate changes are affecting the tree populations of the world; how the ranges of some tree species are expanding or moving; and how, in our part of the world, the movement is northward
Specialist Jill Goodrich leading woodland wildflower walks (scheduled for 2, 3 and 4 pm), teaching visitors to spot spring beauties, trillium, hepatica, yellow trout lilly, wood anemone, Dutchmans breeches and other spring ephemerals.
Other fun activities for kids of all ages, including horse drawn wagon rides
All programs are held out of doors, and walking on natural terrain of light difficulty is required. Visitors should plan to spend 2-3 hours to take in all of the activities. In addition to the above programs and activities, the local vendor market in the Visitor Center will be open during the entire afternoon. Breads, soaps, jewelry, meats, coffee, music CDs will all be available for purchase.
The Silkesnas Preserve is located a short one hour drive from Augsburg, at N7971 County Road CC, Spring Valley, Wisconsin. For more information, including a complete program listing and directions, check out
April Vocatio Chapel with Vivian Jenkins Nelsen
Listen! God is Calling: Race, Place, and Class
Please join us Wednesday, April 21 from 10:20-10:40 AM for the final Vocatio Chapel of this year where we will hear the call story of nationally respected leader Vivian Jenkins Nelsen. The co-founder of INTER-RACE, a diversity think tank located at Augsburg College in Minneapolis, Ms. Nelsen is nationally recognized as a diversity practitioner, trainer and researcher. Vivian speaks to thousands of people each year on leadership, change, and diversity.
Ms. Nelsen serves a variety of organizations as a planner, facilitator, trainer, and board member. She is Co-President of the MN League of Women Voters Board. Her work includes serving as a consultant to CEOs of Fortune 500 companies and senior executives of major international companies. Nelsen has also authored eleven books, many articles and essays. She has received numerous local, statewide and national awards for her service and leadership. The Carter and Reagan White Houses invited Nelsen to provide her expertise on urban policies; President Ford recognized her resettlement work for Southeast Asian refugees.
*Following chapel, there will be a reception with light refreshments and an opportunity for Q&A with Vivian Jenkins Nelsen from 10:45 a.m. - 11:15 a.m.
Job Transition S.O.S. Workshop - Save the Date
Are you or someone you know looking for employment? If yes, this is a great workshop to attend! Thursday, May 13 from 4:00-6:00p.m. Thrivent Financial for Lutherans will be sponsoring a workshop on campus providing Strategies, Opportunities and Support needed to find employment in a tight job market. Catherine Byers Breet, a 12 year veteran in job coaching, will be presenting. This free event is open to Augsburg students, alumni, staff, faculty, friends and family and the public. Please R.S.V.P. to 952-358-3450 or email The first 50 people to register will receive a complimentary copy of Catherine's job hunt resource, "4 Steps to a Great New Job." The workshop will be held in the Augsburg Chapel and is co-hosted by Augsburg Alumni Association, Augsburg for Adults and the Strommen Career and Internship Center.
Women's Resource Center's Spa Day
Women's Resource Center Presents: SPA DAY! Friday, April 23rd 1-5pm in the Quad (Marshall Room if Raining).
Belly Dancing: 1pm
Hula Hooping: 2pm
Yoga: 3pm
Massage Therapy: 3-5pm
Venders: 1-5pm
Henna, Crafts, Jewelry, Bumper Stickers
Feminist Collective and WRC Sleep over! 9pm-1am in the Women's Resource Center: SVE 207. SNACKS! KARAOKE! FEMINIST FILMS!
Join us on the last day of classes for fun and relaxation!!
Keeping Track of Auggies
No postings
Auggie Athletics
Auggie Awards Winners Named
On Monday night, Augsburg celebrated the accomplishments of its student-athletes with the third annual Auggie Awards, held this year for the first time at Si Melby Hall. Awards were given in numerous categories to honor Auggie student-athletes and teams.
Here is a list of the winners in each category. To read bios of the winners, click on this link:
MALE SENIOR HONOR ATHLETE -- Alex Hildebrandt, Soccer
FEMALE SENIOR HONOR ATHLETE -- Whitney Holman, Soccer/Track and Field
MALE ROOKIE OF THE YEAR -- Josh Roberts, Wrestling
FEMALE ROOKIE OF THE YEAR -- Shanek Telphia, Track and Field
ACADEMIC TEAM OF THE YEAR -- Men's Hockey (3.50 cumulative team GPA)
FEMALE STUDENT-ATHLETE WITH HIGHEST GPA -- Caitlin Batzlaff, Volleyball, 4.0 GPA
MALE STUDENT-ATHLETES WITH HIGHEST GPA -- Evan Decker, Football, 4.0 GPA; Brandon Bukowski, Hockey, 4.0 GPA
Auggie Athletics Update
Auggie Athletics Update (click on link for story/stats):
Monday, April 19:
Men's Golf -- Augsburg 5th at Gustavus Bobby Krig Invitational
Upcoming Events:
Tuesday, April 20:
Softball -- Augsburg vs. Gustavus, Edor Nelson Field, 4 p.m.
Wednesday, April 21:
Baseball -- Augsburg vs. St. Thomas, Parade Stadium, 2:30 p.m.
Men's Track and Field -- Augsburg at Macalester Twilight Meet, 5 p.m.
Women's Track and Field -- Augsburg at Hamline Twilight Meet
Thursday, April 22:
Softball -- Augsburg vs. Hamline, Edor Nelson Field, 4 p.m.
Friday, April 23:
Baseball -- Augsburg vs. Wisconsin-La Crosse (conclusion of 3/28 game), 12 p.m., Univ. of Minnesota Seibert Field
M/W Track and Field -- Augsburg at Drake Relays, Des Moines, Iowa
Women's Golf -- Augsburg at Wisconsin-Stout Triangular, Colfax, Wis.
Saturday, April 24:
Softball -- Augsburg at St. Olaf, 1 p.m.
Baseball -- Augsburg at St. John's, 1 p.m.
M/W Track and Field -- Augsburg at Drake Relays, Des Moines, Iowa
M/W Track and Field -- Augsburg at Gustavus Adolphus Drake Alternative Meet
Scooter For Sale
2003 Piaggio BV200 with only 3282 km (2039 miles) on it. Bright red, great condition. 200cc engine is highway capable. Includes side cases and top case. Great for commuting, errands, and fun. $2395 OBO.