Public Safety and Facilities Announcements
- (No listings)
Teaching and Learning
General Announcements
- WEC/United/Rochester Summer Registration
- Last Chance to Participate in Employee Survey - TODAY
- 75 Seward Montessori Kids on Campus Today
- Day Summer Registration
- Earth Day Clean-up Tomorrow
- Attention 2010 Graduates
- Grad Fair
- May and June Commencement Volunteers Needed
- Spring Trimester Credit Refund Date
- Grad Summer Registration
Event Announcements
Keeping Track of Auggies
- (No listings)
Auggie Athletics
- (No listings)
Public Safety and Facilities Announcements
No postings
Teaching and Learning
Library Late Night Hours Begin Sunday, April 18
Lindell Library will remain open until 1 a.m. for late-night studying April 18-April 28. Come do some intense research, paper writing, and studying. We'll expect you!
Hours are always available from the library website
Online library resources are also available 24/7 from that website.
Today @ Zyzzogeton
Celebrate the scholarship and creative activity of Augsburg undergrad students at the today's Zyzzogeton events!
11:00 a.m.- 1:00 p.m.: Oral Presentations (OGC 100)
11:00 a.m.: Schuyler Tilson (History) "Bringing Dakota History to Fort Snelling"
11:30 a.m. Joseph Babcock (Sociology) "Attacks on Social Institutions"
11:45 a.m. Brieanna Watters (Sociology) "Theory Elaboration on Total Institutions: Alcoholics Anonymous and the Charles Manson Fa.m.ily"
12:00 p.m. Jessica Pfaffendorf (Sociology) "Total Institutions: A More Inclusive Model"
12:15 p.m. Scott Hemann (Sociology) "Life as a Ga.m.e and Levels of Organization"
12:30 p.m. Erica Malloy (Sociology) " Elaboration on the Stigmatization of Marginalized Groups and Individuals: A Case Study of both Michael Jackson and People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals"
12:45 p.m.: Betsy Collins (English) "Learning from the Masters: Reading Poetry to Write Poetry"
1:30-2:30 p.m. Murphy Square Writers and Friends: An Open Mic (OGC 100)
4:30-6:30 p.m. All-student Juried Art Exhibition (Christensen Center Student Art Gallery)
7:30 p.m.: Augsburg Student Musicians' Showcase (Sataren Auditorium)
A full list events can be found at:
General Announcements
WEC/United/Rochester Summer Registration
WEC/Rochester undergrad students: registration for summer school terms will begin on Monday, 19 April for all classes.
Courses are displayed through AugNet Records and Registration. Additional information and registration form is available through the Registrar web page:, click on Summer Session Information.
Please note the administrative fees for registering for a course and then dropping it.
Maximum credit load in Summer Sessions I & II is 2.0 credits. Students registered in Spring WEC and Summer Session I will be allowed a maximum of 2.0 credits between the programs. However, students with a Cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better, may increase the crossover load to 3.0 credits. Students exceeding these limits will be removed from the overload courses.
These same conditions apply to SS I and II and Summer Online I and II courses.
Summer online courses are located in Summer Session I and Summer Session II in AugNet Records and Registration and have a section letter of "L" for Minneapolis students and "RL" for Rochester students.
Last Chance to Participate in Employee Survey - TODAY
The deadline is today for the Great Colleges to Work For employee survey.
Thank you to the more than 63% of full-time faculty and staff who have completed the Great Colleges to Work For survey.
Those full-time employees (1.0 FTE or 6 course load) who received the email invitation to complete the survey but have not yet done so have until 5 p.m. today to complete the survey. Please click on the link in the reminder email sent to you on April 11th from Great Colleges/ModernThink.
If you did not receive an email for the survey, no action is necessary. If you have questions, please contact Dionne Doering in Human Resources at
Thank you to all the respondents who have provided their input!
75 Seward Montessori Kids on Campus Today
If you see them, please welcome the 75 Seward Montessori 7th graders that will be on campus today to do service projects in conjunction with the Sabo Center Office of Student and Curricular Connections. They will be:
-Working in the Augsburg Community Garden getting the garden ready for planting
-Working the the Korean Peace Garden that abuts highway 94 off of Cedar Avenue
-Working on clean-up projects with the Bedlam Theatre in Cedar Riverside
-Making peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for local shelter guests
Doing a reflection component and hearing from the Bonner Leaders and other students who participated in the Spring Break Service Trip in Alabama in March.
Day Summer Registration
Day Undergraduate students: registration for summer school terms will begin on Monday, 19 April for all classes. Please note that access to registration on AugNet Records and Registration will close on Sunday at 5:00pm and reopen on Monday at 8:30am.
Courses are displayed through AugNet Records and Registration. Additional information and registration form is available through the Registrar web page:, click on Summer Session Information.
Please note the administrative fees for registering for a course and then dropping it.
Maximum credit load in Summer Sessions I & II is 2.0 credits. Students registered in Spring WEC and Summer Session I will be allowed a maximum of 2.0 credits between the programs. However, students with a Cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better, may increase the crossover load to 3.0 credits. Students exceeding these limits will be removed from the overload courses.
These same conditions apply to SS I and II and Summer Online I and II courses.
Summer online courses are located in Summer Session I and Summer Session II in AugNet Records and Registration and have a section letter of "L".
Earth Day Clean-up Tomorrow
Earth Day Clean-up in Cedar Riverside parks--
Please join students from the U of M and St. Kate's at Riverside Park from 9:30am until 11:30am this Saturday morning. All supplies will be provided.
Please call Mary Laurel True at 612-330-1775 or email, if you're interested.
Attention 2010 Graduates
Positions are open for Teaching Assistants in the English Language Center at United International College(UIC) in China. UIC in Zhuhai (Southern China) is the only liberal arts college in China with courses in English. UIC is an exchange partner with Augsburg College. Those hired as TA's receive round trip air transportation, housing, and a stipend of approximately $700/month. Candidates may be from any academic discipline but must have a minimum overall GPA of 3.0, and excellent command of written and spoken English. For application details please contact: Orv Gingerich, Assistant Vice President of International Programs
Grad Fair
Stop in the bookstore today or tomorrow to pick up your cap, gown and tassel. You can also order announcements, frames and class rings. We are open until 6pm today and Saturday we are open 10:30am-1pm.
May and June Commencement Volunteers Needed
Commencement 2010 is right around the corner and were looking for members of the campus community that would be able to volunteer during the ceremony. As you can imagine, it takes a lot of people to make sure that the nearly 3000 guests and our graduates have a seamless, enjoyable day. This year's ceremonies are:
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Ceremony Begins at 11:00am
Si Melby Hall
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Ceremony Begins at 11:00am
Si Melby Hall
Volunteer Opportunities for both dates Include:
Ticket Takers
Shift is from 9:30-11:30am
Si Melby Hall Lobby
Ushers/Seating Assistants
Shift is from 9:30am-12:45pm
Si Melby Hall Lobby
Flag Bearers (Ideally Students)
Shift is from 10:30-11:15am
Robes provided
If you're available to help or have questions, please contact Jodi Collen in the Event & Conference Planning department at Once shifts are assigned, additional information will be sent to all volunteers regarding their shift.
Thank you in advance for your help!
Spring Trimester Credit Refund Date
Credit refunds for the spring trimester will be available on Friday, April 23. Students who change their enrollment status may need their financial aid adjusted before a refund will be available.
Students who have not signed up for e-Refund (direct deposit) still have time to do so online through Augnet Records and Registration. After logging in, select "Make a payment/Account Activity". You will then be able to submit your designated checking or savings account information. If you are not signed up for e-Refund, a check will automatically be mailed out to your permanent address.
Thank you!
Grad Summer Registration
Graduate students: registration for graduate programs participating in summer school will begin on Monday, 19 April.
PA and MBA students: your summer courses are located in Summer Session III on AugNet Records and Registration.
Courses are displayed through AugNet Records and Registration. Additional information and registration form is available through the Registrar web page:, click on Summer Session Information.
Please note the administrative fees for registering for a course and then dropping it.
Maximum credit load in Summer Sessions I & II is 2.0 credits. Students registered in Spring WEC and Summer Session I will be allowed a maximum of 2.0 credits between the programs. However, students with a Cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better, may increase the crossover load to 3.0 credits. Students exceeding these limits will be removed from the overload courses.
These same conditions apply to SS I and II and Summer Online I and II courses.
Summer online courses are located in Summer Session I and Summer Session II in AugNet Records and Registration and have a section letter of "L" for Minneapolis students and RL for Rochester students.
Event Announcements
Rigoberta Menchu at the U of MN on Friday, April 23
Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, Rigoberta Menchu Tum, will be in Minneapolis to talk about Healing Communities Torn by Racism and Violence on Friday, April 23.
The event will be held at the U of MN Northrop Auditorium at 7pm and it promises to be a memorable night where hearts and minds alike address the fight for indigenous rights in Guatemala, and other parts of the world.
More event and tickets information is available online at
Dulce Monterrubio
April Vocatio Chapel with Vivian Jenkins Nelsen
Listen! God is Calling: Race, Place, and Class
Join us for the final vocatio chapel of this year where we will hear the call story of this nationally respected leader. Our speaker, Vivian Jenkins Nelsen, is the co-founder of INTER-RACE, a diversity think tank located at Augsburg College in Minneapolis, and is nationally recognized as a diversity practitioner, trainer and researcher. Vivian speaks to thousands of people each year on leadership, change, and diversity.
Ms. Nelsen serves a variety of organizations as a planner, facilitator, trainer, and board member. She is Co-President of the MN League of Women Voters Board. Her work includes serving as a consultant to CEOs of Fortune 500 companies and senior executives of major international companies. Nelsen has also authored eleven books, many articles and essays. She has received numerous local, statewide and national awards for her service and leadership. The Carter and Reagan White Houses invited Nelsen to provide her expertise on urban policies; President Ford recognized her resettlement work for Southeast Asian refugees.
Following chapel, there will be a reception with light refreshments and an opportunity for Q&A with Vivian Jenkins Nelsen from 10:45 a.m. - 11:15 a.m.
Gallery Receptions - TONIGHT
Gage Family Art Gallery:
"Current Works"
Finkler - Holmgren - Laker
Christensen Center Art Gallery and
Student Art Gallery, Augsburg College:
"2010 All-Student Juried Art Exhibition"
Receptions: Friday, April 16, 4:30-6:30 p.m.
Please join us tonight for two gallery receptions from 4:30-6:30 p.m. "Current Works" in the Gage Family Art Gallery showcases the most recent works by artists John Finkler, Kristoffer Holmgren and James Laker, professors at Augsburg College. Featured in the Christensen Center Art Gallery and Student Art Gallery is this year's annual student art exhibition, displaying artwork produced by students at Augsburg over the past year. Six awards will be presented at 5 p.m. Dont forget to vote for your favorite piece in the show during the reception for the "People's Choice Award."
Celebrate Earth Week on April 25
This years theme for the annual Spring in the Valley event held April 25 from 1-5pm at the private, non-profit Silkesnas (silk-es-nas) Nature Preserve is Transportation - the Ways Plants, Animals, and Humans Get Around! This year, visitors will get the opportunity to meet specialists around the Preserve discussing transportation issues faced by the various plants and animals in the natural environment, as well as the ones we humans face. Program events include:
Augsburgs own Pedalers for Progress (a student bicycling advocacy group) and Lars Christianson, discussing the Pedalers work and Nice Ride Minnesota
Representatives Tom Schee and Chris Schneider from International Motorwerks (LaCrosse, WI) displaying and discussing the role of NEVs (Neighborhood Electric Vehicles)
Warren Warner and his SMART car, describing SMART Car features, performance, and manufacturing technology and philosophy
Master gardener Gail Behr discussing one of the most amazing migrations on earth, the monarch butterfly! Learn about the monarch's unique lifecycle, the generations of monarchs that make their annual journey, and how monarchs find their way
Forester John Lenarz describing the specific survival needs of trees; how recent climate changes are affecting the tree populations of the world; how the ranges of some tree species are expanding or moving; and how, in our part of the world, the movement is northward
Specialist Jill Goodrich leading woodland wildflower walks (scheduled for 2, 3 and 4 pm), teaching visitors to spot spring beauties, trillium, hepatica, yellow trout lilly, Dutchmans breeches and other spring ephemerals.
Other fun activities for kids of all ages, including horse drawn wagon rides
All programs are held out of doors, and walking on natural terrain of light difficulty is required. Visitors should plan to spend 2-3 hours to take in all of the activities. In addition to the above programs and activities, the local vendor market in the Visitor Center will be open during the entire afternoon. Breads, soaps, jewelry, meats, coffee, music CDs will all be available for purchase.
For more information and directions to the Preserve and a complete program listing, see
AGRE Challenge 2010: Bridge Building
We've launched sandbags and saved babies, and now it's time to build bridges! This year's Agre Challenge is to build the sturdiest bridge over a three foot span using limited materials.
Are you up for the challenge? Get a team together NOW!
Get a team together and email if you want to compete. The challenge is on April 23rd at 3:00pm in Murphy Park...BIG prizes are on the horizon. Come to compete or celebrate the end the semester with food and drink!
An Evening with Author Eric Dregni, April 26
Eric Dregni, author of In Cod We Trust: Living the Norwegian Dream, will show us Norway through the eyes of a first-time Minnesota visitor. The book is a memoir of the year he and his wife spent living in Trondheim and traveling throughout Norway through a Fulbright Fellowship. Dregni will show photos of Norway and will read selections from the book, which Arvonne Fraser describes as part travelogue, part examination of how the immigrant experience affects generations on both sides of the Atlantic.
Dregni is an assistant professor of English and journalism at Concordia University in St. Paul and dean of the Italian Concordia Language Village. He is a freelance journalist and the author of several books. His latest, Never Trust a Thin Cook and Other Lessons from Italys Culinary Capital is a collection of essays written while he worked in Italy for five years as a travel journalist.
Date: Monday, April 26
Time: 5:30 p.m. social time with refreshments; 6:00-7:00 p.m. presentation
Oren Gateway Center, Room 100
Augsburgs Center for Leadership Studies is pleased to present this event in conjunction with its upcoming Educational and Cultural Tour of Norway, June 5 15. The session is open to the whole campus community. Copies of In Cod We Trust will be for sale. For more information or to reserve a space, contact Patty Park, 612-330-1150 or
Goliard Society of Medievalists Meeting
The Goliards will be meeting this Sunday the 18th at 7:00 PM in Lindell 301. Take a break from studying and watch a medieval movie! Bring your favorite medieval movie - we'll pick one to watch. Free pizza will be served - first come, first serve. Everyone is welcome!
Keeping Track of Auggies
No postings
Auggie Athletics
No postings
For Sale: Infinity Bookshelf Speakers, Very Nice
8.5" woofers and poly dome tweeters, the removable speaker grilles aren't perfect but they look best without the grilles on anyway.
they sounds great! don't really have a way to take them home with me.
$50 for the pair and they are yours.
Wanted: Yankees vs. Twins Tickets
Are you looking to sell tickets to the Yankees series with the Twins? Please let me know as I have out of town guests hoping to make a game. Call Rick at 612.330.1572